Title: Baby
1Babys formula
2Out line
- How to clean feeding bottle
- How to Prepare a bottle feed using baby milk
- At the end of labs presentation, the students
apple to do - 1- clean feeding bottle
- 2- Prepare a bottle feed using baby milk powder
4How to clean feeding bottle
- Equipments
- Metal bowel
- Boiling water
- Brush
- Salt
- Soap
- feeding bottle
5How to clean feeding bottle
- Put water in the bowel then boil it
- Clean the bottle using the brush with soap and
tap water. - Put the all feeding bottle parts in boiled
water except the nipple( for 5 to 10 minutes) - Clean the nipple by salt then boil it with other
feeding tube parts. - Remove the feeding bottle from the boiled water
- Place the bottle cover and nipple (inverted ) and
put it in the refrigerator.
6 How to Prepare a bottle feed using baby milk
- Cleaned feeding bottle
- Boiled water
- Milk (powder)
- Plastic spoon
- Plastic knife
7Preparing a bottle feed using baby milk powder
- Boil some fresh tap water and let it cool for a
few minutes.
2- Read the tin or packet to find out how much
water and powder you need.
Wipe clean an area on which to prepare the
feed. Wash your hands very well with soap and
Pour the boiled water into the bottle up to the
required mark.
Measure the exact amount of powder using the
scoop provided with the milk. Level the powder in
the scoop using the plastic knife
Add the powder to the water in the bottle.
Close the bottle by teat and cap.
shake well until all the powder has dissolved
Check the temperature of the feed by dripping a
little onto the inside of your wrist before
giving it to your baby
15 Thank you