Title: Learning-Focused Interactions: Paraphrasing and Inquiry Questions
1Learning-Focused InteractionsParaphrasing and
Inquiry Questions
This project is funded by the Wisconsin Improving
Teacher Quality (WITQ) Program, administered by
the University of Wisconsin System with funds
from the U.S. Department of Education, Elementary
and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title II, Part
A (http//www.uwsa.edu/acss/esea/). The grant for
this project was awarded to the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee under the direction of Dr.
DeAnn Huinker.
2Session 3
- Paraphrasing
- Pausing
- Mediational Questions
- To deepen understanding of paraphrases the types
and intentions. - To learn the template for forming inquiry
questions that mediate thinking.
4Paraphrase (p. 54-57)
- The paraphrase is a powerful, nonjudgmental
verbal phrase. - It communicates that I am attempting to
understand you, and that says I value you.
- I am
- Listening, interested, understand
- Supports relationship and thinking
- Not ? I hear you saying
- Instead ? Youre thinking .. or Something
important for you is .
6Paraphrases 3 Types 3 Intentions
- Acknowledge and Clarify
- So, youre wondering if
- Youre thinking that
- Summarize and Organize
- First youre going to, then you will
- So, to recap you have three
- Shift Focus
- Shifting up (goals, beliefs)
- Shifting down (example, choice)
7Paraphrasing Practice (triads)
- Person A Describe an issue you are pondering
either in your teaching or leadership role. - Person B Paraphrase
- Person A Clarify and continue
- Person B Paraphrase
- Person C Observe/Feedback
8Reflecting on Paraphrasing
- Coach What was it like to paraphrase?
- Partner What happened to your thinking?
9Silence Can Be Golden pg. 50
- Wait Time 1 3 5 sec. after a coachs question
- Wait Time 11 3 5 sec. after a partners
response- you have a choice - Wait Time 111 before a coach responds
10Attributes of Questions
- Closed questions
- Mediational questions
12Elements of the Invitation
- Attending Fully
- Approachable Voice
- Plural Forms
- Exploratory Language
- Positive Presuppositions
13Questions/Probes that Promote Thinking
- Invitation - As you think about, As you consider,
As you reflect on, Given what you know - Cognition - recall, analyze, compare, list,
envision, predict - Topic -