Title: The global water cycle
1The global water cycle
2The global water cycle
3Video Weather Wet
4Components of global water cycle
- Ocean water
- Land soil moisture, rivers, snow cover, ice sheet
and glaciers - Sea ice
- Atmosphere water vapor, clouds, precipitation
- Water in biosphere (including human beings)
5Component I Ocean Covers 70 of the Earths
6Observed Changes in Global Sea Level
7Observed Changes in Sea Level Largest
in the western part of ocean basin
8Observed Changes in Ocean Heat Content
9Component II Landgt1000 major rivers flow on the
seven continents
Amazon river (1)
Yangtze river (4)
Mississippi river (6)
10- Corot Ville D'avray (1865-70)
11- Jin Nong (??) Moon river (1687-1764)
12 13Component II LandSnow cover
14Observed Changes in Snow Cover Significant
15Component II LandIce sheet
16Retreat of Greenland Ice Sheet a huge
contributor to sea level rise today
Greenland is responsible for about 10 of the
observed global sea level rise and accelerating.
Greenland holds 7 m of sea level equivalent.
17Component II LandGlaciers
18Retreat of Mountain Glaciers a major contributor
to sea level rise
Glacier retreat is a world-wide phenomena.
- Will affect water supply for millions
- Kenya/Tanzania
- Northern India
- Andes Mountains
IPCC (2001)
19Melting in Glacier National Park
20Component III Sea ice Significant melting
21Component IV AtmosphereWater vapor flows in the
22Observed Changes in Water Vapor Significant
23Component IV AtmospherePrecipitation drives
many atmospheric circulations which in turn
transport water around the world
Hadley Circulation
Walker Circulation
24Observed Changes in Precipitation
Significant change in many places
25A significant fraction of the human body is water
Every 16 days nearly 100 of the water in a human
body is exchanged.
The remaining fat, protein, carbonhydrate, other
26So the water we drink may come from
Therefore we need to protect the environment
because any pollution we put into the environment
may someday come back into our bodies
27SummaryComponents of global water cycle
- Ocean water
- Land soil moisture, rivers, snow cover, ice sheet
and glaciers - Sea ice
- Atmosphere water vapor, clouds, precipitation
- Water in biosphere (including human beings)