Title: Pr
1RENAISSANCE LYON Introduction WP 0.2
Odile CHARVIN Local Coordinator - Grand-Lyon
2WP 0.2 local coordinationmeetings organized
- PSG (Project Steering Group)
- Progress presentation, confirmation of decisions,
discussion with European partners - 2/year (Lyon, may 2006 - Zaragoza, oct 2006 -
Milano, juill 2007 - Lyon, oct 2007) - Leaders European coordinator local
coordinator of the meeting host country - CSG (Community Steering Group)
- Lyon consortium exchange information, programme
progress, difficulties, organisation, validation
of the phases, - 3/year (year 1 (1), year 2 (3), )
- Leaders Grand-Lyon HESPUL
- The technical monitoring group (conception
phase) - To analyse and validate, step by step, technical
choices with developers - Year 1 27 meetings, year 2 0 no need
- Leader Enertech
- Transversal meetings
- To treat non-technical questions (administrative
and financial aspects, communication,socio-economi
c activities, .) - Year 1 5 meetings
- Leaders Grand-Lyon HESPUL
3WP 0.2 local coordination
- To keep on organising managing all 4 meetings
types - PSG
- CSG most active meeting type in 2nd year
- The technical monitoring group most active
meeting type in 1st year (conception phase) - Transversal meetings most active meeting type in
3rd year - New organisation
- To treat sub-WP aspects (organisation, progress,
communication, deliverables, ) with partners
involved in the sub-WP - 2/sub-WP/year
- Leaders sub-WP leaders
4WP 0.2 local coordinationWP LEADERS
- WP 1.1 Grand-Lyon
- WP 1.3 ALE
- WP 1.4 SEM
- WP 1.5 Hespul
- WP 2.1 Hespul
- WP 2.2 Enertech
- WP 3.1 SEM
- WP 3.2 SEM
- WP 4.1 Grand-Lyon
- WP 5.1 ALE
- WP 5.2 ALE
WP1 INSA-CETHIL - Christophe Ménézo
WP2 ENERTECH represented by INSA-CETHIL -
Christophe Ménézo
WP 3 SEM - Maxime Valentin
WP 4 HESPUL- Elise Dinale
WP 5 ALE - Samir Boukhalfa
Odile CHARVIN Local Coordinator - Grand-Lyon
6WP 1 Research, Technical and Innovation
7WP 2 Monitoring and analysis
8WP 3 Demonstration Lyon
9WP 4 Dissemination and promotion
10WP 5 Training