Title: Zyprexa documents ppt 1.
1Zyprexa documents ppt 1.
- This powerpoint has a selection of pages from
documents to do with marketing issues.
2What are the Zyprexa Documents
- Class action court case v Eli-Lilly re alleged
with-holding of ADEs data (wght gain and
diabetes) and off-label marketing (dementia and
subsyndromal mood swings). - Subpoenaed internal company documents.
- Lawyer (Gottstein), public health physician
expert witness (Egilman), New York Times
journalist (Berenson) December 2006. - 358 files, copious data re int memos, powerpoint
pres, marketing strategies - Website www.furiousseasons.com (Dawdy) and a
German website. - Judge ordered cannot be retrieved from internet.
3What are the Zyprexa Documents
- Heavily downloaded from furiousseasons.com
- Form basis of journalist articles and web-blog
analyses. - Paper for academic literature (Spielmans)
- Provide insight into the goals and functioning of
a big pharmaceutical company.
4Issues raised
- Marketing for NCEs (New Clinical Entities) and
off-label indications. - Alternatively described as Disease Mongering to
increase sales. - Damage control, use of spin, possible
concealment re ADEs. - Sophistication of pharma companies in interacting
with (controlling?) customers. - physicians, pharmacists, hospitals/govt, allied
health, patient advocacy groups.
5ZY100035541 Olanzapine Lifeplan
- The Safer Clozapine
- Market is Schizophrenia.
- No mention of bipolar or dementia.
6ZY100035541 Olanzapine Lifeplan
7ZY100035541 Olanzapine Lifeplan
- The Safer Clozapine
- Market is Schizophrenia.
- No mention of bipolar or dementia.
8ZY100035541 Olanzapine Lifeplan
9ZY201548768 Betting the Farm
- Prozac patent due to expire August 2001.
10ZY201548768 Betting the Farm
11ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
12ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
13ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
14ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
15ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
16ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
17ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
18ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
19ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
20ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
21ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
22ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
23ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
24ZY200270343 Zyprexa Product Team summary 1997
25ZY100041262 PCP opportunity
26ZY100041262 PCP opportunity
27ZY100041262 PCP opportunity
28ZY100520662 Zyprexa primary care briefing
document 21July2000
29ZY100520662 Zyprexa primary care briefing
document 21July2000
30ZY100520662 Zyprexa primary care briefing
document 21July2000
31ZY100520662 Zyprexa primary care briefing
document 21July2000
32ZY100520662 Zyprexa primary care briefing
document 21July2000
33ZY100582035 Zyprexa Complicated Mood Project
34ZY201797499 email re driving depression story
since 98 Feb 2000
35(No Transcript)
36ZY200083405 PCP vision
37ZY200083405 PCP vision
38ZY200083405 PCP vision
39ZY200083405 PCP vision
40ZY200083405 PCP vision
41ZY100040886 Primary Care Physician strategy
42ZY100040886 Primary Care Physician strategy
43ZY100040886 Primary Care Physician strategy
44ZY100040886 Primary Care Physician strategy
45ZY200083622 Addressing PCP FAOC
46ZY200083622 Addressing PCP FAOC
47ZY200083622 Addressing PCP FAOC
48ZY200083622 Addressing PCP FAOC
49ZY 100175096Viva Zyprexa
50ZY 100175096 Viva ZyprexaPCPs/GPs financial
51ZY 100175096 Viva ZyprexaUnmet
52ZY 100175096 Viva ZyprexaUnmet
53ZY 100175096 Viva ZyprexaUnmet
54ZY 100175096 Viva ZyprexaUnmet
55ZY 100175096 Viva ZyprexaIncentives to sales reps
56ZY 100175096 Viva ZyprexaPhysician type casting
57ZY 100175096 Viva ZyprexaPhysician CME strategy
58ZY 100175096 Viva ZyprexaHave the customers
got the message?
59ZY 100175096 Viva Zyprexastudying and utilising
the customers
60ZY 100175096 Viva Zyprexa
- To the tune of
- Viva Las Vegas