Title: Aurelia Vartic
1Technical Assistance Projects in VET Republic of
- Aurelia Vartic
- VET projects consultant
- LED Moldova
- Chisinau, 11/07/11
2Moldovan VET sector after 1998
- little experience in determining skill needs and
developing standards - little cooperation with businesses
- outdated curricula
- poor investment in the VET sector
- aging teaching staff
- obsolete equipment
- lack of sector attractiveness to students and
their parents
3First EU support in VET sector
- Tacis project Reform of the vocational education
and training system of Moldova (1998-2000) - experiments with more decentralized schools
- development of the multifaceted school, providing
four years of secondary education and thus - ensuring potential access to higher education
4Recent and current players in VET
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Liechtenstein
- Austria
- Germany
5Support to the Labour Market Authorities and
Vocational Education Services in working towards
improving the Labour Market in Moldova
- Financed by SIDA
- Implemented by Hifab International
- Project duration 01/01/2006 30/12/2010
- Budget approx. 1,580,000 EUR
- Project goal reforming the VET system
- establish a firm cooperation between education,
employment, regional development authorities, and
social partners around a newly established
national centre for VET Development - Specific attention was given to vulnerable
groups on the labor market
6Moldovan Occupational Standards, Assessment and
Certification (SOMEC)
- Financed by SDC
- Implemented by INBAS IFCP
- Project duration 01/03/06 31/03/10
- Project budget 2000.000 CHF
- Project goal
- - develop occupational standards (OS)
- - build up and institutionalize a national
system of assessment and certification of
vocational competences. - Major achievements
- - National capacity built in OS and assessment
- - National Council on Occupational Standards,
Assessment and Certification (OSAC) has been
established by Government - - eight OS (draft) based on DACUM methodology
7Strengthening of Vocational Education and
Training in Moldova (CONSEPT)
- Financed and implemented by LED
- Project duration 2008 2014 (phase I II)
- Project budget phase I 1290.000 EUR
- Project goal Strengthen a number of VET schools
- In supporting the reforms of VET, project
activities focus on - - Organizational development
- - Staff development (instructional and
occupational skills) together with TUM - - Equipment supply
8Synergy of donors input
- SIDA/Hifab development of VET policies, labor
market needs analysis, teachers training,
guidance, actions for vulnerable groups, social
dialogue, etc. - SDC/IFCP - development of OS and assessment
- LED/CONSEPT strengthen the school level by
capacity building and modernization of workshops.
- Joint pilot activities had been implemented
9Agricultural Schools as Centers of Competence for
Regional Education and Training (MOLAGRI)
- Financed by ADA, ME of RM, KulturKontakt Austria
(impl) - Project duration 01/12/04 30/08/13
- Project budget 560.000 EUR
- Project goal improve the ability of school
leavers to develop business activities based on
small and medium sized family-farmsteads. - In its two beneficiary schools the project works
on - - adjusting the school program to the needs in
the region - - making school a center for regional
development in agriculture - - developing curricula on grape-growing/winemakin
g and legumiculture
10VET school develops as a training provider for
WSS in Moldova
- Financed by ADA
- implemented by IFCP
- project duration 01/01/10 31/12/12
- project goal Two VET institutions provide
demand-driven initial and further training in
occupations relevant for WSS. - Major activities
- - occupational profiles for plumber and
electrician - - update curricula for the 2 occupations
- - procure necessary equipment
11Training Firms (ECO NET Moldova)
- Financed by ADA
- Implemented by KulturKontakt Austria
- Project duration 01/09/06 30/12/13
- Project goal To provide the innovative,
practically-orientated teaching method Training
Firm - Focus on secondary business and vocational
education institutions.
12Moldovan Employment and Entrepreneurship
Education and Training Activity (MEEETA)
- Financed by LED
- Implemented by Winrock Moldova
- Project duration oct. 2008 2013 (Phase I II)
- Project budget 2036.706 USD
- Project goal Helping young people to get
employed or self-employed by - - Revision of entrepreneurship curriculum in
VETS - - Teacher training
- - Training of young people for employment
- - Training of young people for self-employment.
13Strengthening initial and continuing training
of handcrafts in Moldova
- Financed by BMZ
- Implemented by CCI Moldova CC Koblenz
- Project duration Jul. 2007 2012 (phase I II)
- Project goal Increase workers skills according
to the labor market demands - based on German dual system
14HIV/AIDS Prevention in Eastern Europe Moldova
- Financed by GIZ
- Implemented by GFA CMB
- Project duration 01/01/09 30/11/10
- Project goal To support the HIV/AID prevention
in VET system - Curriculum, along with teachers book and
students book, for a Healthy Life Style course
was developed.
15European Training Foundation
- ETF has been assisting Moldova for about 10 years
to reform the education, training and labor
market systems - coordination with other donors in the VET sector,
searching for synergies and sharing tools under
the Mobility Partnership. - labor market demand analysis, reviewing education
and training system and support the social
partnership - latest analysis carried out in Moldova
- - Torino Process (21/01/11)
- - A Study of the Moldovan VET System and its
Relevance to Labor Market (01/06/05) - - The Challenges of Lifelong Learning Report
16Lessons learned
- All relevant stakeholders and decision making
bodies are to be on board participatory approach
is a must - Policies/strategies should reflect the economic
development of the country, its constitution and
culture - Policies cannot simply be transplanted from
another country - Policies/strategies should not stand alone, but
should be part of a well-designed package of
measures for their implementation.
17Lessons learned
- Policies should be reflected in annual and
medium-term plans, and budgets of government - Activities supported by donors should be well
coordinated with national partners - Products proposed to be developed have to be in
line with EU standards but also adjusted to
national context - Projects should have an exit strategy and the
national counterpart should take ownership of the
projects products