Responses to Emerging Corruption Trends In Nigeria By Emmanuel Akomaye, MFR Economic and Financial Crimes Commission At The 5th ICAC Symposium 9 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Responses to Emerging Corruption Trends In Nigeria By Emmanuel Akomaye, MFR Economic and Financial Crimes Commission At The 5th ICAC Symposium 9


Title: Responses to Emerging Corruption Trends In Nigeria By Emmanuel AKOMAYE, MFR Economic and Financial Crimes Commission At The 5th ICAC Symposium 9 11 May ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Responses to Emerging Corruption Trends In Nigeria By Emmanuel Akomaye, MFR Economic and Financial Crimes Commission At The 5th ICAC Symposium 9

Responses to Emerging Corruption Trends In
NigeriaByEmmanuel Akomaye, MFREconomic and
Financial Crimes CommissionAtThe 5th ICAC
Symposium 9 11 May, 2012Hong Kong
POPULATION 167 million (47 of the West African
Sub-Region) GDP 7.68 (real growth rate) 2,600
(per capita)
  • Nigerias corruption rating by Transparency
    International in the last six(6) years witnessed
    an improvement in 2008 and thereafter suffered, a
    steady decline
  • Coincidentally, the last six years also witnessed
    the reinvigoration of enforcement actions by the
    various anti-corruption agencies
  • The seeming contradiction can be explained within
    the context of the legacy corruption cases that
    are yet to be resolved and also fresh
    investigations that have been launched into new
  • Overall, corruption remains a major governance
    challenge in an emerging economy such as Nigeria.
    Consequently, it is only with sustained
    enforcement actions and extensive governance
    reforms over time that will improve the situation

6 years Scorecard on the Transparency
International CPI
2006 2.2 142 of 163
2007 2.2 147 of 179
2008 2.7 121 of 180
2009 2.5 130 of 180
2010 2.4 134 of 170
2011 2.4 143 of 183
Corruption Trends
  • Revenue from Hydro carbons/oil gas continue to
    provide a major opportunity for corrupt practices
    particularly in the public sector with a strong
    private sector conspiracy and facilitation
  • Procurement contract abuses either through
    bribes, inflation or bid rigging using
  • Outright embezzlement by senior public officials
    managing agencies or departments with huge
    revenues or budgets
  • Abuses relating to the management of security
  • Utilization of complex web of Special Purpose
    Vehicles (SPVs)

Corruption Trends Contd.
  • The corrupt seem to be shifting destination from
    the safe heavens in Europe to Asia and the middle
    east in hiding their proceeds of corruption
  • Others choose to invest part of the proceeds of
    crime in expensive real estates domestically

Legal Framework
  • Nigerian is a signatory to the UNCAC
  • UNCAC has been domesticated through the creation
    of the Independent Corrupt Practices Other
    Related Offences Commission (ICPC)Act, 2000 and
    the Economic Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC)
    Act, 2004
  • There is also the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB)
    created under the Constitution of Nigeria, 1999
    to manage declaration of assets by public
  • Other complimentary anti-corruption bodies
    include the Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit
    (NFIU) and the Bureau of Public Procurement
    (BPP), 2007

Legal Framework Contd.
  • The Nigerian Extractive Industries Transparency
    Initiative (NEITI) Act, 2007
  • Nigeria is also signatory to the African Union
    (AU) Convention against corruption and the
    Economic Community of West African States
    (ECOWAS) Protocol on Good Governance
  • The above anti-corruption laws/instruments are
    collaboratively enforced by the national
    anti-corruption authorities

Responses to Corruption Trends in Nigeria
  • Further to the provisions of UNCAC and other
    international instruments, Nigeria has responded
  • Criminalizing corruption/Money laundering
  • Embarking on sustained investigation and
    prosecution of offenders particularly PEPs
  • Tracing and recovering tainted assets and
  • Institution of prevention measures through wide
    institutional reforms
  • Approaching the anti corruption fight as part of
    its national economic and political reforms
    strategy-the transformational agenda
  • Ongoing effort to strengthen existing legislation

Responses Contd.
  • Investigation/Prosecution/Asset Recovery
  • DSP Alameyesiegha Case - Involved in looting of
    the Bayelsa State treasury and money laundering
    in the UK. Successfully investigated by the EFCC
    in collaboration with the MET Police, tried,
    convicted and sentenced. Assets of over USD40
    Million recovered domestically and
  • Tafa Baloguns Case- Looting of public treasury
    and money laundering. Investigated/Prosecuted and
    sentenced in Nigeria. Assets of over USD5
    Million recovered domestically.
  • Prosecution of illegal oil bunkerers in the Niger
    Delta region and the confiscation and recovery of
    several vessels worth millions of Dollars

Responses Contd.
  • The Value of International cooperation in
    fighting corruption
  • The Raj Bhojwani Case (Part of Abacha
    loot)-Nigeria and Jersey collaborated effectively
    to investigate, prosecute and sentence Mr.
    Bhojwani for money laundering offences arising
    from corruption using SPVs. Approximately USD40
    Million recovered and returned to Nigeria through
    a sharing arrangement
  • The Alamieyeseigha case. The EFCC and the MET
    Police collaborated in the investigation leading
    to his sentence in Nigeria and the recovery of
    over 40 million from assets in UK, South
    Africa and Nigeria etc
  • The Ibori Case. Sentenced in April 2012 to 7
    years imprisonment by a London court for money
    laundering. Confiscation of assets worth over 35
    million in progress

Responses Contd.
  • Settlements/Deferred/Non Prosecution Agreements
  • Nigeria has also adopted the settlement strategy
    to bring to closure some of the major corruption
    cases involving foreign multinational companies.
  • The TSKJ USD180 Million bribery scandal
    involving the USD6 billion Nigerian Liquefied
    Natural Gas (NLNG) Project in Bonny
  • A total of USD157,000,000 was recovered
    from the consortium and a local conspirator
    through settlement
  • Siemens telecoms fraud- Euros 34,000,000
    recovered through settlement
  • Bribery of foreign public officials by
    multinationals relating to Temporary Import
    Permits (TIPs) -Shell, Transocean, and Noble
    Drilling. Over USD20,400,000 recovered through

Responses Contd.
  • The driving philosophy for all these settlements
    has been in keeping with public policy and public
    interest considerations to save time and cost of
    litigation and effectively combating and
    deterring crime and making substantial recoveries
    of the proceeds of crime in the quickest and most
    efficient manner
  • It must be noted that while Nigeria was the
    country harmed by these bribery scandals, it was
    not involved in the settlement processes that
    occurred in other jurisdictions that were
    enforcing anti-bribery laws in those other

Preventive Measures
  • Enhanced enforcement actions against PEPs in
    particular is serving as a preventive tool,
    reminding senior public officials that nobody is
    above the law
  • Enforcement actions has also ramped up public
    awareness which has triggered a flurry of
    whistle-blowing on corrupt practices particularly
    by civil societies
  • The institution of due process by the Bureau of
    Public Procurement has also helped reduce
    contract frauds and bid rigging
  • The enactment of the freedom of Information Act,
    2011 empowering civil society as an effective
    anticorruption watchdog
  • The establishment of a Transaction Clearing
    Platform (TCP)by the EFCC has equally helped
    prospective foreign investors from falling into
    fraudulent business proposals and demand for
    facilitation payments which are unknown to
    Nigerian law

  • The bulk of evidence in foreign bribery cases is
    not locally available. Most of the negotiation
    and payments were made abroad and many
    jurisdictions are not disposed to sharing such
    evidence even on intelligence basis. Those that
    are disposed, insist that the normal MLAT process
    must be followed
  • The slow justice system is a major challenge
    making prosecution of corruption cases windy and
  • The legal framework today recognizes only
    conviction based system making asset recovery a
    difficult task.

Challenges Contd.
  • Safe financial heavens abroad have also made the
    problem of fighting corruption challenging for
    law enforcement Agencies in victim States.
    Proceeds of crime stashed in foreign Banks are
    never spontaneously reported until a criminal
    investigation is launched at which time a lot of
    the proceeds have been dissipated or layered and
    moved to yet other jurisdictions making tracing
    even more difficult
  • The 2010 Global Witness Report chronicled how
    British Banks HSBC, RBS, NATWEST and USB
    facilitate corruption and money laundering in
    Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea.
  • Victim States including Nigeria are not involved
    in the settlement of foreign bribery cases and
    there is emerging discourse that seem to confuse
    who the real victim is in a bribery case and the
    principle of direct proximate harm

Challenges Contd.
  • The drive for revenue by countries enforcing anti
    bribery laws on the supply side seem to be
    gradually whittling down the real value of
    international cooperation with countries on the
    demand side where transactions for these bribes
    took place
  • There is equally emerging the argument on double
    jeopardy canvassed by multinational companies who
    consider the payment of fines/compensation in
    several jurisdictions as double punishment.

Moving Forward
  • Sustaining the investigation and prosecution of
    corrupt officials and their collaborators in the
    private sector
  • Combine the settlement and the criminal
    conviction option to recover assets
  • Push for the passage of a non-conviction based
    legislation to compliment the conviction based
  • Collaborate with countries whose multinationals
    are involved in bribery of Nigerian public
    officials to bring them to justice in accordance
    with the spirit of UNCAC.
  • Ensure the enforcement of transparency codes by

  • The supply and demand sides are still largely
    working in silos and even in cases where they
    collaborate, there is mutual suspicion which
    prevent the exchange of vital information. This
    is a negation of the spirit of UNCAC. The gap
    must be closed if the global fight against
    corruption must succeed.

  • No. 5 Fomela Street,
  • off Ademola Adetokunbo Crescent
  • Wuse II, Abuja
  • Tel/Fax 234- 9- 4604603
  • Email
  • Website
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