Josephson-Spannungsnormal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Josephson-Spannungsnormal Author: marco.schubert Last modified by: Ian Jasper Agulo Created Date: 2/15/2002 10:11:02 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Josephson-Spannungsnormal

High sensitive bipolar- and high electron
mobility transistor read-out electronics for
quantum devices.
N. Oukhanski and H.-G. Meyer
? Introduction ? Bipolar-transistor read-out.
? PHEMT read-out ? Motivation ? Features and
construction ? Measurement setup and procedure ?
Results ? Verification ? Discussion ? Summary
?Already known read-out technique for quantum
devices. ?Bipolar-transistor read-out. Easy to
match Rsensor with Rnoise of amplifier,
TN80 K.1,2 ?FET read-out. Minimum TN2 K _at_ ?10
kHz, owing RF energy losses.3 ?SQUID-amplifiers.
Minimum TN15 hf/kB. Complex in tuning and
setup.4 ?Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility
Transistor read-out. TN?2?5 K (?2?5 hf/kB)_at_20 GH
z for ambient temperatures of 10?20 K.5, 6, 7
  • 1. N. Oukhanski, V. Schultze, R. P. J.
    IJsselsteijn, and H.-G. Meyer, Rev. Sci.
    Instrum. 74, 12, 5189 (2003).
  • 2. N. N. Oukhanski, R. Stolz, V. Zakosarenko, and
    H.-G. Meyer, Physica C 368, 166 (2002).
  • 3. P. Horowitz and W. Hill, Cambridge Univ.
    Press, 1989, 2nd ed. v. 2, pp. 5366.
  • 4. M. Muck, J. B. Kycia, and J. Clarke, Appl.
    Phys. Lett. 78, 967 (2001).
  • 5. J. Bautista, J. Laskar, P. Szydlik, TDA
    Progress Report 42-120, 1995.
  • 6. J.E. Fernandez, TMO Progress Report 42-135,
    pp.1-9, November 15, (1998).
  • 7. I. Angelov, N. Wadefalk, J. Stenarson, E.
    Kollberg, P. Starski, H. Zirath, IEEE MTT-S,

Bipolar-transistor read-out.
?Main features of designed directly-coupled
bipolar-transistor electronics ?Input voltage
white noise level is about 0.32 nV/Hz1/2. ?Flicker
noise corner frequency as low as 0.1 Hz.
?Current white noise level ?6.5 pA/Hz1/2. ?Wide
working temperature range 77-350 K. ?One-chip
FLL unit solution is resistant to ambient
condition, i.e. humidity, convection flows, and
temperature radiation. ?Very low thermal drift
30 nV/K (from 15 to 800C). ?high symmetrical
differential circuits for all parts of the
FLL-unit used. ?full design optimization using
simulation with software tool of
Prototype (left) and integrated version of the
FLL unit (right).
?Gain-bandwidth product fGBP400 MHz. ?Three
point SQUID biasing possible to reduce voltage
drift on the connecting wires to the SQUID.
?Power consumption 80 mW at 1.5 V.
Functional diagram of the read-out electronics
Bipolar-transistor read-out.
?The maximum bandwidth of 6-8 MHz was measured
with several types of low-Tc dc-SQUID
magnetometers and gradiometers. ?Maximum slew
rate is in the range 3-9 M?0/s.
?Minimum measured white flux-noise level with
SQUID magnetometer of 1.2-1.7 ??0/Hz1/2
(1-1.4 fT/Hz1/2). ?A maximum system dynamic
range with the SQUID magnetometer is about 155 dB
(?50 ?0). ?Available with high frequency ac-bias
technique with frequency up to 10 MHz.1
Voltage noise spectral density with respect to
the input of the integrated electronics at 300 K.
Flux and field noise spectrum of SQUID
magnetometer with sensitivity B/?0.85 nT/ ?0 in
three layer shielded can. Maximum system dynamic
range in FLL mode 50 ??0.
PHEMT read-out
? Already known features. ?Based on the
AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. ?Offers a
high transfer coefficient in the microwave
frequency range, owing to the high density and
mobility of 2DEG along the layers
heterojunctions (due to an effect of electron
space confinement). ?The unique noise
characteristics are derived from the 2DEGs high
electron mobility, which is dependent on the
electrons scattering process in
heterojunctions. ?Already measured noise
temperatures TN?2?5K (?2?5 hf/kB)_at_20 GHz for
ambient temperatures of 10?20 K. ?Originally,
expected that the HEMTs would be unsuitable for
sensitive measurements at frequencies below
100 MHz, because of the high corner frequency of
the flicker noise.
? Desirable area of application Areas, which need
highly sensitive measurements, such as the
characterization of qubit circuits,8-11
bolometric measurements,12,13 SQUIDs2 etc.,
compel us to search for more sensitive readout
methods and devices.
The principle scheme of resonant circuit readout
with PHEMT amplifier. Circuit of interest is
inductively coupled to the high-Q parallel
resonant circuit, with the directly involved
through a short line PHEMT.
8. J.E. Mooij, T.P. Orlando, L. Levitov, Lin
Tian, van der Wal, S. Lloyd, Science 285, 1036,
(1999). 9. E. Ilichev, V. Zakosarenko, L.
Fritzsch, R. Stolz, H. E. Hoenig, H.-G. Meyer,
A.B. Zorin, V.V. Khanin, M. Götz, A.B.
Pavolotsky, and J. Niemeyer, Rev. Sci. Instr.,
72, 1882, (2001). 10. E. Ilichev, Wagner Th.,
Fritzsch L., Kunert J., Schultze V., May T.,
Hoenig H. E., Meyer H.-G., Grajcar M., Born D.,
Krech W., Fistul M., Zagoskin A. Appl. Phys.
Lett., 80, 4184, (2002). 11. E. Il?ichev, N.
Oukhanski, A. Izmalkov, Th. Wagner, M. Grajcar,
H.-G. Meyer, A. Yu. Smirnov, Alec Maassen van den
Brink, M. H. S. Amin, and A.M. Zagoskin, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 91, 9, 097906 (2003). 12. D.-V. Anghel
and L. Kuzmin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 293-295
(2003). 13. L. Kuzmin, Proc. Thermal Detector
Workshop, Goddard SFC, Washington DC, (2003), to
be published.
Features of construction
?Two amplifier version, based on the commercial
PHEMT ATF-35143, have a common layout and were
assembled on a printed board of 33x13 mm2 (see
Fig. 2). ?Three-stage construction is used to
provide the best conditions for minimizing the
input noise temperature and back-action to the
tank circuit (in the first stage), maximizing the
gain factor (second stage), and impedance
matching to the input and output lines (first and
third stage).
Photo of amplifier
?To decrease the power consumption and improve
low frequency noise performance ?We reduced the
transistors drain voltage to 0.1 V (2  of Vds)
and the drain current to 200 ?A (0.3  of Idss).
? the first stage power dissipation was only
20 ?W. ?All resistances in the amplifiers
signal channel were replaced by inductances. ?To
protect the amplifier from external and self
interferences we used symmetric design. ?The
amplifier was thermally connected to the helium-3
pot of the commercially available refrigerator,
Heliox 2 by Oxford Instruments with temperature
below 400 mK.
Measurement setup and procedure
  • ?Measurements with resistor at T?0.38 K
  • ?To provide a good thermal contact between the
    source resistor RIN and 3He pot, a copper finger
    was used.
  • ?Noise temperature3, 14
  • ?SVCOM- input voltage noise spectrum
  • ? Measurements with resonant circuit
  • ? Active resistance of resonant circuit at
    resonant frequency

The simplified scheme of the amplifier and setup
for the noise temperature measurements with
resistor (a) and resonant circuit (b).
14. N. Oukhanski, M. Grajcar, E. Ilichev, and
H.-G. Meyer, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74, 1145 (2003).
?1st amplifier version with resistor ?Measured
minimum TN?100 m?_at_1-4 MHz with 10 k? input
resistor. ?For used in this case method3,14
TN MIN(RSRN)SV1/2SI1/2/2kB, where RS-real part
of input resistance, noise resistance
RNSV1/2/SI1/2, SI1/2(4kBRSTN-SV)1/2/RS, ?
estimated minimum noise temperature3
is TN MIN?70?50 mK?50?35 hf/kB_at_30 MHz,
RN?21k? ?With resonant circuit (Q1510,
f028.6 MHz, L66 nH, C470 pF,
RS(f0)?18 k?) ?Measured upper limit of noise
temperature in optimistic case (assuming that
RS(f0) associated only to dissipation noise of
the tank circuit and amplifier) is
TN(f0)?55?25 mK (?40?18 hf/kB).
Comparison of the voltage noise for the 1st
version of cryogenic amplifier with that for the
standard room temperature design and rated
Measured with resistor TN and calculated current
noise SI1/2 of 1st amplifier version.
TN MIN(RSRN) estimated minimum noise
temperature. Inset are the noise of tank circuit,
coupled to the input of the 1st (a) and 2d (b)
amplifier version.
?Back-action noise15 TbaTN-Tad Additive
component Tad (measured without input source),15
originate mainly from drain noise temperature
(TdgtgtT?Tg),16 back-action component Tba under the
influence of drain fluctuations on the tank
circuit by means of parasitic capacitor Cgs. ?For
1st amplifier version Tba15 mK
Sv-measured with
shorted input voltage noise. Very high
sensitivity applications, where a drain current
and/or voltage fluctuation can increase the gate
temperature, or can decrease the decoherence time
of an input signal, impose strong requirements on
Tba ?2d amplifier version with resonant circuit
(Q2080, f026.77 MHz, L177 nH, C200 pF,
RS(f0)61.8 kOhm,) ? Assuming RS(f0) associated
only to dissipation noise TN(f0)?73?30 mK at
ambient temperature T370 mK ?Back-action noise
temperature TbaTN-Tad10 mK
Simplified small-signal circuit diagram of PHEMT.
Variant of the 1st stage with the lowest designed
15. A. Vinante, M. Bonaldi, M. Cerdonio, P.
Falferi, R. Mezzena, G. A. Prodi, and S. Vitale,
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19, Is. 7, p. 1979
(2002). 16. M. W. Pospieszalski IEEE Trans. on
Microwave Theory and Techniques, 37, no. 9, pp.
1340-1350 (1991).
?To be convinced in our estimation we used
amplifier noise model based on the definition of
voltage and current noise, as SV2kBTNRN and
SI2kBTN/RN.17 Assuming RS(f0) associated only to
dissipation noise, ? noise temperature
?Suppose the worst case, when RS(f0) associated
with dissipation noise of common resistance (Rd
and Rc) and contribution of damping cold
resistance from amplifier Rc. Hence
SI(SVCOM-SV)/RS-4kBT/Rd. Taking into account
1.Maximum quality factor, measured between
available tank circuits, with both system
(Q?2040, f0?27 MHz, C100 pF and Q?3340, f0?25
MHz, C100 pF correspondingly).
2.Absence of voltage flicker noise in the working
frequency range on the ceramic capacitors which
we used in our resonant circuits. ?? The
pessimistic value for the noise temperature in
this case TN(f0)(SVSI)1/2/(2kB) TN(f0)110 mK,
and 170 mK for the 1st and 2d variant of
electronics correspondingly.
17. T. Ryhanen and H. Seppa, J. Low Temp. Phys.
76, 287 (1989).
  • By taking into account tank circuit quality
    factor Q2080 (2d variant of amplifier), this
    setup gives us an opportunity to perform quantum
    level measurements with periodical signals, even
    if the coupling coefficient of the thank circuit
    to the sensor is less than 1.
  • ? It is necessary to note, that available in real
    condition tank circuit impedance can be far from
    optimum value, which can noticeably increase
    setup noise temperature.

Measurements with Qubit, TN?270 mK, amplifier
ambient temperature 2 K
  • The second version of the amplifier placed at
    temperature ?2 K was successfully employed for
    different quantum measurements.11, 18, 1 9
  • By taking into account system bandwidth f100 MHz
    and rating quality factor Q?1000_at_30 MHz estimated
    available number of cannels ?1000 with ?f?100 kHz.

18. M. Grajcar, A. Izmalkov, E. Il'ichev, Th.
Wagner, N. Oukhanski, U. Huebner, T. May, I.
Zhilyaev, H.E. Hoenig, Ya.S. Greenberg, V.I.
Shnyrkov, D. Born, W. Krech, H.-G. Meyer, Alec
Maassen van den Brink, and M.H.S. Amin,
Phys. Rev. B 69, 060501(R) (2004). 19. A.
Izmalkov, M. Grajcar, E. Il'ichev, N. Oukhanski,
Th. Wagner, H.-G. Meyer, W. Krech, M.H.S. Amin,
Alec Maassen van den Brink, A.M. Zagoskin,
Europhys. Lett., 65 (6), pp. 844849 (2004).
?Integrated version of direct coupled
bipolar-transistor dc SQUID read-out electronics
with minimum noise temperature TN80 K is
presented. ?Very low thermal drift (30 nV/K) of
the electronics and the low corner frequency of
flicker noise (0.1 Hz) is useful for realization
of long-time experiments. ?Wide working
temperature range of read-out electronics
(77350 K) provides system reliability at any
climatic conditions. ?High slew rate (up to 9
M?0/s) and sensitivity (0.32 nV/Hz1/2), large
bandwidth (6 MHz) and system dynamic range at
using of long cable between the sensor and
electronics (about of 12 meters) well suited for
high-precision measurements at unshielded
 Summary and acknowledgment
  • ?Two versions of a cryogenic PHEMT amplifier
    designed for quantum device readout and tested at
    an ambient temperature ?380 mK.
  • ?Noise temperature of the 1st amplifier version
    is below 110?50 mK (?80?40 hf/kB)_at_28.6 MHz,
    estimated from the noise of a coupled input tank
    circuit with resistance RS(f0)?18 kOhm at the
    resonant frequency.
  • ? Its minimum input voltage spectral noise
    density is ?200 pV/(Hz)1/2 and the corner
    frequency of the 1/f noise is close to 300 kHz.
  • ?For the amplifier with the lowest designed
    back-action, the noise temperature below
    170?70 mK (?150?60 hf/kB)_at_26.8 MHz was measured
    when coupled to an input tank circuit with
    RS(f0)?62 kOhm.
  • ?The amplifiers power consumption is in the
    range of 100600 ?W.
  • ?The second version of the amplifier with ambient
    temperature ?2 K was successfully employed for
    different quantum measurements.
  • The authors gratefully acknowledge the
    discussions and help on the different stages of
    work of H. E. Hoenig, E. Il'ichev, V.
    Zakosarenko, R. Stolz, M. Grajcar, Th. Wagner, A.
    Izmalkov, S. Uchaikin and R. Boucher.
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