2Why Anti-corruption in the water Sector?
- Criticism of the traditional approach to
fighting corruption - Basic service delivery - one of the areas where
corruption mostly occurs - There is a lot of work still to be done
- Lack of sectoral assessments
- Little systemisation of good practices and
lessons learned - Few programmes addressing the issue
- The value added of addressing corruption in the
water sector - Utilization of sector expertise and AC expertise
- Improved service delivery
- More transparent and accountable governments
3UNDPs Approach
- Corruption a major bottleneck to the achievement
of MDGs e.g. access to water - Sectoral approach to accelerate MDGs achievement
- UNDPs sectoral studies in education, health and
water sectors - Putting theory into practice launch of UNDPs
sectoral initiative
4Make things as simple as possible, but no
simpler.-Albert Einstein
5High risks, high return
6What does UNDP offer?
Advisory support, partnership - 3 pilot projects
in the water sector
Knowledge Tools and Methodologies
Inception training on integrating anti-corruption
7UNDPs support to sectoral approach
- 20 UNDP Country Offices in all regions receive
support from UNDP - Regional study on the impact of accountability in
the water sector in Latin America - Online Training on Water Integrity (Virtual
School and WIN) - Support from the government, donors, partners
8Results as of today
- Corruption risk assessments completed in almost
all selected countries - Mitigation plans being developed
- Some countries already have results
9Next Steps
- Implementation of mitigation plans
- Results and Impact
- Up-scaling the projects
- Ensuring sustainability
- Partnerships
- Linkages with other programmes
10Transparency and accountability of the Rural
Administrative Associations of Aqueducts (ASADAS)
in Costa Rica
- Video -
- ASADAS Primer Corte on Vimeo
11Together we have high chances to succeed
Thank You!