Continuing to very powerful Rendering Model Java2D. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Continuing to very powerful Rendering Model Java2D.


Title: Paint Styles in Java2D Author: Zeynep Altan Last modified by: IKU Created Date: 4/5/2004 4:48:29 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Continuing to very powerful Rendering Model Java2D.

Continuing to very powerful Rendering Model
Summary about Java2D API from previous week
  • That API is not considered a part of Swing but
  • it is closely related to Swing
  • effectively used to develop sophisticated Swing
  • Consists of a set of classes and interfaces for
    advanced 2D line art, text, and image rendering.

Some classes and interfaces from package jawa.awt
  • Graphicd2D Graphics subclass for rendering 2D
    shapes, text and images
  • BasicStroke Defines a basic set of rendering
    attributes for outlines of graphics primitives
  • GradientPaint provides a way to fill and
    outline 2D shapes with a linear color gradient
  • TexturePaint provides a way to fill and outline
    shapes with texture images
  • Paint define how color patterns can be generated
    for rendering operations
  • Shape provides definitions for geometrical
  • Stroke provides methods for obtaining the
    outline of a geometrical shape

Some classes and interfaces from package
  • General Path represents a path constructed from
    straight lines, quadratic curves and cubic curves
  • Line2D Represents a line in coordinate space
  • RectangularShape Base class for geometrical
    shapes with rectangular frames. Subclasses
    include Arc2D,Ellipse2D, Rectangle2D and
  • BufferedImage Describes an Image with a buffer
    of colored pixel data composed of a ColorModel
    and a Raster
  • ColorModel Defines methods for translating a
    numerical pixel value to color

Some classes and interfaces from package
  • Raster is part of a BufferedImage that describes
    sample valued in a rectangular array of pixels
  • Kernel describes 2D array used for filtering
  • BufferedImageOp defines methods that perform
    operations on BufferedImages
  • RasterOp describes single-input/single-output
    processes performed on Rasters

Defining BufferedImage object
  • new BufferedImage (int width, int height, int
  • Gives us an image of the width/height/type
    we require, synchronously. That is
  • After the method returns, that image does exist
  • We can then get at the data directly
  • getRGB, setRGB,
  • Raster object allows more ways of getting at the
    pixel data,
  • get the ColorModel,

  • BufferedImage b new BufferedImage

  • (10,10,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)
  • //This BufferedImage is 10 pixels wide and 10
    pixels height
  • //From the third image is stored in RGB color
  • Graphics2D graph b.createGraphics()
  • //To create the pattern, first draw into
  • //Created a Graphics2D object for drawing on the
  • graph.setColor (Color.yellow) //draw in yellow
  • graph.fillRect (0,0,10,10) //draw filled
  • /graph2D is previously created to get
    Graphics2D by casting g to Graphics2D /
  • // Graphics2D graph2D (Graphics2D) g
  • graph2D.setPaint (new TexturePaint (b, new
    Rectangle (10,10)))
  • //set the Paint object to a new TexturePaint
  • graphics2D.fill (new RoundRectangle2D.Double

  • (155,30,75,100,50,50))
  • //invoked the fill method of Graphics2D to draw a
    filled objectRoundRectangle2D.Double

TexturePaint class
  • TexturePaint ( BufferedImage txt, Rectangle2D
  • txt - the BufferedImage object with the
    texture used for painting
  • anchor - the Rectangle2D in user space from the
    BufferedImage used to
  • anchor and replicate the texture
  • A TexturePaint object uses the image stored in
    its associated BufferedImage as the fill texture
    for a filled-in shape.
  • The TexturePaint class provides a way to fill any
    shape with a texture that is specified as a
  • The size of the BufferedImage object should be
    small because the BufferedImage data is copied by
    the TexturePaint object.
  • But, rectangle may be the same size of
  • At construction time, the texture is anchored to
    the upper left corner of a Rectangle2D that is
    specified in user space.
  • Texture is computed for locations in the device
    space by conceptually replicating the specified
    Rectangle2D infinitely in all directions in user
    space and mapping the BufferedImage to each
    replicated Rectangle2D.

  • public static final int TYPE_INT_RGB
  • Represents an image with 8-bit RGB color
    components packed into integer pixels.
  • The image has a DirectColorModel without
  • public static final int TYPE_BYTE_BINARY
  • Represents an opaque byte-packed 1, 2, or 4 bit
  • The image has an IndexColorModel without
  • When this type is used as the imageType argument
    to the BufferedImage constructor that takes an
    imageType argument but no ColorModel argument,
  • 1-bit image is created with an IndexColorModel
    with two colors in the default RGB ColorSpace
    0, 0, 0 and 255, 255, 255.
  • Images with 2 or 4 bits per pixel may be
    constructed via the BufferedImage constructor
    that takes a ColorModel argument by supplying a
    ColorModel with an appropriate map size.
  • Images with 8 bits per pixel should use the image
    depending on their ColorModel.

What are Alpha Textures?
  • An alpha texture is a texture that contains only
    alpha channel, transparency, information.
  • Typically this is used to "stencil" a piece of
    geometry to only leave pieces visible without
    chewing very large numbers of polygons.
  • Effectively it is a cookie-cutter for geometry.
  • Where the alpha texture is completely
    transparent, we see nothing.
  • Where it is fully opaque, we see whatever
    underlying geometry is there - including the
    material color.
  • If we go the multi-texture route, it would also
    include the other textures.
  • A typical use for alpha textures is for creating
    2D text in a 3D world.

Creating an alpha texture
  • Dynamically creating one in code or
  • Loading one from a file. (When we load from a
    file, we get whatever the file format has).
  • The main feature of an alpha texture is that it
    only contains one piece of information - the
    alpha channel.
  • This could be expressed in two ways
  • a full RGBA image with the color channels
  • We use 4 bytes per pixel, and effectively
    throwing three of them away,
  • a simple grey-scale image with a single channel,
    which is interpreted to mean alpha channel
  • We use one byte per pixel.

Creating Source Image
  • Firstly we must start by a BufferedImage
  • we set the type to be a greyscale image (1 byte
    per channel)
  • BufferedImage b new BufferedImage(128, 128,

  • BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY)
  • We can also use the byte-packed format
  • if we want to save even more memory,
  • these are really only useful if all we want is
    transparent/non-transparent, rather than shades
    of transparency.
  • We need to draw to the texture.
  • We start with the usual fetch of the Graphics
    context to draw with
  • Graphics2D g b.createGraphics()

Creating Source Image (contd)
  • We have to execute the drawing instructions.
  • How we are going to draw to the image?
  • Clear all the alpha bits or make the image all
    transparent and just draw the parts we want to
    see OR
  • We need to decide on the colors to use, and this
    is the tricky bit.
  • To create instances of Color that have the Alpha
    value set
  • Color CLEAR_COLOR new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)
  • Color VISIBLE_COLOR new Color(0, 0, 0, 1f)
  • This is not correct
  • We are drawing to an image that only has one
    byte of color representation.
  • If we did the above, all we get is a completely
    clear image.
  • The drawing routines will just ignore the alpha
    value completely and only work from the color

Creating Source Image (contd)
  • This is a greyscale image so we really need to
    think in terms of black and white.
  • What black and white mean in the context of
  • If something is transparent, we have a (normal)
    alpha value of zero.
  • If this alpha value is sourced from a black and
    white image, we need to have the value that is
    zero in that image be the transparent bit
  • In the color world, what has a value of zero?
  • what is the visible bit? White.
  • color definitions really need to be this

Creating Source Image (contd)
  • We are ready to draw away.
  • We clear all the image and then draw a box with a
    hole in it
  • g.setColor (CLEAR_COLOR)
  • g.fillRect (0, 0, 128, 128)
  • g.setColor (VISIBLE_COLOR)
  • g.fillRect (32, 32, 64, 64)
  • g.setColor (CLEAR_COLOR)
  • g.fillRect (48, 48, 32, 32)
  • g.dispose()

  • Example
  • Tiled Images as Fill Patterns

  • import javax.swing.
  • import java.awt.
  • import java.awt.geom.
  • import java.awt.image.
  • / An example of using TexturePaint to fill
    objects with tiled images. Uses the
    getBufferedImage method of ImageUtilities to load
    an Image from a file and turn that into a
    BufferedImage /
  • public class TiledImages extends JPanel
  • private String dir System.getProperty
  • private String imageFile1 dir
  • private TexturePaint imagePaint1
  • private Rectangle imageRect
  • private String imageFile2 dir
  • private TexturePaint imagePaint2
  • private int xPoints 30, 700, 400
  • private int yPoints 30, 30, 600
  • private Polygon imageTriangle new Polygon
    (xPoints, yPoints, 3)

  • public TiledImages()
  • BufferedImage image

  • ImageUtilities.getBufferedImage(imageFile1,
  • imageRect new Rectangle(235, 70,
    image.getWidth(), image.getHeight())
  • imagePaint1 new TexturePaint (image,
  • image ImageUtilities.getBufferedImage(imageFile
    2, this)
  • imagePaint2 new TexturePaint(image, new
    Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32))
  • public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
  • super.paintComponent(g)
  • Graphics2D g2d (Graphics2D)g
  • g2d.setPaint(imagePaint2)
  • g2d.fill(imageTriangle)
  • g2d.setPaint(
  • g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(5))
  • g2d.draw(imageTriangle)
  • g2d.setPaint(imagePaint1)
  • g2d.fill(imageRect)
  • g2d.setPaint(
  • g2d.draw(imageRect)

Stroke Interface
  • abstract interface java.awt.Stroke. Defines
    only one method

  • createStrokedShape(Shape p),
  • which generates a Shape that is the outline of
    the given Shape parameter.
  • This outline can be of various size, shape. The
    only implementing class is BasicStroke
  • We use Strokes to define line styles for drawing
    in the Java2D graphics context.
  • To set the stroke attribute of a given
    Graphics2D we use its setStroke() method.
  • BasicStroke class
  • This class implements the Stroke interface and
    defines a set of rendering attributes specifying
    how to render the outline of a Shape.
  • These attributes consist of line width, join
    style, end-cap style, and dash style
  • The line width (often called the pen width) is
    the thickness measured perpendicular to its
  • The end-cap style specifies whether round, butt,
    or square ends are used to render the ends of
    line segments CAP_ROUND, CAP_BUTT, and
  • The join style specifies how to render the joints
    between segments. This can be one of bevel,
    miter, or round JOIN_BEVEL, JOIN_MITER, and
  • The dash style defines a pattern of opaque and
    transparent regions rendered along a line segment.

  • A class that simplifies a few common image
  • Creating a BufferedImage from an image file,
    using MediaTracker to wait until an image or
    several images are done loading.

  • import java.awt.
  • import java.awt.image.
  • public class ImageUtilities
  • // Create Image from a file, then turn that into
    a BufferedImage.
  • public static BufferedImage getBufferedImage(Strin

  • imageFile, Component c)
  • Image image c. getToolkit() .getImage
  • waitForImage(image, c)
  • BufferedImage bufferedImage new
  • BufferedImage(image.getWidth(c),

  • BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)
  • Graphics2D g2d bufferedImage.createGraphics()
  • g2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, c)
  • return(bufferedImage)

  • //Take an Image associated with a file, and wait
    until it is done loading.
  • //Just a simple application of MediaTracker.
  • //If we are loading multiple images, we don't use
    this consecutive times
  • // instead we use the version that takes an array
    of images.
  • public static boolean waitForImage(Image image,
    Component c)
  • MediaTracker tracker new MediaTracker(c)
  • tracker.addImage(image, 0)
  • try tracker.waitForAll()
  • catch(InterruptedException ie)
  • return (!tracker.isErrorAny())

  • //Take some Images associated with files
  • //wait until they are done loading.
  • //Just a simple application of MediaTracker.
  • public static boolean waitForImages (Image

  • Component c)
  • MediaTracker tracker new MediaTracker(c)
  • for (int i0 iltimages.length i)
  • tracker.addImage(imagesi, 0)
  • try
  • tracker.waitForAll()
  • catch(InterruptedException ie)
  • return(!tracker.isErrorAny())

public class MediaTracker
  • The MediaTracker class is a utility class to
    track the status of a number of media objects.
  • Media objects could include audio clips as well
    as images, though currently only images are
  • To use a media tracker, create an instance of
    MediaTracker and call its addImage method for
    each image to be tracked.
  • In addition, each image can be assigned a unique
  • This identifier controls the priority order in
    which the images are fetched.
  • It can also be used to identify unique subsets
    of the images that can be waited on
  • Images with a lower ID are loaded in preference
    to those with a higher ID number.
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