Title: Scatterplots and Correlation
1Lesson 3 - 1
- Scatterplots and Correlation
2Knowledge Objectives
- Explain the difference between an explanatory
variable and a response variable - Explain what it means for two variables to be
positively or negatively associated - Define the correlation r and describe what it
measures - List the four basic properties of the correlation
r that you need to know in order to interpret any
correlation - List four other facts about correlation that must
be kept in mind when using r
3Construction Objectives
- Given a set of bivariate data, construct a
scatterplot. - Explain what is meant by the direction, form, and
strength of the overall pattern of a scatterplot. - Explain how to recognize an outlier in a
scatterplot. - Explain how to add categorical variables to a
scatterplot. - Use a TI-83/84/89 to construct a scatterplot.
- Given a set of bivariate data, use technology to
compute the correlation r.
- Bivariate data
- Categorical Variables
- Correlation (r)
- Negatively Associated
- Outlier
- Positively Associated
- Scatterplot
- Scatterplot Direction
- Scatterplot Form
- Scatterplot Strength
5Scatter Plots
- Shows relationship between two quantitative
variables measured on the same individual. - Each individual in the data set is represented by
a point in the scatter diagram. - Explanatory variable plotted on horizontal axis
and the response variable plotted on vertical
axis. - Do not connect the points when drawing a scatter
6Drawing Scatter Plots by Hand
- Plot the explanatory variable on the x-axis. If
there is no explanatory-response distinction,
either variable can go on the horizontal axis. - Label both axes
- Scale both axes (but not necessarily the same
scale on both axes). Intervals must be uniform. - Make your plot large enough so that the details
can be seen easily. - If you have a grid, adopt a scale so that you
plot uses the entire grid
7TI-83 Instructions for Scatter Plots
- Enter explanatory variable in L1
- Enter response variable in L2
- Press 2nd y for StatPlot, select 1 Plot1
- Turn plot1 on by highlighting ON and enter
- Highlight the scatter plot icon and enter
- Press ZOOM and select 9 ZoomStat
8Interpreting Scatterplots
- Just like distributions had certain important
characteristics (Shape, Outliers, Center, Spread) - Scatter plots should be described by
- Direction positive association (positive slope
left to right) negative association (negative
slope left to right) - Form linear straight line, curved
quadratic, cubic, etc, exponential, etc - Strength of the form weak moderate (either weak
or strong) strong - Outliers (any points not conforming to the form)
- Clusters (any sub-groups not conforming to the
9Example 1
Strong Negative Linear Association
No Relation
Strong Positive Linear Association
Strong Negative Quadratic Association
Weak Negative Linear Association
10Example 2
- Describe the scatterplot below
Mild Negative Exponential Association One
obvious outlier Two clusters gt 50 lt
11Example 3
- Describe the scatterplot below
Mild Positive Linear Association One
mild outlier
12Adding Categorical Variables
- Use a different plotting color or symbol for each
- Remember the emphasis in the definitions on above
and below average values in examining the
definition for linear correlation coefficient, r
14Linear Correlation Coefficient, r
15Equivalent Form for r
- Easy for computers (and calculators)
16Important Properties of r
- Correlation makes no distinction between
explanatory and response variables - r does not change when we change the units of
measurement of x, y or both - Positive r indicates positive association between
the variables and negative r indicates negative
association - The correlation r is always a number between -1
and 1
17Linear Correlation Coefficient Properties
- The linear correlation coefficient is always
between -1 and 1 - If r 1, then the variables have a perfect
positive linear relation - If r -1, then the variables have a perfect
negative linear relation - The closer r is to 1, then the stronger the
evidence for a positive linear relation - The closer r is to -1, then the stronger the
evidence for a negative linear relation - If r is close to zero, then there is little
evidence of a linear relation between the two
variables. R close to zero does not mean that
there is no relation between the two variables - The linear correlation coefficient is a unitless
measure of association
18TI-83 Instructions for Correlation Coefficient
- With explanatory variable in L1 and response
variable in L2 - Turn diagnostics on by
- Go to catalog (2nd 0)
- Scroll down and when diagnosticOn is highlighted,
hit enter twice - Press STAT, highlight CALC and select 4 LinReg
(ax b) and hit enter twice - Read r value (last line)
19Example 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
x 3 2 2 4 5 15 22 13 6 5 4 1
y 0 1 2 1 2 9 16 5 3 3 1 0
- Draw a scatter plot of the above data
- Compute the correlation coefficient
r 0.9613
20Example 5
- Match the r values to the Scatterplots to the
left - r -0.99
- r -0.7
- r -0.3
- r 0
- r 0.5
- r 0.9
21Cautions to Heed
- Correlation requires that both variables be
quantitative, so that it makes sense to do the
arithmetic indicated by the formula for r - Correlation does not describe curved
relationships between variables, not matter how
strong they are - Like the mean and the standard deviation, the
correlation is not resistant r is strongly
affected by a few outlying observations - Correlation is not a complete summary of
two-variable data
22Observational Data Reminder
- If bivariate (two variable) data are
observational, then we cannot conclude that any
relation between the explanatory and response
variable are due to cause and effect - Remember Observational versus Experimental Data
23Summary and Homework
- Summary
- Scatter plots can show associations between
variables and are described using direction,
form, strength and outliers - Correlation r measures the strength and direction
of the linear association between two variables - r ranges between -1 and 1 with 0 indicating no
linear association - Homework
- 3.7, 3.8, 3.13 3.16, 3.21