Title: ?a???p???t???? ?
1?a???p???t???? ?µ??????e?? epa??stas? sta
f?t?ß??ta????ept?? ?µe????
- T???O??? ?????
- 8? ???????
- ?pe????? ?a????t??a?. ??µ?t?a ?apad?µ?t????
2??a??a?t???? µ??f?? e????e?a?
- ??????? e????e?a
- Ge??e?µ??? e????e?a
- ???µa?a
- ???a?? e????e?a
- ???s? f?t?ß??ta????
3?? ???eta? st?? ?????
- 61011 kg H2?He
- ???e sec!!!
- ?p??e?a µ??a??4103 ?g d??ad? 41020 j
- ??tas? t?? a?t???ß???a? st? µ?s? ap?stas?
???-?????1353 W/m2 - ?????e?a f?t????? ?????0.5-5 eV (0.2-3 µm)
4?st????? a?ad??µ?
- 1839 Alexander-Edmond Becquerel- f?t???e?t????
fa???µe?? - 1954Chapin, Fuller, Pearson d??d?? epaf?? Si
- TFSCsCu2S/CdS/n10
- 1980?µ???a aSi-H
- GaAs/InP
- CdTe
- ?????e? ?a???p???t??
5? ?ata??µ? t?? PV ??????
6?µ?a?????-epaf? p/n
- ??e?t???? a?t?stas?10-2-109 O
- ??e??e?a?? ??sµa
- 0-4 eV
- S??te?est?? ap????f?s??
- a (cm-1)
- ??tas? ?e?µat?? f?t?????
- I? (x)I??e-ax
7(No Transcript)
8?????aµµa n-Eg
- Te???t???? s??te?est?? ap?d?s?? 85
- ??a?t??? 15-20
- 2002single c-Si n 24.7
- (?e???t??? t?µ? 30)
9F?t?ß??ta??? fa???µe?? ?a? ?e?t?????a f?t????????
- f?t??e?µa IL
- IFIs (exp(eV/kT)-1)
- R8?I0
- IIL IS(exp(eVOC/kT)-1)
- VOCVtln(1IL/Is)
- VtkT/e
10?a?a?t???st??? I-V f?t???????? epaf?? p-n
- S??te?est?? ap?d?s?? n
- Max t?µ?
- nPm/Pin 100?
- n ImVm/Pin 100
- S??te?est?? p????s?? ff
- ImVm/IscVoc
11??µ? CIGS ?te?????????
- ?p?st??µa
- ?? (p?s? epaf?)
- Ap????f?t?? CIGS
- (?µ???? p- t?p??)
- ?µ???? n-t?p?? ?etaßat??? st??s? CdS
- ?a?????? ZnO/???
- ?µp??s??a epaf? (grid)
12?a???p???te? ?? ap????f?t??
- ?µ???????
- ?a?a???? f????? ???t? st?? ep?f??e?a
- S?ed?asµ?? ? p???? ?a? doping t?? ap????f?t?
- ?d?a??p???s? (passivation) ep?f??e?a?
- ?te????????
- ?a?a???? f????? ???t? st?? epaf? p-n
- ?etat?p?s? ????? (band offset)
- ????????
- ?pa?as??des? f????? st? d?ep?f??e?a
- ???µ?? epa?as??des??
- Rnp/t(np) ? max ??a np
- A??G???? ???S???F? ?????F?????S? ?etat??p? t??
ep?f??e?a? t?? ap????f?t? (t?p?? p-) se t?p?? n-
14??a??st?p???s? epa?as??des?? f????? st?
d?ep?f??e?a ??a t?? CIGS ete???????e?
- ?s?µµet?? doping-a?ast??f? d?ep?f??e?a? ?
- n pa??????/p ap????f?t??
- ?at?????? f??t?? d?ep?f??e?a? Q0 ? ????s? ??µ???
????? ap????f?t? ? - ????s? a?ast??f?? d?ep?f??e?a?
- ?p?ped? Fermi ???t? st? ???? a????µ?t?ta?
- ???t?st?? s??d?asµ?? ????? a????µ?t?ta? st?
d?ep?f??e?a/ap?f??? µe??s?? f???µat??
epa?as??des?? ?b - Spikes ??cgt0 (??clt0.3) ? ?????? ??? ???S???F?
- Cliffs ??clt0
- ????s? t?? Eg t?? ap????f?t?-µetat?p?s? ?????
s?????? - ?p?st??s? e??se?? t?p?? CuGa3Se5 ? CuGa5Se8
(Ordered-Vacancy Compounds, OVCs) - ????s? s?????t??s?? ?e???
- Doping ep?f??e?a? ap????f?t???µ?epaf?
15??a??st?p???s? epa?as??des?? f????? st?
d?ep?f??e?a ??a t?? CIGS ete???????e?
16S??te?est?? ap?d?s?? CIGS Scs
3 1st World Conference of Photovoltaic Solar
Energy Conversion, Hawaii, 1994, pp. 68754
Prog. Photovolt. Res. Appl. 7 (1999) 311316.5
Solar Energy Mat. Solar Cells 67 (2001)
159166.6 Solar Energy Conference and
Exhibition, Barcelona, 1997, pp. 12501253.
17????????s? CIGS ???e??? µ????? ?g
- ZnO/CdS/CuInSe2
- a 3-6 105 cm-1
- ??ast??f? d?ep?f??e?a?
- ???s???? Ga ? Cu(In,Ga)Se2
- ?g1.2 eV (30 Ga)
- ????st? n 19.2
- ??s????a ?at????s?? e?d??µes??
st??s??-µetat?p?s? ????? - CuInSe2/ZnO
- Cu(In,Ga)Se2/ZnO (cliff st? ZnO)
- Prog. Photovolt Res. Appl. 11 (2003) 225230
18????????s? CIGS ???e??? µe????? ?g
- Zn?/CdS/CuInS2 ? CuGaSe2
- H µetat?p?s? ????? (band-offset) de? e???e?
a?ast??f? d?ep?f??e?a? - Cliff?µe??s? f???µat?? epa?as??des?? ?b
- Voc(0 K) ?b/q
- Cu(In,Ga)S2
- q?Voc??g
- a? ?ggt1.6 eV
- CuInS2/ZnO
- n 6
- ????? e?d??µes? st??s? (buffer-layer free)
19n-t?p?? a????µ?t?ta st? Ge-doped CuGaSe2
- ?te???????e? CuGaSe2 ?n9.7 (µ??????sta?????)
n9.3 (?ept? ?µ????) - ??s????a n-doping
- ??a?t?a?t?st??µ?s? (self compensation)
p?e?µat??? ?e?? VCu - ??s?
- ?µf?te?s? ???t?? (ion implantation) Ge ? Zn
20??ad??as?a eµf?te?s?? ???t??
- 1.A??pt??? µ??????st????? CuGaSe2
- ????a???? ap?d??t?? VCu
- 2.Te?µ??? a??pt?s? (Thermal annealing)
- µe??s? s?????t??s?? ap?de?t?? (1018 ?1015 cm-3)
- 3.?µf?te?s? ???t?? Ge
- 4. Te?µ??? a??pt?s? (Thermal annealing) pa???s?a
Zn - ZnCu
- Ge d?te?
- n t?p?? a????µ?t?ta
- S?????t??s? d?t??gt 1015 cm-3
- co-doping µe Ge/Zn ? n-t?p?? CuGaSe2 (?g1.7 eV,
300 K) - ??µ??????a ?µ????e??? CuGaSe2
- ?p?µ?????s? e?d??µes?? st??s??
- ?e??s? epa?as??des?? f????? d?ep?f??e?a? st??
ete???????e? - ?e?t??s? ap?d?s?? CIGS µe????? ?g
- ?a?? ???s? t?? d?µ?? t?? ??????
- ??e???? ?????? ?at? t? pa?as?e??
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(2003) 146. - R. Klenk, Characterisation and modelling of
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403404 (2002) 18. - J. H. Schön, J. Oestereich, O. Schenker, H.
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