Title: Nanotechnology: basic concepts and potential applications
1(No Transcript)
2Nanotechnologybasic concepts and potential
- Ralph C. Merkle, Ph.D.
- Principal Fellow
3Slides on web
- The overheads (in PowerPoint) are available on
the web at - http//www.zyvex.com/nanotech/talks/ppt/
- Berkeley 010505.ppt
- Ninth Foresight Conferenceon Molecular
Nanotechnology - November 9-11, 2001
- Santa Clara, CaliforniaIntroductory tutorial
November 8 - www.foresight.org/Conferences/MNT9/
6Health, wealth and atoms
7Arranging atoms
8Richard Feynman,1959
Theres plenty of room at the bottom
9Eric Drexler, 1992
10President Clinton, 2000
The National Nanotechnology Initiative
- Imagine the possibilities materials with ten
times the strength of steel and only a small
fraction of the weight -- shrinking all the
information housed at the Library of Congress
into a device the size of a sugar cube --
detecting cancerous tumors when they are only a
few cells in size.
- The term nanotechnology is very popular.
- Researchers tend to define the term to include
their own work. Definitions abound. - A more specific term
- molecular nanotechnology
12Arrangements of atoms
13The goal
14New technologies
- Consider what has been done, and improve on it.
- Design systems de novo based purely on known
physical law, then figure out how to make them.
15New technologies
If the target is close to what we can make, the
evolutionary method can be quite effective.
What we can make today (not to scale)
16New technologies
Molecular Manufacturing
But molecular manufacturing systems are not
close to what we can make today.
What we can make today (not to scale)
17Working backwards
- Backward chaining (Eric Drexler)
- Horizon mission methodology (John Anderson)
- Retrosynthetic analysis (Elias J. Corey)
- Shortest path and other search algorithms in
computer science - Meet in the middle attacks in cryptography
Core molecular manufacturing capabilities
19Scaling laws
- Length meter mm 0.001
- Area meter2 mm2 0.000001
- Volume meter3 mm3 0.000000001
- Mass kilogram mg 0.000000001
- Time second ms 0.001
- Speed m/s mm/ms 1
Chapter 2 of Nanosystems
20Molecular mechanics
- Manufacturing is about moving atoms
- Molecular mechanics studies the motions of atoms
- Molecular mechanics is based on the
Born-Oppenheimer approximation
- The carbon nucleus has a mass over 20,000 times
that of the electron - Moves slower
- Positional uncertainty smaller
22Quantum uncertainty
- s2 positional variance
- k restoring force
- m mass of particle
- h Plancks constant divided by 2p
23Quantum uncertainty
- C-C spring constant k440 N/m
- Typical C-C bond length 0.154 nm
- s for C in single C-C bond 0.004 nm
- s for electron (same k) 0.051 nm
- Treat nuclei as point masses
- Assume ground state electrons
- Then the energy of the system is fully determined
by the nuclear positions - Directly approximate the energy from the nuclear
positions, and we dont even have to compute the
electronic structure
25Hydrogen molecule H2
Internuclear distance
26Molecular mechanics
- Internuclear distance for bonds
- Angle (as in H2O)
- Torsion (rotation about a bond, C2H6
- Internuclear distance for van der Waals
- Spring constants for all of the above
- More terms used in many models
- Quite accurate in domain of parameterization
27Molecular mechanics
- Limited ability to deal with excited states
- Tunneling (actually a consequence of the
point-mass assumption) - Rapid nuclear movements reduce accuracy
- Large changes in electronic structure caused by
small changes in nuclear position reduce accuracy
28What to make
Diamond physical properties
- Property Diamonds value Comments
- Chemical reactivity Extremely low
- Hardness (kg/mm2) 9000 CBN 4500 SiC 4000
- Thermal conductivity (W/cm-K) 20 Ag 4.3 Cu
4.0 - Tensile strength (pascals) 3.5 x 109
(natural) 1011 (theoretical) - Compressive strength (pascals) 1011 (natural) 5 x
1011 (theoretical) - Band gap (ev) 5.5 Si 1.1 GaAs 1.4
- Resistivity (W-cm) 1016 (natural)
- Density (gm/cm3) 3.51
- Thermal Expansion Coeff (K-1) 0.8 x 10-6 SiO2
0.5 x 10-6 - Refractive index 2.41 _at_ 590 nm Glass 1.4 - 1.8
- Coeff. of Friction 0.05 (dry) Teflon 0.05
- Source Crystallume
29Hydrocarbon bearing
30Hydrocarbon universal joint
31Rotary to linear
32Bucky gears
34Planetary gear
35Neon pump
36Fine motion controller
37Positional assembly
38Stewart platform
39Thermal noise
s mean positional error k restoring force kb
Boltzmanns constant T temperature
40Thermal noise
s 0.02 nm (0.2 Å) k 10 N/m kb 1.38 x 10-23
J/K T 300 K
E Youngs modulus k transverse stiffness r
radius L length
E 1012 N/m2 k 10 N/m r 8 nm L 100 nm
43Experimental work
Gimzewski et al.
44Experimental work
H. J. Lee and W. Ho, SCIENCE 286, p. 1719,
45Experimental work
Manipulation and bond formation by STM
Saw-Wai Hla et al., Physical Review Letters 85,
2777-2780, September 25 2000
47Experimental work
Nadrian Seemans truncated octahedron from DNA
Self assembly of a positional device
- Stiff struts
- Adjustable length
49Sliding struts
a a a
x x x x
a x
joins the two struts
50Sliding struts
a ca c a / / /
xy xy x y x
a x
c y
join the two struts
51Sliding struts
c c c
y y y y
c y
Joins the two struts, which have now moved over
one unit.
Cycling through a-x, c-y and b-z produces
controlled relative motion of the two struts.
52Self replication
53Complexity (bits)
- Von Neumann's constructor 500,000
- Mycoplasma genitalia 1,160,140
- Drexler's assembler 100,000,000
- Human 6,400,000,000
- NASA over 100,000,000,000
There are many ways to make a replicating system
- There are nine and sixty ways
- of constructing tribal lays,
- And every single one of them
- is right.
- Rudyard Kipling
There are many ways to make a replicating system
- Von Neumann architecture
- Bacterial self replication
- Drexlers original proposal for an assembler
- Simplified HydroCarbon (HC) assembler
- Exponential assembly
- Convergent assembly
- And many more
56Self replication
A C program that prints outan exact copy of
- main()char q34, n10,a"main() char
57Self replication
English translation
- Print the following statement twice, the second
time in quotes - Print the following statement twice, the second
time in quotes
58Self replication
The Von Neumann architecture
Universal Computer
Universal Constructor
59Elements in Von Neumann Architecture
Self replication
- On-board instructions
- Manufacturing element
- Environment
- Follow the instructions to make a new
manufacturing element - Copy the instructions
60Self replication
The Von Neumann architecture
New manufacturing element
Manufacturing element
61Self replication
The Von Neumann architecture
Read head
Instructions (tape)
New manufacturing element
Manufacturing element
62Self replication
Replicating bacterium
DNA Polymerase
63Self replication
Drexlers proposal for an assembler
64Broadcast architecture
Macroscopic computer
65Broadcast architecture
Some broadcast methods Pressure
(acoustic) Electromagnetic (light,
radio) Chemical diffusion Electrical
66Acoustic broadcast
- Can provide both power and control
- Multi-megahertz operation
- Moderate pressure (DP one atmosphere) can be
reliably detected with small pressure actuated
pistons - Feasible designs
67Pressure actuated device
External gas
Actuator (under tension)
Compressed gas
68Piston design issues
- External pistons to detect pressure changes
- Two pistons can drive a demultiplexor, which in
turn drives tens of signal lines - Polyyne (carbyne) rods in buckytube sheaths is
adequate to convey force (derailleur cable
69Piston design issues
- 12 nm radius by 20 nm length for a volume of
about 9,000 nm3 - 105 Pa ( one atmosphere) results in DP DV
10-18 Joules 200 kT at room temperature (high
reliability) - Force of 45 piconewtons
70Advantages of broadcast architecture
Broadcast replication
- Smaller and simpler no instruction storage,
simplified instruction decode - Easily redirected to manufacture valuable
products - Inherently safe
71HC assembler
Approximate dimensions 1,000 nm length 100 nm
Compressed neon
72Elements in HC assembler
Broadcast replication
- No on-board instructions (acoustic broadcast)
- No on-board computer
- Molecular positional device (robotic arm)
- Liquid environment solvent and three feedstock
molecules - Able to synthesize most stiff hydrocarbons
(diamond, graphite, buckytubes, etc)
73Buckytubes as casings
- Well studied, robust
- Warning synthesis of this casing will not use
anything resembling current methods. Bucky tubes
are well understood and well studied, simplifying
- An assembler manufactures two new assemblers
inside its casing - The casings of the new assemblers are rolled up
during manufacture - The original assembler releases the new
assemblers by releasing the casing from the
manufacturing component
75Casing shape
- Compressed neon to maintain shape
- Pressure too low results in collapse
- Pressure too high bursts casing
- Pressures in the range of several tens of
atmospheres should work quite well
- Acetone (solvent)
- Butadiyne (C4H2, diacetylene source of carbon
and hydrogen) - Neon (inert, provides internal pressure)
- Vitamin (transition metal catalyst such as
platinum silicon tin)
77Parts closure
- A set of synthetic pathways that permits
construction of all molecular tools from the
feedstock. - Cant go downhill, must be able to make a new
complete set of molecular tools while preserving
the original set. - http//www.zyvex.com/nanotech/
- hydroCarbonMetabolism.html
- (about two dozen reactions)
78Binding sites
HC assembler
79HC assembler
Freitas, adapted from Drexler
80HC assembler
Freitas, adapted from Drexler
HC assembler
- Casing
- Binding sites (3)
- Pistons (2)
- Demultiplexor
- Positional device
- Tool synthesis
- Zero residue
82Design and modeling of HC assembler feasible today
Assembler design project
- Speed development
- Explore alternative designs
- Clearer target
- Clearer picture of capabilities
83Making diamond today
Illustration courtesy of P1 Diamond Inc.
84A synthetic strategy for the synthesis of
diamondoid structures
Molecular tools
- Positional assembly (6 degrees of freedom)
- Highly reactive compounds (radicals, carbenes,
etc) - Inert environment (vacuum, noble gas) to
eliminate side reactions
85Hydrogen abstraction tool
86Other molecular tools
87C2 deposition
88Carbene insertion
89Micro rotation
90Exponential assembly
91Exponential assembly
- No on-board instructions (electronic broadcast)
- External X, Y and Z (mechanical broadcast)
- No on-board computer
- MEMS positional device (2 DOF robotic arm)
- Able to assemble appropriate lithographically
manufactured parts pre-positioned on a surface in
92Convergent assembly
93Convergent assembly
94Convergent assembly
95Convergent assembly
Take home message the diversity of replicating
systems is enormous
- Functionality can be moved from the replicating
component to the environment - On-board / off board instructions and computation
- Positional assembly at different size scales
- Very few systematic investigations of the wide
diversity of replicating systems
Take home message and manufacturing costs will
be very low
- Potatoes, lumber, wheat and other agricultural
products have costs of roughly a dollar per
pound. - Molecular manufacturing will make almost any
product for a dollar per pound or less,
independent of complexity. (Design costs,
licensing costs, etc. not included)
98An overview of replicating systemsfor
- Advanced Automation for Space Missions, edited by
Robert Freitas and William Gilbreath NASA
Conference Publication 2255, 1982 - A web page with an overview of replication
Popular misconceptionsreplicating systems must
- be like living systems
- be adaptable (survive in natural environment)
- be very complex
- have on-board instructions
- be self sufficient (uses only very simple parts)
Misconceptions are harmful
- Fear of self replicating systems is based largely
on misconceptions - Misplaced fear could block research
- And prevent a deeper understanding of systems
that might pose serious concerns - Foresight Guidelines address the safety issues
What is needed
- Development and analysis of more replicating
architectures - Systematic study of existing proposals
- Education of the scientific community and the
general public
The impact of a new manufacturing
technology depends on what you make
Powerful Computers
- Well have more computing power in the volume of
a sugar cube than the sum total of all the
computer power that exists in the world today - More than 1021 bits in the same volume
- Almost a billion Pentiums in parallel
Lighter, stronger, smarter, less expensive
- New, inexpensive materials with a
strength-to-weight ratio over 50 times that of
steel - Critical for aerospace airplanes, rockets,
satellites - Useful in cars, trucks, ships, ...
- Disease and ill health are caused largely by
damage at the molecular and cellular level - Todays surgical tools are huge and imprecise in
- In the future, we will have fleets of surgical
tools that are molecular both in size and
precision. - We will also have computers much smaller than a
single cell to guide those tools.
Size of a robotic arm 100 nanometers
8-bit computer
Mitochondrion 1-2 by 0.1-0.5 microns
Size of a robotic arm 100 nanometers
Typical cell 20 microns
109Typical cell
Molecular computer peripherals
110Remove infections
111Clear obstructions
- ATP, other metabolites
- Na, K, Cl-, Ca, other ions
- Neurotransmitters, hormones, signaling molecules
- Antibodies, immune system modulators
- Medications
- etc.
114Correcting DNA
115Nanomedicine Volume I
- Nanosensors, nanoscale scanning
- Power (fuel cells, other methods)
- Communication
- Navigation (location within the body)
- Manipulation and locomotion
- Computation
- http//www.foresight.org/Nanomedicine
116A revolution in medicine
- Today, loss of cell function results in cellular
deterioration - function must be preserved
- With medical nanodevices, passive structures can
be repaired structure must be preserved
Liquid nitrogen
118Clinical trials
- Select N subjects
- Vitrify them
- Wait 100 years
- See if the medical technology of 2100 can indeed
revive them - But what do we tell those who dont expect to
live long enough to see the results?
119Payoff matrix
It works
It doesn't
Experimental group www.alcor.org
A very long and healthy life
Die, lose life insurance
Control group
120Public perception
- Thus, like so much else in medicine, cryonics,
once considered on the outer edge, is moving
rapidly closer to reality - ABC News World News Tonight, Feb 8th
- medical advances are giving new credibility
to cryonics. - KRON 4 News, NightBeat, May 3, 2001
121Shirley MacLaine
- Everyone who has died and told me about it has
said its terrific!
- Launch vehicle structural mass could be reduced
by about a factor of 50 - Cost per pound for that structural mass can be
under a dollar - Which will reduce the cost to low earth orbit by
a factor of better than 1,000
http//science.nas.nasa.gov/Groups/ Nanotechnology
/publications/1997/ applications/
- Light weight computers and sensors will reduce
total payload mass for the same functionality - Recycling of waste will reduce payload mass,
particularly for long flights and permanent
facilities (space stations, colonies)
- SSTO (Single Stage To Orbit) vehicle
- 3,000 kg total mass (including fuel)
- 60 kilogram structural mass
- 500 kg for four passengers with luggage, air,
seating, etc. - Liquid oxygen, hydrogen
- Cost a few thousand dollars
K. Eric Drexler, Journal of the British
Interplanetary Society, V 45, No 10, pp 401-405
(1992). Molecular manufacturing for space
systems an overview
- Solar electric ion drive
- Thin (tens of nm) aluminum reflectors concentrate
light - Arrays of small ion thrusters
- 250,000 m/s exhaust velocity
- Acceleration of 0.8 m/s
- Tour the solar system in a few months
K. Eric Drexler, Journal of the British
Interplanetary Society, V 45, No 10, pp 401-405
(1992). Molecular manufacturing for space
systems an overview
- ONeill Colonies
- Dyson spheres
- Skyhooks
- Max population of solar system
- Military applications of molecular manufacturing
have even greater potential than nuclear weapons
to radically change the balance of power.
Admiral David E. Jeremiah, USN (Ret) Former Vice
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff November 9, 1995
Gray goo, gray dust,
- New technologies, new weapons
- At least one decade and possibly a few decades
away - Public debate has begun
- Research into defensive systems is essential
129Human impacton the environment
The environment
- Population
- Living standards
- Technology
130Reducing human impacton the environment
The environment
- Greenhouse agriculture/hydroponics
- Solar power
- Pollution free manufacturing
131How long?
- The scientifically correct answer is I
dont know - Trends in computer hardware suggest early in this
century perhaps in the 2010 to 2020 time frame - Of course, how long it takes depends on what we do
132- Nanotechnology offers ... possibilities for
health, wealth, and capabilities beyond most past
imaginings. - K. Eric Drexler
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134Arranging Molecular Building Blocks (MBBs) with
Positional assembly
- Picking up, moving, and putting down a molecule
has only recently been accomplished - Stacking MBBs with an SPM has yet to be done
135Designing MBBs and SPM tips
Positional assembly
- The next step is to design an MBB/SPM tip
combination that lets us pick up, move, put down,
stack and unstack the MBBs - A wide range of candidate MBBs are possible
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- The sunshine reaching the earth has almost 40,000
times more power than total world usage. - Molecular manufacturing will produce efficient,
rugged solar cells and batteries at low cost. - Power costs will drop dramatically
Molecular bearing
20 nm scale bar
Molecular computer (4-bit) peripherals