Title: ETM 607
1ETM 607 Simulation Software and Arena Modeling
- Review simulation software.
- http//www.lionhrtpub.com/orms/surveys/Simulation/
Simulation1main.html - Hands-on experience with a discrete-event
simulation software package, Arena. - simple single server queue
- input, model logic, outputs
- additional logic features
- In-class exercise, model and analyze complex
2ETM 607 In-Class Exercise
Camshaft Machining Line
Process Flow
Grind Main Bearings
Grind Lobes
Polish Lobes
3ETM 607 In-Class Exercise
Camshaft Machining Line Process
Details Operation Name Cycle
Time Downtime Dress 10 Main Grinder
Unif(5.6,6.0) Exp(540) 100 cycles
Rep. Norm(15,5) Unif(10,11) 20
Lobe Grinder Tria(12.1,12.5,15.0) Exp(360) 50
cycles Rep. Norm(25,5) Unif(8,9)
30 Polisher
Unif(3.2,3.4) 350 cycle
4ETM 607 In-Class Exercise
- Camshaft Machining Line Process Details
- Develop an Arena Model of the Camshaft Machining
Line - Include unplanned downtime
- Include dress cycles
- Determine the minimum number of machines for each
operation to support a production rate of 250
camshafts per shift - Assume a shift is 450 minutes
- Output Analysis
- Report queue sizes, machine utilization, machine
downtime for various number of machine
combinations. - Provide a recommendation for the number of
machines for each operation. - Email group results to schultz_sr_at_mercer.edu