Title: The 1920s
1The 1920s
- Immigrants and the Red Scare
2President Warren G. Harding promotes a return to
- Renewed isolationism
- Resurgence of nativism
- Trend toward political conservatism
3A New Threat to Normalcy
- After the Russian Revolution, the newly formed
American Communist Party in the United States
attracts some members - What does this lead to?
- How do Americans feel about communism today?
4- Communists advocate worldwide revolution
- Encourage the overthrow of all capitalist systems
and the abolition of free enterprise and private
property - In response to the widespread Red Scare, the
government hunts down suspected Communists,
socialists, and anarchists.
5Sacco and Vanzetti
- The Red Scare feeds peoples suspicion of
foreigners and immigrants, sometimes leading to
ruined reputations and wrecked lives - Sacco and Vanzetti, two anarchists and Italian
immigrants are executed for a crime they may not
have committed
6- Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are Italian
immigrants and anarchists who evaded the draft
during WWI. - April 1920 factory paymaster and his guard are
shot, 15,000 is stolen - Witnesses say the perpetrators appeared to be
Italian - 3 weeks later, Sacco and Vanzetti are arrested
- Provide alibis
- Evidence is circumstantial
- Judge makes several prejudicial remarks
- Jury still finds them guilty and they are
sentenced to death. - August 23, 1927 Both men are executed in the
electric chair amid international protest
7The Immigration Act of 1924
- Establishes quotas
- Discriminates strongly against people from
outside Western Europe
8 The blaze of revolution was sweeping over every
American institution of law and order eating its
way into the homes of American workman, its sharp
tongues of revolutionary heat licking at the
altars of the churches, leaping into the belfry
of the school bell, crawling into the sacred
corners of American homes, burning up the
foundations of American society.
-A. Mitchell Palmer
9Palmer Raids
- A. Mitchell Palmer Attorney General of the
United States - August 1919 J. Edgar Hoover appointed to head
the antiradical division of the Justice
Department (a.k.a. The F.B.I.) - Government officials sent to hunt down suspected
Communists, socialists, and anarchists - Civil Rights are trampled
10The re-emergence of the KKK
- Groups such as the Ku Klux Klan use
anti-communism as an excuse to harass ethnic and
religious minorities
11The New Klan
- Devoted to 100 Americanism
- 1924 Membership rises to 4.5 million white male
persons, native-born gentile citizens who
believed in keeping blacks in their place,
destroying saloons, opposing unions, and driving
Roman Catholics, Jews, and foreign-born people
out of the country. -
12- Threatened by the changes happening in society.
- Resent small advances made by African Americans
during WWI - Feel moral values are being attacked by urban
intellectuals - Fear job competition from immigrants
- Convinced foreigners are going to overthrow the
American way of life.
13The KKK asserts power
- Racial violence
- Try to influence national and state politics
- Indiana