GLB Safeguards Rule: Overview, Training and Enforcement Considerations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GLB Safeguards Rule: Overview, Training and Enforcement Considerations


Title: GLB: Identifying Exposures and Risks Author: Christopher_Holmes Last modified by: Davis Audio Visual, Inc. Created Date: 6/5/2003 2:55:22 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GLB Safeguards Rule: Overview, Training and Enforcement Considerations

GLB Safeguards Rule Overview, Training and
Enforcement Considerations
  • NACUA 43rd Annual Conference
  • Peter C. Cassat
  • Margaret ODonnell

Scope of GLBA Safeguards Rule
  • The FTCs Safeguards Rule, promulgated under the
    GLBA, went into effect on May 23, 2003 and is
    aimed at ensuring the safeguarding and
    confidentiality of customer information held in
    the possession of covered financial institutions.
  • Unlike the FTCs earlier GLBA Privacy Rule, the
    Safeguards Rule contains no exemption for
    institutions that are subject to FERPA. As a
    result, educational institutions that engage in
    financial institution activities, such as
    processing student loans, are required to comply
    with the Safeguards Rule.

General Requirements
  • The Safeguards Rule requires each covered
    institution to develop, implement, and maintain a
    comprehensive information security program that
    is written in one or more readily accessible
    parts, and that includes administrative,
    technical and physical safeguards designed to
    ensure the security and confidentiality of
    customer records.
  • The Safeguards Rule expressly recognizes that
    each institutions information security program
    may vary, based on its size and complexity, the
    nature and scope of its activities, and the
    sensitivity of the customer information at issue.

Comprehensive Written Information Security Program
  • In order to develop, implement and maintain the
    required written information security program,
    the Safeguards Rule requires each institution to
    carry out certain steps
  • designate one or more employees to coordinate the

Information Security Program Steps, cont. . . .
  • Identify reasonably foreseeable internal and
    external risks to the security and
    confidentiality of customer information that
    could lead to unauthorized disclosure, use,
    alteration, destruction or other compromise of
    such information and assess the sufficiency of
    the institutions safeguards in place to control
    these risks.

Information Security Program Steps, cont . . .
  • Such risk assessment must include, at a minimum,
    risks in areas of operation such as
  • employee training and management,
  • information systems, and
  • detecting, preventing, and responding to attacks
    against the institutions systems

Security Program Steps, cont.
  • implement safeguards to manage the identified
    risks and regularly test or monitor such
  • oversee the institutions service providers by
  • selecting and retaining service providers that
    are capable of maintaining appropriate safeguards
    for the customer information at issue, and
  • requiring service providers by contract to
    implement and maintain such safeguards

Ongoing Security Steps
  • The Safeguards Rule requires institutions to
    evaluate and adjust the their security programs
    in light of the required risk assessment, any
    material change to institutional business
    operations or any other circumstances that may
    have a material impact on the institutions
    information security program.

Practical Considerations
  • The most difficult challenge under the
    Safeguards Rule is identifying the scope of
    information covered.
  • It may be possible to take the position that the
    Safeguards Rule applies only to information
    collected or maintained in connection with the
    institutions financial institution activities
    i.e., student financial aid related activities.
  • It may be difficult, however, for institutions to
    segregate information that is collected in
    connection with financial institution related
    activities (such as Social Security numbers) from
    other information maintained with respect to its
    student population.

Drafting Issues
  • The FTC rules expressly recognize that an
    institutions information security program may be
    maintained in one or more documents. Thus, it
    should be possible to incorporate existing
    policies and procedures relating to the
    safeguarding of information and to the proper use
    of institutional network resources, such as,
    existing acceptable use, information technology
    security and student record access policies and

Risk Management Issues
  • The Safeguards Rule recognizes that an
    institution need not make its security program
    publicly available. However, open records laws
    may provide access.
  • Drafts and deliberative documents relating to the
    creation and implementation of the program should
    be labeled as attorney client privileged drafts.

Approaches to GLB Compliance
  • NACUA 43rd Annual Conference
  • Tom Schumacher
  • University of Minnesota
  • June 25, 2003

Options for Organizational Mgmt.-Program
  • Designate an employee or employees to
    coordinate (314.4(a))
  • 1. Centralized Model, single person
  • 2. Decentralized, several coordinators
  • 3. Hybrid, central coordinator, designated
    responsible parties in key units
  • Designation must be set out in written security
    plan (314.3(a))
  • Try to integrate with existing responsibilities

Centralized Model
  • Options for Responsible Office
  • Chief Information Officer?
  • Controller?
  • CFO?
  • Registrar?
  • Privacy Officer (if have one)?
  • Custodian of Student Record?
  • Auditor?
  • IT Security Officer?
  • Others
  • Delegate administrative duties as appropriate

Decentralized Model
  • Designate responsible coordinator in areas with
    covered data
  • Student Finance Director(s)
  • One at each campus
  • IT Office(s)
  • Collections
  • Human Resources
  • Accounting
  • Collegiate contacts
  • Athletics
  • Others
  • Consider some oversight method

Hybrid Model
  • Single Central Coordinator
  • Formally designated contacts in units with
    covered data responsible for carrying out risk
    assessments and monitoring where required
  • Communication with leadership from areas with
    covered data

Coordinator Program Responsibilities
  • Risk Assessment - 313.4(b)
  • Identify/inventory access to covered data
  • Assess Risk
  • Internal Controls
  • Design and implement safeguards to control the
    risks you identify ( 313.4(c))
  • Match these to level of assessed risk

Internal Controls
  • Program Oversight
  • Risk Assessment
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Education, Training Awareness
  • Monitoring, Testing, Oversight
  • Corrective action/Communication
  • Iterative and continuing process

Example Risk Assessment-for each significant area
to evaluate
  • Electronic
  • Access
  • Storage
  • Transmission
  • Destruction
  • Print materials
  • Access
  • Storage
  • Transmission
  • Destruction
  • Service Providers
  • System Integrity

Employee permitted to access to database without
proper authorization
Misuse of information by employee with Authorized
Example Risk/Internal Controls matrix
approach(Area student financial collections)
Example Hybrid Model
  • Coordinator makes sure Risk Assessment and
    Internal controls for each covered area are in
  • For significant areas, conducted by designated
  • For isolated, conducted by Coordinator
  • Designated contacts annually provide report to
  • Annual confirmation that risks are current
  • Coordinator annually reports on risk environment
    and controls to Compliance and leadership
  • Identifies problem areas

Identifying and Evaluating Exposures and Risks
  • NACUA 43rd Annual Conference
  • Christopher Holmes
  • Baylor University
  • June 25, 2003

Scope of Risk Assessment
  • You shall...identify reasonably foreseeable
    internal and external risks to the security,
    confidentiality, and integrity of customer
    information that could result in the unauthorized
    disclosure, misuse, alteration, destruction or
    other compromise of such information, and assess
    the sufficiency of any safeguards in place to
    control these risks. 16 CFR 314.4 (b).

Areas to Include
  1. Employee training and management
  2. Information systems, including network and
    software design, as well as information
    processing, storage, transmission and disposal
  3. Detecting, preventing and responding to attacks,
    intrusions, or other systems failures.

Steps to Risk Assessment
  • Meet with all business owners facing the risks
    and discuss their experiences
  • Prepare a list that encompasses the risks (both
    internal and external) they observe
  • Determine whether current steps are sufficient in
    controlling the risks
  • Discuss additional reasonable steps that could be
    taken to increase security

List of Potential Risks
  • Compromise of system security (e.g., hacker)
  • Interception of data during transmission
  • Physical loss of data due to disaster
  • Corruption of data or systems
  • Unauthorized access by employees
  • Unauthorized requests for data (e.g., pretext
  • Unauthorized transfer of data by third parties

FTC Suggestions Employee Management and Training
  • Check references prior to hiring employees who
    will have access to cdi
  • Employees sign confidentiality agreement
  • Train employees to take basic steps (passwords,
    pretext calling, etc.)
  • Regular reminders of policy and legal requirement
    to keep cdi confidential
  • Limit access to those employees with a business
    reason for seeing it

FTC SuggestionsInformation Systems
  • Store records in a secure area
  • Provide for secure data transmission (use of SSL,
    password protect email accounts, etc.)
  • Dispose of customer information in secure manner
  • Inventory computers on network systems

FTC Suggestions Managing Systems Failures
  • Develop a written contingency plan to address
  • Maintain software and hardware (security patches,
    anti-virus software, etc.)
  • Backups of all cdi
  • Configure systems to ensure that access to cdi is
    granted only to appropriate users
  • Notify customers promptly if cdi is disclosed

Review and Assessment of Plan
  • GLB requires continued evaluation and
    adjustment of the safeguards program in light of
    relevant circumstances. Periodically review
    changes in the universitys operations or
    business arrangements or the results of testing
    and monitoring of enacted safeguards.

Service Provider RulesUnder the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

2003 NACUA National Conference June 25, 2003
Gregory C. Brown Associate General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel University
of Minnesota
Overview of Presentation
Review FTC Safeguard Rule on the oversight,
selection and retention of service providers and
mandatory contract provisions. Discuss ways, by
contract, to protect Universities once security
has been breached or customer information has
been loss, misused or altered.
Who is a Service Provider?
Any person or entity that receives, maintains,
processes, or otherwise is permitted access to
customer information through its provision of
services directly to a financial institution . .
. . FTC Safeguard Rule, 314.2(d), 67 Fed. Reg.
36,484, 36,494 (May 23, 2002) .
Duty to Oversee Service Providers
Institutions must take reasonable steps to
select and retain service providers that are
capable of maintaining appropriate safeguards for
the customer information . . . . FTC Safeguard
Rule, 314.4(d)(1), 67 Fed. Reg. 36,484, 36,494
(May 23, 2002) .
Duty to Oversee Service Providers
Each institution is expected to take reasonable
steps to assure itself that its current and
potential service providers maintain sufficient
procedures to detect and respond to security
breaches . . . . FTC Safeguard Rule, C, 67
Fed. Reg. 36,484, 36,490 (May 23, 2002) (emphasis
Duty to Oversee Service Providers
Each institution is expected to maintain
reasonable procedures to discover and respond to
widely-known security failures by its current and
potential service providers. FTC Safeguard Rule,
C, 67 Fed. Reg. 36,484, 36,490 (May 23, 2002)
(emphasis added).
Duty to Oversee Service Providers
The FTC did not mandate any specific reviews or
steps an institution must take to
comply. Institutions need not undertake
unlimited evaluation(s) of their service
providers capabilities. FTC Safeguard Rule,
C, 67 Fed. Reg. 36,484, 36,490 (May 23, 2002).
Review will depend on the circumstances and the
relationship between the institution and the
service provider. Id.
Mandatory Contract Provisions
Each contract entered into after June 24, 2002,
must require the service provider to implement
and maintain such safeguards. FTC Safeguard
Rule, 314.4(d)(2) and 314.5(b), 67 Fed. Reg.
36,484, 36,494 (May 23, 2002) . A contract in
place before that date need not include the
mandatory provision until May 24, 2004. FTC
Safeguard Rule, 314.5(b), 67 Fed. Reg. 36,484,
36,494 (May 23, 2002) .
Mandatory Contract Provisions
So as to give institutions flexibility, the FTC
did not mandate particular contract language.
Mandatory Contract Provisions
Sample clause Throughout the term of this
Agreement, Service Provider shall implement and
maintain appropriate safeguards, as that term
is used in 314.4(d) of the FTC Safeguard Rule,
16 C.F.R. 314 (the FTC Rule), for all
customer information, as that term is defined
in 314.2(b) of the FTC Rule, owned by the
University and delivered to Service Provider
pursuant to this Agreement.
Mandatory Contract Provisions
Sample Clause contd Service Provider shall
promptly notify the University, in writing, of
each instance of (i) unauthorized access to or
use of that customer information that could
result in substantial harm or inconvenience to a
customer of the University or (ii) unauthorized
disclosure, misuse, alteration, destruction or
other compromise of that customer information.
Within 30 days of the termination or expiration
of this Agreement, Service Provider shall destroy
and shall cause each of its agents to destroy all
records, electronic or otherwise, in its or its
agents possession that contain such customer
information and shall deliver to the University a
written certification of the destruction.
Mandatory Contract Provisions
FTC Safeguard Rule is silent as to the penalty
for institution entering into or maintaining a
contract with a service provider that does not
Additional Contract Terms
Right to on-site audit of Service Providers
security program. Right to terminate if Service
Provider has allowed a material breach of its
security program, if Service Provider has lost or
materially altered customer information, or if
the University reasonably determines that Service
Providers program is inadequate.
Additional Contract Terms
Service Provider to indemnify and defend the
University for security breaches, violations of
GLB caused by Service Providers negligence, and
loss or material alteration of customer
information. Service Provider to reimburse the
University for its direct damages (e.g., costs to
reconstruct lost or altered information)
resulting from the security breach, loss, or
alteration of customer information.
GLB is another step on the ever-lengthening road
to the land of perfect privacy. FTC Safeguard
Rule should be seen a part of an institutions
comprehensive privacy policy. Institutions need
to address the protection of (meaning here access
to) information already in the hands of both
current and past service providers.
What is Required for Training under GLB
Safeguards Rule
  • Training should be very simple.
  • You don't even need to mention GLB.

What Points to Include in Training
  • Both physical and computer records must be
  • Do not give anyone else your password or ask
    anyone for theirs
  • Encrypt sensitive customer information when
    transmitted over networks. Conversely, do not ask
    customers to send data such as credit card or
    SSN over non-encrypted networks.
  • Refer calls or requests for customer information
    to employees who have had safeguard training
  • Beware "social engineering" (pretext calling)
  • Identify where at the university to report
    fraudulent attempts to obtain customer
    information or questionable data access (might be
    Internal Auditor for financial records,
    Registrar for Student Records, other to
    Information Security Coordinator)

Who to Train
  • Depends on Specifics of your Information Security
  • Narrow v. Broad Approach
  • Broad Anyone who has access to student records,
    either paper or online
  • If your plan also covers credit card information,
    anyone who has access to credit card information
    (CUA taking this approach)
  • Narrow only those offices with access to
    student financial data, or offices who engage in
    covered financial transactions, e.g. extending a
    loan for credit, gift annuity agreements, etc.
    (Georgetown taking this approach)

How to Train
  • By video (see online video at http//counsel.cua.e
  • By brochures (online by end of summer at above
  • In person in small groups for those who have
    managerial responsibilities in covered areas

Enforcement and 3rd Party Lawsuits
  • No private right of action under GLB
  • Plaintiff could bring case based on negligence
  • Not much (if any) case law on negligent release
    of information such as SSN or credit card

Avoiding Lawsuits
  • Likely to be a growing field with advent of laws
    like HIPAA, GLB and state laws protecting privacy
  • See Henderson, Steve, and Yarbrough, Matthew,
    Frontiers of Law The Internet and Cyberspace
    Suing the Insecure? A Duty of Care in
    Cyberspace, 32 N.M.L. Rev. 11 (2002) for summary
    of theory of law in this area
  • Follow standard of reasonableness. Stay current
    or ahead of curve on privacy protection, e.g. be
    there with the patch as soon as it is available.
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