Title: Query Optimization Example
1Query Optimization Example
- Source Query Optimization, Y. E. Ioannidis, ACM
Computing Surveys, 28(1), March 1996.
- Database Tables
- Emp (name, age, sal, dno)
- Dept (dno, dname, floor, budget, mgr, ano)
- Acnt (ano,t ype, balance, bno)
- Bank (bno, bname,a ddress)
- Query Q
- select name, floor
- from emp, dept
- where emp.dnodept.dno and salgt100K.
System Catalog Information Table Emp 20,000
pages, 100,000 tuples, clustering Btree index on
emp.sal (3-levels) selectivity( salary gt 100K)
10 percent Table Dept 10 pages, 100 tuples,
clustering Hash-file on dept.dno (1.2
pages/bucket) Memory Buffer 3 pages Disk I/O
cost 20 ms/page
2Algebraic Tree Transformations
3Dynamic Programming Step 1 Options at Leafs
4Step 2a Options for Join nested loop
5Step 2 Options for Join
6Semantic Query Optimization
- Query Q
- select name, floor
- from emp, dept
- where emp.dnodept.dno
- And job Sr. Programmer
- Q? Compare queries Q and Q on
- Query Result
- Efficiency of query plans
- Integrity Constraint
- assert sal-constraint on emp
- salgt100K where job Sr. Programmer
- Query Q
- select name, floor
- from emp, dept
- where emp.dnodept.dno
- and job Sr. Programmer
- and salgt100K.
System Catalog Information Table Emp 20,000
pages, 100,000 tuples, clustering Btree index on
emp.sal (3-levels) selectivity( salary gt 100K)
10 percent Table Dept 10 pages, 100 tuples,
clustering Hash-file on dept.dno (1.2
pages/bucket) Memory Buffer 3 pages Disk I/O
cost 20 ms/page