Title: Disorders First Apparent in Childhood
1Disorders First Apparent in Childhood
2Why first apparent?
- Childhood disorders may continue into adulthood
- Childhood disorders may lead to other adult
disorders - Childhood disorders may impact development
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Learning Disorders/Communication Disorders
- Autism Aspergers Disorder
- Mental Retardation (Axis II)
- Conduct Disorder Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Selective Mutism
4Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Inattention
- lack of focus on detail careless mistakes
- difficulty with sustained attn
- not listening when spoken to
- fails to follow through on tasks
- organizational problems
- dislikes sustained effort
- easily distracted
- forgetful in daily activities
5Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Hyperactivity/Impulsivity
- Fidgets or squirms in seat
- Leaves seat when it is inappropriate
- Runs or climbs excessively
- Difficulty playing quietly
- Is often on the go or acts as if driven by a
- Talks excessively
- Blurts out answers before questions are finished
- Difficulty waiting for his/her turn
- Disrupts or interrupts others
- Symptoms are usually evident before school-age,
but more relevant in that setting - Symptoms must be present in more than one setting
- 5 of school-age children have ADHD (drops with
- Significant social impairments
- Academic problems
- Comorbid with mood disorders, learning
disorders, substance use, APD, neurological
problems, physical accidents and injury
8What Happens When they Grow Up?
- Adults may self-select environments that result
in less noticeable symptoms - 68 have attention problems in adulthood
- Only 30 of children retain the diagnosis in
adolescence, and 10 in young adulthood - 25 do not finish school
- 1/5 develop APD w/ high levels of crime
9What Causes ADHD?
- Large genetic component
- Subtle brain differences
- Smaller brain volume
- Association with maternal smoking
- 2-3 times more likely
- Inability to inhibit behavior
- Executive functioning deficit (goals, planning)
10What Causes ADHD?
- Is the real problem our regimented modern
classrooms? - Decreased time for active play
- Change in environment penalizes students who
would be normal under different circumstances - Little evidence of brain abnormalities
- ADHD looks like extreme playfulness
- Function well outside the classroom (no control)
11Does Diet Affect ADHD?
- Some argue that dietary additives affect/cause
ADHD (e.g., food coloring) - Parents place children on special diets
- Evidence indicates that NO, diet is not
responsible for ADHD
12How do we treat ADHD?
- Stimulant medications
- Increase arousal and help focus attention
- Short half-life
- Stimulants do affect growth hormones and can
suppress appetite - Many children take only during school hours
- Drug holidays are recommended
- Use the lowest therapeutic dose
13How do we treat ADHD?
- Behavioral Therapy for Children
- Improve socialization skills
- Reinforce and reward improved behavior until the
environment is rewarding alone - Main techniques
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Contingency plans
- Cognitive therapy to increase awareness
14How do we treat ADHD?
- Behavioral Therapy for Parents
- Parents are trained in behavior management,
contingency management - Reduce family stress
- Psychoeducation can reduce family blame
- Best treatment is meds therapy
- Meds are often necessary for severe cases
15Learning Disorders
- Deficits in reading, math, or written expression
- Childs achievement level is below what would be
predicted based upon their ability level - In DE, this difference must be present in less
than 4 of children of the same age to qualify
for services
16Learning Disorders
- Diagnosis based on comparison of those tests, in
those specific domains only - 5 of American students have a learning disorder
- Reading is most common
17Consequences of Learning Disorders
- Many drop out of school
- Low employment rates (60-70)
- Self-esteem problems
18Causes of Learning Disorders
- Genetic basis
- Almost 100 concordance between identical twins
- Neurological differences
- E.g., in sound recognition
19Treating Learning Disorders
- Treatment such as distinguishing sounds
- Children usually require educational
interventions - Extra time
- Additional practice and assistance
- Special education
- Earlier diagnosis better prognosis
20Communication Disorders
- Deficits in the ability to express or comprehend
verbal language - Expressive Language Disorder
- Phonological Disorder
- Stuttering
- Many are new categories to DSM-IV
- Usually the realm of Speech Language Pathologists
21Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Disruptions in social interaction communication
skills - Presence of stereotyped behaviors, interests,
and/or activities
22Symptoms of Autism
- Abnormal/delayed development
- Socially
- Communication
- Apparent by age 3 (20 report normal 1-2 years)
- Failure to engage (e.g., reciprocal interactions)
- Inappropriate facial expressions, body postures,
gestures, eye contact
23Symptoms of Autism
- Unable to form friendships - shared interests
- Social/emotional reciprocity
- Stereotypic behavior
- Self-destructive behavior
24Symptoms of Autism
- Functional language deficits
- No language at all
- Repeat others
- Pragmatic language deficits
- Integrate words with gestures
- Inability to understand irony, sarcasm, pretend
25Symptoms of Autism
- Restricted, repetitive, stereotyped behavior,
interests, activities - Abnormal in intensity/focus
- E.g. dates, phone numbers
- Lining up objects
- Inflexible patterns, routines, rituals
- Preoccupation with parts of interest
26Associated Features and Disorders
- Hyperactivity, short attention span, impulsivity,
aggressiveness - Self-injurious behavior temper tantrums
- Odd responses to sensory stimuli (e.g. high
threshold for pain, sensitive to sound, touch,
light) - Abnormal affect or fear reaction
27Aspergers Disorder
- Mild autism
- No significant delays in early language
- Other language may be odd and preoccupied with
certain topics - No delay in cognition or self-help skills,
adaptive behavior, curiosity about environment - Little concern in infancy, may seem precocious
- Usually noticed after entrance to school
28Prevalence Course
- 1 in every 166 births
- 41 boys to girls
- Deficits sometimes noticed early
- Some improve at school
- Some improve during adolescence, but others
deteriorate - IQ functional language predictors
29Causes of Autism Genetic Contributions
- Strongest genetic component
- Early studies thought not genetic
- But, hard to study
- 1 in 240,000 possible twin studies (1000 in US)
- Autistic adults unlikely to have children
- Autistic children have less siblings
30Twin Studies Solve the Mystery
- Heritability index .90 (risk)
- Genetically heterogeneous
- Unable to isolate genes
- Some evidence for viral infections during
31Causes of Autism Biological Abnormalities
- 75 neurological abnormalities
- Abnormal reflexes/muscle tone
- Perceptual/motor coordination
- Movement/posture problems
- Increase of seizures
- Reduced brain size
32Behavioral Treatments for Autism
- Decrease undesirable behavior shape desirable
- Positive reinforcement extinction
- Social punishment
- Families are important
- Language social skills
33Alternative Treatments for Autism
- Vitamins
- Other medications
- Diet
- Auditory Integration Training
- Facilitated Communication
34What are Alternative Treatments?
- Scientifically unverified
- Randomized control studies
- Replication
- Large samples
35Whats so bad about alternative treatments?
- They give parents false hope
- They can violate patient rights
- Can allow others to control decisions made by
patients - In some cases, have led to abuse allegations
36Facilitated Communication
- Provide assistance for communicating
- Alphabet board, computer, typewriter, etc
- Support hand/arm
- May isolate fingers
- Requires extensive training
- Produces (frees) unexpected literacy
- Shows normal/superior intelligence
- Provides a means to communicate (for those who
have no means, but otherwise would)
38What does the research say?
- Facilitators unintentionally influence
- May even actively influence
- Many well-designed studies
- Single- and double-blind
- Repeated measures
- Participant as control
39Auditory Integration Training
- Conduct detailed audiogram, determining which
frequencies sensitive to - Modify music by computer to remove those
frequencies - Listen to music 10 hours/day, at least twice a
day, for 10-12 days
40Auditory Integration Training
- Berard, France, 1960s (US in 1991)
- 1991 -gt published book cured 10 hours
- Autistic children (and other patients) are
hypersensitive to certain frequencies - Claims 76.2 of 1850 children very positive
- Improved attention
- Improved auditory processing
- Decreased irritability
- Reduced lethargy
- Improved expressive language
- Improved auditory comprehension
42The Critics
- No scientific evidence for hearing impairments in
autism - Inconsistent with medical knowledge re structure
mechanism of ear - No measurement is valid enough to discriminate
peaks of hypersensitivity - Weak, irrelevant, insignificant evidence
- Sound levels are unsafe
43The Best Type of Treatment
- Structured educational programs geared to the
persons developmental level of functioning - It is, however, important to be open-minded
- Majority of other treatments not scientifically
proven - Be educated
- Consider the individual child
- Do a thorough assessment and reevaluate
44Mental Retardation
- Sufficiently low cognitive ability (IQ)
- Significant social/functional impairment
45Assessing Cognitive Ability
- Intelligence - a collection of adaptive skills
- You can be good at one, but not another
- Intelligence effects our functioning
- IQ is normally distributed. Mean 100, SD 10
- Scores below 70 diagnostic of retardation
- 2-3 of the population falls below this cut-off
46Assessing Social/Functional Deficits
- Deficits must be present in 2 areas
- Communication
- Self-care
- Home living
- Interpersonal Skills
- Use of Community Resources
- Self-direction
- Functional academic skills
- Work
- Leisure
- Health Safety
47Levels of Mental Retardation
- Mild (IQ 50-55)
- Benefit from education (intense)
- Learn to read/write and do basic math
- Difficulties usually apparent after begin
schooling - May need supervision/guidance, but can live alone
with support - Profound (IQ below 20-25)
- Usually physical disorder accounts for problems
- Inability to manage even basic self-care tasks
48What Causes Mental Retardation?
- Chromosomal abnormalities (e.g., Downs syndrome
Fragile-X syndrome) - Downs syndrome leading cause of organic MR
- Moderate to severe
- Females with fragile x mild to moderate males
moderate to severe
49What Causes Mental Retardation?
- Genetic Problems
- PKU - lack of enzyme to break down phenylalanine
build-up causes brain damage - Normal at birth - diagnosis results in food
50What Causes Mental Retardation?
- Pregnancy and Birth Complications
- Fetal alcohol syndrome (detectable only in
infants exposed to large amounts) - Exposure to other drugs
- Therapeutic drugs (e.g., for seizures, bipolar,
Accutane for acne) - Radiation (e.g., for cancer)
- Infections, such as rubella
- Physical damage to head, blood supply during birth
51What Causes Mental Retardation?
- Cultural-Familial MR
- Low end of IQ due to development or environment
- Heritability index for IQ .60-.80
- Genes predominantly cause MR, environment has
less of an impact (But is important!) - Appropriate stimulation during certain periods is
necessary - E.g. child requires stimulation of certain brain
areas as they develop
52Behavior Disorders - Conduct Disorder
- A pervasive pattern of disrespect for rights of
others violation of rules/norms - Bullies, threatens, intimidates others
- Initiates physical fights, uses weapons
- Physically cruel to people and/or animals
- Stolen while confronting a victim
- Forced sexual activity
53Conduct Disorder
- Deliberately sets fires w/ intention of doing
damage or destroys property in other ways - Broken into someones house/building/car
- Lies to obtain goods or avoid responsibility
- Stolen costly items without confronting victim
- Stays out at night before age 13
- Has run away, overnight, gt2 times
- Is truant from school prior to age 13
54Conduct Disorder
- Children also have poor interpersonal skills
- Often experience peer rejection
- Seem to have problem-solving deficits
- Do not generate as many options as non-CD
children - Inability to take anothers perspective
- Interpret ambiguous gestures as hostile
- Prevalence 3-6 (boys 21)
55Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Pattern of negative, hostile, defiant behaviors
- Arguing for the sake of arguing, hostility toward
parents/teachers - Usually begins at home (which can impede
diagnosis) - May develop into later conduct disorder
- Typically emerge by age 8, est. 5-10 prevalence
56What Causes Conduct Disorders?
- Neurological differences
- Poor coordination, fine motor skills
- Usually have significantly lower IQ than peers
- Temperament
- Easily distressed, reactive to change, react to
intense stimuli (more likely behavior problems) - Family Links
- Parent with APD increases chances of CD
- Criminal and/or alcoholic parents
- Family history of aggression
57What Causes Conduct Disorders?
- Family Links cont..
- Poor maternal mental health, prenatal health
- Poor supervision
- Spousal aggression
- Lax, erratic and inconsistent parenting/discipline
- Less acceptance, warmth, affection, support
- Reinforce CD behavior, ignore/reward other
(coercive process) - Child-parent interactions are also bidirectional
58The Coercive Process
- Jimmys parents tell him to go to bed
- Jimmy refuses I want to play 1 more video
game! - Parent says No! Its late and you have school.
- Jimmy gets upset, hitting table, screaming Just
one more game. Youre mean - you never let me
have fun! - Parent feels guilty at having spent little time
together, and is too tired after work to argue -
says Okay, 1 more game - Jimmy stops screaming and plays his game
- Parent, relieved fight is over, goes to kitchen.
Does not monitor or play with child
59The Coercive Process
- What happens as a result of this process?
- Jimmy is rewarded for screaming
- Reward for screaming increased probability of
screaming in future - Parent is rewarded for giving in
- Parents likelihood of giving in is increased
- If this pattern is typical, it is a risk
factor. It also tends to escalate over time
60Conduct Disorder APD
- A minority of CD children develop Antisocial
Personality Disorder - Treatment for conduct disorder is of interest, as
preventing APD would reduce associated financial
and criminal costs to society - Remember, APD is untreatable!
61Treating CD and ODD
- Problem-Solving Skills
- Parent Management Training
- Family Therapy
- School Community Based Treatments
62Problem-Solving Skills
- Children tend to have poor problem-solving
interpret intentions/actions as hostile - Combines modeling, role-playing, and
reinforcement contingencies to increase
problem-solving and prosocial behavior
63Parent Training Family Therapy
- Break cycle of coercive process
- Promote prosocial behavior in child
- Apply proper discipline techniques by parent
- Increase reciprocity positive reinforcement
between family members
64Parent Training and Family Therapy
- Outcomes look good (reduce arrest, increase
school performance, family relationships) - Most families may be unwilling/able to participate
65School Community Based Treatments
- Target children at school (easier)
- Often has more attendance than individual therapy
- Available to all children (universal
intervention) - Increased likelihood of reaching those who need
it - Minimizes stigma
- Offers opportunity to interact with other children
66Selective Mutism
- Selective Mutism
- Consistent failure to speak in specific social
situations (where these is an expectation for
speaking) despite speaking in other situations - Not due to a lack of knowledge or comfort with
spoken language - An anxiety disorder
- Is not merely a child refusing to speak in a