Carta Escrita no Ano 2070 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Carta Escrita no Ano 2070


Title: Carta Escrita no Ano 2070 Subject: Categoria: Reflex o Author: Ria Last modified by: Created Date: 4/1/2005 2:44:10 PM Document presentation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Carta Escrita no Ano 2070

We convince ourselves that the life becomes
better when we marry/shall marry, we shall get
the child, then another.
Then we are upset that our children still small,
and we wait that all becomes better when they
will mature.
Then we experience that they became teenagers,
and we should cope with them somehow.
Undoubtedly, we become happier when they will
grow from their teenager's years.
We speak ourselves that our life becomes better
when the spouse will reduce the business when
there will be more beautiful car, when we shall
take holiday, when we shall finally retire.
True is in that, there is no more the best time
to be happy, than now. If not now, when itll
be? Your life will be always full of calls. It
is better to accept all how it is and decide to
be happy.
Very long time, seemed that the life just about
will begin. The present life. But always there
was any obstacle in a way, severe test which
needs to be passed work which needs to be
completed which it is necessary to devote time
the account which needs to be paid. And here then
we shall begin to live. At last I have come to
understanding, that these obstacles and were the
This understanding helped me to see, that there
is no any way to be happy. The happiness is a
Therefore, enjoy each moment. Will suffice to
wait for leaving school, the beginning of study,
to wait when you will lose 10 dollars, you will
earn 10 dollars when there will be a work, till a
marriage, till evening of Friday, till Sunday
morning, to wait for the new car, before full
payment under mortgages, till the spring, till
the summer, till the autumn, till the winter, up
to the first or fifteenth when your song will
scroll by radio when you will die when you will
be born again before you will decide to be
The happiness is a WAY, instead of destination.
There is no other time to be happy except for
NOW! Live, and enjoy the given
moment. The-author is unknown-
Now, think and answer these questions 1 Name
of 5 richest people on a planet. 2 Name of
last 5 winners Ms. of the world . 3 Name
of last 5 Nobel prize winners. 4 Name of last
5 winners of the film-premium "Oscar" for the
best role.
It has not absolutely turned out? Difficult,
whether not so? Do not worry, anybody does not
remember it. Applause abate! Prizes become
covered by a dust! Anybody forget winners soon.
And now answer these questions 1 Name of 3
teachers who have brought the contribution to
your formation. 2 Name of 3 friends who have
helped you at difficult o'clock. 3 Recollect
some person which have caused in you special
feelings. 4 Name of 5 person with which you
to like to spend time.
Does it possible to do? It is easier, whether not
so? People who something mean in your life, not
in a rating of "best", have no most money, did
not win the greatest prizes These are those who
care of you, those value you, who, looking on
what, remain a number.
Reflect on it for an instant. The life is very
short! And you, in what list are you? Do you
Allow to shake your hand. You not among most
"well-known", but among those whom I have
recollected to send this message
Some time back, on Olympiad in Seattle, nine
athletes stood on start of a 100-meter racetrack.
All of them were physical or mental invalids.
The shot has sounded, and running has begun. Not
all ran, but all wished to take part and win.
They have run one third of distance when the boy
has stumbled and he has fallen. He has started to
cry. Other eight participants have heard it cry.
They have slowed down run and have looked
back. They have stopped and have returned back
The girl with a syndrome of Down has sat down
near to him, she has embraced and she has asked
Now it is better you? Then, all of them came
(shoulder to shoulder) to a finishing line.
All crowd has risen from places and has
applauded. An applause last very long
Those who saw it, they speak about it till
now. Why?
Because it is deep inside of ourself, all of us
it is known that the most important thing in a
life means much more than to win for yourself.
The most important thing in this life is to help
another to win. Even if it means that it is
necessary to slow down or change own race.
The candle loses nothing, if from its flame
light other candle
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