Chapter 6 ? Other Security Building Blocks1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6 ? Other Security Building Blocks1


Overview Beyond basic cryptography: Secret splitting - divide a message into n pieces, such that all n pieces must be combined to recover the message – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 6 ? Other Security Building Blocks1

  • Beyond basic cryptography
  • Secret splitting - divide a message into n
    pieces, such that all n pieces must be combined
    to recover the message
  • Blind signatures produce an unlinkable digital
  • Bit commitment allows a user to commit to a
    prediction without revealing it
  • Cryptographic protocols make use of cryptography
    to accomplish some task securely
  • Authentication
  • Key-exchange
  • Zero-knowledge proofs allows a person to prove
    that he knows a secret without revealing it

Motivation for Secret Splitting
  • A professor, Carol, encrypts her grade file with
    a symmetric-key cryptosystem
  • Good only Carol can read grades (privacy)
  • Good only Carol can modify grades (integrity)
  • Bad if Carol becomes incapacitated nobody else
    can recover the grades
  • Carol needs some kind of a mechanism that will
    allow someone other than her to decrypt the grade
    file in case of an emergency

Secret Splitting
  • Secret splitting makes it possible to divide a
    message into n pieces called shadows, such that
  • Combining less than n shadows yields nothing
  • Combining all n shadows yields the message
  • Carol can split her key into n shadows and give
    one to n different people she trusts
  • Good if Carol becomes incapacitated all n people
    can get together and recover the grade file
  • Good Unlikely that all n people would betray
    Carols trust

Secret Splitting Using One-Time Pads
  • Create four shadows
  • Generate n-1 one-time pads (as long as M)
  • Encrypt M with P1
  • T (20) P (16) mod 26 J (10)
  • H (8) D (4) mod 26 L (12)
  • E(5) J (10) mod 26 O (15)

Secret Split. with One-Time Pads
  • Encrypt C1 with P2
  • Encrypt C2 with P3
  • P1, P2, P3, and C3 are the four shadows
  • Good all four shadows are required to
    reconstruct M
  • Use P3 to decrypt C3 yielding C2
  • Use P2 to decrypt C2 yielding C1
  • Use P1 to decrypt C1 yielding M
  • Bad What happens if Carol and one of the shadow
    holders become incapacitated?

Secret Sharing
  • Secret sharing (also called a threshold scheme)
    makes it possible to divide a message into n
    shadows, such that
  • Combining less than k shadows yields nothing
  • Combining any k (or more) yields the message
  • Example
  • Carol uses a (3-8)-threshold scheme to divide her
    key into eight shadows (any three required to
    recover M)
  • Give three to Alice, one to Bob, two to Dave, and
    one each to Elvis and Fred
  • Carols key can be recovered by
  • Alice (3)
  • Dave (2) and Bob (1)
  • Bob (1), Elvis (1), and Fred (1)
  • Etc.
  • Good Need some, not all, shadows to recover the

Motivation for Blind Sigs
  • Dave owns a bank
  • Carol has an account at Daves bank
  • Carol wants to withdraw some digital money
  • Carol would like for the digital money to be
  • Valid it should be accepted as payment by
    merchants (perhaps after some verification
  • Anonymous Dave should not be able to determine
    where Carol spends her money
  • Blind signatures allow Dave to create digital
    money that is both valid and anonymous

Blind Signatures
  • Blind signatures enable a user to digitally sign
    a document without seeing its contents
  • Assume Daves RSA public/private keys are
  • Public e 413, n 629
  • Private d 53
  • Before giving a message, m, to Dave for his
    signature, Carol can blind it
  • Choose a random blinding factor, b
  • 1 lt b lt n-1
  • b is relatively prime to n
  • Example (using small numbers) m 250 and b 5

Blind Signatures (cont)
  • Carol blinds the message
  • B (m ? (be)) mod n
  • B (250 ? (5413)) mod 629
  • B 172
  • Carol gives the blinded message, B, to Dave
  • Dave cannot read the blinded message because he
    does not know the blinding factor
  • If n is large, exhaustive search for b is

Blind Signatures (cont)
  • Dave signs the blinded message as he would any
    other message
  • S Bd mod n
  • S 17253 mod 629
  • S 168
  • Dave sends the signed blinded message, S, to

Blind Signatures (cont)
  • Carol unblinds the signed blinded message by
    multiplying it by bs multiplicative inverse
    modulo n
  • In our example, b 5, so b-1 126 since
  • (126 ? 5) mod 629 1
  • Carol computes
  • S (S ? b-1) mod n
  • S (168 ? 126) mod 629
  • S 411
  • Note that the resulting digital signature, S
    411, is identical to the one that would be
    produced by Dave signing m 250 with his private

Properties of Blind Signatures
  • Validity as with normal digital signatures
  • Anyone can use Daves public key to verify his
    signature on the document is valid
  • Daves signature still cannot be forged or moved
    to another document, and Dave cannot repudiate
    his signature
  • Unlinkability unlike normal digital signatures
  • Dave cannot subsequently link the unblinded
    signed document to the blind document that he

Unlinkability of Blind Signatures
  • Suppose
  • Carol gives Dave two blinded documents to sign
  • Dave signs them, returns them to Carol, and keeps
    copies of the two blind documents
  • Carol unblinds them and gives Dave copies of the
    two unblinded documents bearing his signature
  • Then
  • Dave will not be able to determine which
    unblinded document corresponds to which blinded

Example of Unlinkability
  • Carol gives Dave two blinded documents to sign
  • B1 542, B2 492
  • Dave signs them, returns them to Carol, and keeps
    copies of the two blind documents
  • Carol unblinds them and gives Dave copies of the
    two unblinded documents bearing his signature
  • S1 217, S2 121
  • Dave can verify his signature and learn the
    contents of the documents he signed
  • m1 217413 mod 629 200, m2 121413 mod 629
  • Dave cannot link an unblinded document to the
    corresponding blind document
  • B1 m1 and B2 m2?
  • B1 m2 and B2 m1?

Example of Unlinkability (cont)
  • To link an unblinded document to the
    corresponding blind document
  • B1 (542) m1 (200) and B2 (492) m2 (100), or
  • B1 (542) m2 (100) and B2 (492) m1 (200)
  • Dave must determine the blinding factor used to
    blind each document
  • Dave can use exhaustive search to find the
    blinding factors
  • b1 409 since (100 409413) mod 629 542
  • b2 557 since (200 557413) mod 629 492
  • Dave knows that the first blind document he
    signed, B1, was m2 and the second blind document
    was m1
  • For large values of n, exhaustive search is not
    feasible and therefore the signatures are

Motivation for Blind Signatures (cont)
  • Why would Dave sign a blind document that he
    could not read and create an unlinkable
  • Recall
  • Dave owns a bank
  • Carol has an account at Daves bank
  • Carol wants to withdraw some digital money
  • Carol would like for the digital money to be
  • Valid it should be accepted as payment by
    merchants (perhaps after some verification
  • Anonymous Dave should not be able to determine
    where Carol spends her money
  • Blind signatures allow Dave to create digital
    money that is both valid and anonymous

Digital Money Without Blind Sigs
  • Carol creates a message containing a serial
    number and a value
  • Serial number 603482, Value 10
  • Dave signs the message and deducts 10 from
    Carols account
  • Carol uses the signed message to pay a merchant
  • The merchant uses Daves public key to verify his
  • The merchant redeems the money with Dave for 10
  • Good Carols digital money is valid
  • Bad Carols digital money is not anonymous
  • Dave could keep a record each serial number and
    to whom it was issued
  • When a merchant redeems digital money Dave could
    determine to whom that money was issued

Digital Money With Blind Signatures
  • Carol creates a message containing a serial
    number and a value
  • Serial number 603482, Value 10
  • Carol blinds the message before giving it to Dave
    to sign
  • Dave does not know the blinding factor so he
    cannot see the contents of the message (e.g. the
    serial number)
  • Dave signs the message and deducts 10 from
    Carols account
  • Carol unblinds the message uses the signed
    message to pay a merchant
  • The merchant uses Daves public key to verify his
  • The merchant redeems the money with Dave for 10
  • Good Carols digital money is valid
  • Good Carols digital money is anonymous

Digital Money With Blind Signatures (cont)
  • Problem 1 double spending
  • Carol uses her digital money to pay one merchant
  • The merchant uses Daves public key to verify it
    is valid
  • Carol uses the same piece of digital money to pay
    another merchant
  • The merchant uses Daves public key to verify it
    is valid
  • Twenty dollars worth of digital money has cost
    Carol 10
  • Solution merchant must check with Dave and make
    sure the digital money has not already been spent
    before accepting it

Digital Money With Blind Signatures (cont)
  • Problem 2 fraud
  • Carol creates a message worth 1000
  • Carol blinds the message before giving it to Dave
    to sign telling him it is worth 10
  • Dave does not know the blinding factor so he
    cannot see the contents of the message
  • Dave signs the message and deducts 10 from
    Carols account
  • 1,000 worth of digital money has cost Carol 10
  • Solution Dave needs to be pretty sure of the
    value of the digital money without actually
    seeing it (and the serial number)

Digital Money With Blind Signatures (cont)
  • Dave requires Carol to create and submit 100
  • m1 Serial number 935076, Value 10
  • m2 Serial number 104766, Value 10
  • . . .
  • m100 Serial number 337147, Value 10
  • Carol chooses 100 different blinding factors, b1,
    b2, , b100
  • Carol uses the blinding factors to create 100
    blinded messages
  • Carol gives all 100 blinded messages to Dave and
    tells him their value (10 each in this case)

Digital Money With Blind Signatures (cont)
  • Dave chooses 99 of the 100 messages at random to
  • Dave asks Carol for the corresponding blinding
  • Dave unblinds each of the 99 messages and checks
    to see that each is worth 10
  • If all checks succeed Dave signs the one blind
    message he did not challenge and returns it to
  • Carol unblinds the message
  • Carol now has a valid, anonymous piece of digital
    money from Dave

Digital Money With Blind Signatures (cont)
  • For Carol to get 1,000 worth of digital money
    for 10 she would have to
  • Create 99 messages containing the value 10
  • Create one message containing the value 1,000
  • Hope that the 1,000 message is the one message
    that Dave does not challenge
  • Carols chances of succeeding are one in 100
  • Dave can lower the odds of fraud by requiring
    1,000 or 1,000,000 messages to be submitted

Motivation for Bit Commitment
  • Might want to commit to a prediction without
    revealing it
  • Chuck and Bills virtual coin flips Scenario 1
  • Chuck thinks of a value, either heads or
  • Bill announces his guess
  • Chuck tells Bill his value
  • Problem Chuck can cheat Bill
  • Chuck has not committed to a value - he can
    change it after Bill guesses
  • Chuck and Bills virtual coin flips Scenario 2
  • Bill thinks of his guess
  • Chuck thinks of a value and announces it to Bill
  • Bill tells Chuck his guess
  • Problem Bill can cheat Chuck
  • Chuck had to reveal his value in order to commit
    to it

Motivation for Bit Commitment (cont)
  • Chuck and Bills virtual coin flips Scenario 3
  • Chuck chooses a value, writes it on a piece of
    paper, seals it in an envelope, and hands the
    envelope to Bill
  • Bill announces his guess
  • Bill opens the envelope and both learn whether
    Bill was right
  • Good neither can cheat
  • Fairness requirements
  • Chuck must commit to his value in such a way
  • Chuck cannot subsequently change the value
  • Bill does not learn Chucks value until after
    Bill has guessed

Bit Commitment
  • Bit commitment allows someone to commit to a
    prediction without revealing it
  • Bit commitment has two phases
  • Commitment phase one party commits to a
    prediction in such a way that it cannot be
    subsequently changed
  • Verification phase the second party learns the
    first partys prediction
  • Cheating is impossible if
  • The prediction cannot be changed after the
    commitment phase
  • The prediction is not revealed until the
    verification phase

Bit Commitment Using a Symmetric-Key Cryptosystem
  • Commitment phase
  • Chuck chooses a random key, k, and encrypts his
  • M Encrypt(p,k)
  • Chuck gives a copy of M to Bill
  • Problem easy for Chuck to change prediction by
    finding M such that
  • Decrypt(M, k1) 0, and
  • Decrypt(M, k2) 1
  • Solution
  • Bill send a random string of bits, R, to Chuck
  • Chuck concatenates his prediction to R and then
  • M Encrypt(Rp, k)

Bit Commitment Using a Symmetric-Key Cryptosystem
  • Commitment phase
  • Bill send a random string of bits, R, to Chuck
  • Chuck concatenates his prediction to R and then
  • M Encrypt(Rp, k)
  • Chuck gives a copy of M to Bill
  • Verification phase
  • Chuck sends k to Bill
  • Bill decrypts M, checks R, and learns p
  • Decrypt (M, k)

Bit Commitment Using a Symmetric-Key Cryptosystem
  • Neither can cheat
  • The prediction cannot be changed after the
    commitment phase
  • A good cryptosystem will not allow Chuck to
    create an M such that
  • Decrypt(Rp1,k1) M
  • Decrypt(Rp2,k2) M
  • The prediction is not revealed until the
    verification phase
  • Bill does not know the key Chuck chose and connot
    read M without it

Bit Commitment Using a One-Way Hash Function
  • Commitment phase
  • Chuck creates two random strings of bits, R1 and
  • Chuck concatenates R1, R2, and his prediction, p,
    and sends the result through the one-way hash
    function, H
  • h H(R1R2p)
  • Chuck sends h and R1 to Bill
  • Verification phase
  • Chuck sends R2 and p to Bill
  • Bill computes the hash
  • h H(R1R2p)
  • Bill verifies that h h

Bit Commitment Using a One-Way Hash Function
  • Neither can cheat
  • The prediction cannot be changed after the
    commitment phase
  • A good one-way hash function will not allow Chuck
    to create an R1, R2, and p such that there is a
  • H(R1R2p1) h
  • H(R1R3p2) h
  • The prediction is not revealed until the
    verification phase
  • Since the hash function is one-way, Bill cannot
    deduce p from h and R1

Cryptographic Protocols
  • A protocol is an agreed-upon sequence of actions
    performed by two or more principals
  • Cryptographic protocols make use of cryptography
    to accomplish some task securely
  • Example
  • How can Alice and Bob agree on a session key to
    protect a conversation?
  • Answer use a key-exchange cryptographic protocol

Key Exchange with Symmetric Cryptography
  • Assume Alice and Bob each share a key with a Key
    Distribution Center (KDC)
  • KA is the key shared by Alice and the KDC
  • KB is the key shared by Bob and the KDC
  • To agree on a session key
  • Alice contacts the KDC and requests a session key
    for Bob and her
  • The KDC generates a random session key, encrypts
    it with both KA and KB, and sends the results to

Key Exchange with Symmetric Cryptography (cont)
  • Agreeing on a session key (cont)
  • Alice decrypts the part of the message encrypted
    with KA and learns the session key
  • Alice sends the part of the message encrypted
    with KB to Bob
  • Bob receives Alices message, decrypts it, and
    learns the session key
  • Alice and Bob communicate securely using the
    session key

Key Exchange with Symmetric Cryptography (cont)
  • The key-exchange protocol
  • A gt KDC (A,B)
  • KDC gt A (E(KAB,KA), E(KAB,KB))
  • A gt B (E(KAB,KB))

Key Exchange with Symmetric Cryptography (cont)
  • Issues
  • Security depends on secrecy of KA and KB
  • KDC must be secure and trusted by both Alice and
  • KA and KB should be used sparingly
  • The use of a new session key for each
    conversation limits the chances/value of
    compromising a session key

Attacking the Protocol
  • Alice and Bob set up a secure session protected
    by KAB
  • An intruder, Mallory, watches them do this and
    stores the KDCs message to Alice and all the
    subsequent messages between Alice Bob encrypted
    with KAB
  • Mallory cryptanalyzes the session between Alice
    and Bob and eventually recovers KAB
  • The next time Alice and Bob want to talk Mallory
    intercepts the KDCs reply and replays the old
    message containing KAB
  • Alice and Bob conduct a secure conversation
    which is protected by KAB which is known to

Attacking the Protocol (cont)
  • A gt KDC (A,B)
  • KDC gt A (E(KAB,KA), E(KAB,KB))
  • A gt B (E(KAB,KB))
  • // Alice and Bob encrypt their messages using KAB
  • // Mallory recovers KAB by analyzing Alice and
    Bobs session
  • A gt KDC (A,B)
  • KDC gt A (E(KAB,KA), E(KAB,KB))
  • // Mallory intercepts the above message and
    replaces it
  • M gt A (E(KAB,KA), E(KAB,KB))
  • A gt B (E(KAB,KB))
  • // Mallory reads all traffic session between
    Alice and Bob

What Went Wrong?
  • Alice and Bob need to be able to distinguish
    between a current (or fresh) response from the
    KDC and an old one
  • Solutions
  • Alice and Bob could keep track of all
    previously-used session keys and never accept an
    old session key
  • KDC could include freshness information in its
  • Timestamps
  • Nonces

Using Timestamps to Establish Freshness
  • A gt KDC (A,B)
  • KDC gt A (E((KAB,TKDC),KA), E((KAB,TKDC),KB))
  • A gt B (E((KAB,TKDC),KB))
  • Where TKDC is a timestamp from the KDCs clock
  • Alice and Bobs clocks are both synchronized with
    the KDCs
  • Alice and Bob both check the KDCs message to
    make sure it was generated recently

Using Nonces to Establish Freshness
  • A nonce is a randomly-generated value that
  • Is never reused
  • Can be used to prove the freshness of a message
  • A gt KDC (A,B,NA)
  • B gt KDC (A,B, NB)
  • KDC gt A (E((KAB,NA),KA))
  • KDC gt B (E((KAB,NB),KB))

Key-Exchange with Public-Key Cryptography
  • Alice learns Bobs public key (by either asking
    Bob or some third party)
  • Alice generates a random session key, KAB
  • Alice encrypts the session key with Bobs public
  • Alice sends Encrypt(KAB,BPublic) to Bob
  • Bob receives Alices message and decrypts it with
    his private key
  • Alice and Bob encrypt their subsequent
    communications with KAB

Attacking the Protocol
  • Recall the man-in-the-middle attack
  • If Mallory can trick Alice into thinking that
    MPublic is Bobs public key
  • Mallory can decrypt Alices first message to Bob
  • Encrypt(KAB,MPublic)
  • Mallory learns the proposed session key KAB
  • Mallory can send Bob Encrypt(KAB,BPublic)
  • Alice and Bob will encrypt their subsequent
    communications with KAB thinking that it is
  • This is a very serious problem because its often
    difficult to be sure you know somebodys public

The Interlock Protocol
  • Combating the man-in-the-middle attack
  • Alice and Bob exchange public keys
  • Alice encrypts her message using Bobs public
    key. Alice sends half the encrypted message to
    Bob (e.g. every other bit)
  • Bob encrypts his message using Alices public
    key. Bob sends half the encrypted message to
    Alice (e.g. every other bit)
  • Alice sends the other half of her encrypted
    message to Bob. Bob puts the two halves together
    and decrypts them using his private key
  • Bob sends the other half of his encrypted message
    to Alice. Alice puts the two halves together and
    decrypts them using her private key

The Interlock Prot. (cont)
  • Foiling the man-in-the-middle
  • Assume Mallory can trick Alice into using MPublic
    instead of BPublic
  • When Mallory receives the first half of Alices
    message she wont be able to decrypt it and
    re-encrypt it with BPublic
  • Mallory must invent a completely new message,
    encrypt it and send half of it to Bob
  • When the second half of Alices message arrives,
    Mallory can put the two halves together, decrypt,
    and learn what Alices original message was
  • However, Mallory has already committed to the
    first half of the message and it is too late to
  • Therefore, Bob will not get the message Alice
    sent, and Alice and Bob will probably be able to
    figure out that there is an intruder between them

  • Authentication is the process of proving your
    identity to someone else
  • One-way
  • Two-way
  • Authentication protocols are often designed using
    a challenge and response mechanism
  • Authenticator creates a random challenge
  • Authenticatee proves identity by replying with
    the appropriate response

One-way Authentication Using Symmetric-Key
  • Assume that Alice and Bob share a secret
    symmetric key, KAB
  • One-way authentication protocol
  • Alice creates a nonce, NA, and sends it to Bob as
    a challenge
  • Bob encrypts Alices nonce with their secret key
    and returns the result, Encrypt(NA, KAB), to
  • Alice can decrypt Bobs response and verify that
    the result is her nonce
  • A gt B(NA)
  • B gt A(Encrypt(NA, KAB))

One-way Authentication Using Symmetric-Key
  • Problem an adversary, Mallory, might be able to
    impersonate Bob to Alice
  • Alice sends challenge to Bob (intercepted by
  • Mallory does not know KAB and thus cannot create
    the appropriate response
  • Mallory may be able to trick Bob (or Alice) into
    creating the appropriate response for her
  • A gt M(NA)
  • M gt B(NN)
  • B gt M(Encrypt(NA, KAB))
  • M gt A(Encrypt(NA, KAB))

One-way Authentication Using Public-Key
  • Alice sends a nonce to Bob as a challenge
  • Bob replies by encrypting the nonce with his
    private key
  • Alice decrypts the response using Bobs public
    key and verify that the result is her nonce
  • A gt B(NA)
  • B gt A(Encrypt(NA, BPrivate))
  • Encrypting any message that someone sends as an
    authentication challenge might not be a good idea

One-way Authentication Using Public-Key
  • Another challenge-and-response authentication
  • Alice performs a computation based on some random
    numbers (chosen by Alice) and her private key and
    sends the result to Bob
  • Bob sends Alice a random number (chosen by Bob)
  • Alice makes some computation based on her private
    key, her random numbers, and the random number
    received from Bob and sends the result to Bob
  • Bob performs some computations on the various
    numbers and Alices public key to verify that
    Alice knows her private key
  • Advantage Alice never encrypts a message chosen
    by someone else

Authentication and Key-Exchange Protocols
  • Combine authentication and key-exchange
  • Assume Carla and Diane are on opposite ends of a
    network and want to talk securely
  • Want to agree on a new session key securely
  • Want to each be sure that they are talking to the
    other and not an intruder
  • Wide-Mouth Frog
  • Assumes a trusted third-party, Sam, who shares a
    secret keys, KC and KD, respectively, with Carla
    and Diane

Authentication and Key-Exchange Protocols
  • Wide-Mouth Frog
  • C gt S(C,Encrypt((D,KCD,TC),KCS))
  • S gt D(Encrypt((C, KCD, TS), KDS))
  • Observations
  • Reliance on synchronized clocks to generate
  • Depends on a third-party that both participants
  • Initiator is trusted to generate good session keys

Authentication and Key-Exchange Protocols
  • Yahalom
  • C gt D (C,NC)
  • D gt S (D,Encrypt((C,NC,ND),KD))
  • S gt C (Encrypt((D,KCD,NC,ND),KC),Encrypt((C,KCD)
  • C gt D (Encrypt((C,KCD),KD),Encrypt(ND,KCD))
  • Note Diane is the first one to contact Sam who
    only sends one message to Carla

Authentication and Key-Exchange Protocols
  • Denning and Sacco (public-key)
  • Carla sends a message to Sam including her name
    and Dianes name
  • Sam replies with signed copies of both Carla and
    Dianes public key
  • C gt S(C,D)
  • S gt C(Encrypt((C,CPublic,TS),SPriavte),Encrypt
  • C gt D(Encrypt((C,CPublic,TS),SPriavte),Encrypt
  • Carla generates the session key, KCD, and signed
    a message containing it and a timestamp with her
    private key
  • C gt D(Encrypt(Encrypt((KCD,TC),CPrivate),DPubl

Authentication and Key-Exchange Protocols
  • A weakness of the Denning and Sacco protocol
  • Harry can trick Diane into thinking that she is
    communicating with Carla when she is really
    communicating with Harry
  • Harry establishes a session key, KCH, with Carla
  • C gt H(Encrypt(Encrypt((KCH,TC),CPrivate),HPubl
  • Harry decrypts Carlas message and learns KCH
  • Harry encrypts Carlas signed message with
    Dianes public key, and sends the result to Diane
    claiming to be Carla
  • H gt D(Encrypt(Encrypt((KCH,TC),CPrivate),DPubl
  • Diane will decrypt the message, check the
    signature and timestamp, and believe that she is
    talking to Carla with KCH as the session key

Authentication and Key-Exchange Protocols
  • Fixing the Denning and Sacco protocol
  • Add the other partys name to the key exchange
  • C gt D(Encrypt(Encrypt((D,KCD,TC),CPrivate),DPubl

Motivation for Zero Knowledge Proofs
  • Many challenge and response authentication
  • Prove identity by demonstrating knowledge of a
    certain piece of information (e.g. a password)
  • Bob authenticates Alice based on her knowledge of
    a secret, S
  • Only Alice knows the secret, S
  • This person knows
  • Therefore, this person is Alice
  • Drawbacks
  • Requires Alice to disclose S to Bob
  • Bob may subsequently be able to impersonate Alice

Zero-Knowledge Proofs
  • Alice can perform a zero-knowledge proof so that
  • Bob can verify that Alice knows the secret
  • Bob does not gain any information about the
  • Overview
  • Bob will ask Alice a series of questions
  • For each question
  • If Alice knows the secret she will have a 100
    chance of answering correctly
  • If Alice does not know the secret she will have a
    50 chance of answering correctly
  • If Alice answers many questions in row correctly
    chances are good that she knows the secret
  • None of the questions or answers give Bob any
    information about Alices secret

Zero-Knowledge Proofs (cont)
  • Bob asks Alice up to n questions
  • If Alice ever answers incorrectly, Bob stops and
    knows Alice does not know S
  • If Alice always answers correctly, she probably
    knows S
  • How many questions should Bob ask?
  • n 1
  • Efficient but chance of getting fooled
  • Alices odds of guessing right once are 1 in 2
  • n 10
  • Less efficient, less chance of getting fooled
  • Alices odds of guessing right ten times are 1 in
    210 (1,000)
  • n 20
  • Much less efficient, little chance of getting
  • Alices odds of guessing right twenty times are 1
    in 220 (1,000,000)

The Zero-Knowledge Cave
  • A cave with a single entrance
  • The entry passage forks into left and right
  • The two passages eventually meet each other
  • A door has been built where they join
  • The only way to open the door is to say the
    magic words

The Zero-Knowledge Cave (cont)

The Zero-Knowledge Cave (cont)
  • Alice can prove to Bob that she knows the magic
  • Alice need not reveal the magic words to Bob
  • Alice and Bob stand at the entrance to the cave
  • Alice walks all the way into the cave until she
    is standing at the door
  • Bob walks into the cave and to the fork
  • Bob does not know whether Alice chose to take the
    left or the right passage to the door
  • Bob chooses at random to ask Alice to come out of
    either the passage to Bobs right or the one to
    his left
  • Alice exits from the appropriate passage (using
    the magic words if necessary)

The Zero-Knowledge Cave
  • There are four possiblities
  • (1) Alice enters the left passage and Bob asks
    her to come out the left
  • Alice does not need to pass through the door
  • (2) Alice enters the left passage and Bob asks
    her to come out the right
  • Alice must say the magic words to pass through
    the door
  • (3) Alice enters the right passage and Bob asks
    her to come out the left
  • Alice must say the magic words to pass through
    the door
  • (4) Alice enters the right passage and Bob asks
    her to come out the right
  • Alice does not need to pass through the door
  • If Alice knows the magic words she can come out
    of the proper passage 100 of the time
  • If Alice does not know the magic words she can
    come out of the proper passage 50 of the time

The Zero-Knowledge Cave (cont)
  • No matter how many times this protocol is run Bob
    learns nothing about Alices secret
  • If Alice is able to complete 20 successful exits
    from the cave then either
  • (1) Bobs requests were not random (Alice was
    able to predict them)
  • (2) There was no barrier in the cave
  • (3) Alice guessed correctly 20 times in a row (1
    in 1,000,000)
  • (4) Alice knew the secret
  • So when performing a zero-knowledge proof, Bob
    should try to make sure neither (1) nor (2) hold

Mathematical Background - Graph Isomorphism
  • A graph is a set of verteces and the edges that
    connect them
  • If two graphs are identical except for the names
    given to verteces they are called isomorphic

Graph Isomorphism
  • Graphs (I) and (II) are isomorphic

Graph Isomorphism (cont)
  • Graphs (II) and (III) are isomorphic
  • Are graphs (I) and (III) isomorphic?

Graph Isomorphism (cont)
  • Graphs (I) and (III) must be isomorphic because
    graph isomorphism is transitive
  • Can find the isomorphism by mapping from (I) to
    (II) to (III)

Graph Isomorphism is a Hard Problem
  • In general, determining whether two graphs are
    isomorphic is a difficult problem
  • Best-known algorithm runs in time exponential to
    the number of verteces
  • As the number of verteces gets large, finding an
    answer is intractable
  • A claimed isomorphism between two graphs can be
    checked in polynomial time
  • As the number of verteces gets large, verifying
    an answer is tractable

A Zero-Knowledge Proof Using Graph Isomorphism
  • Alice creates two graphs, G1 and G2, which are
    isomorphic to each other
  • Randomly create G1
  • Randomly permute the verteces of G1 to create G2
  • Save the permutation of G1s verteces used to
    produce G2
  • It is the isomorphism between the two
  • Alice can use a zero-knowledge proof to convince
    Bob that she knows the isomorphism without
    revealing it

Zero-Knowledge Proof Using Graph Isomorphism
  • Alice randomly permutes G1 to produce another
    graph, H, which is isomorphic to both G1 and G2
  • Alice knows the isomorphism between G1 and G2
  • Alice knows the isomorphism between G1 and H
  • Alice knows the isomorphism between G2 and H (by
  • For anybody who does not know the isomorphism
    between G1 and G2
  • Finding the isomorphism between G1 and G2 is
  • Finding the isomorphism between G1 and H is as
    hard as finding the isomorphism between G1 and G2
  • Finding the isomorphism between G2 and H is as
    hard as finding the isomorphism between G1 and G2

Zero-Knowledge Proof Using Graph Isomorphism
  • Alice and Bob repeat the following protocol until
    Bob is satisfied
  • Alice randomly permutes G1 to produce another
    graph, H
  • Alice sends H to Bob
  • Bob asks Alice either to
  • Prove that H and G1 are isomorphic, or
  • Prove that H and G2 are isomorphic
  • Alice complies (without providing the other
  • Bob verifies whether or not Alices answer is

Zero-Knowledge Proof Using Graph Isomorphism
  • Without knowing the isomorphism between G1 and G2
    Alice cannot create a graph H for which she knows
    the isomorphism to both G1 and G2
  • Otherwise she would know the isomorphism between
    G1 and G2 by transitivity
  • In each round Alices must choose
  • Permute G1 to produce a graph, H1, for which she
    knows the isomorphism to G1 (but not G2), or
  • Permute G2 to produce a graph, H2, for which she
    knows the isomorphism to G2 (but not G1)

Zero-Knowledge Proof Using Graph Isomorphism
  • Alice only sends one graph to Bob in each round
  • Four possibilities each round
  • Alice sends H1 and Bob asks for (H1,G1) Alice
    will be able to answer
  • Alice sends H1 and Bob asks for (H1,G2) Alice
    will not be able to answer
  • Alice sends H2 and Bob asks for (H2,G1) Alice
    will not be able to answer
  • Alice sends H2 and Bob asks for (H2,G2) Alice
    will be able to answer
  • Results
  • Alice has a 50 chance in each round of answering
    correctly whether or not she knows the
    isomorphism between G1 and G2
  • Each round Bob learns the isomorphism between a
    random graph and either G1 or G2

Zero-Knowledge Proof Using Graph Isomorphism
  • If Alice is able to answer correctly 20 times in
    a row
  • Bobs requests were not random
  • Alice was able to predict them and generate H
  • (2) Graph isomorphism is not a hard problem
  • (3) Alice guessed correctly 20 times in a row
  • (4) Alice knew the secret

Problem With Zero-Knowledge Proofs
  • Remember the man-in-the-middle attack?
  • Carol is going to prove to Bob that she knows the
    isomorphism between G1 and G2 (even though she
  • Carol asks Alice to prove she knows the
  • Alice generates a graph, H, and sends it to Carol
  • Carol contacts Bob and says shes ready to start
    the proof she sends H to Bob
  • Bob chooses either G1 or G2 and asks Carol for
    the isomorphism
  • Carol asks Alice the same question
  • Alice answers Carol
  • Carol repeats the answer to Bob
  • Results
  • Carol will answer Bob correctly in every round
  • Bob will believe that Carol knows the isomorphism
  • Carol does not know the isomorphism

  • Beyond basic cryptography
  • Secret splitting - divide a message into n
    pieces, such that all n pieces must be combined
    to recover the message
  • Blind signatures produce an unlinkable digital
  • Bit commitment allows a user to commit to a
    prediction without revealing it
  • Cryptographic protocols make use of cryptography
    to accomplish some task securely
  • Authentication
  • Key-exchange
  • Zero-knowledge proofs allows a person to prove
    that he knows a secret without revealing it
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