Title: Art Masterpiece
1Art Masterpiece Dale Chihuly (1941 -
Present) American Glass Artist Today in Art
Masterpiece we discussed the American glass
artist Dale Chihuly. Chihuly studied glass
blowing in Venice which was critical to the way
he works today. In 1976 Chihuly was in a car
accident which blinded his left eye. A few years
later he dislocated his shoulder in a body
surfing accident. No longer able to hold the
glass blowing pipe, he hired others to do the
work Chihuly explained the change in a 2006
interview, saying "Once I stepped back, I liked
the view" and pointing out that it allowed him to
see the work from more perspectives and enabled
him to anticipate problems faster. Chihuly
describes his role as "more choreographer than
dancer, more supervisor than participant, more
director than actor.
Today in Art Masterpiece, I learned about
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favorite part was ________________________________
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2Art Masterpiece Dale Chihuly (1941 -
Present) American Glass Artist Today in Art
Masterpiece we discussed the American glass
artist Dale Chihuly. Chihuly studied glass
blowing in Venice which was critical to the way
he works today. In 1976 Chihuly was in a car
accident which blinded his left eye. A few years
later he dislocated his shoulder in a body
surfing accident. No longer able to hold the
glass blowing pipe, he hired others to do the
work Chihuly explained the change in a 2006
interview, saying "Once I stepped back, I liked
the view" and pointing out that it allowed him to
see the work from more perspectives and enabled
him to anticipate problems faster. Chihuly
describes his role as "more choreographer than
dancer, more supervisor than participant, more
director than actor.
Art Masterpiece Dale Chihuly (1941 -
Present) American Glass Artist Today in Art
Masterpiece we discussed the American glass
artist Dale Chihuly. Chihuly studied glass
blowing in Venice which was critical to the way
he works today. In 1976 Chihuly was in a car
accident which blinded his left eye. A few years
later he dislocated his shoulder in a body
surfing accident. No longer able to hold the
glass blowing pipe, he hired others to do the
work Chihuly explained the change in a 2006
interview, saying "Once I stepped back, I liked
the view" and pointing out that it allowed him to
see the work from more perspectives and enabled
him to anticipate problems faster. Chihuly
describes his role as "more choreographer than
dancer, more supervisor than participant, more
director than actor.
Art Masterpiece Dale Chihuly (1941 -
Present) American Glass Artist Today in Art
Masterpiece we discussed the American glass
artist Dale Chihuly. Chihuly studied glass
blowing in Venice which was critical to the way
he works today. In 1976 Chihuly was in a car
accident which blinded his left eye. A few years
later he dislocated his shoulder in a body
surfing accident. No longer able to hold the
glass blowing pipe, he hired others to do the
work Chihuly explained the change in a 2006
interview, saying "Once I stepped back, I liked
the view" and pointing out that it allowed him to
see the work from more perspectives and enabled
him to anticipate problems faster. Chihuly
describes his role as "more choreographer than
dancer, more supervisor than participant, more
director than actor.