Oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes


RAS The conversion of ras from a proto-oncogene into an oncogene usually occurs through a point mutation in the gene. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes

Oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes
  • Dr Orla Sheils,
  • Senior Lecturer in Molecular Pathology,
  • Department of Histopathology.

  • cell division process is dependent on a tightly
    controlled sequence of events.
  • dependent on the proper levels of transcription
    and translation of certain genes.
  • When this process does not occur properly,
    unregulated cell growth may be the end result.

  • Of the 30,000 or so genes that are currently
    thought to exist in the human genome, there is a
    small subset that seems to be particularly
    important in the prevention, development, and
    progression of cancer.
  • These genes have been found to be either
    malfunctioning or non-functioning in many
    different kinds of cancer.
  • The genes that have been identified to date have
    been categorized into two broad categories,
    depending on their normal functions in the cell.

  • Genes whose protein products stimulate or enhance
    the division and viability of cells. This first
    category also includes genes that contribute to
    tumour growth by inhibiting cell death.
  • Genes whose protein products can directly or
    indirectly prevent cell division or lead to cell

  • The normal versions of genes in the first group
    (whose protein products stimulate or enhance the
    division and viability of cells )are called
  • The mutated or otherwise damaged versions of
    these genes are called oncogenes.
  • The genes in the second group (whose protein
    products can directly or indirectly prevent cell
    division or lead to cell death) are called
    tumour suppressors.

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Definition and discovery
  • Cancer is caused by an accumulation of genetic
    alterations that confer a survival advantage to
    the neoplastic cell.
  • Genetic Changes affect multiple facets
  • Cell proliferation
  • Apoptosis
  • Tissue invasiveness
  • Production of growth and angiogenic factors
  • Ability to escape immune surveillance

Genetic Basis for Cancer
  • Reflected in the clonal nature of neoplastic
  • Polyclonal growth/ hyperplasia
  • Response to an
  • Extrinsic growth factor or
  • Internal genetic mutation shared by
  • All cells - MEN2a germline ret mutation
  • Some cells McCune Albright, postzygotic somatic
    Gsa mutation.
  • Hyperplastic cells may subsequently acquire one
    or more somatic mutations and develop clonal

Genetic Basis for Cancer
  • Reflected in the clonal nature of neoplastic
  • Monoclonal growth reflects the acquisition of
    somatic mutations that confer survival advantage.

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  • tumour suppressors function in many key cellular
    processes including the regulation of
    transcription, DNA repair and cellcell
  • The loss of function of these genes leads to
    abnormal cellular behavior.

Cancer a genetic disease
  • Intensive effort to characterise genetic
    alterations associated with different forms of
  • Landmark advances
  • Recognition that some cancers run in families
  • 1900s- Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)
  • sarcoma transmission in chickens
  • Retrovirus
  • Harboured a abnormal variant of a normal cellular
    gene src
  • Viral gene product referred to as an oncogene
  • Greek onkos mass or tumour
  • Many viral oncogenes correspond to altered
    versions of normal cellular genes
    (proto-oncogenes) src, ras, raf, kit, jun, fos.

DNA tumour viruses
  • Important role in current understanding of
  • Viruses produce proteins - target key cellular
    regulatory proteins
  • Rb, p53
  • SV40 large T Ag associates with and inactivates
  • Adenovirus E1A also targets Rb

Hereditary Cancers
  • Transmitted in autosomal dominant manner.
  • Based on age dependent appearance of
    retinoblastoma Knudson postulated a two-hit
    model for the disease.
  • Hit 1 germline inherited mutation in Allele 1
  • Hit 2 somatic event involving remaining normal

Tumour Suppressor Genes
  • Historically suspected based on several lines of
  • Malignant phenotype suppressed by fusion with
    normal cells (presence of tumour suppressor in
    normal implied).
  • Chromosomal losses in hybrids caused reversion to
    malignant phenotype.
  • Introduction of single chromosomes into malignant
  • e.g. insertion of chromosome 11( WT-1 gene)
    could suppress tumourigenicity in Wilms tumour
    cell line.

tumour Suppressor Genes
  • Some genes suppress tumour formation.
  • Their protein product inhibits mitosis.
  • When mutated, the mutant allele behaves as a
    recessive that is, as long as the cell contains
    one normal allele, tumour suppression continues.
  • (Oncogenes, by contrast, behave as dominants one
    mutant, or overly-active, allele can predispose
    the cell to tumour formation).

Example 1 RB - the retinoblastoma gene
  • Retinoblastoma is a cancerous tumour of the
    retina. It occurs in two forms
  • Familial retinoblastoma
  • Multiple tumours in the retinas of both eyes
    occurring in the first weeks of infancy.
  • Sporadic retinoblastoma
  • A single tumour appears in one eye sometime in
    early childhood before the retina is fully
    developed and mitosis in it ceases.
  • Familial retinoblastoma
  • Familial retinoblastoma occurs when the fetus
    inherits from one of its parents a chromosome
    (number 13) that has its RB locus deleted (or
    otherwise mutated). The normal Rb protein
    prevents mitosis.

  • Mechanism. The Rb protein prevents cells from
    entering S phase of the cell cycle. It does this
    by binding to a transcription factor called E2F.
  • This prevents E2F from binding to the promoters
    of such proto-oncogenes as c-myc and c-fos.
  • Transcription of c-myc and c-fos is needed for
    mitosis so blocking the transcription factor
    needed to turn on these genes prevents cell

  • A random mutation of the remaining RB locus in
    any retinal cell completely removes the
    inhibition provided by the Rb protein, and the
    affected cell grows into a tumour. So, in this
    form of the disease, a germline mutation plus a
    somatic mutation of the second allele leads to
    the disease.

Example 2 p53
  • The product of the tumour suppressor gene p53 is
    a protein of 53 kilodaltons (hence the name).
  • The p53 protein prevents a cell from completing
    the cell cycle if
  • its DNA is damaged or
  • the cell has suffered other types of damage.
  • When
  • the damage is minor, p53 halts the cell cycle
    hence cell division until the damage is
  • the damage is major and cannot be repaired, p53
    triggers the cell to commit suicide by apoptosis.

  • These functions make p53 a key player in
    protecting us against cancer that is, an
    important tumour suppressor gene.
  • More than half of all human cancers do, in fact,
    harbour p53 mutations and have no functioning p53

Loss Of Heterozygosity (LOH)
  • Because tumour suppressor genes are recessive,
    cells that contain one normal and one mutated
    gene that is, are heterozygous still behave
  • However, there are several mechanisms which can
    cause a cell to lose its normal gene and thus be
    predisposed to develop into a tumour. These may
    result in a "loss of heterozygosity" or "LOH".

Mechanisms of LOH
  • Deletion of
  • the normal allele
  • the chromosome arm containing the normal allele
  • the entire chromosome containing the normal
    allele (resulting in aneuploidy).
  • Loss of the chromosome containing the normal
    allele followed by duplication of the chromosome
    containing the mutated allele.
  • Mitotic recombination. The study of tumour
    suppressor genes revealed (for the first time)
    that crossing over with genetic recombination
    occasionally occurs in mitosis (as it always does
    in meiosis).
  • In 2 and 3, the resulting cell now carries two
    copies of the "bad" gene. This is called
    "reduction to homozygosity".

  • Mutation is not the only way to inactivate tumour
    suppressor genes.
  • Their function can also be blocked by methylation
    of their promoter.

Mechanism of parental imprinting
  • The process of imprinting start in the gametes
    where the allele destined to be inactive in the
    new embryo (either the father's or the mother's
    as the case may be) is "marked". The mark appears
    to be methylation of the DNA in the promoter(s)
    of the gene.
  • Methyl groups are added to cytosines (Cs) in the
  • occurs at stretches of alternating Cs and Gs
    called CpG islands.
  • Methylation of promoters prevents binding of
    transcription factors to the promoter thus
    shutting down expression of the gene.

  • Cancer cells often contain a methylated promoter
    on one tumour suppressor gene accompanied by
  • a similarly blocked promoter on the other allele
    (producing the same effect as 2 above)
  • a loss of that locus on the other chromosome
    (like the LOH in 1 above)
  • an inactivating mutation in the other allele.

tumour suppressor genes anti-oncogenes
  • Genes like RB and p53 are also called
    anti-oncogenes. They were first given this name
    because they reverse, at least in cell culture,
    the action of known oncogenes.

Tumour suppressor genes
  • This image (courtesy of Moshe Oren, from Cell
    62671, 1990) shows petri dishes which were
    seeded with the same number of cells that had
    been transformed by two oncogenes myc and ras.
  • Many of those on the left have grown into
    colonies of cells.
  • However, the cells plated on the right also
    contained the tumour suppressor p53 gene. Only a
    few have been able to grow into colonies.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
  • The name anti-oncogene may be even more
    appropriate than originally thought.
  • Both the Rb protein and the p53 protein complex
    directly in the cell with an oncogene product of
    some human papilloma viruses.
  • Once inside the cells of their host, human
    papilloma viruses synthesise
  • a protein designated E7 and
  • another designated E6.

Human Papillomavirus
  • The E7 protein of one of these binds to the Rb
    protein preventing it from binding to the host
    transcription factor E2F.
  • Result E2F is now free to bind to the promoters
    of genes (like c-myc) that cause the cell to
    enter the cell cycle . Thus this version of E7 is
    an oncogene product.
  • The E6 protein of human papilloma virus
    implicated in cervical cancer binds the p53
    protein targeting it for destruction by
    proteasomes and thus removing the block on the
    host cell's entering the cell cycle.

  • Genes associated with the stimulation of cell
  • Cancers result from only one mutant allele of

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  • Growth Factors or Receptors for Growth Factors
  • PDGF Platelet Derived Growth Factor (brain and
    breast cancer)
  • erb-B receptor for epidermal growth factor (brain
    and breast cancer)
  • erb-B2 receptor for growth factor (breast,
    salivary, and ovarian cancers)
  • RET growth factor receptor (thyroid cancer)

  • 2. Cytoplasmic Relays in Stimulatory Signaling
  • Ki-ras activated by active growth factor receptor
    proteins (lung, ovarian, colon and pancreatic
  • N-ras activated by active growth factor receptor
    proteins (leukaemias)
  • c-src is a protein kinase that becomes overactive
    in phosphorylation of target proteins

  • 3. Transcription Factors that Activate Growth
    Promoting Genes
  • c-myc activates transcription of growth
    stimulation genes (leukemia, breast, stomach, and
    lung cancer)
  • N-myc (nerve and brain cancer)
  • L-myc (lung cancer)
  • c-jun and c-fos function as transcription factors

  • 4. Other types of molecules
  • Bcl-2 normal protein blocks cell suicide
  • Bcl-1 codes for cyclin D1, stimulatory protein of
    the cell cycle (breast, neck, head cancers)
  • MDM2 codes for antagonist of p53 (sarcomas)

  • Ras gene products are involved in kinase
    signalling pathways that control the
    transcription of genes, which then regulate cell
    growth and differentiation.
  • To turn "on" the pathway, the ras protein must
    bind to a particular molecule (GTP) in the cell.
  • To turn the pathway "off," the ras protein must
    break up the GTP molecule.
  • Alterations in the ras gene can change the ras
    protein so that it is no longer able to break up
    and release the GTP.

RAS Pathway
  • These changes can cause the pathway to be stuck
    in the "on" position.
  • The "on" signal leads to cell growth and
  • ras overexpression and amplification can lead to
    continuous cell proliferation, which is a major
    step in the development of cancer.
  • Cell division is regulated by a balance of
    positive and negative signals.
  • When ras transcription is increased, an excess of
    the gene's protein is in the cell, and the
    positive signals for cell division begin to
    outweigh the negative signals.

  • The conversion of ras from a proto-oncogene into
    an oncogene usually occurs through a
    point mutation in the gene.
  • The altered function can affect the cell in
    different ways because ras is involved in many
    signaling pathways that control cell division and
    cell death.
  • Anti-cancer drugs are now being developed that
    target ras dependent pathways. Much remains to be
    discovered before these drugs can be put into use

  • Mutant ras has been identified in cancers of many
    different origins, including pancreas (90),
    colon (50), lung (30), thyroid (50), bladder
    (6), ovarian (15), breast, skin, liver, kidney,
    and some leukaemias.

  • The myc protein acts as a transcription factor
    and it controls the expression of several genes.
  • Mutations in the myc gene have been found in many
    different cancers, including Burkitt's lymphoma,
    B-cell leukemia, and lung cancer.
  • The myc family of oncogenes may become activated
    by gene rearrangement or amplification.

  • Gene rearrangements involve the breakage and
    re-sealing of chromosomes.
  • This process can involve large amounts of DNA and
    can affect many genes.
  • The movement of a gene or group of genes to a
    different location within the same chromosome or
    to a different chromosome often leads to altered
    gene expression and cell function.

  • The Src protein is a tyrosine kinase.
  • Kinases are enzymes that transfer phosphate
    groups onto target molecules.
  • The important aspect of this process is that the
    removal/addition of phosphates changes
    biomolecules and is a key way by which the
    activities of cells are regulated.

  • The phosphate addition/removal process acts like
    an on/off switch to control the activity of the
    target molecules.
  • The src proteins alter several target molecules,
    resulting in the transmission of signals to the
    nucleus that help regulate the cell

Tyrosine Kinases
  • MAP kinase (MAPK) signaling is among central
    signaling pathways that regulate cell
    proliferation, cell differentiation and
  • As MAPK should transmit extracellular signals to
    proper regions or compartments in cells,
    controlling subcellular localisation of MAPK is
    important for regulating fidelity and specificity
    of MAPK signaling.

Tyrosine Kinases
  • The ERK1/2-type of MAPK is the best characterized
    member of the MAPK family. In response to
    extracellular stimulus, ERK1/2 translocates from
    the cytoplasm to the nucleus by passing through
    the nuclear pore by several independent

Tyrosine Kinases
  • The MAP kinase (MAPK) pathway is a highly
    conserved pathway involved in diverse cellular
    functions, including cell proliferation, cell
    differentiation and apoptosis.
  • A wide variety of extracellular stimuli, such as
    growth factors and environmental stresses, induce
    sequential phosphorylation and activation of
    three protein kinases, MAP kinase kinase kinase
    (MAPKKK), MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK) and MAPK.

Tyrosine Kinases
  • MAPK is a serine/threonine kinase activated by
    MAPKK via phosphorylation on both threonine and
    tyrosine residues in the TXY sequence
  • The MAPK family consists of four members, ERK1/2
    (also known as classical MAPK), JNK/SAPK, p38 and
  • Each molecule is activated by distinct pathways
    and transmits signals either independently or

Tyrosine Kinases
  • MAPK plays an important role in transmitting the
    signals from receptors on cell membrane to
    cytoplasmic targets such as cytoskeleton and
    downstream kinases and nuclear targets such as
    transcription factors.
  • Thus, regulation of the subcellular localisation
    of MAPK is important for controlling MAPK

  • tumour Suppressor Genes
  • Genes associated with inhibition of cell
  • Cancers require both alleles of the gene to be

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  • Cytoplasmic Proteins
  • APC (colon and stomach cancers)
  • DPC4 codes for relay molecule in cell division
    inhibitory pathway (pancreatic cancer)
  • NF-1 codes for protein that inhibits a
    stimulatory (Ras) protein (brain, nerve, and
  • NF-2 (brain and nerve cancers)

  • 2. Nuclear Proteins
  • MTS1 codes for p16 protein, brake on cell cycle
    clock (many cancers)
  • RB codes for pRB protein, master brake on cell
    cycle (retinoblastoma, bone, bladder, lung, and
    breast cancer)
  • p53 codes for p53 protein, halts cell cycle in G1
    and induces cell suicide (many cancers)
  • p16 inhibits cyclin D-dependent kinase activity
  • WT1 (Wilms tumour of the kidney)
  • BRCA1 functions in repair of damage to DNA
    (breast and ovarian cancers)
  • BRCA2 functions in repair of damage to DNA
    (breast cancer)

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