Title: Nathaniel Hawthorne
1Nathaniel Hawthorne
2Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804-1864
- Born in Salem, Massachusetts
- Puritan Background
- Ancestor of John Hathorne one of the three
judges in the Salem Witch Trials
3Hawthornes Background
- Began writing after college
- Spent many years in seclusion starving artist
- Held many jobs including writer and publisher
4His Themes in Writing
- Moral allegories
- The sinful man
- Hypocrisy
- The dark side of human nature
- The religious
5Who were the Puritans?
- Wanted a pure church
- No candles
- No Images
- No stained glass windows
- Rejected the showy church of England
- Led very somber lives governed solely by a strict
interpretation of the Bible - No nonsense dancing, gambling, drama, etc
6Basic Beliefs of the Puritan Church
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God died on the
cross for everyones sins - The whole Bible is the word of God and it is to
be followed to the letter. - The belief in these ideas are fact is known as a
persons faith - Faith strong belief in God or in the doctrines
of a religion, based on spiritual understanding
rather than proof.
7Basic Beliefs of the Puritan Church
- Faith is what is necessary to get into heaven.
- If you dont go to heaven you go to hell.
- Sins, as defined by the Bible, are to be avoided
at cut out of life - A catechism is a book that is used to teach basic
principles of the church
8The Infamous Puritans
- The Salem Witch Trials put the Puritans
prominently in the history books
9And Now, Nathanial Hawthorns Short Story
10Some Basics
- Characters
- Young Goodman Brown
- His wife Faith
- Mysterious man in the forest with a strange
looking staff
11Some Basics
- Minor Characters Notes
- Constable person in law enforcement
- Deacon position in church held by congregation
member - Goody abbr. of goodwife, female version of
goodman - Reverend pastor
- Sabbath day of rest in the Christian church in
this case, Sunday
12YGB as an Allegory
- What is an allegory?
- A story where everything is a symbol
- Used commonly to instruct especially in religious
matters - SYMBOL An object, person, or event that
functions as itself, but also stands for
something more than itself. - For example a dove stands for Peace.
13The Allegory of Young Goodman Brown Basics
- The Snake Satan
- The Devil
14The Allegory of Young Goodman Brown - Basics
15The Allegory of Young Goodman Brown Basics
- Stars / Sky / Heavenly Bodies
- Heaven / Connection with God
16The Allegory of Young Goodman Brown - Basics
- White Purity
- Red Sin
- Pink ????
17The Allegory of Young Goodman Brown - Basics
18The Allegory of Young Goodman Brown now, not
- Young Goodman Brown
- The common Christian man brown is neutral (can
apply to or be anyone) - Faith
- A Christians faith
- Witches
- Satan / Evil
19Another literary term feather for your literary
term cap
- Imagery words and phrases that re-create vivid
sensory experiences for the reader. Usually
imagery is visual, but often it is written to the
senses of smell, hearing, taste, and touch
20Complete C-Notes Questions Summary (due
- 4 level one questions
- 3 level two questions
- 3 level three questions
- Make sure you space the questions throughout both
pages of notes - Write a 5 sentence summary on the bottom of the
notes in the box provided