Title: Jeopardy Template
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Fossil Fuels
Whats Left
31st column 100
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Gems and minerals are this kind of resource.
Click on What is to enter questions
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What is an inexhaustible resource?
What is a renewable resource?
What is a nonrenewable resource?
41st column 200
They are useful materials that people take from
the Earth.
What are natural resources?
What are fossils and old bones?
What are graphite and lead?
51st column 300
What is a renewable resource?
What is a non-anthacitic resource?
What is a fossil fuel?
61st column 400
Natural resources that can be used repeatedly.
What are wind and oil?
What are gasoline and lumber?
What are water and wind?
72nd column 100
Its the one not a fossil fuel.
What is coal?
What is gasoline?
What is petroleum
82nd column 200
This is most commonly found with petroleum.
What is renewable resources?
What is coal?
What is natural gas?
92nd column 300
It is the source of energy for all fossil fuels.
What is dead matter?
What is heat?
What is the Sun?
102nd column 400
It is the worlds most widely used fossil fuel.
What is coal?
What is methane gas?
What is petroleum?
113rd column 100
Its the 1st stage of coal formation.
What is Anthracite?
What is Lignite?
What is Peat?
123rd column 200
Its what coal is formed from.
What is dead dinosaurs?
What is dead microorganisms from the sea?
What is decayed plant material?
133rd column 300
In coal, its what happens as the amount of
carbon increases.
What is the heat production increases.
What is the heat production decreases?
What is the heat production never changes?
143rd column 400
Theyre the stages of coal formation in order.
What is peat, lignite, anthracite, and bitumen
What is lignite, anthracite, bitumen, peat.
What is peat, lignite, bitumen, anthracite.
154th column 100
It is the least efficient form of fossil fuel.
What is petroleum?
What is peat?
What is pepperoni?
164th column 200
This ground-breaking resource could be overused
if we are not careful.
What is wind?
What is water?
What is soil?
174th column 300
Its the one that a reusable resource.
What is copper?
What is motor oil?
What is water?
184th column 400
A good way to remember if a resource is
What is, If its gone, its gone!
What is, It can be replaced as its used.
What is, it can never run out!
19Final Jeopardy
Final Jeopardy!
20School Song
Cougars we love you.
What is the opening line of the school song?
What is what we say to the principals in the
What is the last line of the school song?
21Daily Double!