Title: ELEC4601 Microprocessor systems Lab 1 Tutorial
1ELEC4601 Microprocessor systemsLab 1 Tutorial
2Teaching Assistants
Teaching Assistants Office Hours Email (_at_doe.carleton.ca)
Khadim Dia TBA kdia
Vahidin Aki Jupic AP332 Tuesday 130-230pm vjupic (or v.a.jupic_at_gmail.com)
Haizheng Guo TBA hguo1
3General Information
- Groups of TWO
- Before entering labs
- 2 prelabs 1 cover-page
- Cover-page will contain your marks (signed by
TA) - 1 week after the lab
- Submit 1 (ONE) lab report per group (attach both
prelabs and the cover-page with the report)
Pre Lab
Cover Page
Pre Lab
4Things To Do Immediately
- Buy a set of Lab manuals from IEEE office (3rd
floor, ME) - Everyone must have own copy
- Collect Lab package (contains 3 parts)
- Intel 8086 manual
- SDK manual
- Peripheral manual
- One (1) for each group
- You need to deposit 20 for a copy
5Before You come to the Lab
- BEFORE coming to the lab
- Make a photo copy of the lab pages from lab
manual - Complete ALL the pre-lab requirements before
coming to the lab (Do not work on pre-lab during
lab time) - From the course website
- Download the labs .asm files and save them onto
your own USB drive - Download the labs cover page, print it and
bring it
6Lab Cover Page
Fill up the top portion only One cover page per
7General Instructions for Labs
- At the START of the lab
- TA check your pre-lab, mark and initial it
- You will be asked questions to determine your
understanding of the pre-lab - A demo on the lab will be given at the beginning
of the lab by a TA at the beginning of the lab - When you finish EACH PART of the lab
- Show your work to a TA and have initial on cover
page - At the END of the lab
- TA will ask question to find our your level of
understanding on the lab - TA will put marks and initial lab-demo section
8Report Instructions
- Submission
- Submit all required sections of the lab report.
- Attach printed copies of codes (commented).
Indicate CLEARLY which sections of code you have
written. - Deadline
- Reports are due one week after your lab-day by
4PM in the boxes on the 4th floor of the
Mackenzie building near stairs (between first and
second blocks). - Reports will be returned in your next lab. YOU
are responsible for picking up your reports.
9Lab Marking Scheme
Pre-lab 5 marks CompletionDemo 5
marks QA 5 marks Report 10
marks Total 25 marks Late Submission
Penalty -1 marks/day
Each lab weighs 4 towards final marks (5
labs) Total lab weighs towards final marks 20
10Lab 1
- Familiarization with SDK-86
11Lab 1 Instructions Part A
- Part A
- Pre-lab Preparation
- Read about EB,EW,MV,ER,GO instructions in the
SDK manual - Review memory addressing for the Intel 8086
(ie. SegmentOffset) - Gain familiarity with the SDK-86 board
- View and modify memory and registers
12Lab 1 Instructions Part B,C
- Part B
- Pre-lab Preparation
- Encode the necessary instructions with help from
the course notes, and the 8086 reference manual. - Manually input lab1B.asm into the SDK-86 and
execute it. - Part C
- Pre-lab Preparation
- Save lab1B.asm onto a USB drive
- Assemble, link and download code from the PC to
the SDK
13Lab 1 Instructions Part D
- Part D
- Pre-lab Preparation
- With help from the 8086 reference manual,
implement the WAIT subroutine to wait one second.
Bring this code (lab1D.asm) on your USB drive. - Demonstrate to the TA that your code (written in
the prelab) successfully implements the WAIT
subroutine described in the lab manual.
14SDK-86 board on desk
SDK Board
15SDK-86 board keypad and display
Know the ICs mentioned in the manual
16SDK-86 board multi-function keys
17Online help
- http//library.n0i.net/hardware/i8086opcodes
- http//www.emu8086.com/assembler_tutorial/
See you next week!