Title: 25
1Sunrise on 11/3/13 in Canton, the top of the sun
touches the horizon 21 south of east.
64123 am
25 south of east
2When the sun is fully above the horizon, part of
it is blocked by the eclipsing moon. Maximum
eclipse was at about 636 am.
64431 am
25 south of east
3The eclipsing moon is fully above the horizon.
64642 am
25 south of east
4By 7 am, the eclipsed sun is only a couple
degrees above the horizon only visible above a
very low eastern horizon (as seen from a hill or
Adirondack peak!)
70042 am
25 south of east
5When the eclipse ends, the sun is only 5 above
the horizon. Now well have to wait for 10/23/14
for the next partial eclipse!
71142 am
25 south of east