Title: I
1I Digestionoverview
23 parts of Digestion
- 1. Digestion breakdown of organic cules into
smaller nutrients physical and chemical process
3- 2. Absorption movement of digested nutrients
from intestine into body
4- 3. Elimination exit of undigested waste
- Mouth -gtPharynx-gtEsophagus-gtStomach-gt Small
Intestine-gtLarge Intestine-gt Rectum-gtAnus - 3 Accessory Organs
- Assist in digestive process
- Liver, Gall Bladder
- Pancreas
- 1. Physical digestion of food
- -Teeth -Increases surface area of
- food
- 2. Chemical digestion of food
- Saliva - salivary glands
- -contains
- a) Water lubricant
- an enzyme - hydrolyses STARCH to MALTOSE
7Pharynx (throat) swallow
- Food now is BOLUS
- Dual passageway for food air
- Divides into trachea (resp.) esophagus
8Esophaguslong muscular tube
- Bolus moves down by muscle contractions,
peristalsis view it! - Lined with mucus
- Connects to stomach via cardiac sphincter
9Stomacha thick-walled, J-shaped organ
- 3 functions of
- 1)Muscular walls churn mix food
- 2) Stores food releases slowly to s. intestine
- 3) makes gastric juice- secreted by gastric glands
10Stomach Gastric Juice
- Gastric Juice Contains
- 1. Water - SOLVENT
- 2. HCl extremely acidic pH 2-3
- Acidity destroys pathogens changes pepsinogen
into active form PEPSIN - 3. Pepsinogen------? PEPSIN
- PEPSIN an enzyme that hydrolyses proteins into
smaller chains of amino acids called - PEPTIDES
11Stomach contd
- Protein water peptides
- Stomach lining protected by a lining of mucus
ulcers - After 2-6 hrs. bolus is converted to
12Holy Cow What is it??
13(No Transcript)
14Small Intestine3-7 metres long 2- 5 cm
- 2 functions
- Complete the rest of chemical digestion
- Absorb nutrients into BLOOD and LYMPH
15Contd -Small Intestine
- Connects to stomach above via
- PYLORIC SPHINCTER to L. intestine below VIA
Illeocaecal valve (sphincter) - Has 3 areas duodenum
- -jejunum
- -ileum
16Chemical Digestion in S. Intestine
- S. intestine connected to 2 accessory organs
- 1) Pancreas
- 2) Gallbladder
17Pancreasmakes and sends pancreatic juice to S.I.
- Pancreatic Juice made in pancreas
- Contains
- 1. Sodium Bicarbonate neutralizes acid chyme
changes pH to 8.5(alkaline-basic) - 2. Lipase enzyme for LIPIDS
- 3. Trypsin enzyme for peptides (2 for
proteins) - 4. Pancreatic Amylase enzyme for starch
- 5. Nucleases enzyme for nucleic acids
- 6. Water
182) Gallbladderconnected to LIVER SI
- Function store send BILE to SI via bile duct
- BILE is NOT an enzyme
- Helps in physical digestion of LIPIDS
- Breaks LIPIDS into smaller particles this is
called EMULSIFICATION - Bile is made by liver
19Enzymes Made in SI Cells lining SI make
secrete enzymes that will finish chemical
- 1.Maltase breaks maltose into glucose
- 2.Peptidase breaks peptides into a.a.s
- Chemical Digestion Now complete!!!!
202nd Function of SIAbsorption
- Accomplished through structures called VILLI
finger like projections covering lining of SI - This increases SA increases absorption
- of nutrients
- Villi many Villus - one
21Large Intestinereceives undigested wastes
fibers (cellulose)
- 2 main functions
- Absorb water released in SALIVA, GASTRIC JUICE,
222 main parts of LI
- Colon
- Upper portion of LI
- Contains E. Coli, synthesize vitamins (K) that we
absorb - Water moves by OSMOSIS to body
- Rectum
- Storage of feces
- 1/3 dead bacteria
24Liver 6 functions KNOW!!!B.B.B.B.B.U.
- Blood Sugar -regulates
- Blood detoxify
- Bile produce
- Blood proteins produce
- Blood Cells red break down
- Urea - produce
25Pancreas 2 functions1) exocrine gland
digestive secretions (list 6)2) endocrine gland
produce hormones insulin glucagon
26Digestion Overview
27- Reminders Digestion/Circulation Test
- Next Tuseday change!!!!
- Villus Assignment Due Next Thurs.
- Friday - Digestion ALL quizziness!!