Ralph W. Emerson (1803-1882) Nature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ralph W. Emerson (1803-1882) Nature


Ralph W. Emerson (1803-1882) Nature Cecilia H. C. Liu American Literature I 11/8/2004 Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-82) The center of the American transcendental movement ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ralph W. Emerson (1803-1882) Nature

Ralph W. Emerson (1803-1882)Nature
  • Cecilia H. C. Liu
  • American Literature I
  • 11/8/2004

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-82)
  • The center of the American transcendental
  • Ordained a minister of the Second Church in
    Boston, shortly before marrying Ellen Tucker in
  • He resigned in 1832 after Tuckers
    death from tuberculosis, troubled
    by theological
    doctrines such as
    the Lord's Supper, and traveled
    extensively in Europe, returning
    to begin a career of lecturing

  • Our age is spiritually dead. Previous generations
    interacted with God directly but our age
    interacts with God only indirectly, by studying
    the past, that is, the Bible. But we can also
    experience God directly. To do so, we have to
    turn away from the past, that is, away from
    church doctrine, and toward nature. So Emerson
    starts with an explicit attack on the Christian
    fundamentalism of his day.
  • Nature is self-describing it has no secrets.
  • Science tries to find a theory of God's plan or
    design for creation. The key to finding this plan
    is abstract thought"the most abstract truth is
    the most practical."
  • Nature is "all that is separate from us" it is
    "the NOT ME, that is, both nature and art, all
    other men and my own body."

Chapter I NATURE
  • 1/ To have a direct relation with nature, with
    God's divine creation, simply go out and look at
    the stars
  • 2/ The mind must be open to the appearances of
    nature in order to achieve true wisdom.
  • 3/ The mind that is truly open to nature's own
    truth is poetic.
  • 4/ "The lover of nature is he whose inward and
    outward senses are still truly adjusted to each
  • 5/ A relation of correspondence or analogy
    between human being and all natural beings
  • 6/ What is essential is to be in harmony with
    nature. But to be in harmony with nature is to be
    in harmony with God's design "Nature always
    wears the colors of the spirit."
  • Nature is a mirror of the moral state of the

Transparent Eye-ball
  • The infinity of nature absorbs the finiteness of
    the human self. The finite self ascends to the
    divine perspective of God, it rises to the
    God's-Eye view of the world "I become a
    transparent eye-ball I am nothing I see all
    the currents of the Universal Being circulate
    through me

Transparent Eye-ball
  • I am part or particle of God.
  • In the wilderness there is something that is as
    beautiful as humanity. Emerson's idea of self
    in wilderness as an all-seeing spectator is very
    different than Thoreau's. For Thoreau, the self
    in wilderness is active.

  • 1. Several classes of usefulness "Commodity
    Beauty Language and Discipline."
  • 2. Nature exists to serve human needs. Emerson's
    view of nature is Biblical. If we work on our
    Salvation, we can restore ourselves and the earth
    to that original state. We can become like Adam
    and Eve before the Fall, and we can restore the
    Earth to a perfect Garden of Eden.

Chapter II COMMODITY (2)
  • 3/ Nature exists to serve human needs "Nature,
    in its ministry to man, is not only the material,
    but is also the process and the result. All the
    parts incessantly work into each other's hands
    for the profit of man. . . . the endless
    circulations of the divine charity nourish man."
  • 4/ Technology is the arrangement of natural
    forces and causes for the benefit of humanity, to
    serve human needs Emerson thinks that the true
    relation of humanity with nature is magical.

Chapter II COMMODITY (3)
  • 5/ There is no need to list all the benefits
    humanity gains from its technological or
    practical work. But these benefits are not ends
    in themselves "A man is fed, not that he may be
    fed, but that he may work." The work Emerson has
    in mind is moral work on the soul.
  • Science reveals a theoretical correspondence
    (truth) with nature religion reveals a moral
    correspondence (goodness).

  • "A nobler want of man is served by nature,
    namely, the love of Beauty."
  • Nature refreshes humanity it restores the human
  • The ultimate purpose of natural beauty is
    spiritual and moral it is to raise us to harmony
    with nature's true organization, which is a
    divine moral order natural law is divine law.
  • A virtuous man is in unison with natures
  • The ultimate purpose of nature is to satisfy the
    human soul.

  • 1. Words are signs of natural facts. 2.
    Particular natural facts are symbols of
    particular spiritual facts. 3. Nature is the
    symbol of spirit.
  • Natural signs are symbols of spiritual facts.
    Language reveals an analogy between nature and
    spirit, it shows that nature mirrors spirit.
  • There are two levels of perception sensual and

The Over-soul
  • There is both a universal soul in nature and
    yourself this universal soul is Reason. Later
    Emerson will call this universal soul "the
    oversoul". Reason has no particular human
    identity, but it is nevertheless personal (God is
    a person). Reason in nature is Spirit. Spirit is
    a divine creative power in nature. Spirit is
    self-moving (Hegel) it is a vital life-force.

Moral-spiritual structure
  • The moral-spiritual structure in nature really
    does correspond to the moral-spiritual structure
    of humanity.
  • There is a moral-spiritual analogy between
    humanity and nature. Other theologians have
    claimed that this analogy exists, so Emerson
    isn't very original so far.

The truth of the speech
  • Initially Emerson is just talking about speech in
    a vague way but he will claim in the end that
    true speech directly commands nature, that true
    speech has magical power over nature. Emerson has
    in mind poetic speech, emotional speech.
  • If our desires were truly good, all we would have
    to do to satisfy them would be to say what they
    are. Wishes and dreams that are truly spoken
    would be true in reality just because of the
    truth of the speech. This is the power of
    poetical truth.

The world is a book written by God
  • Pure poetic speech (the speech of the perfectly
    good person) is like a magical spell. Emerson
    knows that science has found that true speech is
    the mathematical formulation of the laws of
    nature, and that if we talk to nature by acting
    on it using mathematical laws, we are able to
    master nature but such action is work, and is
    not yet pure poetical speech.
  • "A life in harmony with nature, the love of truth
    and of virtue, will purge the eyes to understand
    her nature's text. By degrees we may come to
    know the primitive sense of the permanent objects
    of nature, so that the world shall be to us an
    open book, and every form significant of its
    hidden life and final cause."

  • Scientific reasoning is a kind of moral-spiritual
    discipline this discipline purifies the soul and
    so lets us master nature.
  • Science is sensual-intellectual discipline
    because it forces our minds to submit to the
    morally pure order in nature
  • Scientific discipline leads to technological
    mastery. Applied science transforms the world
    into an image of the human mind
  • The rational scientific order of nature is also a
    rational moral and spiritual order.
  • Although we can speak technically and
    scientifically to nature, and it will listen and
    obey our speech, we can also speak poetically or
    spiritually to nature.

  • True poetic speech is as powerful as the word of
    God that created the world God's speech is
  • Thought moves our bodies, but pure thought moves
    the body of the world.
  • The fact that nature is mathematically ordered
    shows that physical things "are the thoughts of
    the Supreme Being" here Emerson talks about the
    Platonic forms.

  • Religion and ethics affirm idealism. They lead to
    direct relations of humans with God.
  • Athletics, poetry, science, and religion, all
    affirm idealism. Idealism is true religion
    nature is God's true scripture.

  • Spirit is the inner reality of nature
    religiously, nature "is the organ through which
    the universal spirit speaks to the individual,
    and strives to lead back the individual to it.
  • We have mental power over our own bodies our
    bodies respond directly to our will, as if by
    magic. The world is like our bodies "The world
    proceeds from the same spirit as the body of man.
    It is a remoter and inferior incarnation of God,
    a projection of God in the unconscious."

Chapter VII SPIRIT (2)
  • Religion is able to say why there is something
    rather than nothing, that is, why there is a
    material world.
  • It tells us "that spirit creates that spirit,
    the Supreme Being, does not build up nature
    around us, but puts it forth through us."
  • Nature is produced in the human mind by the
    action of God God's power enters the human soul,
    where it is transformed by human spiritual
    processes into the system of natural appearances.

  • Science must become poetry "a dream may let us
    deeper into the secret of nature than a hundred
    concerted experiments."
  • To gain poetic power over nature, to work
    miracles, we must restore our souls to their
    original condition.
  • You can do this work on your soul you don't have
    to be a special person, everybody can achieve

Chapter VIII Prospects
  • When our souls are saved and restored to their
    original condition, then we will have magical
    powers equal to those of God, and we will be able
    to work miracles.
  • Instead of existing in nature that has predators
    and diseases and evil, we will exist in heaven,
    for God's power pouring through a purified soul
    will produce heaven in us as it now produces
    nature in our unconsciousnesses "Every spirit
    builds itself a house and beyond its house a
    world and beyond its world, a heaven."

Some of Emersons Quotes
  • A friend might well be reckoned the masterpiece
    of nature.
  • It was a high counsel that I once heard given to
    a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to
  • "The only reward of virtue is virtue."
  • Life is eating us up. We all shall be fables
    presently. Keep cool it will be all one a
    hundred years hence.
  • "The less a man thinks or knows about his
    virtues, the better we like him.
  • "Every hero becomes a bore at last."
  • "The only way to have a friend is to be one."
  • "Men are what their mothers made them."

  • Commentary on Emerson's Nature
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Transcendentalism
    Web) http//www.vcu.edu/engweb/transcendentalism/a
  • Ralph Waldo Emersons Quotes http//killdevilhill.
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