Title: Chloroplasts
1Chloroplasts compartment size organelle
population signalling, and the uncovering of
chloroplast master switches.
2A tomato mutant with enhanced antioxidants (hp2)
- shows enhanced plastid development, and - is
defective in a repressors of photomorphogenesis
3A cells plastid complement is dramatically
affected by loss of LsDET1
4Loss of LsDET1 leads to at least a doubling in
plastid complement
5Fruit-specific silencing of LsDET1 also leads to
increased cellular plastid compartment
wild type
The increase can also be measured as
plastome/genome ratio
(Plants of Davuluri et al. 2005, Nature Biotech.
7 890-895)
6Importantly, increased plastid compartment can be
achieved by combinations of increases in plastid
size and number
Plastid growth matters
7Tight control of the total cellular plastid
complement has long been known in cereal leaves
(Pyke and Leech 1987, Planta 170 416-420)
Since plastid growth results from the expression
of nuclear genes, this implies plastid
compartment size retrograde signalling
8Chloroplast biogenesis can be followed as part of
a whole transcriptome analysis of leaf initiation
in the light (distinguishing the shoot apex and
the cotyledons)
9Indeed light upregulates specifically in the
shoot apex components of the plastid division
process, but this is unlikely to be the driving
force in chloroplast accumulation. Many other
processes occur.
10Combined examination of biochemically-unrelated
chloroplast biogenesis genes reveals the
existence of modules of corregulated genes.