Title: Ukrainian National Dishes
1 Ukrainian National Dishes
2 Ukrainian cuisine enjoys honored popularity
among other Slavic cuisines. Many dishes like
varenyky and borshch are now considered to be
international. Modern Ukrainian cuisine
traditions were formed in the 19th century. Now
we can see some specific distinctions between
cuisines of Volyn, Poltavshchyna, Zakarpattia and
Bukovyna regions. Thus Ukrainian cuisine is
united by several common principles of choosing
food and cooking.
3Borshch is cooked of fresh vegetables cabbage,
beets, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots with the
addition of pounded lard with garlic and parsley.
The combination of all these ingredients gives
borsch its piquancy, aroma and unforgettable
taste. There are about 30 types of Ukrainian
borsch (Poltava borshch, Chernihiv borshch, Kyiv
borshch, Volyn borshch, Lviv borshch and others).
4Varenyky is a typically Ukrainian dish. They can
be filled with cottage cheese, potatoes, fried
cabbage, liver and berries in summer cherries,
red currants, blackberries, strawberries and even
poppy seeds with sugar.
5 Fat
Can you imagine a real Ukrainian who doesnt
know what fat is or who doesnt like it served
in different ways? I cant.
6To cook yellow thin and yummy pancakes you may
use a very simple recipe 2 eggs1/2 cup milk3
tablespoons water1/2 cup sifted flour4
teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon oil
7A very delicious dish a combination of cabbage,
meat, rice, carrot and spices to your taste is
a perfect main course.
8Though it will take 3 4 hours to cook
kholodets, the result is worth it! Your guests
will be surprised and proud to learn that you are
very good at cooking.
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