Title: Chapter 14 (part I) WSN: Coverage and Energy Conservation
1Chapter 14 (part I)WSN Coverage and Energy
- ?????? ?????
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- Prof. Yu-Chee Tseng
2Research Issues in Sensor Networks
- Hardware (2000)
- CPU, memory, sensors, etc.
- Protocols (2002)
- MAC layers
- Routing and transport protocols
- Applications (2004)
- Localization and positioning applications
- Management (2008)
- Coverage and connectivity problems
- Power management
- etc.
3Coverage Problems
- In general
- Determine how well the sensing field is monitored
or tracked by sensors. - Possible Approaches
- Geometric Problems
- Level of Exposure
- Area Coverage
- Coverage
- Coverage and Connectivity
- Coverage-Preserving and Energy-Conserving Problem
4Review Art Gallery Problem
- Place the minimum number of cameras such that
every point in the art gallery is monitored by at
least one camera.
5Review Circle Covering Problem
- Given a fixed number of identical circles, the
goal is to minimize the radius of circles.
6Level of Exposure
- Breach and support paths
- paths on which the distance from any point to the
closest sensor is maximized and minimized - Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation
- Exposure paths
- Consider the duration that an object is monitored
by sensors
7Coverage and Connectivity
- Extending the coverage such that connectivity is
maintained. - A region is k-covered, then the sensor network is
k-connected if RC ? 2RS
8Coverage-Preserving and Energy-Conserving
- Sensors' on-duty time should be properly
scheduled to conserve energy. - This can be done if some nodes share the common
sensing region. - Question Which sensors below can be turned off?
9The Coverage Problems in 2D Spaces
10Coverage Problems
- In general
- To determine how well the sensing field is
monitored or tracked by sensors - Sensors may be randomly deployed
11Coverage Problems
- We formulate this problem as
- Determine whether every point in the service area
of the sensor network is covered by at least a
sensors - This is called sensor acoverage problem.
- Why a sensors?
- Fault tolerance, quality of service
- applications localization, object tracking,
video surveillance
12The 2D Coverage Problem
So this area is not 1-covered!
This region is not covered by any sensor!
Is this area 1-covered?
This area is not only 1-covered, but also
What is the coverage level of this area?
1-covered means that every point in this area is
covered by at least 1 sensor
2-covered means that every point in this area is
covered by at least 2 sensors
Coverage level a means that this area is
13Sensing and Communication Ranges
1Honghai Zhang and Jennifer C. Hou, On deriving
the upper bound of a-lifetime for large sensor
networks,'' Proc. ACM Mobihoc 2004, June 2004
- Each sensor is aware of its geographic location
and sensing radius. - Each sensor can communicate with its neighbors.
- Difficulties
- There are an infinite number of points in any
small field. - A better way O(n2) regions can be divided by n
circles - How to determine all these regions?
15The Proposed Solution
- We try to look at how the perimeter of each
sensors sensing range is covered. - How a perimeter is covered implies how an area is
covered - by the continuity of coverage of a region
- By collecting perimeter coverage of each sensor,
the level of coverage of an area can be
determined. - a distributed solution
16How to calculate the perimeter cover of a sensor?
Si is 2-perimeter-covered
17Relationship between k-covered and
- THEOREM. Suppose that no two sensors are located
in the same location. The whole network area A is
k-covered iff each sensor in the network is
18Detailed Algorithm
- Each sensor independently calculates its
perimeter-covered. - k mineach sensors perimeter coverage
- Time complexity nd log(d)
- n number of sensors
- d number of neighbors of a sensor
19Simulation Results
20A Toolkit
- An important multi-level coverage problem!
- We have proposed efficient polynomial-time
solutions. - Simulation results and a toolkit based on
proposed solutions are presented.
22The Coverage Problem in 3D Spaces
23The 3D Coverage Problem
What is the coverage level of this 3D area?
24The 3D Coverage Problem
- Problem Definition
- Given a set of sensors in a 3D sensing field, is
every point in this field covered by at least a
sensors? - Assumptions
- Each sensor is aware of its own location as well
as its neighbors locations. - The sensing range of each sensor is modeled by a
3D ball. - The sensing ranges of sensors can be non-uniform.
25Overview of Our Solution
- The Proposed Solution
- We reduce the geometric problem
- from a 3D space to one in a 2D space,
- and then from a 2D space to one in a 1D space.
26Reduction Technique (I)
- 3D gt 2D
- To determine whether the whole sensing field is
sufficiently covered, we look at the spheres of
all sensors - Theorem 1 If each sphere is a-sphere-covered,
then the sensing field is a-covered. - Sensor si is a-sphere-covered if all points on
its sphere are sphere-covered by at least a
sensors, i.e., on or within the spheres of at
least a sensors.
27Reduction Technique (II)
- 2D gt 1D
- To determine whether each sensors sphere is
sufficiently covered, we look at how each
spherical cap and how each circle of the
intersection of two spheres is covered. - (refer to the next page)
- Corollary 1 Consider any sensor si. If each
point on Si is a-cap-covered, then sphere Si is
a-sphere-covered. - A point p is a-cap-covered if it is on at least a
28Cap and Circle
- p is 2-cap-covered (by Cap(i, j) and Cap(i, k)).
30Reduction Technique (III)
- 2D gt 1D
- Theorem 2 Consider any sensor si and each of its
neighboring sensor sj. If each circle Cir(i, j)
is a-circle-covered, then the sphere Si is
a-cap-covered. - A circle is a-circle-covered if every point on
this circle is covered by at least a caps.
- Cir(i, j) is 1-circle-covered (by Cap(i, k)).
Cap(i, k)
Cir(i, j)
32Reduction Technique (IV)
- 2D gt 1D
- By stretching each circle on a 1D line, the level
of circle coverage can be easily determined. - This can be done by our 2-D coverage solution.
33Reduction Example
34Reduction Example
35Calculating the Circle Coverage
36Calculating the Circle Coverage
37Calculating the Circle Coverage
38Calculating the Circle Coverage
39The Complete Algorithm
- Each sensor si independently calculates the
circle coverage of each of the circle on its
sphere. - sphere coverage of si
- min circle coverage of all circles on Si
- overall coverage min sphere coverage of all
- To calculate the sphere coverage of one sensor
O(d2logd) - d is the maximum number of neighbors of a sensor
- Overall O(nd2logd)
- n is the number of sensors in this field
41Short Summary
- We define the coverage problem in a 3D space.
- Proposed solution
- 3D gt 2D gt 1D
- Network Coverage gt Sphere Coverage gt Circle
Coverage - Applications
- Deploying sensors
- Reducing on-duty time of sensors
42A Decentralized Energy-Conserving,
Coverage-Preserving Protocol
- Goal prolong the network lifetime
- Schedule sensors on-duty time
- Put as many sensors into sleeping mode as
possible - Meanwhile active nodes should maintain sufficient
coverage - Two protocols are proposed
- basic scheme (by Yan, He, and Stankovic, in ACM
SenSys 2003) - energy-based scheme (by Tseng, IEEE ISCAS 2005)
44Basic Scheme
- Two phases
- Initialization phase
- Message exchange
- Calculate each sensors working schedule in the
next phase - Sensing phase
- This phase is divided into multiple rounds.
- In each round, a sensor has its own working
schedule. - Reference time
- Each sensor will randomly generate a number in
the range 0, cycle_length as its reference
45Structure of Sensors Working Cycles
- Theorem
- If each intersection point between any two
sensors boundaries is always covered, then the
whole sensing field is always covered. - Basic Idea
- Each sensor i and its neighbors will share the
responsibility, in a time division manner, to
cover each intersection point.
46An Example (to calculate sensor as working
Round 1
Round 2
Round n
Sensing phase
Initial phase
Initial phase
Round i
47more details
- The above will also be done by sensors b, c, and
d. - This will guarantee that all intersection points
of sensors boundaries will be covered over the
time domain.
48Energy-Based Scheme
- goal based on remaining energy of sensors
- Nodes with more remaining energies should work
longer. - Each round is logically separated into two zones
- larger zone 3T/4
- smaller zone T/4.
- Reference time selection
- If a nodes remaining energy is larger than ½ of
its neighbors, randomly choose a reference time
in the larger zone. - Otherwise, choose a reference time in the smaller
zone. - Work schedule selection
- based on energy (refer to the next page)
49Energy-Based Scheme (cont.)
- Frontp,i and Backp,i are also selected based on
remaining energies.
Round i
50Two Enhancements
- k-Coverage-Preserving Protocol
- (omitted)
- active time optimization
- Longest Schedule First (LSF)
- Shortest Lifetime First (SLF)
51Simulation Results
52Simulation Results (cont.)
- A distributed node-scheduling protocol
- Conserve energy
- Preserve coverage
- Handle k-coverage problem
- Advantage
- Distribute energy consumption among nodes
- a survey of solutions to the coverage problems
- Both in 2D and 3D spaces
- a survey of solutions to coverage-preserving,
energy-conserving problems - Fairly distribute sensors energy expenditure
- C.-F. Huang and Y.-C. Tseng, The Coverage
Problem in a Wireless Sensor Network, ACM Mobile
Networking and Applications (MONET), Special
Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks. - C.-F. Huang and Y.-C. Tseng, A Survey of
Solutions to the Coverage Problems in Wireless
Sensor Networks, Journal of Internet Technology,
Special Issue on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor
Networks. - C.-F. Huang and Y.-C. Tseng, The Coverage
Problem in a Wireless Sensor Network, ACM Intl
Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and
Applications (WSNA) (in conjunction with ACM
MobiCom), 2003. - C.-F. Huang, Y.-C. Tseng, and Li-Chu Lo, The
Coverage Problem in Three-Dimensional Wireless
Sensor Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM, 2004. - C.-F. Huang, L.-C. Lo, Y.-C. Tseng, and W.-T.
Chen, Decentralized Energy-Conserving and
Coverage-Preserving Protocols for Wireless Sensor
Networks, Intl Symp. on Circuits and Systems
(ISCAS), 2005.