Title: The Magic of TOOLS
1The Magic of TOOLS
- Enrico Tronci
- Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Roma
La Sapienza - Via Salaria 113, 00198 Roma
- tronci_at_dsi.uniroma1.it http//www.dsi.unrioma1.i
Meeting Mefisto, March 31-April 2, 2003, Salerno,
2The Magic
Query on Dynamic behavior of System Model (e.g.
System Requirements)
System Model (defined using a suitable language)
Answer to query about system model
LysaTool PaMoChSa Banana TwoTowers Cached Murphi
A static analysis tool for tracking the set of encrypted messages that are successfully being decrypted at each relevant point Dynamic Analysis of cripto protocols with a finite number of sessions modeled with Process Algebra. Static Analysis of Information leakage in Mobile Ambient Specifications. Functional verification and performance evaluation of systems modeled with stochastic Process Algebra. Low level analysis of protocols and software like systems modeled with a Pascal-like concurrent (shared memory) language.
PaMoChSa LysaTool Banana TwoTowers Cached Murphi
Analysis Dynamic Exh Static Static Dynamic ExhSi Dynamic ExhSi
Model States Finite Infinte Infinite Fin. Inf. Rea Fin. FPR
Model kind Nondet. Nondet. Nondet. Nondet, Prb,mix Nondet.
Time model Discrete Discrete Discrete Cont Discrete Discrete
Communication Synchronization Synchronization Ambient Calc. Synchronization Shared Var.
Input language P. Algebra P. Algebra Ambient Calc. Stoch. P. Alg Pascal-like with guards.
Query languge P. Algebra P. Algebra Ambient Calc. Reward Markov Chains, Simul. Pascal-like with guards.
Properties Existence Adversary Authentication flaws Information Flow, security Mu-calc Perf. Safety (Invariants)
Analysis Algortihm Explicit Explo, Partial Model Cheking CFA Control Flow Analysis Exp. Explo, Sim, Markov, MC, Bsim, EqCk Explicit Explo (Cache based)