Environmental exposure assessment: collateral damage in the genomic revolution? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Environmental exposure assessment: collateral damage in the genomic revolution?


Title: Intercalated BSc course s Author: The Computing Service Last modified by: Christopher Wild Created Date: 10/29/1997 9:08:48 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Environmental exposure assessment: collateral damage in the genomic revolution?

Environmental exposure assessment collateral
damage in the genomic revolution?
  • Christopher P. Wild
  • International Agency for Research on Cancer,
    Lyon, France

The role for IARC
Cancer research with an international perspective
  • Inter-disciplinary (lab/epidemiology)
  • Collaborative
  • Low- and middle-income countries
  • Research to inform public health decisions on
    cancer prevention

The context for IARC
International Agency for Research on Cancer
World Health Organisation - prevention and
control research
International Organisations - UICC Global
Control of Cancer
Current Participating States
Governing Council sets strategy Scientific
Council advises Director and evaluates performance
IARC five core priorities
  1. Describe cancer occurrence (Cancer incidence in
    Five continents GLOBOCAN childhood cancer
    registration CANREG)
  2. Establish cancer aetiology
  3. Evaluate cancer risks (IARC Monographs)
  4. Develop and evaluate prevention
  5. Education and training (post-doctoral training
    fellowships, courses)

(No Transcript)
Comparison of visual inspection with acetic acid,
HPV testing and conventional cytology in cervical
cancer screening randomized intervention trial
in Osmanabed District, Maharashtra State, India
Supported by the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation
through the ACCP
Hazard ratios (HR) of cervical cancer deaths rates
Study group Rate/100 000 HR (95 CI)
Control 25.8 1.00
HPV 12.7 0.52 (0.33-0.83)
Cytology 21.5 0.89 (0.62-1.27)
VIA 20.9 0.86 (0.60-1.25)
CI Confidence interval CI Confidence interval CI Confidence interval
Sankaranarayanan et al., N Engl J Med
Growing global burden of cancer
In 2008 12.4 million new cases 7.6 million
deaths worldwide
Socio-demographic influences on cancer burden
  • Population growth - world population estimated to
    grow from 6.7 billion in 2008 to 8.3 billion by
    2030 4 growth in more developed regions, 40
    in more developing regions
  • Ageing - 10 per cent gt65 years in 2000, projected
    to reach 21 per cent in 2050
  • Changing lifestyle and exposures 1 increase
    per year in incidence

Cancer incidence data population covered by
cancer registries in IARC CI5 Vol. IX (number of
registries/number of countries providing data)
Defining the environment
the physical, chemical and biological factors
external to a person and all the related
behaviours (WHO 2006)
Major cancer risk factors
  • Tobacco (multiple tumour sites 30 of cancers in
    high-resource countries 1.3 billion people
    worldwide are smokers )
  • Infections (15-20 of cancers worldwide gt25 in
    developing countries)
  • Diet (relatively little understood concerning
    how specific nutrients or dietary patterns affect
  • Obesity, overweight, physical inactivity -
    (estimated 1.5 billion people obese by 2015 up
    to 1/3 of cancers of colon, breast, endometrium,
    oesophagus and kidney)
  • Radiation (ionizing, sunlight)
  • Reproductive factors and hormones
  • Alcohol
  • Occupation
  • Environmental pollution

Importance of environmental exposure assessment
  • Most major common diseases have an environmental
  • Currently exposure measurement is problematic in
    many areas, leading to misclassification
  • Large prospective cohort studies (e.g. UK
    Biobank) are predicated on the availability of
    accurate exposure assessment
  • Exposure biomarkers can contribute to several
    areas in addition to elucidating disease aetiology

Complementing the genome with an exposome the
outstanding challenge of environmental exposure
measurement in molecular epidemiology
  • Wild CP (2005) Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers
    and Prevention, 14 1847-1850.
  • Wild CP (2009) Mutagenesis 24 117-125.

Challenges in characterising the exposome
  • Scale and complexity characterisation of
    life-course environmental exposures, including
    lifestyle, nutrition, occupation etc.,
  • Dynamic Unlike the genome, the exposome
    changes over time possibility of critical
    windows of exposure e.g. in early life
  • However, even partial characterisation can bring
    major benefits

Advances in exposure assessment
  • Biomarkers
  • Geographic information systems
  • Personal and environmental monitoring
  • Sophisticated questionnaires (e.g. for diet,

Exposure biomarkers in population studies what
do they promise?
  • Defining etiology
  • Improved exposure assessment reduced
  • Identifying susceptible individuals or sub-groups
  • Contributing to biological plausibility

Exposure biomarkers in population studies what
do they promise?
  • Evaluating Interventions
  • Primary and secondary prevention
  • Bio-monitoring e.g. occupational setting
  • Hazard and Risk Assessment
  • Mechanistic data (e.g. IARC Monographs)
  • Extrapolation from animal to human
  • Pharmacokinetic-based models

HCC incidence correlated with aflatoxin ingestion
in Africa and Asia
Thailand, 1972 Kenya, 1973 Swaziland, 1976,
1987 Mozambique and Transkei, 1985
Bosch and Munoz, IARC Publ. No. 89 427 (1988)
Interaction between HBV infection and aflatoxins
in hepatocellular carcinoma
Relative Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma
Aflatoxins (urinary biomarkers)
HBV and Aflatoxins
adapted from Qian et al, CEBP 1994, following
Ross et al., Lancet 1992
Validation and application
  • A plea for validation difficult to find support
    for, but essential for progress
  • An integral part of method development should be
    the consideration of throughput, cost and
    applicability to biobank samples

Biomarkers and classification of carcinogenicity
Carcinogen Discovered IARC classified Group 1
Helicobacter pylori 1983 1994
Aflatoxins 1963 1987 (Suppl. 7) and 1993
Complementary emphasis in exposure biomarkers
  • First generation exposure biomarkers tended to
    focus on a classical mutagen carcinogen model
    of carcinogenesis (metabolites, adducts,
    chromosomal alterations, somatic mutations)

Biomarkers in relation other mechanisms of
  • Epigenetic changes (promoter methylation, histone
    acetylation, microRNA)
  • Altered gene, protein or metabolite levels

Potential application to exposures such as
obesity, physical activity, nutrition, complex
Epigenetic biomarkers applicability to
population studies 1
  • Quantitative analysis of DNA methylation after
    whole bisulfitome amplification of a minute
    amount of DNA from body fluids (Vaissiere et al.,
    Epigenetics, 2009)

Epigenetic biomarkers applicability to
population studies 2
  • Detection of stable miRNAs in plasma and serum
    differences by disease status (Mitchell et al.,
    PNAS 105 10513, 2008 Chen et al., Cell Res.,
    18 997, 2008)
  • Cell and tissue specific expression
  • Stable in biological fluids such as plasma and
  • PCR based assays available
  • Profiling a small number may provide
  • Genetic variations in miRNA processing genes and
    in miRNA binding sites may confer genetic
  • Functional information is vital

Can omics help improve exposure assessment?
  • Do specific exposures, or categories of exposure,
    alter the expression of specific groups of genes,
    proteins or metabolites (exposure fingerprint)?
  • How do such alterations relate to dose?
  • How stable are the alterations over time?
  • How do potential confounding factors affect the
    association between exposure and omics

Transcriptomics and exposure assessment (see Wild
CP, Mutagenesis 24 117-125, 2009)
  • Smoking Lampe et al., CEBP, 13 445-453, 2004
    van Leeuwen et al., Carcinogenesis, 28 691-697,
  • Benzene - Forrest et al., EHP 113 801, 2005
  • Arsenic Fry et al., PLoS Genet., 3 2180-2189,
    2007 Wu et al., 111 1429-1438, 2003
  • Metal fumes Wang et al., Env. Health Persp.,
    113 233-241, 2005
  • Air pollution van Leeuwen et al., Mutat. Res.,
    600 12-22, 2006

Metabonomics and population studies
  • Connects molecular events to those at the macro
  • Applicable to blood and urine samples
  • LC-mass spectrometry methodology affordable and
    of requisite throughput
  • Demonstrated applicability to studies of diet
    (Solanky et al., Anal. Biochem., 323 197-204,
    2003 Holmes et al., Nature, 453 396-400, 2008)

Problems in comparisons of omics data in poorly
designed studies
See Potter JD Trends in Genetics, 19 690-695,
  • Unmeasured confounding by lack of information on
    age, sex and other exposures
  • Bias through differences in sample processing
  • Selection bias through sampling procedures
  • High costs leading to one-off or small-scale

Early life exposure and cancer risk
  • Observational studies linking early life
    exposures to disease later in life
  • Foetal programming adaptive response -
    indications of alterations in the epigenome
  • Vulnerability of children to environmental
  • Reported rise in childhood cancer rates (see
    Steliarova-Foucher et al., Lancet 364 2097, 2004
    from the Automated Childhood Cancer Information
    System (ACCIS Project)

Temporal application of exposure biomarkers in
cancer epidemiology
Adult cohort
Case-control study
Birth cohort
Carcinogen metabolites DNA/protein
adducts Cytogenetic alterations
Mutation spectra Antibodies
Timing of exposure measurement
Early life exposure and cancer risk -
  • Motherchild birth cohorts need for
    international cooperation
  • Mechanism-based biomarkers to relate exposure to
    disease a necessity?

Activation of inflammation/NF-?B signalling in
infants born to arsenic-exposed mothers Fry et
al., PLoS Genetics, 3 2180-2189, 2007
  • 32 pregnant women in Thailand in high and low
    areas of arsenic exposure
  • Toenail analysis of arsenic cord blood for
    microarray gene expression
  • Expression signatures highly predictive of
    prenatal arsenic exposure genes related to
    stress, inflammation, metal exposure and apoptosis

  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • 4.5 million deaths in children under age 5
  • 175 child deaths (lt5 yrs) per 1000 live births
    (c.f. 6 per 1000 in industrialized nations)

Under-nutrition and growth faltering is an
underlying cause of 50 of deaths in children lt5
years age (Black et al., Lancet, 2003)
Aflatoxin, weaning and effects on growth in young
children in Benin and Togo
  • Sixteen villages in four agro-ecological zones
  • 479 children (age 9 months - 5 years)
  • Aflatoxin-albumin in blood
  • Anthropometry

Gong et al., Brit. Med J. 2002
Exposure to aflatoxin associated with impaired
Z gt0
Z 0 to-2
Z -2 to -3
Z lt-3
AF-alb (pg/mg)
Height for Age
Weight for Age
Growth Status (Z score)
Longitudinal study of aflatoxin exposure and
child growth in Benin
Subjects 200 children, aged 16-37 months from
four villages, two high, two low aflatoxin
Time February May/June
October Survey 1 2 3
Serum AF-alb X X X
Anthropometry X X X Questionnaire X X
Longitudinal Study of Aflatoxin Exposure and
Child Growth in Benin
Gong et al., Environ. Health Perspec. (2004) 112,
Aflatoxin Exposure Group Mean AF-alb over 8 months Height increase (cm) Unadjusted Adjusteda Mean AF-alb over 8 months Height increase (cm) Unadjusted Adjusteda
lower quartile 4.9 (4.5,5.3),c 5.9 (5.2,6.6)
mid-lower quartile 4.4 (4.1,4.7) 5.3 (4.8,5.9)
mid-upper quartile 4.1 (3.8,4.5) 4.8 (4.4,5.2)
upper quartile 4.1 (3.8,4.5) 4.2 (3.9,4.6)
200 children, aged 16-37 months followed over 8
months aAdjusted for age, height, weaning status,
mothers SES and village. cData labelled are
significantly different to .
  • Are there critical windows of exposure during
    which exposure to environmental risk factors is
    most relevant?

The public health relevance of an exposure should
be considered in relation to all its adverse
health effects
Biomarkers and Biological Plausibility
  • Demonstration of exposure
  • Evidence for a plausible mechanism

Demonstration of exposure environmental tobacco
Nicotine/Cotinine Urinary TSNA 4-ABP-Hb Urinary
Demonstration of exposure and plausibility of
association with disease
Anderson et al., JNCI, 93 378-381, 2001
Plausible mechanism ETS and bladder cancer in
never smokers
OR Bladder cancer risk OR Bladder cancer risk OR Bladder cancer risk OR 4-ABP-Hb adducts - Low/High OR 4-ABP-Hb adducts - Low/High OR 4-ABP-Hb adducts - Low/High
ETS exposure All Men Women ETS exposure All Men Women
Low 1.00 1.00 1.00 Never 1.00 1.00 1.00
Intermediate 1.61 1.42 3.34 Former 1.58 1.14 5.84
High 1.28 0.82 5.48 Current 1.78 1.00 9.22
P trend 0.95 0.25 0.03 P trend 0.30 0.92 0.046
Control, subjects only
Adapted from Jiang et al., Cancer Res., 67
7540-7545, 2007
Biomarkers and intervention studies
  • Proof of concept (e.g. anti-oxidants, induction
    of detoxification enzymes, avoidance of exposure)
  • Surrogate (earlier) outcome

Protocol for primary prevention study to reduce
aflatoxin exposure in Guinea
20 Villages (10 intervention, 10 control), 30
subjects per village
Intermediate Survey 1
Intermediate Survey 2
Survey 1
Survey 2
Survey 3
Blood sample collection
Groundnut sample collection
Mean levels of AF-alb are reduced in individuals
following intervention
Turner et al., (2005) The Lancet, 365, 1950-1956
Intervention increases the number of individuals
with non-detectable blood AF-alb
Turner et al., (2005) The Lancet, 365, 1950-1956
Future perspectives summary 1
  • Investment in exposure biomarkers to complement
    genetic analysis is required if large/expensive
    prospective cohort studies are to fulfill their
  • New methodologies (e.g. metabonomics) and
    knowledge of mechanisms (e.g. epigenetics) need
    to be applied to population-based investigations
    of environment and cancer

Future perspectives summary 2
  • The contribution of biological plausibility to
    establishing aetiology should be given higher
    priority, particularly in cases of modest risk
  • Early life exposures merit consideration in the
    context of motherchild cohorts and related
  • Priorities for prevention need to be considered
    across the disease spectrum where appropriate
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