Title: Foreign Exchange Trading (FOREX): Analysis
1Foreign Exchange Trading (FOREX)Analysis
ManagementEconomic Indicators
- Prepared and presented by
- Dr. Ahmad Khasawneh
2FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Analyzing the data
- Evaluating data changes (over time, compared to
the market participant forecast, relative to the
business cycle, compared to previous periods
average, normal range). - Assessing whether the data change is significant
or not.
3FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- U.S. Economics Statistics
- Unemployment is the percentage of the unemployed
people to the total labor force in the economy.
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
Very High 0330 PM First Friday of the month Prior Month
4FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Employment Decrease U.S. Dollar -
Unemployment increase will
- Employment Increase U.S. Dollar -
Unemployment Decrease will
5FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Employment tends to grow the fastest during the
recovery phase of the cycle 260k per month. - Employment tends to grow 100k faster during the
rapid growth phase than the slower phase. - The significant unemployment rate change is about
6FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
Very High (for initial estimate of quarter) 0330 PM About the 20th day of the month Prior Quarter
7FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- GDP Decrease U.S. Dollar will
depreciate - GDP Increase U.S. Dollar
will appreciate
- 0.1pp on a quarter to quarter basis is the
minimum - significant Variation.
8FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
High 0330 PM About the 10th day of the month Prior Month
9FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- CPI Decrease U.S. Dollar will
depreciate - CPI Increase U.S. Dollar
will appreciate
- The normal range of the CPI change lies between
- 0.1 - 0.5.
10FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Producer Price Index (PPI)
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
High 0330 PM About the 10th day of the month Prior Month
11FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- PPI Decrease U.S. Dollar will
depreciate - PPI Increase U.S. Dollar
will appreciate
- The normal range of the CPI change lies between
- 0.0 - 0.5.
12FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Employment Cost Index (ECI)
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
Moderate 0330 PM Last Thursday of the 1st month of the new quarter Prior Quarter
13FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- ECI Decrease U.S. Dollar will
appreciate - ECI Increase U.S. Dollar
will depreciate
- The average quarterly increase in the ECI was
- 1.2 and 1.4 in the recession and recovery,
- and 1.1 in the expansion.
14FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Average Hourly Earnings
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
Moderate 0330 PM 1st Friday of the month Prior Quarter
15FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Hourly Earning Decrease U.S.
Dollar will depreciate - Hourly Earning
Increase U.S. Dollar will appreciate
16FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- National Association Purchasing Manager (NAPM)
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
High 0330 PM First day of the month Prior month
17FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- NAPM Decrease U.S. Dollar will
depreciate - NAPM Increase U.S.
Dollar will appreciate
- The diffusion index can range between 0 and 100
- percent. With 50 implying no net change
- above 50 suggesting improvement and below
- 50 represent a contraction.
18FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Retail Sales
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
High 0330 PM Mid of the month Prior Quarter
19FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Retail Sales Decrease U.S.
Dollar will depreciate - Retail Sales
Increase U.S. Dollar will appreciate
- The normal range of retail sales 0.0 - 1.2.
- The normal range of retail sales ex-auto
- 0.1 - 1.0.
20FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Home Sales
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
Moderate 0400 PM Near the end of the month Prior Quarter
21FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Home Sales Decrease U.S. Dollar
will depreciate - Home Sales Increase
U.S. Dollar will appreciate
22FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Car and Truck Sales
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
Moderate Between the first and third day of the new month Prior Month
23FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Car Truck Sales Decrease U.S.
Dollar will depreciate - Car Truck Sales
Increase U.S. Dollar will appreciate
24FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Consumer Confidence Measures
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
Moderate 0500 pm last Tuesday of the month Prior Month
25FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Consumer Confidence Decrease U.S.
Dollar will depreciate - Consumer Confidence
Increase U.S. Dollar will appreciate
26FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Personal Income and Consumption
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
High 0330 PM About the 10th day of the month Prior Month
27FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Income Consumption Decrease U.S.
Dollar will depreciate - Income
Consumption Increase U.S. Dollar will
28FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Durable Goods Orders and Shipments
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
Moderate up to High 0330 PM around the 10th business day of the month Prior Month
29FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Orders Shipments Decrease U.S.
Dollar will depreciate - Orders Shipments
Increase U.S. Dollar will appreciate
30FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- International Trade of Goods and Services
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
Moderate 0330 PM Third week of the month Prior two month
31FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Trade Balance Deficit Increase
U.S. Dollar will depreciate - Trade Balance
Surplus Increase U.S. Dollar will
32FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Unemployment Insurance Claim
Market Significance Typical Released Time Period Covered
Moderate 0330 pm Every Thursday Prior Week Ending Saturday
33FOREX Fundamental Analysis The Economics
- Jobless Claims Decrease U.S.
Dollar will appreciate - Jobless Claims
Increase U.S. Dollar will depreciate