Title: Indigenous soil and water conservation methods in Africa.
1Indigenous soil and water conservation methods in
- Presented by
- Becky Humphrey
- (MSc Water Resources)
- What is indigenous knowledge?
- The knowledge used by local people to make a
living in a particular environment. - A body of knowledge built up by a group of
people through generations of living in close
contact with nature.
3Indigenous knowledge is based on
- Adapting to the specific requirements of local
people. - Creating and experimenting with methods to suit
local environmental conditions. - The incorporation of outside influences, together
with inside innovations. - Cultural knowledge
- Consideration of social, political, economic and
spiritual aspects of the local lifestyle.
4Soil and Water Conservation
- Need to take holistic approach in dealing with
any aspect of environmental conservation. - Soil processes and runoff processes affect each
other, therefore it makes sense to use methods
which incorporate both factors.
5Types of SWC methods
- Earth / stone bunds
- Bench / step terraces
- Improved planting pits
- Micro basins
- Pitting
- Modification of contour ridges
- Mulching
- Contour stone bunds
- mounds
6Types of SWC methods (continued)
- Strips
- Vegetation barriers
- Grass strips
- Drainage ditches
- Basin irrigation
- Ridge cultivation
- Raised bed cultivation
- Hedge barriers
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8Focus on Africa
- Long history of traditional farming methods.
- Diverse landscape between within individual
countries. - Inhospitable terrain.
- Harsh climatic extremes.
- Usually very hot and dry, but problem of flash
floods during rainy season also exists.
9Case Studies
- The Dogon Plateau, Mali
- Southern Zimbabwe
- Upper East Region, Ghana
- Harerge Highlands, Ethiopia
10Traditional SWC techniques on the Dogon Plateau,
- Area Characteristics
- Agricultural economy (cereal cultivation market
gardening) - Subsistence farming with limited cash crops
- Main crops are Sorghum Millet
- Main garden crops are onions tomatoes
- Rainfall low variable
- Droughts lead to poor crop production
- Heavy rainfall leads to severe soil erosion and
pan formation - Soil has poor structure
- Steep hillsides
- Area densely populated
- Only 10-15 of plateau is arable land
12Development of indigenous methods
- Hillsides originally populated because Dogon
people hid from invaders in caves - Despite the fact that this is no longer an issue
and good arable land exists elsewhere, population
is concentrated here because of traditional
values and cultural reasons - SWC necessary for survival
13Traditional SWC techniques
- Cones / mound making
- Terracing of fields and hillsides
- Stone lines
- Bunds / low stone walls
- Square basins
- Planting holes
14More unique methods
- Stalks left after harvest are cleared away and
then laid on the soil surface in bands to reduce
soil erosion. - When the organic matter eventually decomposes it
provides another benefit through increased soil
fertility due to added nutrients
15The Future
- Labour shortages due to migration are threatening
SWC techniques - Land tenure problems
- However, increasing role of women assistance
through participatory development is promising.
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18Indigenous SWC in Southern Zimbabwe
- SWC has played important role in development of
smallholder agriculture. - Long tradition of indigenous farming methods
threatened by mechanisation and political
19Historical SWC
- Farming based on livestock shifting cultivation
- Livestock food, clothing, transport manure
(also social status) but not enough draught
power. - Main crop was Finger Millet.
- Bush clearance led to cultivation of 3-10 yrs,
then fallow. - Wetlands also cultivated (ideal during drought)
- Hunting gathering
- Traditional values ensured conservation (esp.
water trees) - Low population limited tools
- Use of intercropping, mulching, bunds ridges.
20The Plough
- Plough introduced by white settlers in late 19th
century - Adopted by local farmers on large scale 1920-1940
- Indigenous farming saw many benefits in increased
production - Erosion occurred on large scale (rills gullies)
land took longer to recover from fallow.
21Government Intervention
- 1930 onwards erosion became serious problem
- Colonial government forced building of contour
ridges and lowering of stocking rates - Also prohibited wetland use
- Unpopular, esp. as ridges unsuitable for dry
climate - Shifting cultivation bush fallow ended
- Use of plough encouraged
- Poorly constructed ridges increased gully erosion
22The Liberation Struggle
- 1976-1980 liberation struggle
- Farmers encouraged to abandon ridges
- New government could not enforce SWC
- Farmers associated SWC with ridge building
therefore opposed to SWC - Village development committees established
- Gradually, need for SWC realised
- Attitude based on historical contempt for local
knowledge in favour of Western mechanisation - Previous indigenous SWC methods inappropriate due
to increased population density - Confusion over land rights
24Solutions for the future
- 2 projects Food Security Conservation Tillage
- Incorporation of traditional SWC methods
- Participatory approach has led to encouraging
response - Membership of farmer clubs increased
- Particular interest in garden crops SWC
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27The Yaba-itgo system in Upper East region, Ghana
- Area characteristics
- Savannah grassland belt
- Erratic rainfall May-September, but often lull in
growing season - Dry dusty winds during dry season
- Sandy soil with little OM
- Rain fed crops (millet), subsistence farming
- Garden crops during dry season
- Small livestock
- Farmers cannot afford livestock equipment for
ploughing - Renting land discourages SWC
- Women deterred from SWC, despite being good at it
- Isolation during rainy season
- Exploitation by middle men
- External intervention usually abandoned by
29Yaba Itgo Grandfathers way of doing
- Wide range of SWC methods
- Usually aim to conserve moisture on steep slopes
- Also encourage runoff if area prone to flooding
- Methods never used in isolated way
- Clear division of labour between gender and age
30Erosion Control
- Dependant on household labour availability
- Stone bunding
- Contour tillage
- Border grasses
- Strip cropping
- terracing
31Drainage control
- Dependant on communal labour availability
- Focus on flood risk due to cash crops
- Land smoothing / levelling
- Graded furrows
32Recent Changes
- Driving force changed from cultural reasons to
production incentives - SWC blended with agronomic practices e.g. mixed
cropping, cultivation of groundnuts, mulching - Bush burning greatly reduced, so soil fertility
improved - Some incorporation of live fencing use of
livestock for ploughing (opposed still by women)
33Indigenous SWC techniques of the Harerge
Highlands, Ethiopia
- Area characteristics
- Hilly terrain (low-moderate relief) interspersed
with sloping valleys - High population density
- Stony soil, rocky outcrops
- Erratic rainfall regime (2 seasons)
- Erosive tropical storms
- Lower more unreliable rainfall
- Decline in soil fertility
- Shortage of fertilizer (organic inorganic)
- Shortage of livestock for ploughing
- Prevalence of pests disease
- Migration of farmers to urban areas
35Traditional SWC methods
- SWC methods have increased due to decline in
agricultural productivity - Use wide range of agronomic, biological
mechanical measures - Knowledge has evolved over time in response to
local needs - Crop rotation, intercropping, cactus / grass
strips - Focus on increased soil fertility, reduced
erosion diversification
36Stone bunds
- 3 benefits
- Remove stones from field, easier to plough
- Slows runoff traps moisture
- Stops erosion traps nutrients
- Soil bunds also used
- Not as stable but easily moved / rebuilt
- Can evolve into terraces if left to mature
37Outside intervention
- Development programs have gone wrong
- Farmers not consulted
- Large scale engineering as opposed to gradual
build up when needed - Livestock / human passage ignored
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39Disadvantages of traditional SWC
- Most methods require a high level of manpower,
but many younger members of families are leaving
rural locations in search of more prosperous
employment - Often cannot be carried out on a large scale
- Need for some inclusion of modern methods
40Advantages of indigenous SWC
- Local people have managed the land for
generations and know what is needed - Low cost
- Simple methods that can be learned quickly
- Indigenous methods of SWC are long established
and work well - However, their success is largely affected by
political factors and intervention by developed
countries, NGOs etc. - There is an ever increasing need for cooperation
and understanding between researchers, engineers,
local farmers etc. - Some cultural traditions gender issues need to
evolve in order for indigenous SWC to survive in
42The importance of indigenous knowledge
- Incorporating indigenous knowledge into research
projects can contribute to local empowerment and
development, increasing self-sufficiency and
strengthening self-determination.