Introduction to Hypothesis Testing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Hypothesis Testing


Order of Procedure State hyp about pop Before selecting a sample..use hyp to predict characteristics that sample ... we do not prove that H0 is true Nonsignificant ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

Chapter 8
  • Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

Name of the game
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Statistical method that uses sample data to
    evaluate a hypothesis about a population

Experimental Hypotheses
  • Experimental hypotheses describe the predicted
    outcome we may or may not find in an experiment.

Order of Procedure
  • State hyp about pop
  • Before selecting a sample..use hyp to predict
    characteristics that sample should have
  • Obtain random sample
  • Compare sample data w/ prediction made in hyp

Of interest to the researcher
  • Did the treatment have any effect on the
  • Must be large (significant) differences in means

New Statistical Notation
  • The symbol for greater than is gt.
  • The symbol for less than is lt.
  • The symbol for greater than or equal tois .
  • The symbol for less than or equal tois .
  • The symbol for not equal to is ?.

The Role of Inferential Statistics in Research
Sampling Error
  • Remember
  • Sampling error results when random chance
    produces a sample statistic that does not equal
    the population parameter it represents.

Setting up Inferential Procedures
Null Hypothesis H0
  • The null hypothesis describes the population
    parameters that the sample data represent if the
    predicted relationship does not exist.

Alternative Hypothesis H1
  • The alternative hypothesis describes the
    population parameters that the sample data
    represent if the predicted relationship exists.

A Graph Showing the Existence of a Relationship
A Graph Showing That a Relationship Does Not
Interpreting Significant Results
  • When we reject H0 and accept H1, we do not prove
    that H0 is false
  • While it is unlikely for a mean that lies within
    the rejection region to occur, the sampling
    distribution shows that such means do occur once
    in a while

Failing to Reject H0
  • When the statistic does not fall beyond the
    critical value, the statistic does not lie within
    the region of rejection, so we do not reject H0
  • When we fail to reject H0 we say the results are
    nonsignificant. Nonsignificant indicates that the
    results are likely to occur if the predicted
    relationship does not exist in the population.

Interpreting Nonsignificant Results
  • When we fail to reject H0, we do not prove that
    H0 is true
  • Nonsignificant results provide no convincing
    evidenceone way or the otheras to whether a
    relationship exists in nature

Errors in Statistical Decision Making
Type I Errors
  • A Type I error is defined as rejecting H0 when H0
    is true
  • In a Type I error, there is so much sampling
    error that we conclude that the predicted
    relationship exists when it really does not
  • The theoretical probability of a Type I error
    equals a

Alpha a
  • Probability that the test will lead to a Type I
  • Alpha level determines the probability of
    obtaining sample data in the critical region even
    though the null hypo is true

Type II Errors
  • A Type II error is defined as retaining H0 when
    H0 is false (and H1 is true)
  • In a Type II error, the sample mean is so close
    to the m described by H0 that we conclude that
    the predicted relationship does not exist when it
    really does
  • The probability of a Type II error is b

  • The goal of research is to reject H0 when H0 is
  • The probability of rejecting H0 when it is false
    is called power

Possible Results of Rejecting or Retaining H0
Parametric Statistics
  • Parametric statistics are procedures that require
    certain assumptions about the characteristics of
    the populations being represented. Two
    assumptions are common to all parametric
  • The population of dependent scores forms a normal
  • and
  • The scores are interval or ratio.

Nonparametric Procedures
  • Nonparametric statistics are inferential
    procedures that do not require stringent
    assumptions about the populations being

Robust Procedures
  • Parametric procedures are robust. If the data
    dont meet the assumptions of the procedure
    perfectly, we will have only a negligible amount
    of error in the inferences we draw.

Predicting a Relationship
  • A two-tailed test is used when we predict that
    there is a relationship, but do not predict the
    direction in which scores will change.
  • A one-tailed test is used when we predict the
    direction in which scores will change.

The One-Tailed Test
One-Tailed Hypotheses
  • In a one-tailed test, if it is hypothesized that
    the independent variable causes an increase in
    scores, then the null hypothesis is that the
    population mean is less than or equal to a given
    value and the alternative hypothesis is that the
    population mean is greater than the same value.
    For example
  • H0 m 50
  • Ha m gt 50

A Sampling Distribution Showing the Region of
Rejection for a One-tailed Test of Whether Scores
One-Tailed Hypotheses
  • In a one-tailed test, if it is hypothesized that
    the independent variable causes a decrease in
    scores, then the null hypothesis is that the
    population mean is greater than or equal to a
    given value and the alternative hypothesis is
    that the population mean is less than the same
    value. For example
  • H0 m 50
  • Ha m lt 50

A Sampling Distribution Showing the Region of
Rejection for a One-tailed Test of Whether Scores
Choosing One-Tailed Versus Two-Tailed Tests
  • Use a one-tailed test only when confident of the
    direction in which the dependent variable scores
    will change. When in doubt, use a two-tailed test.

Performing the z-Test
The z-Test
  • The z-test is the procedure for computing a
    z-score for a sample mean on the sampling
    distribution of means.

Assumptions of the z-Test
  1. We have randomly selected one sample
  2. The dependent variable is at least approximately
    normally distributed in the population and
    involves an interval or ratio scale
  3. We know the mean of the population of raw scores
    under some other condition of the independent

Setting up for a Two-Tailed Test
  1. Choose alpha. Common values are 0.05 and 0.01.
  2. Locate the region of rejection. For a two-tailed
    test, this will involve defining an area in both
    tails of the sampling distribution.
  3. Determine the critical value. Using the chosen
    alpha, find the zcrit value that gives the
    appropriate region of rejection.

A Sampling Distribution for H0 Showing the
Region of Rejection for a 0.05 in a Two-tailed
Two-Tailed Hypotheses
  • In a two-tailed test, the null hypothesis states
    that the population mean equals a given value.
    For example, H0 m 100.
  • In a two-tailed test, the alternative hypothesis
    states that the population mean does not equal
    the same given value as in the null hypothesis.
    For example, Ha m ? 100.

Computing z
Rejecting H0
  • When the zobt falls beyond the critical value,
    the statistic lies in the region of rejection, so
    we reject H0 and accept Ha
  • When we reject H0 and accept Ha we say the
    results are significant. Significant indicates
    that the results are too unlikely to occur if the
    predicted relationship does not exist in the

Interpreting Significant Results
  • When we reject H0 and accept Ha, we do not prove
    that H0 is false
  • While it is unlikely for a mean that lies within
    the rejection region to occur, the sampling
    distribution shows that such means do occur once
    in a while

Failing to Reject H0
  • When the zobt does not fall beyond the critical
    value, the statistic does not lie within the
    region of rejection, so we do not reject H0
  • When we fail to reject H0 we say the results are
    nonsignificant. Nonsignificant indicates that the
    results are likely to occur if the predicted
    relationship does not exist in the population.

Interpreting Nonsignificant Results
  • When we fail to reject H0, we do not prove that
    H0 is true
  • Nonsignificant results provide no convincing
    evidenceone way or the otheras to whether a
    relationship exists in nature

Summary of the z-Test
  1. Determine the experimental hypotheses and create
    the statistical hypothesis
  • Set up the sampling distribution
  • Compare zobt to zcrit
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