Contribution to RC-28 meeting, May 24-27, Brno - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Contribution to RC-28 meeting, May 24-27, Brno


Contribution to RC-28 meeting, May 24-27, Brno Postsecondary Educational Opportunity and Civil Society in Hong Kong: In Search of the Missing Link – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Contribution to RC-28 meeting, May 24-27, Brno

Contribution to RC-28 meeting, May 24-27,
Brno Postsecondary Educational Opportunity and
Civil Society in Hong Kong In Search of the
Missing Link by David Post ( Pe
nn State University and Chinese University of
Hong Kong
Can we accept the following assumptions?
  • That the consequences of higher education
    expansion go beyond impact on individual and
    group equality of educational opportunity.
  • That these consequences include social
    integration and state legitimacy
  • And that these broader consequences are not
    merely byproducts of expanded opportunity.
    Frequently they are intended as major outcomes in
    themselves that are politically contended by
    actors who seek a hand in the control of
    state-society relations.

If these assumptions are reasonable then.
  • Researchers in the RC-28 who focus on the ways
    that societies govern access to power, prestige,
    and the allocation of social status to adults of
    different class backgrounds are studying a
    political process that is larger than that direct
    concerning mobility.
  • Concomitantly, through research on
    stratification, we also investigate the
    transformation of the ways individuals are
    situated by their education and how they
    consciously situate themselves in relation to the
    status hierarchy, a hierarchy that includes
    political power as well as wealth and prestige.

Why is Hong Kong of interest?
  • In the final decades of colonial rule, and in the
    ten years since reunification with China in 1997,
    Hong Kongs top-down control of postsecondary
    opportunities and supply-side expansion resemble
    a natural experiment because in Hong Kong the
    before-after contrasts are readily apparent.
  • In this paper, I extend past investigations of
    Hong Kong post-secondary education expansion to
    consider the political consequences, including
    the opportunities and the challenges facing civil
    society organizations and non-governmental

Background to study
  • Prior to the Sino-British accord of 1982, where
    Britain promised to relinquish Colonial authority
    and return Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty in
    1997, Hong Kong had one of the worlds most
    restrictive systems of higher education.
  • The government owned and operated only two
    universities, with spaces for less than 3 percent
    of each age cohort.
  • Yet the colony deliberately monopolized
    post-secondary opportunities by either absorbing
    or relegating to the margins any potential
    competitors. Potential students were forced
    either to compete for a space in one of the two
    universities or (for the very wealthy) study

  • Facing pressure from European trade unionists,
    and with huge budget surpluses, Britain in 1978
    extended free and compulsory education to nine
  • In 1980s and, especially after the 4 June 1989
    Tiananmen massacre, the governor rapidly expanded
    higher education places (all paid by government)

Decision-making and arguments pre-1997
  • There were no political parties in Hong Kong
    until late 1980s to press demands on government,
    and there was no direct means to influence
    decision-making in education
  • Government rationales for supporting education
    were inexplicit or were based on manpower
    planning and human capital arguments.

(No Transcript)
Hong Kongs first post-colonial Chief Executive
tried to limit arguments to human capital and
trading framework .   Chief Executive
Tung Chee Hwa in 2000 In developed countries
and some major cities in Asia, up to 60 of
senior secondary school graduates pursue tertiary
education. For Hong Kong, however, the rate is
just about half that. Not only are we lagging far
behind, but failing to meet the needs of a
knowledge-based economy. It is imperative we
catch up. Our objective is that within 10 years,
60 of senior secondary school leavers will
receive tertiary education.  
But a coalition of human rights activists
gradually sought to change the terms of the
debate.   President of the Teachers Union and
opposition Legislative Councilor Cheung
Man-kwong .the emphasis of Tung Che Hwas
policy, whether it be on education or
environmental protection, is laid more on its
value as an economic tool than on its intrinsic
humanistic values. In the field of education,
cultivating talents means providing sufficient
human resources to improve Hong Kong's
competitiveness and to increase its wealth. .. To
cultivate a whole person and to build a green
environment, we must rely on every individual. To
do this, we need a democratic political system
where we can choose our own government through
universal suffrage. Only such a government, as
opposed to one relying on the support of the
businesses, can truly represent us and help us
decide our own fate.
Expansion had obvious impact on equalizing
education opportunity
  • Girls attained parity and then overtook boys
  • Gap between upper and lower income narrowed
    between 1981 and 1991
  • This same gap slightly widened between 1991 and
    2001, reversing earlier trend

. Education Attained by Hong Kong Girls Relative
to Attainment by Boys at Ages 19-20, by Census

Composition of university student body in 1981,
by quarters of parents income
Composition of university student body in 1991,
by quarters of parents income
. Composition of university student body in 2001,
by quarters of parents income
Childrens University Transition Rates by
Quarters of Total Parental Income
What is impact of supply-driven, top-down
expansion on public discourse and debate?
  • Modernization perspectives (traceable to
    Durkheim) suggest more receptiveness to
    innovation and willingness to embrace reform by
    university graduates
  • Institutionalist perspectives, traceable to
    Weber, suggest the socializing power of
    universities inheres in its acceptance as a
    legitimate allocator of expertise

Impact of universities as organizations
  • Higher education promotes values that are more
    inclusive or more public than other civic
    venues, such as religious communities, households
    and families, or ethnic and linguistic groups.
    Higher education is expected to embody norms of
    social interaction such as open debate and
    argumentative reason to emphasize the autonomy
    and self-reliance of its individual members and
    to reject discrimination based on gender,
    ethnicity, religious belief, or social class. The
    best higher education institution is a model and
    a source of pressure for creating a modern civil
    society. - Task Force on Higher Education and
    Society, World Bank, 2002

Education as an institution
  • The focus on individual equality, rather than
    group rights or needs, suggests how much
    education in the contemporary world has a liberal
    and individualist cast. Talk that educational
    opportunity ought principally to be structured by
    national or local needs, rather than by
    individual choice (and thus liberal market
    forces), tends to disappear.
  • John W.
    Meyer, 2001

How has discussion of educational opportunity
affected decision-making?
  • An Alliance Concerned With Sub-Degree Education
    has been formed in order to press the government
    to offer more publicly-funded university places
    for students who complete a sub-degree (two
    year degree).
  • Legislative Councilors have staked out positions
    opposing the government rationing of education
  • A new, non-government supported university has
    been established

Who controls the terms of debate?
  • With one big exception (a former finance minister
    later forced from office), government leaders use
    language of efficiency, quality, human resources
  • Opposition pressure groups would like to expand
    bases of pressure but they have been constrained
    strategically from doing so.
  • Interviews with numerous officials reveal an
    avoidance of terms such as equity or fairness

Political parties have emerged, expanding the
definition of what is at stake in the process of
distinguishing themselves from one another and
from government
  • Economic and social progress for Hong Kong's
    people is the primary and perennial target to
    which we must all dedicate our efforts. We will
    strive for an even better future by sustained
    dynamic growth through sound economic principles
    and planning. Building on proven success, we aim
    to create an economy that will bring about jobs
    and wealth for all. In addition, we must, through
    long term planning, ensure that the growth we
    seek will be a sustainable one and that our
    children enjoy the best education so that they
    remain competitive in this increasingly
    globalised economy. - Liberal Party

  • Education is concerned with the development of
    humankind. Therefore, education should aim at
    teaching our next generation to be loving in our
    families, community, country and nation, in
    addition to preserving peace on earth. In
    addition to teaching academic knowledge,
    education policy should then aim at helping
    students to develop independent minds, healthy
    moral standards, decent temperaments, and to be
    honest, responsible, just and loving persons.
    The young should not only be considered precious
    community resources, but also be given respect
    and the opportunity to live and grow in a free
    and democratic environment. - Democratic Party

  • We believe everyone should be given a fair chance
    to succeed and work towards the fulfillment of
    his or her potential. We believe in the creation
    of sustainable communities and in the improvement
    of the quality of life as a common goal. We
    believe economic development should be pursued in
    that context and not for its own sake. We believe
    social harmony and stability can only come about
    with social justice and equity. - Civic Party

Response of government is to seek to preserve
legitimacy by ceding to demands
  • Increased funding for students to transfer from
    community colleges to university degree
  • Free kindergarten
  • Smaller class sizes

Hong Kong government is unable to control
increasing demands for participation, both in its
political process and its housing, land use,
environmental, immigration, and education
policies. All because it faces a legitimacy
deficit due to legislators and Chief Executive
selected without popular election. Typology
suggested by Javier Corrales is applicable to
Hong Kong.
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Tentative conclusion
  • As government planning documents and promises
    begin to take for granted an expanded role in
    guaranteeing basic human rights for the
    development of citizens, equally and regardless
    of their social origin, public expectations are
    raised. Opponents can then turn these raised
    expectations to their advantage and create a
    bidding by competing public advocates and
    interest groups. Therefore, expanding the
    rationale for higher education opens the door to
    a new dynamic that could limit state autonomy and
    promote pluralism.
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