Title: It's A Mystery!
1It's A Mystery!
Drawing Conclusions
2Drawing Conclusions
Good readers
think about what they read in the story
what they already know.
A conclusion is the decision they make when they
put these two things together.
3For Example
People were sitting in
chairs. The room was
dark. They were looking at a big screen. Where
were they?
I know people might sit to watch things.
I know we might watch movies in the dark.
I know they were looking at a big screen.
They must be at a movie theatre!
4Let's Try Again!
I know that there are several sports you can play.
Its a sport. You play it with a round
ball. You throw the ball through a hoop.
Baseball, basketball, soccer???
What sports use a round ball and throw it through
a hoop???
5Your Turn!!
I know that stars, comets, asteroids, planets,
moons all orbit stars.
It orbits a star. It spins on its axis. Some
planets have several of these.
I know that moons and planets both have an axis.
I know it cant be a planet because it tells me
that it orbits a planet. So, what orbits a
A moon!!
6Last Time!!!
This animal lives in the ocean. It has smooth
gray skin. It has a blowhole. It is a mammal.
Both sharks and dolphins have smooth gray skin.
Sharks live in the ocean. So do whales and
dolphins and many kinds of fish.
A dolphin!!
Sharks are not mammals. It must be a dolphin.
7Drawing Conclusions
- Read the following passage. As you read, ask
What is the text telling me?
What do I already know?
8- In the bottom of the ninth, the Hornets were
leading 7 to 4. The Jays had two outs. With
three Jays on base and Lefty Homer Brooks at
bat, anything could happen. Deep in right field,
Mike punched his glove. -
I know that all these terms have to do with
The text tells me that this game is close.
Anybody could win at this point.
9- CRACK! Mike squinted into the bright sky until
the spinning circle appeared, as tiny as a golf
ball. He held his breath as it got closer and
closer. He leaped and reached. Suddenly, he
felt the sting of a catch. Grinning, he ran to
join his teammates.