Canadian First Nations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Canadian First Nations


Canadian First Nations An Introduction to the Indigenous People of Canada Canadian Culture Canada is a pluralistic society. This means that our society is made up of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Canadian First Nations

Canadian First Nations
  • An Introduction to the Indigenous People of Canada

Canadian Culture
  • Canada is a pluralistic society. This means that
    our society is made up of many groups of people,
    each with its own unique identities, ideas,
    perspectives, and culture.
  • The resulting society has a sense of respect for
    all cultures.

Focus on Culture
  • Culture is a way of life or a way of being that
    is shared by a group of people. Culture includes
    knowledge, experience, and values that a group
    shares and shape the way its members see the
  • Governments, relationships, languages, and
    beliefs are all aspects of a groups cultural

Culture of the First Nations
  • The First Nations peoples have lived in all parts
    of the land that we now call Canada. They lived
    in the frozen lands of the artic, the mountains
    of the west, the prairie grasslands, eastern
    woodlands, and on the islands from the north to
    the south.
  • Each First Nation developed a unique culture
    suited to its surroundings in the natural world.
    Their cultures became as diverse as the Canadian
  • When studying the First Nation peoples we tend to
    lump these diverse groups together for ease of
    use and many groups do have similar worldviews
    based on shared past experiences. However,
    remember that each group has distinct histories,
    traditions, language, and beliefs.

Whats in a Name?
  • Why do we call them First Nations? Long story
    short- Europeans tended to be ethnocentric This
    means that they judged other cultures and ideas
    according to their values and standards.
    Generally, they did not respect perspectives that
    differed from their own.
  • For example, when Christopher Columbus arrived on
    the shores of the Americas, he was actually
    looking for a trade route to India. When he saw
    the Natives, he assumed he land in India and they
    were therefore, Indians. Instead of asking them
    what they called themselves, even after he
    realized his mistake, the name Indian stuck,
    along with many other incorrect names for Native
  • Today we realize our mistake and, along with the
    input of the First Nation peoples, have
    officially replaced the European names with the
    original names of the First Nations.

  • Some Fist Nation cultures share core values
    relating to their relationships with the Creator,
    the natural world, other people, and themselves.
  • These beliefs were passed from generation to
    generation through traditional teachings. These
    teachings helped explain the relationships among
    plants, animals, land, people, and the spirit

The Passing on of Traditions
  • The elders of the First Nation peoples were held
    in high regard. They were the keepers of
    knowledge, and passed on their knowledge,
    histories and traditions to the youth through
    oral storytelling.
  • The information was memorized and passed on
    orally from one generation to the next. It did
    not need to be written down. In this way, the
    First Nations developed a rich oral culture.

Our Study
  • For this unit we will focus on three First Nation
    peoples The Mikkmaq, Haudenosaunee, and the
  • We will explore their worldviews and traditional
    ways of life.

  • The Mikmaq lived, and continue to live in
    Eastern Canada
  • They were hunters, fishers, and gathers relying
    on small game animals and cod.
  • They had strong spiritual beliefs centered on
    nature and the interconnectedness of all
    creatures of the Creator. Ass all were believed
    to be equal, they treated all of nature with

  • Their political structure was a hierarchy. They
    had members of a Grand Council, elected from
    District Chiefs (there were 7 districts), the
    remaining chiefs made up the council of elders.
  • Members of districts lived in family clans, with
    a local leader called Sagamaw. They solved local
  • All members of council had to be good hunters
    and/or fishers.
  • All decisions were made with the consensus of the
    council members with input from interested

  • Men held the highest positions in the councils.
    They were also responsible for hunting and
    fishing in order to provide for the clan.
  • Women held important roles in their communities.
    They were in charge in distributing the food and
    goods among the clan. They gathered and prepared
    food, raised the children and took care of the
  • Women were also allowed and encouraged to voice
    concerns to council. There were many female
    elders who gave advice and guidance to council
    and clans.

Mikmaq Political Structure
Grand Council Grand Council Leader Seven District
Chiefs (1 from each district)
Council of Elders
Local Chiefs
Villages of Bands
  • The Haudenosaunee are a group that includes six
    different First Nations
    Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and
  • They lived North to South of the St. Laurence
  • They shared a similar language (Algonquin) and
    similar core values. However each group has a
    distinct culture

  • The Haudenosaunee depended on hunting, fishing
    and gathering. They are accredited as being
    Canadas first farming peoples. Their main
    crops, the Three Sisters were corn, beans, and
    squash. They believed the crops came from the
    Spirit World.
  • The Haudenosaunee had similar beliefs surrounding
    the importance of Nature and the
    interconnectedness of human, animal, and spirit

  • The Haudenosaunee government system relied on
    alliances, or agreements between the different
    tribes to woek together. According to oral
    history, a peacemaker arrived in the land of the
    Haudenosaunee who were at the time, at war with
    each other. The peacemaker created the Law of
    Peace a set of laws that explain how the
    government would work and how people should
    behave. This is not unlike how the constitution
    works within the Canadian and US government.

  • In the Haudenosaunee community, men were expected
    to hunt and fish. They also were the leaders.
    However, it was a matrilineal society- headed by
  • Families were organized in Longhouses, similar to
    Mikmaq clans. Women were the head of longhouses
    and called Clan Mother. Male leaders were elected
    by the women.
  • They tended the crops, raised the children, and
    were responsible for distributing food and other
    goods. The first to receive resources were
    children, then Elders, women, then finally the

  • Women were well respected for their ability to
    create life. They were the decision makers and
    controlled many aspects of Haudenosaunee daily
    life including
  • Location of villages
  • What crops to plant and where
  • Whether men should go to war or make peace
  • Taught the children
  • Preformed ceremonies and rituals

  • The Anishinabe lived in the wooded country of
    Northern Ontario, central Ontario, and Sothern
    Manitoba. Later they moved Westward onto the
    Plains where they live today.
  • The Anishinabe lived according to seven main
  • Wisdom
  • Love
  • Respect
  • Bravery
  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Truth

  • The Anishinabe were hunters and gathers.
    However, they had an additional food source that
    set them apart from other First nations wild
  • They focused on the seasons and created a life
    cycle based on when to grow, when to harvest,
    when to hunt and when to fish.
  • Nature dictated their lives, therefore they too
    showed respect to Mother Nature.

  • Like the Mikmaq and the Haudenosaunee, the
    Anishinabe created a clan system to resolve local
    issues and organize education, medicine, food and
    goods, etc.
  • Each clan was named after an animal, and each
    clan had duties to carry out for the good of the
    entire nation.
  • Each clan had a leader who was chosen based on
    their courage, skills, and character.
  • The clans worked together to create a balanced

Anishinabe The governing system
Bird Spiritual leaders Responsible for
well-being and spiritual development of the
Deer Poets, pacificists Responsible for
creating And maintaining shelter
Anishinabe Clan System
Marten Hunters, food gathers, and warriors
Bear Strong and steady responsible for
patrolling and policing the community
Fish Teachers and scholars Responsible for
teaching young people and solving disputes
Loon and Crane Leadership Clans responsible
for providing governance
  • The Anishinabe believed in equality and balance.
    Men and Women were equal partners and preformed
    specific roles.
  • Men hunted, fished, and held leadership roles in
    the clan system.
  • Women raised children and looked after the home.
    They also did some hunting. They were primarily
    responsible for planting and harvesting. They
    too divided the food and other goods among the

Economies of First Nations
  • An important part of every culture is the
    economy. This is the way people meet their basic
  • The First Nations were based on food supply.
    Growing, gathering, hunting, and fishing. They
    needed to gain as much in the summer and preserve
    as much in the winter.
  • The people had to have an excellent knowledge of
    the land, climate, and cycles of nature in order
    for this economy to work.

Trading Networks
  • The First Nations traded goods with one another
    long before European traders arrived.
  • For example, the Haudenosaunee traded corn and
    other crops in return for copper from the
    Anishinabe, and seashells from the Mikmaq.
  • All across North America, First Nations traded
    with eachother for goods they did not have. When
    the Europeans arrived, they joined their trading
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