Title: New Stand-Up Pouch for Cheese
1NewStand-Up Pouchfor Cheese
2Stand-Up Pouch for Cheese
- Greatest Innovation since Zippered Shreds
- Same Amount of Cheese, Smarter Package
- Size Flexibility
- Less Film Corrugated Box
- More Pounds of Cheese per Truck
- Shelf Ready / Peg-Free Merchandising
- More Retail Facings per Section
- Consumer Friendly Stand-up Feature with Improved
4Consumer FeaturesSame Amount, Smarter Package
- Scored Header consistent opening
- Twin Track Zipper confident reclose
- Stands Up During Use less spills
- Right Size fits hand and product volume
- Stands on Fridge Shelf more visible
- Less Plastic positive ancillary benefit
5Retailer FeaturesSmaller Size, More Facings
- Improved Pack Out
- 2 more facings every 4 feet
- 2 more rows every 4 feet
- Merchandising Flexibility peg or shelf
- Euro-style Hole Punch more efficient
- Multiple Sizes right product mix
6Manufacturer Impact
7Pack Out Paradigms
- No Change (current to stand-up pouch peg)
- Current set packs out more bags if all pegs
filled - More 4 seal pack out vs. new Stand-Up Pouch if
all pegs filled - to the max
- Current package wins
- Change
- Stand-Up Pouch packs out more facings more
inventory vs. 4 seal - Stand-Up Pouch wins
- 3. Change (SUP shelves create a lot more
facings) - Stand-Up Pouch packs out more facings and more
inventory - Stand-Up Pouch wins hands down
8Paradigm 1 Current Peg to Stand-Up Pouch
PegFacings Remain the Same, Pack Out Decreases
- Summary
- Limited view of whats possible
- Does not account for dimensional benefits of
Stand-Up Pouch - Assumptions
- Fancy shreds
- 15-inch peg bar
- 7 packages SUPs, 2-inch gusset
- 11 packages current
- Continue with 4 rows and 7 pegs per row in 4-foot
set - Pack out current 4-foot set
- 28 pegs x 11 packages 308 4 seal
- 28 pegs x 7 packages 196 SUP
9Paradigm 2 Optimize Peg Set for Smaller
Stand-Up PouchPack Out Facings and Inventory is
a Gain for SUP
- Summary
- Accounts for some benefits, 1 package/row, up
to 2 more rows - Assumptions
- 15-inch peg bar
- 7 packages / peg SUPs
- 11 packages / peg current
- 7 pegs x 4 rows 28 pegs current
- 8 pegs x 6 rows 48 pegs reset
- 20 more SUP facings in new set
- Pack out Optimum peg 4-Foot Set
- 28 x 11 per hook 308 current
- 48 x 7 per hook 336 SUP
- 28 more stand-up pouch packages of inventory
8 facings/row Stand-up Pouch, 7 with current
6 rows Stand-up Pouch vs. 4 rows with current
10Paradigm 3 Stand-Up Pouch ShelvingPack Out
Facings and Inventory Increases Considerably
- Summary
- Accounts for all benefits 2 facings/shelf, 2
shelves - Assumptions
- Fancy shreds, 2-inch gusset
- 20.5-inch shelf depth
- 9 facings / 6 shelves SUP
- 9 packages deep SUP
- 54 facings SUP shelf
- 26 more SUP facings
- Pack out in 4-inch Set
- 28 x 11 per hook 308 current
- 54 x 9 per facing 486 SUP
- 178 more stand-up pouch packages of inventory
9 facings/shelf Stand-up Pouch, 7 with current
6 shelves Stand-up Pouch vs. 4 rows with current
11Merchandising ImpactPack Out Changes are
- Optimized Pegs with Stand-Up Pouch
- 20 more facings per 4-foot peg bar set
- 28 more packages per 4-foot peg bar set
- 120 more facings 168 more packages in a 24-foot
peg section - Shelving
- 26 more facings per 4-foot peg bar set
- 178 more packages per 4-foot peg bar set
- 156 more facings 1,068 more packages in a
24-foot peg section - Retail Benefits
- Easier merchandising, cross merchandising,
rotation and filling - Huge potential growth arena for Store Brands
- More facings and inventory at shelf level for the
largest cheese category in the grocery store.
12Sustainability Pounds per Truck from 21,000 to