Family Literacy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Family Literacy


Family Literacy If you could change two things Jot them down on a piece of paper . Think about strengths and needs What are your parents already doing to help ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Family Literacy

Family Literacy
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If you could change two things
  • Jot them down on a piece of paper.

Think about strengths and needs
  • What are your parents already doing to help
    support their children at school?
  • What do your parents need so that they could be
    more supportive?

What do WE have control over?
As educators, what can we help to change?
What are potential roadblocks?
  • Jot them down on a piece of paper.

Parent Involvement is Important
  • Regardless of socioeconomic status, ethnic/racial
    background or parents educational level
  • Behavior is more pro-social and positive and
    academics are significantly better when parents
    are involved

Parents as Models
  • Dont ask parents to create an artificial
    literacy environment. Have them use what they
    already have.
  • Reading newspapers, TV guides, crossword puzzles
    (Purcell-Gates, 1996)
  • Parents can share the reading of these materials
    with their child. Show the child how these types
    of text are beneficial.
  • Parents with low literacy can focus on oral
    retelling of family events, and making up stories
    to go along with picture books (Wolter, 1995)
  • Parents should begin reading to their child even
    before the child can speak (Purcell-Gates, 1996)

How Parents Can Help
  • Oral language/vocabulary development
  • Home literacy environment
  • Development and support of desired behaviors
  • Academic (homework) and behavioral
  • Writing

Effective Family Literacy Nights
  • The whole family should be involved - everyone
    should feel welcome and useful
  • Families can be recruited - newspaper, radio,
    school bulletins
  • Scheduling, transportation and child care issues
    should be addressed, and solutions provided
  • Parents generally only attend 30 of the
    sessions. They need to go in order for the
    activities to be implemented.

  • (1) Developing the Home-School Connection
  • (2) Homework Night
  • (3) Behaviors That Are Important for School
  • (4) Oral Language Having Conversations
  • (5) Oral Language - Classroom Tour
  • (6) Oral Language Oral Family Traditions
  • (7) Oral Language - Reading Aloud
  • (8) Non-fiction Night
  • (9) Writing Night

Session Structure
  • First week of the month.
  • In preparation for the following month, teachers
    should meet and plan for the next session in the
    third week.
  • Each session will begin with a quick review of
    the prior session and Q A that emphasizes
    family input.
  • Each night teachers or other staff model literacy
    behavior that is being taught during that

Session Structure
  • Children are dropped off in their classrooms with
    their teacher.
  • Parents go to common meeting place for overview
    and lecture portion.
  • Parents go to classroom and join their children
    for the associated activity.

Session Structure
  • Families take home a calendar of seven possible
    activities. An artifact is produced and brought
    back to the next session.
  • To encourage parents to attend and take part in
    literacy activities throughout the month, a small
    reward will be given to the family when they
    produce evidence of having completed 4 out of 7

(No Transcript)
Workshop 1 Developing the Home School
  • Welcome- Mission and Vision Schools goals for
    every child.
  • Importance of family involvement.
  • Stress the importance of attendance at each
    session throughout the year.

Workshop 1 Developing the Home School
  • Are there any issues that will prevent regular
  • Transportation issues?
  • Time of the day?
  • Who is invited?
  • Child care?
  • Food?

It is the schools responsibility to come up with
possible solutions.
Workshop 1 Developing the Home School
  • Offer ideas and suggestions to parents to get
    print resources into their homes.
  • Lending Library
  • School Library
  • Universities and Colleges
  • Book Swap Club

Activity for the Session
  • Make a Book

Efficacy of Homework
  • Homework is not the great equalizer
  • Homework is not always effective
  • How much and how often depends on the support at
    home and the age/grade of the student
  • Students need to be able to complete the
    assignment independently
  • The parent needs to be made aware of the how the
    assignment should be completed
  • Homework should not result in stress for the
    parent and/or child
  • Homework should be completed by the child

Homework How Parents Can Help
  • Foster independence
  • Problem-solving
  • Quiet environment
  • Placing value on academics
  • Homework could be done before we go home

Workshop 2- Homework
  • Monthly Teacher Meeting
  • When the teachers meet together to plan the
    upcoming homework family literacy night they
    should be encouraged to discuss the following
  • Homework should be something the students do
  • Parent support should be designed to support
  • Not doing the homework or teaching the student
    how to do the assignment

Activity for the Session
  • Make a homework calendar
  • The student will write down the homework
    assignment each day at take it home with him/her
    (parents should be looking at this daily)
  • Parents can help the students schedule their
  • Sports
  • Clubs
  • School
  • Play
  • Discuss at least 5 ways that the home environment
    can be structure to accommodate quiet study
  • Teachers can help problem solve at this time

  • Children with more secure attachments respond
    better to family literacy programs (St. Pierre,
    Ricciulti Rimdzius, 2005)
  • Parent discipline (Bradley Corwyn, 2002)
  • Low SES parents are more likely to spank or use
    harsh punishments with their child
  • Coercive environment with negative reinforcement
    being most often used
  • Use Positive Behavior Support
  • Negative reinforcement trap
  • Behavioral expectations

Workshop 3 Behaviors That Are Important for
School Success
  • First 10-15 minutes of the night should be used
    to discuss the first session and answer any
    questions that the parents may have.

Workshop 3 Behaviors That Are Important for
School Success
  • Goals for this workshop
  • Classroom Rules
  • Mission Statement
  • Description of positive behaviors for school
  • Discuss how parents can support those positive
  • Discuss how the desired behaviors at school are
    the same and different from desired behaviors in
    different situations
  • Discuss how the parents can support appropriate
    positive behaviors when the child is not at

Workshop 3 Behaviors That Are Important for
School Success
  • This means that teachers need to know and be able
    to discuss
  • School rules
  • Classroom rules
  • How they are the same or different
  • The implied, but unwritten rules

Activity for the Session
  • Parents break into small groups.
  • Discussion of things that their children do that
    are inappropriate or cause problems at home.
  • Working together, come up with better replacement
    behaviors for the child.
  • Discuss how the behaviors needed for school
    success can be supported at home.
  • They problem-solve this together, instead of
    having the session leader tell them what they
    should be doing.

Oral Language and Reading Comprehension
  • A students oral language skills in kindergarten
    is a very good indicator of how well they will be
    able to comprehend written language in fourth and
    seventh grade (Snow, Burns Griffin, 1998)

Oral Language and Decoding
  • Oral language skills help facilitate acquisition
    of early decoding skills (Connor, Morrison
    Katch, 2004)
  • Kindergarten vocabulary level also influences
    phonological awareness, even after controlling
    for parent literacy, invented spelling, listening
    comprehension and alphabetic knowledge (Sénéchal
    et al., 2006)

Language in the Home
  • Student that come from a home with less
    sophisticated language and less frequent
    conversations, come to school with smaller
    vocabularies (Biemiller, 2006)
  • The home literacy environment accounts for the
    most variance in emergent literacy skills (Jordon
    et al., 2000)

Language in the Home
  • Children in low SES homes hear fewer than 100
    different vocabulary words in one hour - high SES
    hear over 500 different words (Hart Risley,
  • Number of words heard by age 3
  • Professional - 40 million
  • Working class - 20 million
  • Welfare - 10 million
  • Vocabulary knowledge (White, Graves Slater,
  • Low SES 3rd graders - 10,000 words
  • High SES 3rd graders - 15,000 words

Workshop 4 Oral Language Having Conversations
  • Quick review
  • Conversations- an explanation of oral language
    development and how having conversations benefits
    literacy learning.

Activity for the Session
  • Have a conversation with your child about what
    you do at work, or at school or at home while
    your child is at school. Include details
    regarding things you find rewarding, challenging
    or difficult. Ask your child to share his or her
    thoughts on the subject.

Activity for Home
  • As a family, plan an activity that you will do on
    the weekend. Discuss and make a list of things
    to bring.

Activities for Home
  • Build your childs awareness of language by
    checking out and sharing a joke or riddle book
    from the library. If your child does not
    understand why the joke is funny, explain it to
  • Read a book together with your child that has
    been made into a movie. After reading the book,
    watch the movie together. Have a conversation
    about what was the same or different in each.

Workshop 5 Oral Language/Classroom Tour
  • Quick review
  • Prior to the event, students and teacher work
    together to construct an agenda that will lead
    the families through the evenings activities.
  • Families move throughout the classrooms in a
    planned and organized fashion, according to the
    prepared agenda.

Workshop 5 Oral Language/Classroom Tour
  • When the family is ready to leave, have someone
    take a photo of the family with the teacher.
    After it is developed, post one copy in the
    classroom and send another copy home with the
    child. Have the child write a paragraph that
    explains how learning happens at school and at

Workshop 6 Oral Language- Oral Family
  • Quick Review
  • Telling Stories
  • Children learn about themselves and others
    through hearing and telling family stories.
  • Adults can purposefully use rich language to
    describe family events from the past.

Activity for the Session
  • Make a Timeline
  • Parent creates a timeline of his life beginning
    at birth and ending with Today. Through
    conversation, parent adds significant events to
    the timeline.
  • Child is encouraged to ask questions as parent
    tells about life events.
  • Child illustrates the timeline by drawing
    pictures that represent stories told as the
    timeline was created.

Workshop 7- Read Alouds
  • Teaching method for sharing a story
  • Used to develop vocabulary
  • Model story structure and reading fluency
  • Introducing new content

Scaffolding of Read Aloud
  • Non-readers and emergent readers
  • Parents read the story to the child, with the
    child being encouraged to interact and ask
  • Beginning readers
  • Parents will read the story to the child, with
    the child be encouraged to read words that he/she
    is familiar with
  • More experienced readers
  • The child can read to the parents, with the
    parents providing corrective feedback when he/she
    misses a word

Sample Questions for Read Aloud
  • Younger, less proficient readers
  • Alphabetic principle questions
  • Ask the child to provide the sound that a letter
  • Written conventions
  • The parent can point out punctuation to the
    child, and then later ask the child to identify
    commas, periods, etc.

Workshop 7- Read Alouds
  • Older, more proficient readers
  • Fluency
  • If the child is reading, the parent should help
    the child maintain fluency and use the sentence
  • Remind the child to pause at the end of a
    sentence and after a comma
  • Comprehension
  • If there is an idiom or concept that the parent
    does not think the child understands is
    encountered in the text the meaning should be

Probes for Comprehension
  • Did this story end the way you thought it would?
  • If yes, what clues in the story helped you
    predict what was going to happen?
  • If not, how was the ending different than you
    thought it would be?
  • What questions do you still have about the story?

Activity for the Session
  • After the overview
  • Parents should have an opportunity to ask
  • Parent then models the activity for the group
    with his/her child
  • The parent should have volunteered earlier to do
    this, and be familiar with the book
  • Other parents in the group can discuss the read
    aloud after the parent is finished
  • The session leader (classroom teacher) can
    provide feedback, but it should be framed

Workshop 8-Working with Nonfiction Text
  • Benefits of Nonfiction Text
  • Used to convey information about things in the
    immediate environment and world.
  • Help show students how to include factual
    details, vary sentence length and complexity, use
    different language.

Teacher Demonstration
  • The teacher should model an interactive editing
    lesson based on the IAW/IAE book
  • The teacher can choose which type of interactive
    editing lesson to do with the parents, but this
    should be the same type that the parents are then
    asked to do with their children later in the

Activity for the Session
  • The parent should then interactively edit a piece
    of text with their child
  • Parents will be given one of the worksheets from
    the IAW/IAE book (depending on the activity the
    teacher has chosen)
  • The teacher will provide feedback and support
    during the parent-child activity
  • The parent should be encouraged to choose and
    edit another piece of information with their
    child during the month
  • The can bring the edited piece to the next family
    literacy night

  • Reading and writing skills are acquired
    simultaneously, and are equally important in
    emergent literacy (Saint-Laurent Giasson, 2005)
  • Writing activities should be introduced early in
    the childs life
  • Parents should provide the least amount of
    support necessary

Parent Support for Writing
  • Provide writing material, or could the school
    provide this?
  • Promote writing
  • Help with editing of writing
  • Grammatical correction
  • Help the child elaborate on their writing and
    clarify content

Workshop 9- Writing
  • Introduction to Parents
  • Writing is a method of communication
  • Letter formation and letter writing are the
    beginnings of alphabetic principle
  • Writing exits on a continuum
  • Parents should be given the developmental stages
    from the Shared Reading book
  • Correct letter formation
  • Parents receive the handwriting model, which can
    later be used by parents to help model and
    correct their childs letter formation

Activities for the Session
  • For younger children
  • Use the handwriting model to write the alphabet
  • Parent models the upper and lower case letter
  • The child then writes the letter under the model,
    with the parent allowing the child to practice
  • For very young children, the letter may look more
    like scribbling
  • The session leader should monitor the letter
    writing activity, and help parents use the stages
    of writing handout to assess where the child it
  • Help the parents set reasonable expectations for
    the child
  • The child should be allowed to draw a picture to
    go with each letter

  • Older Children - constructing a letter
  • The child should choose someone that he/she knows
    and would like to write a letter to
  • After choosing a person to write a letter to, the
    parent should help the child write a letter to
    that person
  • Parent should use the handwriting guide and the
    stages of writing handout to help assess the
  • The parent can give suggestions for different
    vocabulary,and provide some suggestions
  • The child can add illustrations if desired

Family CELL-ebration Night
  • Families bring favorite artifacts to this
  • They are given a piece of poster board and tape
    or glue to display their work.
  • After writing their names and decorating,
    families display their accomplishments and talk
    about their successes with each other.
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