Comparison and Contrast Writing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Comparison and Contrast Writing


Title: Comparison and Contrast Writing Author: Steven Federle Last modified by: Rachel Created Date: 10/16/2006 3:39:52 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Comparison and Contrast Writing

Comparison and Contrast Writing
What is comparison and contrast?
  • Comparison shows how two or more things are
  • Contrast shows how two or more things are
  • In most writing situations, the two related
    processes are used together
  • An analogy explains one thing by comparing it to
    a second, more familiar, thing.

Establishing a basis for comparison
  • The two things to be compared must have enough in
    common to justify the comparison.
  • In making comparisons, you should move beyond the
  • When two things are very similar, it is the
    contrasts that may be worth writing about.

Searching points for discussion
  • Determine your emphasis on similarities,
    differences, or both.
  • Determine the major focus of your paper.
  • Make sure you treat the same or similar elements
    for each subject you will discuss

Novel A Novel B
Major characters Major characters
Minor characters Minor characters
themes themes
Novel A Novel B
Major Characters Plot
Minor Characters Authors Life
Themes symbolism
  • Do not discuss entirely different elements for
    each subject.

Sonnys Blues Compare/Contrast the narrator and
  • This is a great time for Point-Example-Explain!

Example/ Support Point 1 Example/ Support Point 2
Sonny is a dreamer, Narrator is a realist (contrast) Wants to be a jazz musician Pg. 75 Wants Sonny to find a real job Pg. 80
Neither brother can deal with reality, but they do it in different ways (compare AND contrast) Sonny tries to escape reality using drugs Pg. 78 Narrator ignores reality and is cold Pg. 74
Formulating a Thesis Statement
  • Identify not only the subjects to be compared and
    contrasted in your essay, but the point you will
    make about them.
  • Also indicate whether you will focus on
    similarities or differences, or balance the two.
  • Although Melvilles Moby-Dick and Londons The
    Sea Wolf are both about the sea, the minor
    characters, major characters, and themes of
    Moby-Dick establish its greater complexity.
  • Although both of my communities consist of
    friends, my school community has the greatest
    impact on my life.

  • While Morrisons novel underscores the theme of
    self-loathing by the main characters, Faulkner's
    story elucidates the theme of patriarchal
    supremacy. (contrast)
  •  On Going Home and Sonnys Blues are about
    families, and the characters in both stories run
    away and come back home at the same time.
  • Although On Going Home and Sonnys Blues are both
    about families, On Going Home is about a family
    who cannot let go whereas Sonnys Blues
    illustrates a family running from each other.

  • One way to start a compare and contrast thesis is
    by using words like whereas, while, even though,
    and although to suggest a contrasting element
    will follow.

Point by Point Comparison
  • Good for longer, more complex papers
  • Make a point about one subject, and then follow
    it with a comparable point about the other
  • Alternating pattern
  • Be careful not to fall into a monotonous, back
    and forth movement between points. To avoid this
    problem, vary sentence structure as you move from
    point to point.

  • A good idea to do is
  • Para 1 Comparison Para 1 Comparison
  • Para 2 Contrast Para 2 Comparison
  • Para 3 Contrast Para 3 Contrast
  • Or
  • Para 1 Compare and Contrast
  • Para 2 Compare and Contrast
  • Para 3 Compare and Contrast

  • Method Outline I. Introduction A. Briefly
    introduce the works and significance of subject
    matter B. Thesis statement II. First
    comparative/contrast point A. Relation of point
    to 1st work B. Relation of point to 2nd work
    III. Second comparative/contrast point (same)
    IV. Third comparative/contrast point (same)
    V. Conclusion A. Restate thesis B. Summarize
    how your proved your argument

  • Thesis Even though both James Baldwin and
    Sherman Alexie create main characters with
    addictions, Sonny overcomes his addiction through
    the help of his brother while Victors dad just
    runs away.
  • Topic sentence Both Sonnys Blues and My Father
    are about addiction.
  • Para Each following sentence are about the
    similarities the stories share about addiction.
  • Topic sentence Although both stories deal with
    addiction, Sonny is addicted to heroine while
    Victors dad is addicted to alcohol.
  • Para Each sentence will discuss the differences
    between the addictions and how the characters
    deal with it.

  • Topic sent Compared to Sonnys Blues, My Father
    deals with a character who is obsessed with
    someone elses music instead of making his own.
  • Topic sent Like Sonnys Blues, My Father deals
    with a character who is trying to escape the
    disappointments and harsh realities of life.
  • Topic sent Despite their differing racial
    backgrounds, both protagonists share similar
    battles and hardships.

  • Both Sonnet  138 and Sonnet 43 describe the
    speakers love for their significant other. In
    Sonnet 138, Shakespeare calls the woman my
    love while in Sonnet 43, Browning calls her
    husband love of my life. EXPLAIN 1-3 SENTENCES.
    However, Shakespeare does not trust his woman,
    evident when he says, I know she lies.
    Browning, on the other hand, trusts her husband
    with the depth, breadth, and width of her
    soul. EXPLAIN 1-3 SENTENCES.

Paragraph Sample pre-writing
  •  On Going Home and Sonnys Blues are about
    families, and the characters in both stories run
    away and come back home at the same time.
  • Types of families both Sonny and Joan Didion
    have strained, yet close, relationships with
    their families.
  • Sonny/narrator brothers, they were estranged
    for years (Sonny in jail/fight), they both suffer
    loss (daughter/parents), they come together at
    the end.
  • Joan Didion family (parents/brother/husband/daug
    hter), Didion lives away from her family b/c of
    marriage (estranged?), she cries when she hangs
    up the phone (shes missing them/really close)
  • Sonny                                            
  •                Jail/fights                
  • Both Sonny and Didion miss their families. Sonny
    wrote his brother first b/c INSERT MY ANALYSIS.
    Didion returns home for her daughters b-day b/c

Example Paragraph 2
  • Both Joan Didion and Sonny run away from their
    homes. While Didion left home because of her job
    and her marriage, Sonny leaves home because of
    drugs. Didion states, Marriage is the classic
    betrayal (73). She feels that she is at odds
    with her family and her husband because they do
    not agree. Didion abandons her family in CVC by
    moving to LA and marrying an outsider. Although
    Sonny abandons his family like Didion, he does it
    in a very different way. He becomes addicted to
    drugs and tells the narrator to pretend that he
    is dead (77). Sonny pushes his entire family
    away because he cared more about the drugs than
    his brother. The specific situations Didion and
    Sonny are in with their family one, a marriage
    and one, an addiction causes them to turn from
    the people who cared about them and separated
    them. THEY ARE BOTH SAD.
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