Fundamental Physics Tests using the LNE-SYRTE Clock Ensemble - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fundamental Physics Tests using the LNE-SYRTE Clock Ensemble


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fundamental Physics Tests using the LNE-SYRTE Clock Ensemble

Fundamental Physics Tests using the LNE-SYRTE
Clock Ensemble
M. Abgrall, S. Bize, A. Clairon, J. Guéna, P.
Laurent, Y. Le Coq, P. Lemonde, J. Lodewyck, L.
Lorini, S. Mejri, J. Millo, J.J. McFerran, P.
Rosenbusch, D. Rovera, G. Santarelli, M.E. Tobar,
P. Westergaard, P. Wolf, L. Yi, et al.
Rencontres de Moriond and GPhyS colloquium
2011 March 25th 2011 La Thuile, Aosta valley,
  • Atomic clocks and fundamental constants
  • Rb vs Cs in atomic fountain clocks
  • Some optical clock comparisons
  • Constraints to variation of constants with time
    and gravitation potential
  • Prospects

Principle of atomic clocks
Goal deliver a signal with stable and universal
Bohr frequencies of unperturbed atoms are
expected to be stable and universal
Building blocks of an atomic clock
macroscopic oscillator
e fractional frequency offset Accuracy overall
uncertainty on e
y(t) fractional frequency fluctuations Stability
statistical properties of y(t), characterized
by the Allan variance ?y2(?)
Can be done with microwave or optical
frequencies, with neutral atoms, ions or molecules
Atomic Transitions and Fundamental Constants
  • Atomic transitions and fundamental constants
  • Hyperfine transition
  • Electronic transition
  • Molecular vibration
  • Molecular rotation
  • Actual measurements ratio of frequencies
  • Electronic transitions test a alone (electroweak
  • Hyperfine and molecular transitions bring
    sensitivity to the strong interaction

Atomic Transitions and Fundamental Constants
  • mp , g(i) are not fundamental parameters of the
    Standard Model
  • mp , g(i), can be related to fundamental
    parameters of the Standard Model (mq/?QCD,
    ms/?QCD, mq(mumd)/2)
  • Recent, accurate calculations have been done for
    some relevant transitions
  • Any atomic transition (i) has a sensitivity to
    one particular combination of only 3 parameters
    (?, me/?QCD, mq/?QCD)
  • Alternatively, one can use (?, µme/mp, mq/mp)

It is often assumed that
V. V. Flambaum et al., PRD 69, 115006 (2004)
V. V. Flambaum and A. F. Tedesco, PRC 73, 055501
Sensitivity coefficients
K?, Ke accuracy at the percent level or better
Ka Kq Ke
Rb hfs 2.34 -0.064 1
Cs hfs 2.83 -0.039 1
H opt 0 0 0
Yb opt 0.88 0 0
Hg opt -3.2 0 0
Dy comb. 1.5 107 0 0
Kq accuracy ?
PR C73, 055501 (2006)
Note if a variation is detected, these
coefficients provide a way to have a clear
evidence from experiments with multiple clocks
Dysprosium RF transition between 2 accidentally
degenerated electronic states of different parity
Dzuba et al., Phys. Rev. A 68, 022506 (2003)
In some diatomic molecules cancellation between
hyperfine and rotational energies also leads to
large (2-3 orders of magnitude enhancement)
Flambaum, PRA 73, 034101 (2006)
Highly charged ions
Flambaum, PRL 105, 120801 (2010)
Thorium 229 nuclear transition in the optical
domain (163nm) between 2 nearly degenerated
nuclear states
S. G. Porsev et al., PRL 105, 182501 (2010)
E. Peik and Chr. Tamm, Europhys. Lett. 61, 181
E. Peik et al., arXiv0812.3548v2
3 types of searches
  • Variation with time
  • Repeated measurements between clock A and clock B
    over few years
  • Variation with gravitation potential
  • Several measurements per year, search for a
    modulation with annual period and phase origin at
    the perihelion
  • Variation with space
  • Several measurements per year, search modulation
    with annual period and arbitrary phase

Annual modulation of the Sun gravitation
potential at the Earth
1.6 10-10
H, µW
FO1 fountain
Cryogenic sapphire Osc.
Phaselock loop ?1000 s
Optical lattice clock
Macroscopic oscillator
Hg, opt
Cs, µW
FO2 fountain
Optical lattice clock
FOM transportable fountain
Sr, opt
Rb, Cs, µW
Cs, µW
Applications of LNE-SYRTE clock ensemble
  • Time and frequency metrology
  • Fountain comparisons accuracy 4x10-16
  • Secondary definition the SI second based on Rb
  • Calibration of international time (LNE-SYRTE
    50 of all calibrations)
  • Absolute frequency measurement of optical
    frequencies in the lab (Sr) and abroad (H(1S-2S)
    at MPQ, 40Ca in Innsbruck)
  • Fundamental physics tests
  • Local Lorentz invariance in photon sector (CSO vs
    H-maser) and in the matter sector (Zeeman
    transitions in Cs fountain)
  • Stability of fundamental constants with time (Rb
    vs Cs, H(1S-2S) vs Cs, Sr vs Cs) and gravitation
    potential (Sr vs Cs)
  • Development of Sr and Hg optical lattice clock
  • PHARAO/ACES cold Cs atom space clock
  • Support the development of the project
  • Ground segment of PHARAO/ACES mission

J. Phys. B 38, S44 (2005) C.R. Physique 5, 829
(2004) PRL 90, 150801 (2003)
PRL 92, 230802 (2004) PRL 84, 5496 (2000) PRL
102, 023002 (2009)
PRL 96, 060801 (2006)
PRL 100, 053001 (2008)
Gen. Rel. Grav. 36, 2351 (2004) PR D 70,
051902(R) (2004)
PRD 81, 022003 (2010)
PRL 90, 060402 (2003)
PRL 101, 183004 (2008) PRA 79, 053829 (2009) Appl
Phys B 99, 41 (2010) Opt. Lett. 35, 3078
(2010) PRL 106, 073005 (2011)
PRL 100, 140801 (2008)
PRL 97, 130801 (2006)
PRA 68, 030501 (2003)
Eur. Phys. J. D 48, 11-17 (2008)
PRA, 72, 033409 (2005)
PRL 96, 103003 (2006)
PRA 79, 061401 (2009)
Atomic fountain clocks
133Cs levels (87Rb similar)
Ramsey fringes
Atomic quality factor
Best frequency stability ( Quantum Projection
Noise limited) 1.6x10-14 _at_1s
Best accuracy 4x10-16
Real-time control of collision shift with
adiabatic passage Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 233004
More than 10 fountains in operation (LNE-SYRTE,
NPL, USP,) with an accuracy a few 10-15 and
lt10-15 for a few of them.
LNE-SYRTE FO2 a dual Rb and Cs fountain
  • Dichroic collimators ?co-located optical molasses
  • Dual Ramsey microwave cavity
  • Synchronized and yet flexible computer systems
    with two independent optical tables
  • Almost continuous dual clock operation since 2009

J. Guéna et al., IEEE Trans. on UFFC 57, 647
Example of a Rb vs Cs measurement (2007/2008)
J. Guéna et al., IEEE Trans. on UFFC 57, 647
(2010) S. Bize et al., J. Phys. B At. Mol. Opt.
Phys. 38, S44 (2005) S. Bize et al., C.R.
Physique 5, 829 (2004) H. Marion et al., Phys.
Rev. Lett. 90, 150801 (2003) Y. Sortais et al.,
Phys. Scripta T95, 50 (2001) S. Bize et al.,
Europhys. Lett. 45, 558 (1999)
16 Nov 2007-30 Jan 2008 51 effective days of
synchronous data
Resolution 6x10-17 at 50 days (assuming white
?(FO2-Rb) (2007) 6 834 682 610.904 309 (8) Hz
Total uncertainty 1.1x10-15
Investigation of the Distributed Cavity Phase
shift reduces this uncertainty to
lt10-16 Collaboration with K. Gibble (PennState
Univ., USA) PRL to appear in 1 or 2 weeks
Measurements of the Rb hyperfine splitting vs time
Weighted least square fit gives
(1.7 standard deviation)
Improvement by 5.8 wrt PRL 90, 150801 (2003)
With QED calculations
J. Prestage, et al., PRL (1995), V. Dzuba, et
al., PRL (1999)
With QCD calculations
V. V. Flambaum and A. F. Tedesco, PR C73, 055501
Note 87Rb hyperfine transition was the first
secondary representation of the SI second. BIPM
CCTF recommended value (based on LNE-SYRTE 2002
?Rb(CCTF) 6 834 682 610.904 324 (21) Hz
Rb vs Cs Search for annual terms
  • Variation of with gravitation potential
  • Variation with space

Optical clocks
  • The clock transition is in the optical domain
    allowing improved accuracy (talk by P. Lemonde)
  • Confinement into the Lamb-Dicke regime is used to
    dramatically reduce the effects of external
  • Mandatory to gain over µWave clocks

Trapped ion clocks
Spectroscopy in the Lamb-Dicke regime
Lattice clocks
Carrier transition, essentially unaffected by
external motion
Frequency ratio of Al and Hg single ion clocks
Fractional uncertainty 5.2x10-17
in units of 10-18
Since then improved to 8.6x10-18
Chou et al., PRL 104, 070802 (2010)
T. Rosenband et al., Science 319, 1808 (2008)
Strontium optical lattice clocks absolute
  • Measurements against Cs fountains at JILA, Tokyo
    Univ. and SYRTE

Eur. Phys. J. D 48, 11 (2008)
  • 3 independent measurements in excellent
    agreement to within a few 10-15
  • Very different trap depths (150 kHz to 1.5 MHz)
    and geometries
  • Close to fountain accuracy limit

Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 140801 (2008)
Overview of recent measurements
LNE-SYRTE (2011)
Tokyo, JILA, LNE-SYRTE, (PRL 2008)
NIST, (PRL 2007)
Berkeley, (PRL 2007)
PTB, (PRL 2004), (arXiv 2006)
NIST, (Science 2008)
Least squares fit
Constraint to a variation of constants with
SYRTE (2011)
NIST, SYRTE, PTB, PRL 98, 070802 (2007)
SYRTE, Tokyo, JILA, PRL 100, 140801 (2008)
NIST, PRL 98, 070801 (2007)
Berkeley, PRA 76, 062104 (2007)
Least squares fit
Summary and Prospects
  • Atomic clocks provide high sensitivity
    measurements of present day variation of
  • Clock tests are independent of any cosmological
  • Complement tests at higher redshift (geological
    and cosmological time scale)
  • ? Inputs for developing unified theories
  • Improvements in these tests will come from
  • Improvements in clock accuracy
  • As fast as in the last decade ?
  • Improvements in remote comparison methods
  • Coherent optical fiber links
  • Use PHARAO/ACES mission on ISS (talk by L.
  • In the future, mission like USTAR dedicated to
    satellite remote comparisons
  • New atomic and molecular systems with enhanced
  • Molecules
  • Highly charged ions
  • Nuclear transition in 229Th
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