Approach to Acute Respiratory Problems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Approach to Acute Respiratory Problems


Approach to Acute Respiratory Problems Royal Victoria Hospital St phane Beaudoin Respirology Resident PGY5 Massive Hemoptysis 55 M post TTNA 65 F with DAH, post IJ ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Approach to Acute Respiratory Problems

Approach to Acute Respiratory Problems
  • Royal Victoria Hospital
  • Stéphane Beaudoin
  • Respirology Resident
  • PGY5

  • To help residents develop an effective approach
    to the evaluation of dyspnea and hypoxia
  • To help residents become more familiar with the
    management of common acute respiratory
  • Acute severe asthma
  • Massive hemoptysis
  • Pneumothorax

Approach to Dyspnea some Pearls
  • Dyspnea is a complex subjective sensation
  • Dyspnea ? tachypnea
  • Dyspnea ? hypoxemia
  • Dyspnea must be differentiated from
  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness, deconditioning
  • Hence, a complaint of dyspnea must be qualified
    and quantified
  • Departure from baseline and progression in time
  • Specific impairments
  • Use of a standardized scale MRC, NYHA

MRC Dyspnea Scale
Combined Approach to Dyspnea
  • Respiratory
  • Upper airways
  • Anaphylaxis / Foreign body / tumor
  • Vocal cord dysfunction
  • Lower airways
  • Anaphylaxis / Foreign body / tumor
  • Bronchospasm / exacerbation of obtructive lung
    disease / toxic inhalation / infection
  • Chest wall / Pleura
  • Effusion / tumor / PTx
  • Parenchyma
  • Infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic disorder /
  • Vasculature
  • PE, chronic pulmonary HTN
  • Cardiovascular
  • CHF, arrhythmia, effusion/tamponade, valvvular
  • Shock

The 6 Causes of Hypoxemia
  • Low O2 content of inspired gas
  • High altitude
  • V/Q mismatch
  • Alveolar filling or airway obstruction or
    vascular anomalies
  • Shunt
  • Pulmonary (AVM, lobar / lung collapse) or
    extra-pulmonary (PFO)
  • Hypoventilation
  • Central, neuromuscular, myopathic, obesity,
    chronic lung disease
  • Low DLCO
  • Interstitial lung disease, Pulm HTN
  • Low Mixed Venous O2 sat
  • Shock / low output state

V/Q mismatch and hypoxemia
The A-a Gradient
  • The efficiency of gas exchange can be assessed by
    comparing the measured arterial oxygen pressure
    (PaO2, via ABG) to the hypothesized ideal or
    maximal alveolar oxygen pressure
  • A-a gradient PAO2- PaO2
  • PAO2 FiO2 x (Patm- PH20) (PACO2 / RQ)
  • Under conditions of normal gas exchange (no V/Q
    anomalies / minimal shunt and normal DLCO), the
    difference between those is small
  • A normal A-a gradient in the face of hypoxemia
    narrows the differential to
  • Low inspired O2 content
  • Hypoventilation
  • Limitations
  • Normal or expected A-a gradient varies with age
  • A-a gradient 2.5 (0.21 x age)
  • FiO2, RQ, PH2O are imprecise in most clinical
    situations and the full equation is actually more

Approach to Hypoxemia
  • ABCs, iv access, O2, monitoring
  • Airway difficulty assessment
  • Clinical assessment
  • Relevant history
  • Meticulous physical exam
  • CXR
  • ABG for pCO2 and A-a gradient

Acute Severe Asthma
Acute Severe Asthma
  • Predictors of a life-threatening attack
  • Prior ICU stay or intubation / 2
    hospitalizations or gt 3 ER visits in past year
  • Poor perception of symptoms by pt
  • Frequent use of relief bronchodilators
  • Low SES / Psychiatric illness, drug use
  • Cardiovascular or respiratory comorbidities
  • All that wheezes is not asthma!
  • DDx
  • CHF / bronchiolitis / toxic inhalation
  • Foreign body aspiration / tumor / anaphylaxis
  • PE, pneumonia, PTx
  • Vocal cord dysfunction
  • Hyperventilation
  • Flow rates are absolutely required for diagnosis
    and are the best method to follow the evolution
    of an attack

Acute Asthma
  • ABCs, iv, O2, monitoring
  • Airway difficulty assessment
  • Clinical Assessment
  • Markers of severity
  • Silent chest
  • Pulsus paradoxus
  • Hypoxemia / hypercapnia (beware of normocapnea)
  • RR gt 25-30 / HR gt110 / inability to speak
  • FEV1 lt 30 predicted
  • CXR is of low yield (done to exclude
    complications or alternative diagnoses)
  • Flow rates are absolutely required for diagnosis
    and are the best method to follow the evolution
    of an attack
  • ABG should be done if hypoxemia is present, in
    cases of severe distress, or if admission is

Acute Asthma Management
  • Criteria for admission
  • Presence of risk factors for life-threatening
  • Pre-therapy FEV1 lt 25
  • Post-therapy FEV1 lt 40
  • Hypoxemia / persistent markers of severe attack
  • Bronchodilator use more frequent than q 4hr
  • The GBS indicator
  • A mild attack is defined by
  • Mild symptoms
  • the absence of markers of severity
  • the normalization of flow rates post initial
  • salbutamol use less than q 4h
  • A mild exacerbation can be treated with a
    four-fold increase in ICS dose or a course of
    oral steroids ( as part of a written action plan)

Acute Asthma Management
  • Bronchodilators MDI with spacer as effective as
  • Salbutamol
  • MDI 4-8 puffs q 20 min then q 1h
  • Neb 2.5-5 mg q 20 min then q 1h
  • Ipratropium provides an added bronchodilator
    effect acutely
  • MDI 4-8 puffs q 20 min then q 1h
  • Neb 500 mcg q 20 min then q1 h
  • Corticosteroids dosing is controversial, but
    40-60 mg likely sufficient
  • Route po is equivalent to iv and is preferred
    unless pt is vomiting
  • Duration 7-14 days, no taper
  • Need for higher iv doses in ICU pts is not clear
  • Magnesium sulfate
  • May provide a modest additional bronchodilation,
    but its impact on outcome is not clear
  • Most effective in severe airflow limitation, if
    response to bronchodilators is poor
  • Methylxanthines have no role in acute setting

Acute Asthma Management
  • Very limited data a cautious and supervised
    trial is reasonable
  • Intubation
  • no clear decision rule global clinical picture
    and progression should be used as guide
  • Can induce laryngospasm or worsened bronchospasm
  • Can cause marked hypotension
  • Ketamine is a good induction agent due to its
    bronchodilator effects
  • Ventilation strategies
  • Ensure adequate sedation (and paralysis if
  • The goal is normalization of gas exchange and
    reduction of the barotrauma risk
  • Low RR 6-10/ min / IE ratio gt2 / high
    inspiratory flow rates
  • Low Vt max 8cc / kg
  • Cautious use of PEEPe 50-80 of PEEPi (esp if
    spontaneous mode used)

The 5 Commandments of Asthma
  • Identify and address potential triggering factors
  • URTI, non-compliance, smoking, irritant exposure,
    allergies, NSAIDS, beta-blockers
  • Review and optimize puffer technique
  • Prescribe ICS to all pts
  • Educate pt about his illness
  • Vaccinate for Influenza at least

Massive Hemoptysis
A case
  • 62 F known for some chronic lung disease
  • Presented with 180 cc of fresh hemoptysis over
    1.5 day, in context of purulent secretions and
    worsened dyspnea (MRC 2?3)

Massive Hemoptysis
Massive Hemoptysis
Massive Hemoptysis
  • Definition is controversial 100 cc/24h to 1,000
  • Rate of bleeding should also be considered
  • Consequences such as hypoxemia, need for
    admission / intubation should also be considered
  • Only 5-15 of all hemoptysis cases are considered
  • Mortality is significant
  • Up to 38 in recent studies
  • Significant epistaxis and UGI bleed must first be
  • The importance of the little cup

Massive Hemoptysis
  • Etiology relative frequencies vary considerably
    based on center/population
  • Most common causes
  • Bronchiectasis
  • TB
  • Mycetoma
  • Lung Malignancy
  • Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (hemoptysis can be
  • Idiopathic
  • Others
  • Anatomic origin
  • Bronchial arteries ? 90
  • Non-bronchial arteries ? 5
  • Pulmonary vessels ? 5

Massive Hemoptysis
  • Management Goals
  • Stabilize the respiratory and hemodynamic status
  • Identify the site of bleeding
  • Identify the cause of bleeding
  • Treat the underlying cause and / or perform
    active procedures to abort bleeding
  • In palliative situations
  • Relieve anxiety, dyspnea, psychological distress
  • Green surgical towels and morphine iv

Massive Hemoptysis
  • ABCs, iv access, O2, monitoring
  • ICU admission
  • Correct coagulopathy and hemodynamics
  • X-match and keep units in reserve
  • Focused Hx and physical exam
  • CXR / CT with angio protocol (aortogram)
  • Bronchoscopy goal is localization of bleeding
  • Timing is controversial
  • Bronchoscopic interventions are temporizing at

Massive Hemoptysis Management
  • Supportive care is crucial
  • Bleeding side down (lateral decubitus)
  • Intubation required if resp failure is present or
    if very large amount of blood expectorated
  • Largest ETT possible
  • Seek help for selective intubation with either
    single or double-lumen tube (if bleeding side
  • Otherwise immediate bronchoscopy for localization
    and airway clearance
  • First line definitive procedure is Bronchial
    Artery Embolization
  • Surgery now reserved for refractory cases despite
    multiple embolizations, trauma, PA rupture,

Bronchial Artery Embolization
Massive Hemoptysis Special Case
  • 83 M 3 hrs post CABG x 3, MAZE, redo MVR, TV ring
  • Called for large amount of fresh blood coming
    from ETT
  • What is the cause?
  • What should be done?

18 M with chest pain and mild dyspnea for 1 week
Review of Physiology
  • Under normal conditions, the tendancy of the lung
    to collapse and the tendancy of the chest wall to
    expand produce a negative pressure in the pleural
  • This acts as a vacuum (or recoil pressure) that
    keeps the lung and the chest wall in close
    proximity and prevents lung collapse (due to
    principle of transmural pressure)
  • When the pleural space is disrupted and the
    pressure is allowed to equilibrate with
    atmospheric pressure, this recoil pressure is
    altered (or even eliminated)
  • The lung and the chest wall tend to return to
    their resting positions

  • Spontaneous Primary PTx in a patient without
    apparent underlying pulmonary disease
  • Thought to be caused by the rupture of an
    air-containing space within or in vicinity to the
    visceral pleura, usually at the apex
  • Although patients have no apparent underlying
    lung disease, up to 80 have blebs or bullae on
    CT examination
  • Male sex, smoking, tall stature, and genetics are
    risk factors
  • Recurrence rate of 39 in ipsilateral lung and
    15 in contralateral lung
  • Spontaneous Secondary PTx in a patient with
    underlying pulmonary disease
  • Almost any lung condition can be associated with
    the development of a PTx
  • COPD is by far the most common etiology nowadays
  • Although the exact mechanism varies, the
    principles underlying the development of primary
    PTx are likely also playing a role (exacerbated
    by airway/parenchymal inflammation and
    architecture disruption)
  • Recurrence rates are usually higher and depend on
    the underlying etiology
  • Traumatic Pneumothorax
  • (including iatrogenic)

Pneumothorax Clinical Features
  • History
  • Acute onset of pleuritic chest pain, usually at
    rest, /- dyspnea
  • Symptoms can be out of proportion to the extent
    of lung collapse, especially in secondary
    pneumothorax where the reserve is limited
  • Trauma (even blunt) to exclude
  • Physical Exam
  • Hypoxemia
  • Severe hypoxemia due to shunting rare in primary
    PTx 25
  • Major alterations in vitals usually only seen in
    tension PTx
  • Hyperexpanded hemithorax with ?resonance, yet
    ?excursion, ? vesicular sounds and fremitus
  • Contralateral tracheal deviation s/c emphysema
  • Hamman sign clicking/crunching sounds with heart
    beats influenced by position and respiration

Tension Pneumothorax
  • Tension PTx is a clinical diagnosis
  • Evidence of sudden deterioration in a patient
    known to have a PTx or highly suspected of having
    one should prompt initiation of therapy
  • severe hypoxemia, tachycardia, contralateral
    tracheal shift, ? JVP, shock
  • Radiologic signs are not specific
  • Caused by a one-way valve phenomenon producing a
    positive pleural pressure during most of the resp
  • Main consequence is reduction of venous return/
    cardiac output
  • Treatment consists of oxygen administration and
    immediate needle aspiration in 2nd ICS at
    mid-clavicular line and insertion of a chest tube

Radiological Diagnosis
  • A standard erect PA CXR is sufficient
  • Expiratory views are only marginally more
    sensitive and are not recommended for routine use
  • A sharply demarcated white pleural line without
    lung markings lateral to it is diagnostic
  • Mimickers skin fold, tubings, ribs
  • Use of expiratory views /lateral decubitus views
    if unclear
  • A pleural effusion is present in up to15-25 of
    cases (usually an eosinophilic pleuritis in
    reaction to the presence of air rarely
  • Supine patients
  • Deep sulcus sign / upper quadrant lucency /
    ?sharpness of cardiac border or hemidiaphragm
  • CT scan recommended only if
  • Diagnosis suspected despite normal CXR
  • To better define underlying disorder

Pneumothorax in a supine patient
Pneumothorax Size Estimation
  • Several quantification/measurement methods exist,
    and none is perfect
  • Most show good correlation, but poor agreement
  • Standard is measurement by CT volumetrics
  • Size estimation methods
  • Light Index
  • PTX 1 (lung diamater3/hemithorax diameter3)
  • Rhea Method
  • PTx determined by plotting the average of 3
    interpleural distances on a nomogram
  • Collins Method
  • PTX 4.2 4.7 x ( sum of interpleural

Pneumothorax Size Estimation
  • Measurement methods proposed by the BTS and ACCP
    to classify PTx as small/ large
  • ACCP large defined as 3cm apex to cupola
  • BTS large defined as gt 2cm lung to chest wall at
    hilar level
  • From MacDuff et al.Management of spontaneous
    pneumothorax BritishThoracic Society pleural
    disease guideline 2010. Thorax 201065(Suppl
    2)ii18eii31. figure 1

  • Good quality evidence to guide clinical decision
    making is lacking
  • Data from available evidence difficult to compare
    due to the use of
  • Different measurement methods
  • Different definitions/ decision thresholds
  • Guidelines produced by the BTS and the ACCP as
    well as recommendations from major textbooks
    differ in many apsects and are largely based on
    expert consensus
  • Nevertheless, there has been a shift towards more
    conservative initial treatment and reliance on
    patients status rather than PTx size
  • In general, treatment is more aggressive in
    secondary PTx cases

Management Initial Therapy
  • All sources agree that asymptomatic patients with
    small PTx (primary or secondary) should be
    managed conservatively and observed
  • The exact observation period and the follow up
    schedule is not well-established ( the ACCP
    recommends 3-6hrs of observation and f/u CXR the
    next day)
  • Unless contraindicated, all patients should
    receive high concentration oxygen therapy
  • Can lead to a 4-fold increase in the reabsorption
  • Smoking cessation is of crucial importance

  • How long does it take for a 25 PTx to resolve?
  • The reabsorption rate varies from 1.25-2.2 of a
    hemithorax volume per day
  • Hence it would take 12-13 d to resolve completely!

Management of Primary PTx
  • For large primary spontaneous PTx, opinions
  • ACCP Drainage via pigtail or chest tube
  • Connected to either a water-seal system or a
    Heimlich valve
  • Reliable patients with good re-expansion can be
  • BTS Drainage only if symptomatic
  • Via needle aspiration (effective in 60)
  • Pigtail if aspiration fails or gt 2.5L aspirated

Management of Secondary PTx
  • For asymptomatic patients with large PTX or
    symptomatic patients with PTx of any size,
    opinions again differ
  • ACCP Drainage with chest tube (pigtail
  • BTS Drainage with pigtail (aspiration less
  • For asymptomatic patients with small PTx, initial
    observation is recommended

55 M post TTNA
65 F with DAH, post IJ line
Post-resolution Management
  • Return to normal activities allowed when free of
  • Return to contact sports/ heavy exercise upon
    complete resolution of PTx
  • Air travel recommendations (BTS guidelines)
  • No evidence that air travel precipitates
  • If no surgery is performed, patients may wish to
    wait one year given that most recurrences occur
  • If surgery is performed, travel is safe upon
  • Waiting at least one week after CXR resolution is
    recommended (2 weeks if traumatic)
  • Diving recommendations (BTS guidelines)
  • Presence of blebs/bullae are a contra-indication
  • Previous spontaneous PTx is a contra-indication
    unless a bilateral surgical pleurectomy performed
    with normal lung Fx and CT post op

  • An affective approach to dyspnea / hypoxemia is
    the key to an accurate diagnosis
  • The management of asthma starts by the exclusion
    of alternative diagnoses, risk stratification,
    and early bronchodilator and corticosteroid
  • The management of massive hemoptysis consists of
    patient stabilization, localization of the
    bleeding and identification of its cause, all
    leading to definitive interventions
  • The management of a pneumothorax depends on its
    type, its size and its clinical consequences
  • A tension PTx is a clinical diagnosis and
    required prompt intervention

Useful References
  • 2010 CTS Asthma Guidelines
  • 2010 GINA Asthma Guidelines
  • Analytic review management of life-threatening
    asthma in adults. Mannam P, MD Siegel. Journal of
    intensive Care Medicine 2010.
  • Massive Hemoptysis An update on the role of
    bronchoscopy in diagnosis and management. Sakr
    L, Dutau H. Respiration 2010.
  • 2010 BTS guidelines for Pneumothorax Evaluation
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