Bohr Model of Atom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bohr Model of Atom


... to the square of the amplitude of the wave Louis deBroglie proposed that the wavelength associated with a matter wave is ... Duality Wave -Particle Duality ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: atom | bohr | duality | matter | model | wave


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bohr Model of Atom

Bohr Model of Atom
  • Bohr proposed a model of the atom in which the
    electrons orbited the nucleus like planets around
    the sun
  • Classical physics did not agree with his model.
  • To overcome this objection, Bohr proposed that
    certain specific orbits corresponded to specific
    energy levels of the electron that would prevent
    them from falling into the protons
  • As long as an electron had an ENERGY LEVEL that
    put it in one of these orbits, the atom was
  • Bohr introduced Quantization into the model of
    the atom

Bohr Model of Atom

By blending classical physics (laws of motion)
with quantization, Bohr derived an equation for
the energy possessed by the hydrogen electron in
the nth orbit.
Bohr Model of the Atom
  • The symbol n in Bohrs equation is the principle
    quantum number
  • It has values of 1, 2, 3, 4,
  • It defines the energies of the allowed orbits of
    the Hydrogen atom
  • As n increases, the distance of the electron from
    the nucleus increases

Atomic Spectra and Bohr
Energy of quantized state - Rhc/n2
  • Only orbits where n some positive integer are
  • The energy of an electron in an orbit has a
    negative value
  • An atom with its electrons in the lowest possible
    energy level is at GROUND STATE
  • Atoms with higher energies (ngt1) are in EXCITED

Energy absorption and electron excitation
  • If e-s are in quantized energy states, then ?E
    of states can have only certain values. This
    explains sharp line spectra.

Spectra of Excited Atoms
  • To move and electron from the n1 to an excited
    state, the atom must absorb energy
  • Depending on the amount of energy the atom
    absorbs, an electron may go from n1 to n2, 3, 4
    or higher
  • When the electron goes back to the ground state,
    it releases energy corresponding to the
    difference in energy levels from final to initial
  • ?E Efinal - Einitital
  • E -Rhc/n2
  • ?E -Rhc/nfinal2 - (-Rhc/ninitial2) -Rhc (1/
    nfinal2 - 1/ninitial2)
  • (does the last equation look familiar?)

Origin of Line Spectra
Balmer series
Atomic Line Spectra and Niels Bohr
  • Bohrs theory was a great accomplishment.
  • Recd Nobel Prize, 1922
  • Problems with theory
  • theory only successful for H.
  • introduced quantum idea artificially.
  • So, we go on to QUANTUM or WAVE MECHANICS

Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
Wave-Particle Duality
DeBroglie thought about how light, which is an
electromagnetic wave, could have the property of
a particle, but without mass. He postulated that
all particles should have wavelike
properties This was confirmed by x-ray
diffraction studies
Wave-Particle Duality
de Broglie (1924) proposed that all moving
objects have wave properties. For light E
mc2 E h? hc / ? Therefore,
mc h / ? and for particles
(mass)(velocity) h / ?
L. de Broglie (1892-1987)
Wave-Particle Duality
  • Baseball (115 g) at 100 mph
  • ? 1.3 x 10-32 cm
  • e- with velocity
  • 1.9 x 108 cm/sec
  • ? 0.388 nm
  • The mass times the velocity of the ball is very
    large, so the wavelength is very small for the
  • The deBroglie equation is only useful for
    particles of very small mass

1.6 The Uncertainty Principle
  • Wave-Particle Duality
  • Represented a Paradigm shift for our
    understanding of reality!
  • In the Particle Model of electromagnetic
    radiation, the intensity of the radiation is
    proportional to the of photons present _at_ each
  • In the Wave Model of electromagnetic radiation,
    the intensity is proportional to the square of
    the amplitude of the wave
  • Louis deBroglie proposed that the wavelength
    associated with a matter wave is inversely
    proportional to the particles mass

deBroglie Relationship
  • In Classical Mechanics, we caqn easily determine
    the trajectory of a particle
  • A trajectory is the path on which the location
    and linear momentum of the particle can be known
    exactly at each instant
  • With Wave-Particle Duality
  • We cannot specify the precise location of a
    particle acting as a wave
  • We may know its linear momentum and its
    wavelength with a high degree of precision
  • But the location of a wave? Not so much.

The Uncertainty Principle
  • We may know the limits of where an electron will
    be around the nucleus (defined by the energy
    level), but where is the electron exactly?
  • Even if we knew that, we could not say where it
    would be the next moment
  • The Complementarity of location and momentum
  • If we know one, we cannot know the other exactly.

Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle
  • If the location of a particle is known to within
    an uncertainty ?x, then the linear momentum, p,
    parallel to the x-axis can be simultaneously
    known to within an uncertainty, ?p, where
  • h/2? hbar
  • 1.055x10-34 Js
  • The product of the uncertainties cannot be less
    than a certain constant value. If the ?x
    (positional uncertainty) is very small, then the
    uncertainty in linear momentum, ?p, must be very
    large (and vice versa)

Wavefunctions and Energy Levels
  • Erwin SchrÖdinger introduced the central concept
    of quantum theory in 1927
  • He replaced the particles trajectory with a
  • A wavefunction is a mathematical function whose
    values vary with position
  • Max Born interpreted the mathematics as follows
  • The probability of finding the particle in a
    region is proportional to the value of the
    probability density (?2) in that region.

The Born Interpretation
  • ?2 is a probabilty density
  • The probability that the particle will be found
    in a small region multiplied by the volume of the
  • In problems, you will be given the value of ?2
    and the value of the volume around the region.

The Born Interpretation
  • Whenever ?2 is large, the particle has a high
    probability density (and, therefore a HIGH
    probability of existing in the region chosen)
  • Whenever ?2 is small, the particle has a low
    probability density (and, therefore a LOW
    probability of existing in the region chosen)
  • Whenever ?, and therefore, ?2, is equal to zero,
    the particle has ZERO probability density.
  • This happens at nodes.

SchrÖdingers Equation
  • Allows us to calculate the wavefunction for any
  • The SchrÖdinger equation calculates both
    wavefunction AND energy

Potential Energy (for charged particles it is the
electrical potential Energy)
Curvature of the wavefunction
Particle in a Box
  • Working with SchrÖdingers equation
  • Assume we have a single particle of mass m stuck
    in a one-dimensional box with a distance L
    between the walls.
  • Only certain wavelengths can exist within the
  • Same as a stretched string can only support
    certain wavelengths

Standing Waves
Particle in a Box
  • The wavefunctions for the particle are identical
    to the displacements of a stretched string as it

where n1,2,3,
  • n is the quantum number
  • It defines a state

Particle In a Box
  • Now we know that the allowable energies are

Where n1,2,3,
  • This tells us that
  • The energy levels for heavier particles are less
    than those of lighter particles.
  • As the length b/w the walls decreases, the
    distance b/w energy levels increases.
  • The energy levels are Quantized.

Particle in a BoxEnergy Levels and Mass
  • As the mass of the particle increases, the
    separation between energy levels decreases
  • This is why no one observed quantization until
    Bohr looked at the smallest possible atom,

m1 lt m2
Zero Point Energy
  • A particle in a container CANNOT have zero energy
  • A container could be an atom, a box, etc.
  • The lowest energy (when n1) is

Zero Point Energy
  • This is in agreement with the Uncertainty
  • ?p and ?x are never zero, therefore the particle
    is always moving

Wavefunctions and Probability Densities
  • Examine the 2 lowest energy functions n1 and n2
  • We see from the shading that when n1, ?2 is at a
    maximum _at_ the center of the box.
  • When n2, we see that ?2 is at a maximum on
    either side of the center of the box

Wavefunction Summary
  • The probability density for a particle at a
    location is proportional to the square of the
    wavefunction at the point
  • The wavefunction is found by solving the
    SchrÖdinger equation for the particle.
  • When the equation is solved to the appropriate
    boundary conditons, it is found that the particle
    can only posses certain discrete energies.
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