Special Topics 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Special Topics 2


Title: CS 112 Introduction to Programming, Fall 2003 Subject: Lecture 1: Introduction Author: Richard Yang Last modified by: DELL Created Date: 8/16/1999 2:47:17 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: lock | loop | phase | special | topics


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Special Topics 2

  • Special Topics 2
  • C
  • Summer 2009
  • Luai M. Malhis, PH.D

  • The course notes will be taken from many sources
    on the internet
  • Other universities
  • From past courses at An-najah
  • From special sites dedicated to C
  • The complete set is not available
  • Course notes will be posted on the OCC

Introduction Continue
  • Course administration
  • Grading policy 20 First exam,
  • 20 Second exam, , 20 Assignments , 40 Final
  • Text Book F. Scott Barker
  • Visual C 2005

C Library .NET Framework
  • Introduced by Microsoft (June 2000)
  • Vision for embracing the Internet in software
  • Language- and platform- independence
  • Visual Basic .NET, Visual C .NET, C and more
  • Includes Framework Class Library (FCL) for reuse
  • Executes programs by Common Language Runtime
  • Programs compiled to Microsoft Intermediate
    Language (MSIL)
  • MSIL code translated into machine code
  • (Unlike Java) .NET is mostly Windows (MS) centric
  • There is a Linux port (e.g., the Mono project)

C the Language
  • Developed at Microsoft by Anders Hejlsberg et al.
  • Based on Java
  • event-driven, object-oriented, network-aware,
    visual programming language
  • Incorporated into .NET platform
  • Web based applications can be distributed
  • Programs that can be accessed by anyone through
    any device
  • Allows communicating with different computer
  • Integrated Design Environment (IDE)
  • Makes programming and debugging fast and easy
  • Rapid Application Development (RAD)

C Continue
  • It is related to Java and C
  • Picking up Java after C should be easy.
  • It is simpler than other object-oriented
    languages C
  • It is safe and robust --- no core dump or dead
  • It has good library and development support
  • good graphics package
  • good client-server and network support
  • It is good for your summer course
  • However, it is not easy to learn, with many

C Translation and Execution
  • The C compiler translates C source code (.cs
    files) into a special representation called
    Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
  • MSIL is not the machine language for any
    traditional CPU, but a virtual machine
  • The Common Language Runtime (CLR) then interprets
    the MSIL file
  • It uses a just-in-time compiler to translate from
    MSIL format to machine code on the fly

C Compilation and Execution
C source code
The .NET Framework
  • Source code ? MSIL? machine language using
  • Common Language Runtime (CLR) Programs are
    compiled into machine-specific instructions in
    two steps
  • First, the program is compiled into Microsoft
    Intermediate Language (MSIL) which is placed into
    the application's executable file.
  • Using JIT (Just-in-time ) compiler which converts
    MSIL to machine language, (JIT compile assemblies
    into native binary that targets a specific
    platform )

Setting the Path Environment
  • Assuming that windows and VS.NET2005 is
    installed on the C drive on your computer, add
    the following to the Environment Path
  • C\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
  • C\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
  • C\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
  • C\Program Files\Common Files\MicrosoftShared\VS

  • The .NET Framework can be thought of as a VM
    (virtual machine)
  • Save any C program in a text file
    example1.cs, and set the environment variable
    PATH to point to csc.exe compiler in the .NET
    framework directory.
  • Go to the System Properties by right clicking
    you? My Computer ? properties? Environment
    variables? click on new? type path?C\WINDOWS\Micr
  • Now open the command console cmd and type
    csc example1.cs.

A Simple C Program
  • //
  • //
  • //
  • // Classes HelloWorld
  • // --------------------
  • // This program prints a string called "Hello
  • //
  • //
  • using System
  • class HelloWorld
  • static void Main(string args)
  • Console.WriteLine(Hello World!)

White Space and Comments
  • White Space
  • Includes spaces, newline characters, tabs,
  • C programs should be formatted to enhance
    readability, using consistent indentation!
  • Comments
  • Comments are ignored by the compiler used only
    for human readers (i.e., inline documentation)
  • Two types of comments
  • Single-line comments use //
  • // this comment runs to the end of the line
  • Multi-lines comments use / /
  • / this comment runs to the terminating
  • symbol, even across line breaks

  • Identifiers are the words that a programmer uses
    in a program
  • An identifier can be made up of letters, digits,
    and the underscore character
  • They cannot begin with a digit
  • C is case sensitive, therefore args and Args are
    different identifiers
  • Sometimes we choose identifiers ourselves when
    writing a program (such as HelloWorld)
  • Sometimes we are using another programmer's
    code, so we use the identifiers that they chose
    (such as WriteLine)

using System class HelloWorld static void
Main(string args)
Console.WriteLine(Hello World!)
Identifiers Keywords
  • Often we use special identifiers called keywords
    that already have a predefined meaning in the
  • Example class
  • A keyword cannot be used in any other way

All C keywords are lowercase!
  • Partition the name space to avoid name conflict!
  • All .NET library code are organized using
  • By default, C code is contained in the global
  • To refer to code within a namespace, must use
    qualified name (as in System.Console) or import
    explicitly (as in using System )

using System class HelloWorld static void
Main(string args) Console.WriteLine(He
llo World!)
class HelloWorld static void Main(string
args) System.Console.WriteLine(Hello
C Program Structure
  • In the C programming language
  • A program is made up of one or more classes
  • A class contains one or more methods
  • A method contains program statements
  • These terms will be explored in detail throughout
    the course

C Program Structure Class
// comments about the class
class HelloWorld

class header
class body
Comments can be added almost anywhere
C Classes
  • Each class name is an identifier
  • Can contain letters, digits, and underscores (_)
  • Cannot start with digits
  • Can start with the at symbol (_at_)
  • Convention Class names are capitalized, with
    each additional English word capitalized as well
    (e.g., MyFirstProgram )
  • Class bodies start with a left brace ()
  • Class bodies end with a right brace ()

C Program Structure Method
// comments about the class
class HelloWorld

Console.Write(Hello World!) Console.WriteLine(
This is from CS112!)
C Method and Statements
  • Methods
  • Building blocks of a program
  • The Main method
  • Each console or windows application must have
    main method defined as static
  • All programs start by executing the Main method
  • Braces are used to start () and end () a method
  • Statements
  • Every statement must end in a semicolon

Console Application vs. Window Application
  • Console Application
  • No visual component
  • Only text input and output
  • Run under Command Prompt or DOS Prompt
  • Window Application
  • Forms with many different input and output types
  • Contains Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)
  • GUIs make the input and output more user
  • Message boxes
  • Within the System.Windows.Forms namespace
  • Used to prompt or display information to the user

Syntax and Semantics
  • The syntax rules of a language define how we can
    put symbols, reserved words, and identifiers
    together to make a valid program
  • The semantics of a program statement define what
    that statement means (its purpose or role in a
  • A program that is syntactically correct is not
    necessarily logically (semantically) correct
  • A program will always do what we tell it to do,
    not what we meant to tell it to do

  • A program can have three types of errors
  • The compiler will find problems with syntax and
    other basic issues (compile-time errors)
  • If compile-time errors exist, an executable
    version of the program is not created
  • A problem can occur during program execution,
    such as trying to divide by zero, which causes a
    program to terminate abnormally (run-time errors)
  • A program may run, but produce incorrect results
    (logical errors)

  • A constant is similar to a variable except that
    it holds one value for its entire existence
  • The compiler will issue an error if you try to
    change a constant
  • In C, we use the constant modifier to declare a
  • constant int numberOfStudents 42
  • Why constants?
  • give names to otherwise unclear literal values
  • facilitate changes to the code
  • prevent inadvertent errors

C Data Types
  • There are 15 data types in C
  • Eight of them represent integers
  • byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long,ulong
  • Two of them represent floating point numbers
  • float, double
  • One of them represents decimals
  • decimal
  • One of them represents boolean values
  • bool
  • One of them represents characters
  • char
  • One of them represents strings
  • string
  • One of them represents objects
  • object

Numeric Data Types
  • The difference between the various numeric types
    is their size, and therefore the values they can

Range 0 - 255 -128 - 127 -32,768 - 32767 0 -
65537 -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647 0
4,294,967,295 -9?1018 to 9?1018 0
1.8?1019 ?1.0?10-28 ?7.9?1028 with 28-29
significant digits ?1.5?10-45 ?3.4?1038 with 7
significant digits ?5.0?10-324 ?1.7?10308 with
15-16 significant digits
Type byte sbyte short ushort int uint long ulong
decimal float double
Storage 8 bits 8 bits 16 bits 16 bits 32 bits 32
bits 64 bits 64 bits 128 bits 32 bits 64 bits
Question you need a variable to represent world
population. Which type do you use?
Examples of Numeric Variables
  • int x 1
  • short y 10
  • float pi 3.14
  • float f2 9.81f
  • float f3 7E-02 // 0.07
  • double d1 7E-100
  • decimal microsoftStockPrice 28.38m

  • A bool value represents a true or false condition
  • A boolean can also be used to represent any two
    states, such as a light bulb being on or off
  • The reserved words true and false are the only
    valid values for a boolean type
  • bool doAgain true

  • A char is a single character from the a character
  • A character set is an ordered list of characters
    each character is given a unique number
  • C uses the Unicode character set, a superset of
  • Uses sixteen bits per character, allowing for
    65,536 unique characters
  • It is an international character set, containing
    symbols and characters from many languages
  • Code chart can be found at
  • http//www.unicode.org/charts/
  • Character literals are represented in a program
    by delimiting with single quotes, e.g.,
  • 'a 'X '7' ' ',
  • char response Y

Common Escape Sequences
  • A string represents a sequence of characters,
  • string message Hello World
  • string filepath C\\ProCSharp\\First.cs
  • Strings can be created with verbatim string
    literals by starting with _at_, e.g.,
  • No escape sequence
  • string a2 _at_\server\fileshare\Hello.cs
  • string filepath _at_C\ProCSharp\First.cs

All types are compatible with object -can be
assigned to variables of type object -all
operations of type object are applicable to them
Value Types versus Reference Types
Data Input
  • Console.Read()
  • Reads a single character from the user
  • Example char c Console.Read()
  • Console.ReadLine()
  • Used to get a value from the user input
  • Example string myString Console.ReadLine()
  • Convert from string to the correct data type
  • Int.Parse(), Int16.Parse() Int32.Parse().
  • Used to convert a string argument to an integer
  • Allows math to be preformed once the string is
  • Example string myString 1023 int
    myInt Int32.Parse( myString )
  • Double.Parse(), Single.Parse()

  • Console.Write(exp) prints the exp no end of line
  • close to 20 overlaods
  • Console.WriteLine(exp) prints the exp append end
    of line
  • close to 20 overloads
  • You can use the values of some variables at some
    positions of a stringSystem.Console.WriteLine(
    0 1., iAmVar0, iAmVar1)
  • You can control the output format by using the
    format specifiersfloat price 2.5f
  • System.Console.WriteLine(Price 0C.,
  • output ------------------ Price 2.50.
  • For a complete list of format specifiers,

Example TaxAndTotal.cs
  • // This program gets 10 grades from the user and
    computes their
  • // average. This is Fig. 4.7 of the textbook.
  • //
  • //
  • using System
  • class Average1
  • static void Main(string args)
  • int total, // sum of grades
  • gradeCounter, // number of grades
  • gradeValue, // grade value
  • average // average of all
  • // initialization phase
  • total 0 // clear total
  • gradeCounter 1 // prepare to loop
  • // next slide processing phase

Example continue
  • while (gradeCounter lt 10) // loop 10 times
  • // prompt for input and read grade
    from user
  • Console.Write("Enter integer grade
  • // read input and convert to integer
  • gradeValue Int32.Parse(Console.ReadL
  • // add gradeValue to total
  • total total gradeValue
  • // add 1 to gradeCounter
  • gradeCounter gradeCounter 1
  • // end of while
  • // termination phase
  • average total / 10 // integer
  • // display average of exam grades
  • Console.WriteLine("\nClass average is
    0", average)
  • // end of method Main
  • // end of class

Arithemtic Operators
  • Just as in C/Java
  • Operators can be combined into complex
  • result total count / max - offset
  • Operators have a well-defined precedence which
    determines the order in which they are evaluated
  • Precedence rules
  • Parenthesis are done first
  • Division, multiplication and modulus are done
  • Left to right if same precedence (this is called
  • Addition and subtraction are done last
  • Left to right if same precedence

Precedence of Arithmetic Operations
Code to test arithmetic operations
// define variables string firstNumber,
secondNumber int number1,
number2 // read two numbers from
the input. Console.Write( "Please enter
the first integer " ) firstNumber
Console.ReadLine() Console.Write(
"\nPlease enter the second integer " )
secondNumber Console.ReadLine() //
convert numbers from type string to type int
number1 Int32.Parse( firstNumber )
number2 Int32.Parse( secondNumber )
// do operations int sum number1
number2 int diff number1 - number2
int mul number1 number2 int div
number1 / number2 int mod number1
number2 Console.WriteLine( "\n0 1
2.", number1, number2, sum )
Console.WriteLine( "\n0 - 1 2.", number1,
number2, diff ) Console.WriteLine(
"\n0 1 2.", number1, number2, mul )
Console.WriteLine( "\n0 / 2 2.",
number1, number2, div )
Console.WriteLine( "\n0 1 2.", number1,
number2, mod )
Data Conversions
  • Sometimes it is convenient to convert data from
    one type to another
  • For example, we may want to treat an integer as a
    floating point value during a computation
  • Conversions must be handled carefully to avoid
    losing information
  • Two types of conversions
  • Widening conversions are generally safe because
    they tend to go from a small data type to a
    larger one (such as a short to an int)
  • Q how about int to long?
  • Narrowing conversions can lose information
    because they tend to go from a large data type to
    a smaller one (such as an int to a short)

Data Conversions
  • In C, data conversions can occur in three ways
  • Assignment conversion
  • occurs automatically when a value of one type is
    assigned to a variable of another
  • only widening conversions can happen via
  • Example aFloatVar anIntVar
  • Arithmetic promotion
  • happens automatically when operators in
    expressions convert their operands
  • Example aFloatVar / anIntVar
  • Casting

Data Conversions Casting
  • Casting is the most powerful, and dangerous,
    technique for conversion
  • Both widening and narrowing conversions can be
    accomplished by explicitly casting a value
  • To cast, the type is put in parentheses in front
    of the value being converted
  • For example, if total and count are integers, but
    we want a floating point result when dividing
    them, we can cast total
  • result (float) total / count

Example DataConversion.cs
Compatibility Between Simple Types
Assignment Revisited
  • You can consider assignment as another operator,
    with a lower precedence than the arithmetic

First the expression on the right hand side of
the operator is evaluated
answer sum / 4 MAX lowest
Then the result is stored in the variable on the
left hand side
Assignment Operators
Increment and Decrement Operators
Equality and Relationa Operators
Note the difference between the equality operator
() and the assignment operator ()
Question if (grade 100)
Console.WriteLine( Great! )
More Complex (Compound) Boolean Expressions
Logical Operators
  • Boolean expressions can also use the following
    logical and conditional operators
  • ! Logical NOT
  • Logical AND
  • Logical OR
  • Logical exclusive OR (XOR)
  • Conditional AND
    Conditional OR
  • They all take boolean operands and produce
    boolean results

Comparison Logical and Conditional Operators
  • Logical AND () and Logical OR ()
  • Always evaluate both conditions
  • Conditional AND () and Conditional OR ()
  • Would not evaluate the second condition if the
    result of the first condition would already
    decide the final outcome.
  • Ex 1 false (x gt 10) --- no need to
    evaluate the 2nd condition
  • Ex 2 if (count ! 0 total /count)

Operations on Enumerations
Console.WriteLine(1 4) // bitwise OR
5 Console.WriteLine(1 4) // bitwise AND 0
Console.WriteLine(71) // Error
Console.WriteLine(6 9)// Error
Console.WriteLine(truefalse) // True
Console.WriteLine(true false) // False
Console.WriteLine(!true) // False
Precedence and Associativity
Declaration of Local Variables
Additional points on local variables
  • int foo 1
  • if (foo) Console.WriteLine("yes")
  • ERROR No implicit conversion between int and
  • Variables must be assigned before their value is
  • int x,y
  • if (x gt 5) y x
  • ERROR x must be assigned before used

Conditional Statements
  • A conditional statement lets us choose which
    statement will be executed next
  • Conditional statements give us the power to make
    basic decisions
  • C's conditional statements
  • the if statement
  • the if-else statement
  • Conitional operator exp1? Va1 val2
  • the switch statement
  • All just as in c/Java
  • (close look at conditional operator and

The Conditional Operator
  • The conditional operator is similar to an if-else
    statement, except that it is an expression that
    returns a value
  • For example
  • larger (num1 gt num2) ? num1 num2
  • If num1 is greater that num2, then num1 is
    assigned to larger otherwise, num2 is assigned
    to larger
  • The conditional operator is ternary, meaning that
    it requires three operands

The Conditional Operator
  • Another example
  • If count 1, then Quarter" is stored in result
    Otherwise, Quarters" is stored

string result int count result (count
lt1 ) ? Quarter Quarters // beginning of
the next statement
if Statement Example
  • char ch // char c Console.Read()
  • int val
  • if('0' lt ch ch lt '9')
  • val ch -'0'
  • else if('A' lt ch ch lt 'Z')
  • val 10 ch -'A'
  • else
  • val 0
  • Console.WriteLine("invalid character 0", ch)

The switch Statement
  • The switch statement provides another means to
    decide which statement to execute next
  • The switch statement evaluates an expression,
    then attempts to match the result to one of
    several possible cases
  • Each case contains a value and a list of
  • The flow of control transfers to statement list
    associated with the first value that matches

The switch Statement Syntax
  • The general syntax of a switch statement is

switch ( expression ) case value1
statement-list1 case value2
statement-list2 case value3
statement-list3 case ...
The switch Statement
  • The expression of a switch statement must result
    in an integral data type, like an integer or
    character or a string
  • Note that the implicit boolean condition in a
    switch statement is equality - it tries to match
    the expression with a value

The switch Statement
  • A switch statement can have an optional default
    case as the last case executed in the statement
  • The default case has no associated value and
    simply uses the reserved word default
  • If the default case is present, control will
    transfer to it if no other case value matches
  • If there is no default case, and no other value
    matches the expression, control falls through to
    the statement after the switch
  • A break statement is used as the last statement
    in each case's statement list
  • A break statement causes control to transfer to
    the end of the switch statement

switch Statement
  • Type of switch expressionnumeric, char, enum or
    string(null ok as a case label).

Type of switch expression numeric, char, enum
or string (null ok as a case label).
switch with goto
foreach Statement
cc int z
int x 7 if(xlt7) goto cc
// error no jump into block Also no
jump out of a class
  • List of named constants
  • Declaration (directly in a namespace)
  • How to use
  • enum Color red, blue, green // values 0, 1, 2
  • enum Access personal1, group2, all4 1,2,4
  • enum Access1 byte personal2, group, all //
    values 2, 3, 4
  • The last definition (Access1) is used to save

Color c Color.blue // enumeration constants
must be qualified Console.WriteLine(c) // writes
out blue Console.WriteLine((int)c) //Writes out 1
Operations on Enumerations
Color c Color. blue
Enumerations, example
  • enum Season  Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter 
  • class Example     
  • public void Method (Season a)          
  • Season b // local variable
  •  private Season c
  • Season s  Season.Fall
  • Console.WriteLine(s)  // writes out 'Fall' 
  • string name  s.ToString()
  • Console.WriteLine(name)      // also
    writes out 'Fall'
  • Season  y  Season.Fall
  • Console.WriteLine((int) y) // writes out '2'

Enumerations, example
  • using System
  • public enum Volume byte Low 1, Medium, High
  • class EnumBaseAndMembers
  • public static void Main()
  • Volume myVolume Volume.Low
  • switch (myVolume)
  • case Volume.Low
  • Console.WriteLine("The volume has
    been turned Down.")
  • break
  • case Volume.Medium
  • Console.WriteLine("The volume is
    in the middle.")
  • break
  • case Volume.High
  • Console.WriteLine("The volume has
    been turned up.")
  • break
  • Console.ReadLine()

Arrays One-dimensional Array
  • int a new int3
  • int b new int 3, 4, 5
  • int c 3, 4, 5
  • SomeClass d new SomeClass10// Array of
  • SomeStruct e new SomeStruct10// Array of
  • int len a.Length // number of elements in a

Multidimensional Arrays
  • Jagged (like in Java)
  • nt a new int2
  • a0 new int3
  • a1 new int4
  • int x a01
  • int len a.Length// 2
  • len a0.Length// 3
  • int c new int 2 5 // error
  • Rectangular (more compact, more efficient access)
  • int, a new int2, 3
  • int x a0, 1
  • int len a.Length // 6
  • len a.GetLength(0) // 2 return the number
    of rows
  • len a.GetLength(1) // 3 return the number
    of columns

Arrays Continue
  • int , b 1, 2 , 3, 4
  • int , b
  • b new int 3, 4
  • string names"Bob", "Ted", "Alice"

using System class Array public
static void Main() int myInts 5, 10,
15 bool myBools new bool2 myBools
0 new bool2 myBools1 new
bool1 double, myDoubles new double2,
2 string myStrings new string3 Conso
le.WriteLine ("myInts0 0, myInts1 1,
myInts2 2", myInts0, myInts1,
myInts2) myBools00 true myBools0
1 false myBools10 true Console.WriteL
ine ("myBools00 0, myBools10 1",
myBools00, myBools10)
  • myDoubles0,0 3.17
  • myDoubles0,1 7.157
  • myDoubles1,1 2.117
  • myDoubles1,0 556.00138917
  • Console.WriteLine ("myDoubles0,0 0,
    myDoubles1,0 1", myDoubles0,0,
  • myStrings0 "Joe"
  • myStrings1 "Matt"
  • myStrings2 "Robert"
  • Console.WriteLine ("myStrings0 0,
    myStrings1 1, myStrings2 2",
    myStrings0, myStrings1, myStrings2)

  • string s1 "orange"
  • string s2 "red"
  • s1 s2
  • System.Console.WriteLine(s1) // outputs
  • s1 s1.Substring(2, 5) // 2 is start
    index 5 is length
  • System.Console.WriteLine(s1) // outputs
  • int year 1999
  • string msg "ahmad was born in "
  • System.Console.WriteLine(msg) // outputs
    "ahmad was born in 1999"

String 2
  • string s3 "Visual C Express"
  • System.Console.WriteLine(s3.Substring(7, 2))
    // outputs "C"
  • System.Console.WriteLine(s3.Replace("C",
    "Basic")) //outputs "Visual Basic Express
  • string s4 "Hello, World"
  • char arr s4.ToCharArray(0, s4.Length) //
    be carefull to range, else exception
  • foreach (char c in arr)
  • System.Console.Write(c) // outputs
    "Hello, World"
  • string s6 "hi to all"
  • System.Console.WriteLine(s6.ToUpper()) //
    outputs "HI TO ALL"
  • System.Console.WriteLine(s6.ToLower()) //
    outputs "hi to all"

Strings 3
  • string color1 "red"
  • string color2 "green"
  • string color3 "red"
  • if (color1 color3)
  • System.Console.WriteLine("Equal")
  • if (color1 ! color2)
  • System.Console.WriteLine("Not

Strings 4
  • When comparing strings, the Unicode value is
    used, and lower case has a smaller value than
    upper case.
  • string s7 "ABC"
  • string s8 "abc"
  • if (s7.CompareTo(s8) gt 0)
  • System.Console.WriteLine("Greater-than
  • else
  • System.Console.WriteLine("Less-than")
  • Will print Greater-than

Strings 5
  • To search for a string inside another string, use
    IndexOf(). IndexOf() returns -1 if the search
    string is not found otherwise, it returns the
    zero-based index of the first location at which
    it occurs.
  • string s9 "Battle of Hastings, 1066"
  • System.Console.WriteLine(s9.IndexOf("Hastings"))
    // outputs 10
  • System.Console.WriteLine(s9.IndexOf("1967"))
    // outputs -1
  • System.Console.WriteLine(s9.IndexOf('o') //
    outputs 7
  • 9 overloads to ndexof may take strat index
    length and others

String 6
  • char delimit new char ' '
  • string s10 "The cat sat on the mat."
  • foreach (string substr in
    s10.Split(delimit) )
  • System.Console.WriteLine(substr)
  • //------------------------------------------------
  • //char delimit new char ' '
  • char cf ''
  • string s10 "The cat sat on the mat."
  • foreach (string substr in s10.Split(cf))
  • System.Console.WriteLine(substr)

Strings 7
  • string t "Once,UponA/Time\\In\'America"
  • char sep2 new char ' ', ',', '',
    '/', '\\', '\''
  • foreach (string ss in t.Split(sep2))
  • Console.WriteLine(ss)

Program Example
  • This program keeps reading int from the keyboard
    until -1 is entered. Prints the sum of all entred
    numbers. It demonstrate the use of Split and
  • static void Main(string args)
  • int x -1
  • int sum 0
  • char ar ' '
  • L1 string inp Console.ReadLine()
  • foreach (string s in inp.Split(ar))
  • x int.Parse(s)
  • sum x
  • Console.WriteLine(x)
  • if (x ! -1)
  • goto L1
  • Console.WriteLine("the sum is 0",

Example 2 Tax Example
  • static void Main( string args )
  • // First get amount
  • Console.Write( "Please enter amount " )
  • string amountString
  • amountString Console.ReadLine() // get
    the amount from user
  • // convert from amount string to floating
    point number
  • float amount Single.Parse( amountString
  • // Next get tax rate
  • Console.Write( "Please enter tax rate "
  • string taxRateString
  • taxRateString Console.ReadLine() //
    get the tax rate from user
  • // convert from string to floating point
  • float taxRate Single.Parse(
    taxRateString )
  • // Now compute total
  • float total amount (1 taxRate)

Constructing output strings
  • int x 12 double y 13.4 float z
    12f char c 'a'
  • string s1 "The sum of " x " and " y "
    is " (xy) Console.WriteLine(s1)
  • s1 "The diff between " x2 " and "
    y/2 " is " (x2 - y/2)
  • Console.WriteLine(s1)
  • s1 (x y).ToString()
  • s1 12.ToString() s1 13
  • s1 "" s1 s1 z
  • s1 "" s1 s1 (z c)
  • s1 "" s1 s1 z / c

Numeric Formatting
  • The full syntax for the format string is
  • where N is the parameter number, M is the field
    width and justification, and FormatString
    specifies how numeric data should be displayed.
  • Item Meaning
  • C Display the number as currency, using the
    local currency symbol and conventions.
  • D Display the number as a decimal integer.
  • E Display the number by using exponential
    (scientific) notation.
  • F Display the number as a fixed-point value.
  • G Display the number as either fixed point or
    integer, depending on which format is the most
  • N Display the number with embedded commas.
  • X Display the number by using hexadecimal

Format Specifiers Example1
  • using System
  • public class FormatSpecApp
  • public static void Main(string args)
  • int i 123456
  • Console.WriteLine("0C", i) // 123,456.00
  • Console.WriteLine("0D", i) // 123456
  • Console.WriteLine("0E", i) // 1.234560E005
  • Console.WriteLine("0F", i) // 123456.00
  • Console.WriteLine("0G", i) // 123456 general
  • Console.WriteLine("0N", i) // 123,456.00
  • Console.WriteLine("0P", i) // 12,345,600.00
  • Console.WriteLine("0X", i) // 1E240

Format Specifier Example 2
  • Console.WriteLine("Currency formatting - 0C
    1C4", 88.8,888.8)
  • Console.WriteLine("Integer formatting - 0D5",
  • Console.WriteLine("Exponential formatting -
    0E", 888.8)
  • Console.WriteLine("Fixed-point formatting -
  • Console.WriteLine("General formatting - 0G",
  • Console.WriteLine("Number formatting - 0N",
  • Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal formatting -
    0X4", 88)

Format Specifiers
Numeric String Parsing
  • All the numeric types have a Parse method, which
    takes the string representation of a number and
    returns you its equivalent numeric value.
  • string t " -1,234,567.890 "
  • //double g double.Parse(t) // Same thing
  • double g double.Parse(t, NumberStyles.Any)
  • Console.WriteLine("g 0F", g)
  • The NumberStyles is in System.Globalization

(No Transcript)
Numeric String Parsing
  • If you also want to accommodate a currency
    symbol, you need the third Parse overload, which
    takes a NumberFormatInfo object as a parameter
  • using System
  • using System.Globalization
  • public class FormatSpecApp
  • public static void Main(string args)
  • string u " -1,234,567.890 "
  • NumberFormatInfo ni new NumberFormatInfo()
  • ni.CurrencySymbol ""
  • double h double.Parse(u, NumberStyles.Any,
  • Console.WriteLine("h 0F", h) // h

Strings and DateTime
  • A DateTime object stores the date and time

using System public class DatesApp public
static void Main(string args) DateTime
dt DateTime.Now //now is property
Console.WriteLine(dt) Console.WriteLine("
date 0, time 1\n", dt.Date,
Boxing and Unboxing
  • When you change from value type ? reference type
    there is a boxing operation, and when you change
    from a reference type ? value type there is an
    unboxing operation.
  • Example int f 42 // Value type.
  • object b f // f is boxed to b.
  • int x (int)b // Unboxed back to int.
  • Note
  • Can Unbox only previously boxed value types.
  • Can not unbox reference types

  • using System
  • namespace box
  • enum colorred,green
  • struct student
  • public int id // must be public in order
    to accessable
  • public char gender
  • class Program
  • static void Main(string args)
  • color c color.green
  • int f 42 // Value type.
  • student s
  • s.id 11
  • s.gender 'f'

Example Continue
  • object b f // f is boxed to b.
  • object cc c
  • object dd s
  • Console.WriteLine(cc.ToString())
  • cc b
  • Console.WriteLine(cc.ToString())//42
  • int x (int)b // Unboxed back to
  • color co (color)cc
  • Console.WriteLine(co.ToString())
  • student ss (student)dd //Unboxed
    back to student
  • Console.WriteLine(ss.id) //11
  • Console.WriteLine(ss.gender) //'f'

Boxing and Unboxing
Boxing and Unboxing
This Queue can then be used for reference types
and value types
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