Analysis of Variance in Matrix Form - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Analysis of Variance in Matrix Form


Analysis of Variance in Matrix Form Regression with dummy variables Meaning of the estimated parameters Variance decomposition Effect coding Meaning of the estimated ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Analysis of Variance in Matrix Form

Analysis of Variance in Matrix Form
  • Regression with dummy variables
  • Meaning of the estimated parameters
  • Variance decomposition
  • Effect coding
  • Meaning of the estimated parameters
  • Orthogonal codings (multiple, average)
  • Variance decomposition
  • Orthogonal coding with kgt 3
  • Experimental design with two independent factors
  • 3x3 experimental design with interaction
  • Repeated measures design
  • 2x2 repeated measures design
  • Mixed design
  • analysis of covariance
  • Power of the test

Regression with dummy variables(0 1)
Data of an experiment with 1 factor with k 4
independent levels
Regression with dummy variables
With k independent groups it is possible to
encode the k factor levels using the dummy
coding. It is then possible to construct a matrix
X where each column Xk corresponds to a level of
the factor set in contrast to the reference
level, in this case the last one. Note that the
X0 column encode the reference mean, in our
example the one of the k-th group.
Regression with dummy variables (0 1)
This coding system implies that the general
matrix X'X assume as values
Regression with dummy variables (0 1)
From which
Similarly, the matrix will become X'y
Regression with dummy variables (0 1)
Meaning of the estimated parameters
The dummy coding states that the parameter b0 is
the average of the k-th category taken into
account, the other parameters correspond to the
difference between the means of the groups and
the reference category, which is the last one
encoded with the vector (0, 0,0).
so that
Meaning of the estimated parameters
The beta parameters estimated with the dummy
coding assess the following null hypotheses
Meaning of the estimated parameters
We know that For each of the nk observations we
can see that Xk 1 , while the remaining X-k
0. Therefore, the value estimated by the
regression for each group of independent
observations can be attributed to the average of
the observations. In fact
Sums of squares
In general, it is possible to decompose the total
sum of squares (SStot) in the part ascribed to
the regression (SST) and the part ascribed to the
Sums of squares
Sums of squares
ANOVA Results
As in multiple regression, it is possible to test
the overall null hypothesis of equality of the
estimated betas with 0, leading to the following
Where k is the number of columns of the matrix X
excluding X0.
Effect coding (1, 0, -1)
You can encode the levels of the factor using a
coding centered on the overall mean of the
observations. This is called Effect coding. Note
the X0 column to encode the overall average. The
last group assume value -1, leading to 0 the sum
of the values ??in each column.
Effect coding (1, 0, -1)
This coding system implies that the general
matrix X'X take as values
Effect coding (1, 0, -1)
From which
Similarly, the matrix will become X'y
Effect coding (1, 0, -1)
Meaning of the estimated parameters
The Effect coding states that the parameter b0
corresponds to the overall average of the
observations, the other parameters correspond to
the difference between the average of the group
and the overall average.
So that
Meaning of the estimated parameters
The parameters estimated with the Effect coding
assess the following null hypotheses
Meaning of the estimated parameters
We know that For each of the nk observations we
can see that Xk 1 and the remaining X-k
0. Therefore, the value estimated by regression
for each group of independent observations can be
attributed to the average of the observations
Meaning of the estimated parameters
For the k-th group we have
It is then shown as the difference between the
two encodings lies in the value assumed by the
parameter beta. While in the dummy it represents
the difference with the average of the
reference group, in the effect coding it
represent the difference with the overall
Orthogonal coding
When the independent variables are mutually
independent their contribution to the adaptation
of the model to the data is divisible according
to the proportions
The contributions of the k variables X will be
unique and independent and there will be no
indirect effects. This condition can be realized
by an orthogonal encoding of the factors levels
Orthogonal coding
The encoding is orthogonal when When the
components of the effects are purely additive,
then with the multiplicative components equal to
zero, they establish comparisons between averages
orthogonal in the analysis of variance. This type
of comparisons are called orthogonal contrasts.
Orthogonal coding
You can build such contrasts in different
ways. As a general rule, in order to encode a
factor I 3 levels, you may want to use
Orthogonal coding
This coding allows for evaluation of the
following null hypotheses The estimated beta
parameters allow you to make a decision about
such hypotheses, in fact
Orthogonal coding
It seems clear that it is preferable an encoding
directly centered on the averages, so that the
estimated beta parameters are more "readable"
Orthogonal coding
The estimated parameters therefore are
Variance decomposition
In order to conduct a statistical test on the
regression coefficients is necessary
  1. calculate the SSreg and the SSres for the model
    containing all independent variables
  2. calculate the SSreg for the model excluding the
    variable for which you want to test the
    significance (SS-i), or in balanced orthogonal
    designs, directly calculates the sum of squares
    caused only by the variables you want to test
    the significance (SSi).
  3. perform an F-test with at the numerator SSi
    weighed to the difference of the degrees of
    freedom and with denominator SSres / (n-k-1)

Variance decomposition
To test, for example, the weight of only the
first variable X1 with respect to the total
model, it is necessary to calculate SSreg
starting from b1 and X1.
Variance decomposition
Variance decomposition
Variance decomposition
You can then calculate the F statistic for the
complete model as for the individual variables Xi.
Variance decomposition
Similarly, also the amount of variance explained
by the model can be recomposed additively
Variance decomposition
  • However, there are different algorithms to
    decompose the variance attributed to the several
    factors, especially when the dependent variables
    (DV) and any covariates (CV) are correlated to
    each other.
  • In accordance with the distinction made by SAS, 4
    modes are indicated for the variance
    decomposition. These modes are called
  • type-I
  • type-II
  • type-III
  • type-IV

Variance decomposition
  • In R / S-PLUS the funzione anova calculate SS via
    a Type-I. It has been developed the car package
    that allows, through the Anova function, using
    the Type-II and Type III.
  • For more details see
  • Langsrud, Ø. (2003), ANOVA for Unbalanced Data
    Use Type II Instead of Type III Sums of Squares,
    Statistics and Computing, 13, 163-167.

Variance decomposition
  • Type-I sequential
  • The SS for each factor is the incremental
    improvement in the error SS as each factor effect
    is added to the regression model. In other words
    it is the effect as the factor were considered
    one at a time into the model, in the order they
    are entered in the model selection. The SS can
    also be viewed as the reduction in residual sum
    of squares (SSE) obtained by adding that term to
    a fit that already includes the terms listed
    before it.
  • Pros
  • (1) Nice property balanced or not, SS for all
    the effects add up to the total SS, a complete
    decomposition of the predicted sums of squares
    for the whole model. This is not generally true
    for any other type of sums of squares.
  • (2) Preferable when some factors (such as
    nesting) should be taken out before other
    factors. For example with unequal number of male
    and female, factor "gender" should precede
    "subject" in an unbalanced design.
  • Cons
  • (1) Order matters! Hypotheses depend on the order
    in which effects are specified. If you fit a
    2-way ANOVA with two models, one with A then B,
    the other with B then A, not only can the type I
    SS for factor A be different under the two
    models, but there is NO certain way to predict
    whether the SS will go up or down when A comes
    second instead of first.This lack of invariance
    to order of entry into the model limits the
    usefulness of Type I sums of squares for testing
    hypotheses for certain designs.
  • (2) Not appropriate for factorial designs

Variance decomposition
  • Type II hierarchical or partially sequential
  • SS is the reduction in residual error due to
    adding the term to the model after all other
    terms except those that contain it, or the
    reduction in residual sum of squares obtained by
    adding that term to a model consisting of all
    other terms that do not contain the term in
    question. An interaction comes into play only
    when all involved factors are included in the
    model. For example, the SS for main effect of
    factor A is not adjusted for any interactions
    involving A AB, AC and ABC, and sums of squares
    for two-way interactions control for all main
    effects and all other two-way interactions, and
    so on.
  • Pros
  • (1) appropriate for model building, and natural
    choice for regression.
  • (2) most powerful when there is no interaction
  • (3) invariant to the order in which effects are
    entered into the model
  • Cons
  • (1) For factorial designs with unequal cell
    samples, Type II sums of squares test hypotheses
    that are complex functions of the cell ns that
    ordinarily are not meaningful.
  • (2) Not appropriate for factorial designs

Variance decomposition
  • Type III marginal or orthogonal
  • SS gives the sum of squares that would be
    obtained for each variable if it were entered
    last into the model. That is, the effect of each
    variable is evaluated after all other factors
    have been accounted for. Therefore the result for
    each term is equivalent to what is obtained with
    Type I analysis when the term enters the model as
    the last one in the ordering.
  • Pros
  • Not sample size dependent effect estimates are
    not a function of the frequency of observations
    in any group (i.e. for unbalanced data, where we
    have unequal numbers of observations in each
    group). When there are no missing cells in the
    design, these subpopulation means are least
    squares means, which are the best linear-unbiased
    estimates of the marginal means for the design.
  • Cons
  • (1) testing main effects in the presence of
  • (2) Not appropriate for designs with missing
    cells for ANOVA designs with missing cells, Type
    III sums of squares generally do not test
    hypotheses about least squares means, but instead
    test hypotheses that are complex functions of the
    patterns of missing cells in higher-order
    containing interactions and that are ordinarily
    not meaningful.

Orthogonal coding with kgt 3
To encode a factor with l 4, the general
encoding becomes
Orthogonal coding with kgt 3
You can thus test the following hypotheses
The sum of squares can then be decomposed
orthogonally as follows
Designs with multiple independent factors
Take as reference the following experiment with
two independent factors, each with two levels
Designs with multiple independent factors
Graphical representation of the average AiBj
Designs with multiple independent factors
The two levels of each factor can be encoded
assigning to each factor a column of the matrix X
(X1 and X2 respectively). You also need to encode
the interaction between the factors, adding as
many columns as the possible interactions among
the factors. Here the column that encodes the
interaction is X3calculated linearly as product
between X1 X2
Designs with multiple independent factors
  • The previously considered orthogonal coding does
    not allow an immediate understanding of the
    estimated parameters.
  • We therefore recommend the following orthogonal
    coding, where the element in the denominator
    corresponds to the number of levels of the
  • The interaction is calculated as indicated above.

Designs with multiple independent factors
Estimating the beta parameters
The estimated parameters indicate
The parameter b3 telative to the Interaction
allows the verification of the hypothesis of
parallelism. This parameter must be studied
before the individual factors.
Designs with multiple independent factors
Designs with multiple independent factors
You can now test the following hypotheses
Designs with multiple independent factors
You can estimate the percentage of variance
explained by factors and interaction, as by the
overall model
3x3 experimental design with interaction
Let's look at a more complex experimental design,
with two factors with three levels each (3x3).
3x3 experimental design with interaction
  • To encode the levels of the two factors and
    interactions, it is possible to constitute a
    matrix such as the following, with reference to
    the dummy encoding (in which is shown only the
    observed value for the last subject).
  • X1 e X2 encode the first factor A,
  • X3 e X4 encode the second factor B,
  • X5,X6,X7,X8 encode the interactions between

The complete matrix of X will therefore be a 45
rows x 9 columns matrix.
3x3 experimental design with interaction
Likewise the following orthogonal encoding is
3x3 experimental design with interaction
  • La seguente scrittura permette di riconoscere nei
    parametri beta direttamente i contrasti tra i
  • La codifica dellinterazione può essere
    agevolmente fatta moltiplicando le rispettive
    colonne della matrice X che codificano i fattori

3x3 experimental design with interaction
Estimating the parameters and the summ of squares
we find
3x3 experimental design with interaction
Through the beta parameters is immediate the
decomposition of variance in the two factors and
the interaction
3x3 experimental design with interaction
You can now test the following hypothesis, as
many as the estimated beta parameters
3x3 experimental design with interaction
Repeated measures design
observed data
Score obtained in a 10-point scale for anxiety
before and after treatment from 4 subjects.
Repeated measures design
Even a simple design such as the proposed one
involves the construction of a large matrix in
which are encoded the subjects, the factors and
Repeated measures design
You can estimate the parameters b according to
the general formula Then you can calculate
Repeated measures design
Unlike the between factorial design, this Within
model the SSres. is not calculated . We are in
presence of a model "saturated", in which the
share of the regression error is zero, since the
model explains all the variance.
Repeated measures design
The statistical testing therefore will concern
the diversity fron 0 of the part of variance due
to the factor (SST) corrected for the part of
variance due to the interaction of subjects with
treatment (SSint). This hypothesis can also be
formulated as follows
Repeated measures design
2x2 repeated measures design
  • now consider an experimental design with repeated
    measures using the following factors
  • stimulus left / right (qstSE)
  • response left / right (qreSE)
  • The dependent variable measured is the reaction
    time, measured in msec.
  • The measurement of 2x2 conditions occurred on a
    sample of 20 subjects.

2x2 repeated measures design
This design involves the construction of a large
matrix in which are encoded the repeated
measurements (in our case are the subjects, id),
the factors (A and B), and interactions. In the
table we consider only 3 subjects.
2x2 repeated measures design
  • The complete matrix of the design features
  • Rows A(2) x B(2) x id(20) 80
  • Columns x0 A(1) B(1) id(19) 80
  • For convenience, the analysis continues through
    the native functions of the R language, based on
    the matrix regression.
  • Specifically, the functionlm(formula,)
    calculates the X matrix of contrasts, starting
    from variables of type factor through the
    function model.matrix then estimate the
    parameters with the LS method solve(t(x)x,t(x)
  • See in detail the commented scripts, which also
    describe the function rmFx e a.rm.

2x2 repeated measures design
  • Being a saturated model, it is expected that the
    model residuals are zero.

gt aov.lmgv0lt-anova(lm(tridqstSEqreSE)) gt
aov.lmgv0 Analysis of Variance Table Response
tr Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
Pr(gtF) id 19 273275 14383
qstSE 1 1268 1268
qreSE 1 3429 3429
idqstSE 19 6326 333
idqreSE 19 15628 823
qstSEqreSE 1 3774 3774
idqstSEqreSE 19 18030 949
Residuals 0 0
2x2 repeated measures design
  • You must find "by hand" the correcting element
    for each factor investigated.
  • In the specific
  • qstSE is corrected by the interaction between id
    and qstSE, indicated as idqstSE.
  • qreSE is corrected by idqreSE.
  • qstSEqreSE is corrected by idqstSEqreSE.

2x2 repeated measures design
  • the rmFx function allows you to set such
    contrasts and compute the values ??of F.

gt aov.lmgv0lt-anova(lm(tridqstSEqreSE)) gt
ratioFlt-c(2,4, 3,5, 6,7) gt aov.lmgv0lt-rmFx(aov.lmg
v0,ratioF) gt aov.lmgv0 Analysis of Variance
Table Response tr Df Sum Sq
Mean Sq F value Pr(gtF) 1, id 19
273275 14383 2, qstSE
1 1268 1268 3.8075 0.06593 . 3, qreSE
1 3429 3429 4.1693 0.05529 . 4,
idqstSE 19 6326 333
5, idqreSE 19 15628 823
6, qstSEqreSE 1 3774 3774
3.9766 0.06069 . 7, idqstSEqreSE 19 18030
949 8, Residuals 0
2x2 repeated measures design
  • The same results are produced by a.rm(formula,)

gt a.rm(trqstSEqreSEid) Analysis of Variance
Table Response tr Df Sum Sq Mean
Sq F value Pr(gtF) qstSE 1 1268
1268 3.8075 0.06593 . qreSE 1 3429
3429 4.1693 0.05529 . id 19 273275
14383 qstSEqreSE 1 3774
3774 3.9766 0.06069 . qstSEid 19
6326 333 qreSEid 19
15628 823 qstSEqreSEid 19
18030 949 Residuals
0 0 --- Signif.
codes 0 '' 0.001 '' 0.01 '' 0.05 '.' 0.1
' ' 1
Mixed design
  • Consider the following mixed design, taken from
    Keppel (2001), pp. 350ss.
  • The "Sommeliers" experiment consists of a 2x3
    mixed design
  • Y dependent variable ("wine quality"),
  • A 1 Factor between("type of wine")
  • B 1 Within factor ("oxygenation time"),
  • Id 5 subjects, randomly assigned.
  • The script commented is reported in anova7.r

Mixed design
Mixed design
  • It is expected that the residuals of the model
    are null
  • Becomes necessary to determine which MS are to be
    placed in the denominator for the calculation of

gt anova(lm(yABid)) Analysis of Variance
Table Response y Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F
value Pr(gtF) A 1 53.333 53.333
B 2 34.067 17.033
id 8 34.133 4.267 AB
2 10.867 5.433 Bid 16
19.067 1.192 Residuals 0 0.000
Mixed design
  • The between factor A is correct with the
    variability due to subjects, id.
  • The factor Within B and interaction A B are
    corrected by the interaction between B and id, B

gt aov.lmgv0 lt- anova(lm(yABid)) gt
ratioFlt-c(1,3, 2,5, 4,5) gt aov.lmgv0lt-rmFx(aov.lmg
v0,ratioF) gt aov.lmgv0 Analysis of Variance
Table Response y Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F
value Pr(gtF) A 1 53.333 53.333
12.5000 0.0076697 B 2 34.067 17.033
14.2937 0.0002750 id 8 34.133 4.267
AB 2 10.867 5.433
4.5594 0.0270993 Bid 16 19.067 1.192
Residuals 0 0.000
Mixed design
  • Planned comparisons

some clarifications
  • ANOVA analysis of variance with one or more
  • ANCOVA analysis of covariance (or regression)
  • MANOVA multivariate analysis of variance
    (multiple dependent variables)
  • MANCOVA Multivariate analysis of covariance
    (similar to multiple regression)

Analysis of Covariance
  • ANCOVA is an extension of ANOVA in which main
    effects and interactions of the independent
    variables (IV) on the dependent variable (DV) are
    measured after removing the effects of one or
    more covariates.
  • A covariate (CV) is an external source of
    variation, and when it is removed from DV, it is
    to reduce the size of the error term.

Analysis of Covariance
  • Scopi principali della ANCOVA
  • Incrementare la sensibilità di un test riducendo
  • Correggere le medie della DV To adjust the means
    on the DV attraverso i punteggi della CV

Analysis of Covariance
  • ANCOVA increases the power of the F test by
    removing non-systematic variance in the DV.

Analysis of Covariance
  • Take for example the following data set, from
    Tabachnick, pp. 283, 287-289

Analysis of Covariance
  • To analyze the relationship of the scores at
    post-test with the experimental group,
    considering the score as a covariate in the
    pre-test, you must construct the following matrix

Analysis of Covariance
  • It is interesting to note the difference in the
    significance of the results between this model
    and the model of analysis that does not consider
    the score at pre-test (ANOVA).
  • The full results are reported in the file

SS df MS F
Gruppo 366.20 2 183.10 6.13
Errore 149.43 5 29.89 6.13
p lt .05
SS df MS F
Gruppo 432.89 2 216.44 4.52
Errore 287.33 6 47.89 4.52
To conclude, it can be noted that
  • Regression, ANOVA and ANCOVA are very similar.
  • The regression includes 2 or more continuous
    variables (1 or more IV and DV 1)
  • ANOVA has at least one categorical variable (IV)
    and exactly one continuous variable (DV)
  • ANCOVA includes at least one categorical variable
    (IV), at least 1continuous variabiale, the
    covariate (CV), and a single continuous variable
  • MANOVA and MANCOVA are similar, except that
    present multiple and interrelated DV.

Calculation of power ...
  • and of the subjects needed for an experiment
  • http//
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