Hemopoiesis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hemopoiesis A simplified model for the process shown in (A), which contains information about developmental potential and cell fate. A map like this is useful not ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Hemopoiesis

  • Haematopoiesis (from Ancient Greek a?µa,
    "blood" p??e?? "to make") (or hematopoiesis in
    American English sometimes also haemopoiesis or
    hemopoiesis) is the formation of blood cellular
    components. All cellular blood components are
    derived from haematopoietic stem cells. In a
    healthy adult person, approximately 10111012 new
    blood cells are produced daily in order to
    maintain steady state levels in the peripheral

Nagasawa Nature Reviews Immunology 6, 107116
(February 2006) doi10.1038/nri1780
  • All blood cells are divided into three lineages
  • Erythroid cells are the oxygen carrying red blood
    cells. Both reticulocytes and erythrocytes are
    functional and are released into the blood. In
    fact, a reticulocyte count estimates the rate
    of erythropoiesis.
  • Lymphocytes are the cornerstone of the adaptive
    immune system. They are derived from common
    lymphoid progenitors. The lymphoid lineage is
    primarily composed of T-cells and B-cells (types
    of white blood cells). This is lymphopoiesis.
  • Myelocytes, which include granulocytes, megakaryoc
    ytes and macrophages and are derived from common
    myeloid progenitors, are involved in such diverse
    roles as innate immunity, adaptive immunity,
    and blood clotting. This is myelopoiesis.
  • Granulopoiesis (or granulocytopoiesis) is
    haematopoiesis of granulocytes.
  • Megakaryocytopoiesis is haematopoiesis
    of megakaryocytes.

(No Transcript)
  • Multipotency and self-renewal
  • As stem cells, HSC are defined by their ability
    to replenish all blood cell types (Multipotency)
    and their ability to self-renew.
  • It is known that a small number of HSCs can
    expand to generate a very large number of
    daughter HSCs.
  • This phenomenon is used in bone marrow
    transplantation, when a small number of HSCs
    reconstitute the hematopoietic system. This
    process indicates that, subsequent to bone marrow
    transplantation, symmetrical cell divisions into
    two daughter HSCs must occur.
  • Stem cell self-renewal is thought to occur in
    the stem cell niche in the bone marrow, and it is
    reasonable to assume that key signals present in
    this niche will be important in self-renewal.
  • There is much interest in the environmental and
    molecular requirements for HSC self-renewal, as
    understanding the ability of HSC to replenish
    themselves will eventually allow the generation
    of expanded populations of HSC in vitro that can
    be used therapeutically.

  • There are various kinds of colony-forming units
  • Colony-forming unit lymphocyte (CFU-L)
  • Colony-forming unit erythrocyte (CFU-E)
  • Colony-forming unit granulo-monocyte (CFU-GM)
  • Colony-forming unit megakaryocyte (CFU-Me)
  • Colony-forming unit Basophil (CFU-B)
  • Colony-forming unit Eosinophil (CFU-Eo)
  • The above CFUs are based on the lineage. Another
    CFU, the colony-forming unitspleen (CFUS) was
    the basis of an in vivo clonal colony formation,
    which depends on the ability of infused bone
    marrow cells to give rise to clones of maturing
    hematopoietic cells in the spleens of irradiated
    mice after 8 to 12 days. It was used extensively
    in early studies, but is now considered to
    measure more mature progenitor or Transit
    Amplifying Cells rather than stem cells.

  • Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside in the
    medulla of the bone (bone marrow) and have the
    unique ability to give rise to all of the
    different mature blood cell types and tissues.
  • HSCs are self-renewing cells when they
    proliferate, at least some of their daughter
    cells remain as HSCs, so the pool of stem cells
    does not become depleted.
  • The other daughters of HSCs (myeloid and lymphoid
    progenitor cells), however can commit to any of
    the alternative differentiation pathways that
    lead to the production of one or more specific
    types of blood cells, but cannot self-renew. This
    is one of the vital processes in the body.

http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haematopoiesis and
  • HSCs are also found in umbilical cord blood and,
    in small numbers, in peripheral blood. Stem and
    progenitor cells can be taken from the pelvis, at
    the iliac crest, using a needle and syringe. The
    cells can be removed a liquid (to perform a smear
    to look at the cell morphology) or they can be
    removed via a core biopsy (to maintain the
    architecture or relationship of the cells to each
    other and to the bone).
  • In order to harvest stem cells from the
    circulating peripheral, blood donors are injected
    with a cytokine, such as granulocyte-colony
    stimulating factor (G-CSF), that induce cells to
    leave the bone marrow and circulate in the blood
  • In mammalian embryology, the first definitive
    HSCs are detected in the AGM (Aorta-gonad-mesoneph
    ros), and then massively expanded in the Fetal
    Liver prior to colonising the bone marrow before

http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haematopoiesis and
  • In developing embryos, blood formation occurs in
    aggregates of blood cells in the yolk sac,
    called blood islands.
  • As development progresses, blood formation occurs
    in the spleen, liver and lymph nodes.
  • When bone marrow develops, it eventually assumes
    the task of forming most of the blood cells for
    the entire organism.
  • Maturation, activation, and some proliferation of
    lymphoid cells occurs in secondary lymphoid
    organs (spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes).
  • In children, haematopoiesis occurs in the marrow
    of the long bones such as the femur and tibia. In
    adults, it occurs mainly in the pelvis, cranium,
    vertebrae, and sternum.
  • In some cases, the liver, thymus, and spleen may
    resume their haematopoietic function. This is
    called extramedullary haematopoiesis. During
    fetal development, since bones and thus the bone
    marrow develop later, the liver functions as the
    main haematopoetic organ. Therefore, the liver is
    enlarged during development.

blood island
Cell Morphology
  • Exercise
  • http//www.dartmouth.edu/anatomy/Histo/lab_4/bone

(No Transcript)
Cell Differentiation
  •  The determinism theory of haematopoiesis, saying
    that colony stimulating factors and other factors
    of the haematopoietic microenvironment determine
    the cells to follow a certain path of cell
  • This is the classical way of describing
  • The ability of the bone marrow to regulate the
    quantity of different cell types to be produced
    is more accurately explained by
    astochastic theory.
  • Undifferentiated blood cells are determined to
    specific cell types by randomness.
  • The haematopoietic microenvironment prevails upon
    some of the cells to survive and some, on the
    other hand, to perform apoptosis and die.

Transcription factors
  • Growth factors initiate signal transduction pathwa
    ys, altering transcription factors, that, in turn
    activate genes that determine the differentiation
    of blood cells.
  • The early committed progenitors express low
    levels of transcription factors that may commit
    them to discrete cell lineages.
  • Which cell lineage is selected for
    differentiation may depend both on chance and on
    the external signals received by progenitor
  • Several transcription factors have been isolated
    that regulate differentiation along the major
    cell lineages.
  • PU.1 commits cells to the myeloid lineage
  •  GATA-1 has an essential role in erythropoietic
    and megakaryocytic differentiation.
  • The Ikaros, Aiolos and Helios transcription
    factors play a major role in lymphoid

  • The proliferation and self-renewal of these cells
    depend on stem cell factor (SCF). Glycoprotein
    growth factors regulate the proliferation and
    maturation of the cells that enter the blood from
    the marrow, and cause cells in one or more
    committed cell lines to proliferate and mature.
  • Three more factors that stimulate the production
    of committed stem cells are called colony-stimulat
    ing factors (CSFs) and include granulocyte-macroph
    age CSF (GM-CSF), granulocyte CSF (G-CSF) and
    macrophage CSF (M-CSF). These stimulate
    much granulocyte formation and are active on
    either progenitor cells or end product cells.
  • Erythropoietin is required for a myeloid
    progenitor cell to become an erythrocyte.3 
  •  Thrombopoietin makes myeloid progenitor cells
    differentiate to megakaryocytes (thrombocyte-formi
    ng cells).3

Nagasawa Nature Reviews Immunology 6, 107116
(February 2006) doi10.1038/nri1780
SCF Stem Cell Factor, Tpo Thrombopoietin,
IL Interleukin, GM-CSF Granulocyte
Marophage-colony stimulating factor,
Epo Erythropoietin, M-CSF Macrophage-colony
stimulating factor, G-CSF Granulocyte-colony
stimulating factor, SDF-1 Stromal cell-derived
factor-1, FLT-3 ligand FMS-like tyrosine kinase
3 ligand, TNF-a  Tumour necrosis
factor-alphaTGF-ß  Transforming growth factor
Nagasawa Nature Reviews Immunology 6, 107116
(February 2006) doi10.1038/nri1780
  • In this model, the intermediate precursor cells
    between haematopoeitic stem cells (HSCS) which
    are located near the osteoblasts7, 8, endothelial
    cells113 or CXC-chemokine ligand 12hi (CXCL12hi)
    reticular cells10  and pre-pro-B cells would
    move towards CXCL12hi reticular cells.
  • Pre-pro-B cells associate with CXCL12hi reticular
    cells, whereas pro-B cells move away and instead
    adjoin interleukin-7 (IL-7)-expressing cells10.
  • Subsequently, pre-B cells leave IL-7-expressing
  • B cells expressing cell-surface IgM exit the bone
    marrow and enter the blood to reach the spleen,
    where they mature into peripheral mature B cells.
  • End-stage B cells (plasma cells) again home to
    CXCL12hi reticular cells in the bone marrow10.

  • Stem cell heterogeneity
  • It was originally believed that all HSC were
    alike in their self-renewal and differentiation
  • Muller-Sieburg group in San Diego illustrated
    that different stem cells can show distinct
    repopulation patterns that are epigenetically
    predetermined intrinsic properties of clonal
    Thy-1lo SCA-1 lin- c-kit HSC.345 
  • The results of these clonal studies led to the
    notion of lineage bias. Using the ratio  of
    lymphoid (L) to myeloid (M) cells in blood as a
    quantitative marker, the stem cell compartment
    can be split into three categories of HSC.
  • a)Balanced (Bala) HSC repopulate peripheral white
    blood cells in the same ratio of myeloid to
    lymphoid cells as seen in unmanipulated mice (on
    average about 15 myeloid and 85 lymphoid cells,
    or 3?10).
  • b)Myeloid-biased (My-bi) HSC give rise to too few
    lymphocytes resulting in ratios 0lt?lt3,
  • c) Lymphoid-biased (Ly-bi) HSC generate too few
    myeloid cells, which results in
    lymphoid-to-myeloid ratios of 10lt?ltoo.
  • All three types are norm three types of HSC, and
    they do not represent stages of differentiation.
    Rather, these are three classes of HSC, each with
    an epigenetically fixed differentiation program

  • Cluster of differentiation and other markers
  • Many of markers belong to the cluster of
    differentiation series, like CD34, CD38, CD90, CD
    133, CD105, CD45, and also c-kit, - the receptor
    for stem cell factor. The hematopoietic stem
    cells are negative for the markers that are used
    for detection of lineage commitment, and are,
    thus, called Lin- and, during their purification
    by FACS, a bunch of up to 14 different mature
    blood-lineage marker, e.g., CD13  CD33 for
    myeloid, CD71 for erythroid, CD19 for B
    cells, CD61 for megakaryocytic, etc. for humans
    and, B220 (murine CD45) for B cells, Mac-1 (CD11b/
    CD18) formonocytes, Gr-1 for Granulocytes, Ter119 
    for erythroid cells, Il7Ra, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8 for
     T cells, etc. (for mice) antibodies are used as
    a mixture to deplete the lin cells or late
    multipotent progenitors (MPP)s.
  • There are many differences between the human and
    mice hematopoietic cell markers for the commonly
    accepted type of hematopoietic stem cells.1.
  • Mouse HSC  CD34lo/-, SCA-1, Thy1.1/lo, CD38, C
    -kit, lin-
  • Human HSC  CD34, CD59, Thy1/CD90, CD38lo/-, C-
    kit/CD117, lin-

http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haematopoiesis and
  • Various theories exist about how HSCs diversify
  • One model (the classical model) proposes that
    lymphocytes and myelo-erythroid lineages branch
    separately at an early stage of hematopoiesis,
  • Another model (the myeloid-based model)
    proposes that the myeloid potential is retained
    for much longer among cells that can become

A revised scheme for developmental pathways of
hematopoietic cells the myeloid-based
model International Immunology Volume 22, Issue 2
Pp. 65-70.
  • The blood cell family consists of a variety of
    cell types, all of which are formed from a
    hematopoietic stem cell (HSC).
  • Over the last century, the classification of
    blood cell types was largely based on
    morphological criteria, leading to the emergence
    of the classical dichotomy concept, in which the
    blood cell family was subdivided into two major
    lineagesa myelo-erythroid lineage and a lymphoid
  • Therefore, it has been stated in most textbooks
    that the first branch point from the HSC produces
    progenitors for these two lineages.

  • Representative models of hematopoiesis. (A) HSC
    firstly generates a common myeloiderythroid
    progenitor (CMEP) and a common lymphoid
    progenitor (CLP), which produce myeloid or
    erythroid cells and T or B cells, respectively.
    An alternative myeloid-based model postulates
    that the HSC first diverges into the CMEP and a
    common myelolymphoid progenitor (CMLP)
  • (B) In this model, the first branch point
    generates CMEPs and CMLPs, and the myeloid
    potential persists in the T and B cell branches
    even after these lineages have diverged.

  • The concept of the myeloid-based model. (A) In
    the classical model, erythroid, myeloid, T and B
    lineage cells are placed in parallel. (B) The
    myeloid-based model proposes that myeloid cells
    represent a prototype of blood cells, whereas
    erythroid, T and B cells represent specialized
  • Prototypic cells, namely myeloid cells, are
    equipped with the basic machinery required for
    host defense cells, e.g. phagocytic activity and
  • In the case of B cells, phagocytic activity is
    reduced but still maintained while the
    antigen-presenting ability is rather
    strengthened, and finally, an ability to
    recognize specific antigen is newly acquired.

  • T-cell progenitors retain myeloid potential after
    terminating B cell potential. Early T-cell
    progenitors in the adult thymus that have lost
    B-cell potential still retain a substantial
    capacity to generate macrophages
  • certain proportion (30) of thymic macrophages
    are produced by myeloidT progenitors, by firstly
    making bone marrow chimeric mice carrying bone
    marrow cells from wild-type mice and from
    human-CD3? transgenic mice that lack T lineage
    cells and subsequently assessing contribution
    rate of wild-type versus transgenic cells for the
    production of thymic macrophages (22).
  • These findings strongly argues against the
    existence of CLPs on the physiological pathway
    from the HSC to T cells in adult hematopoiesis.

  • Schematic illustration of the early
    differentiation and proliferation of thymic T
    lineage cells. A single early thymic progenitor
    undergoes gt10 cell divisions during the DN1 and
    DN2 stages to generate gt1000 DN3 cells. The
    shutoff of myeloid potential occurs during the
    transition step from the GFP-DN2 stage to the
    GFPDN2 stage and subsequently the T-cell
    lineage-determined progenitors undergo several
    cell divisions before they enter the DN3 stage to
    initiate TCRß chain gene rearrangement.

  • An illustration of why cell-fate maps should not
    be over-simplified (using hypothetical cell
    lineages X, Y, and Z).
  • (A) An example of the developmental process to
    produce X cells, Y cells or Z cells. Suppose that
    a progenitor having potential for X, Y and Z
    lineages (XYZ-progenitor) first migrates to a
    particular site (site P) there, it will make
    X-progenitors and self-renewing XYZ-progenitors,
    followed by production of X cells from the
  • Then, the XYZ-progenitor migrates to the next
    site (site Q), where they lose their potential to
    become Y cells to become XZ-progenitors on one
    hand and on the other hand segregation to
    Y-progenitors also occurs that become Y cells.
  • Note that the XZ progenitors do not produce X
    cells in site Q but can produce X cells in other
    place. The XZ-progenitor then migrates to site R
    and produces Z-progenitors and finally Z cells

  • A simplified model for the process shown in (A),
    which contains information about developmental
    potential and cell fate. A map like this is
    useful not only to understand reality but also
    for further investigations into differentiation
  • A map of lineage restriction focusing on the way
    from the XYZ-progenitor to a Z cell. Particularly
    in studying the molecular mechanisms in lineage
    commitment for the production of Z cells, the
    information for the order of lineage restriction
    XYZ ? XZ ? Z is essential.

  • A map that describes only the physiological cell
    fate. This map might be misleading because the
    information about the lineage restriction process
    shown in (C) is absent.
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