Zaynnah Tours - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Zaynnah Tours


Zaynnah Tours & Travel Wishes you Hajj Mabroor inshAllah Preconditions of Hajj That a person be: Muslim. Proper age with sound mind, not insane. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Zaynnah Tours

  • Zaynnah Tours Travel
  • Wishes you Hajj Mabroor inshAllah

Preconditions of Hajj
  • That a person be
  • Muslim.
  • Proper age with sound mind, not insane.
  • Able to provide boarding lodging of journey.
  • Able to leave sufficiently for family children
    who stay behind during his absence.
  • If female, be accompanied by her husband / mahram
    during journey.
  • A woman is over her period of waiting after

Why Hajj is Important?
  • It is an obligatory duty once in lifetime who can
  • Allah says
  • And Hajj to the House (Kaba) is a duty that
    mankind owes to Allah, those who can afford
    expenses.. (Al-Imran97)
  • . Whoever decides to make Hajj, there should be
    no obscenity or wickedness or angry argument on
    the Hajj. (Al-Baqara197).
  • Rasul r said
  • Sound Hajj has no reward except paradise.

Hajj Tips
  1. Deal through Moallem Money exchange, Passport,
    Air-Ticket, Extra Money, Extra Luggage
  2. Good Small Group
  3. Have a plan if Lost
  4. Food, Medication, Eye Glass/Contact lenses
  5. Sunlight, Sand Storm
  6. Sleeping Bag / Toilet paper / Napkin
  7. Handicapped
  8. Do not buy too many things
  9. Be considerate towards others
  10. Items to bring, Items not to bring
  11. Weather of Makka is 10-15 degrees higher than

Checklist at your Home
  1. Make correct intention of Hajj to please Allah
  2. Clear your debt or arrange debt.
  3. Write your will.
  4. Arrange halal funds for your journey.
  5. Leave enough funds for your family.
  6. Arrange someone to take care of your family when
  7. Any woman should accompany her Mahram.
  8. Learn basics of Hajj.

Checklist before Departure
  • Is passport ready valid for at least 6 months?
  • Air ticket ready with all sectors confirmed?
  • Have you taken required vaccination shots if
  • Do you have Hajj / Umra visa?
  • Do you know your Moallem name, telephone ,
  • Do you have your Ihram clothes?
  • Do you have enough money to pay all expenses?
  • Do you know what type of Hajj you will perform?
  • Do you understand basic steps of Hajj / Umra?
  • Carry Ihram clothes, personal items with your
    carry-on bag.
  • Book your luggage with sleeping bag, personal
    clothes, box.
  • Are you ready to say Talbiya?

Qibla Direction
Hajj Requirements1
  • Three Fard (must complete during Hajj days. Any
    omission will make it compulsory to perform Hajj
    following year).
  • Wear Ihram.
  • Be present on the Arafat.
  • Perform final Tawaf of Hajj.
  • Wajibs of Hajj (require sacrifice as penalty one
    goat / sheep per omission to validate Hajj).
  • Stay night at Muzdalefa.
  • Sai / walk 7 times between Safa Marwa with
  • Pelt pebbles (Ramee) at Jamrat in Mina.
  • Shave (Halq) head hair (for male).
  • For Qiran Hajj sacrifice (Nahr) a sheep / goat
    within limits of Haram.
  • First Tawaf (Tawafuz Ziara) for residents of
  • Farewell Tawaf.


Three Types of Hajj
Umra Requirements
  • Two Fard
  • Wear Ihram.
  • Complete Tawaf at least 4 times.
  • Three Wajibs
  • Complete tawaf 7 times.
  • Sai / walk between Safa Marwa.
  • Shave head hair or trim all sides equally

  • Preparation before Ihram
  • Clip nails, shave underarm and public hair, trim
    mustache, and take shower wash body.
  • When to wear Ihram?
  • Travel by Land / sea
  • Wear Ihram before passing over Miqat
  • Travel by air
  • Wear Ihram before boarding plane or passing over
    Miqat. Jeddah is NOT Miqat.
  • If you decide to visit Madina first, you can
    start Ihram on way to Makka from Madina.

Locations of Miqats
  • .

Hajj Requirements2
  • Sunnats of Hajj (carry great reward. Any
    omission of Sunnah does not need penalty).
  • Gusl before Ihram.
  • Use fragrance before Ihram.
  • Use two sheets for Ihram.
  • Perform 2 rakats before Ihram.
  • Say Talbiya, say loudly, and say 3 times

Hajj / Umra Events
  • How to put Ihram make Niat?
  • When you finish a regular prayer, make intention
    for Umra or Hajj (with type of Hajj).
  • Put Ihram
  • Put 2 white seamless Ihram clothes preferably
    after a salat
  • Take off normal dress including underwear (for
    men only).
  • Put on sandals.
  • Women put on any regular dress. Leave the face
    hands uncovered.
  • Recite Talbiya continuously.
  • Ihram Restrictions
  • After you put on Ihram, you must avoid the
    following things
  • Haircut, shaving, clip nails, use perfumes or
  • kill or hunt animals, sex, marriage proposal.

Location of Hajj Event Places
Road to Mecca
(No Transcript)
Kaba Entrance
  • Take shower or make wudu before entering Masjid
  • With Ihram, go to Mecca directly.
  • Enter with dua through As-Salam gate if possible
    (see figure).
  • Women with menstruation can not enter Masjid
    Al-Haram or make tawaf until her period stops.
  • Dua to Enter Kaba

(No Transcript)
First Tawaf1
  1. Make Idtiba (during the first 3 circles) for men.
  2. Start from Tawaf line at the corner of Hazre
    Aswad counter clockwise by making Istilam
    (kissing) or touching if possible or pointing to
    it make takbir (Allahu Akbar) each time you
    come to this corner.
  3. Circle Kaba 7 times. Turn 7 rounds (ramal -
    walking hastily during first 3 rounds).
  4. You can make tawaf on any 3 floors, the ground,
    first floor or the roof.
  5. Recite dua, zikr while making tawaf.

First Tawaf2
  1. Dua at Hajjre Aswad allahu akbar lailaha
    illallahu. (Allah is great, there is no deity
    besides Allah). (Taymiya).
  2. Do not push any pilgrim regardless of any reason.
  3. Be merciful helpful.
  4. Do not go through the Hatem.
  5. When you finish 7 rounds, pray 2 rakats behind
    Maqame Ibrahim if possible.
  6. Pray anywhere in the masjid facing Qibla if it is
    not possible behind Maqame Ibrahim.
  7. Drink Zamzam water as much as you can standing
    facing Kaba.
  8. Recite Dua After Drinking ZamZam water
  9. Go to Multazam (if you can), cling make dua.

First Sai1
  1. Go to Safa, praise Allah, raise both hands facing
    Qibla, start Sai.
  2. Descend from Safa and walk between Safa Marwa.
  3. Only man should speed up between 2 green marked
  4. Ascend the hill of Marwa make dua.
  5. When you reach Marwa, you finished one round.
  6. Return from Marwa to Safa in the same way.
  7. Repeat 7 rounds you finish your 7th round at
  8. Menstruating women should not make Sai until
  9. The distance between Safa Marwa is ¼ mile.
    Total distance for the 7 rounds is 1¾
  10. After 7th round, shave or trim all of your hair
    of head. It is sunnat of Rasul r to shave.
  11. Women are required to cut ½ inch from their

Sai process
First Sai2
  1. After Sai trim hair, if you are performing
    Tamattu Hajj, you can end your Umra by taking off
    Ihram clothes put on normal dress.
  2. At this point, all restrictions of Ihram are not
    applicable until 8th of Zil Hajj.
  3. If you are not making Tamattu Hajj, you continue
    to wear Ihram all Ihram restrictions apply.

Stay at Mina-1
  • Pray 5 times from Zuhr on 8th Zil Hajj preferably
    at Masjid Khaif. It is said that 70 prophets
    graves are there.
  • As traveler, make 2 rakats for 4 rakat fard.
    Magrib is same.
  • Dont combine prayers.
  • Read Quran, make zikr, make dua for yourself,
    family, Muslims of the world.
  • Stay in Mina until the sunrise of 9th Zil Hajj.

Attend Arafat
  1. After the 9th Zil Hajj sunrise, leave for Arafat.
  2. Spend day in zikr, Quran recitation, Talbiya,
    repentance, dua for all Muslims.
  3. Stay inside Arafat boundaries.
  4. Try to pray at Masjid Namira Zuhr Asr. If it is
    crowded, you can pray at any place in Arafat.
  5. It is recommended to be on Jabal-e-Rahmat if
    possible. It is not necessary if crowded.
  6. After sunset, go to Muzdalefa without Magrib at
  7. If you leave Arafat before Magrib, your Hajj is
    void you need to make a sacrifice to validate

The Mount of Rahmah
Stay night at Muzdalefa
  1. Stay whole night until sunrise next day at
  2. Pray Magrib Isha together at night and Fajr
    next day.
  3. Collect pebbles at Muzdalefa for Jamarat. They
    should be the size of a bean (½ inch). You need
    70 altogether.
  4. Pray at Al-Mashar Al-Haram (if possible) until
  5. Leave Muzdalefa for Mina with zikr, Talbiya.

Jamarat Area
Back to Mina-2
  1. At Mina on the 10th Zil Hajj, go to Jamarat
    Al-Aqaba between Fajr Zuhr.
  2. Throw 7 pebbles successively with Takbir each
    time. Make sure pebbles fall inside the jamarat
  3. Weak or sick person can delegate others to throw
    pebbles on their behalf.
  4. You can throw pebbles from under the Bridge or
    above it.
  5. Do not throw your sandal.
  6. Be careful when you go close. Pilgrims are
    throwing from all directions, you may get hit
    from any directions.
  7. You should leave as soon as you finish throwing.

Mina Muzdalefa - Arafat
Slaughter at Mina
  1. If you are doing Ifrad Hajj, you dont sacrifice.
  2. Slaughter animal (without defects) like a sheep,
    or lamb or 1/7th of a cow or camel sharing with
  3. You can eat up to 1/3rd of your share, 1/3rd
    should be distributed as gift, 1/3rd to the poor.
  4. You should finish slaughter between 10-13th Zil
    Hajj. It is preferred on the 10th.
  5. You have the option to do the 3 rituals in any
    order Slaughtering, cutting hair, Tawaf Ifada.
  6. Get head shaved at Mina/Makka on the 10th
  7. For women, trim about ½ inch hair as before.

Tawaf Ifada
  • Go to Kaba
  • Circle Kaba 7 times as you did during first Tawaf
  • Pray 2 rakats behind Maqame Ibrahim.
  • Drink ZamZam water.
  • Second Sai
  • If you are making Ifrad or Qiran Hajj you
    already made Sai during First Tawaf, you dont
    need Sai again.
  • If you are making Tamattu Hajj, you will need to
    perform Sai as you did during first Sai.
  • After Sai, remove Ihram dress. All restrictions
    are lifted.
  • Return to Mina.

Stay in Mina-3
  • Stay at Mina during 11-13th Zil Hajj. Pray 5
    times salat.
  • Go to Al Jamarat Al-Sugar (the smallest).
    Successively throw 7 pebbles with takbir. Make
  • Go to Al Jamarat Al-Wusta (the Medium).
    Successively throw 7 pebbles with takbir. Make
  • Go to Al-Jamarat Al-Aqaba (the largest).
    Successively throw 7 pebbles with takbir.
  • Throw pebbles after Zohr salat.
  • Each of these 3 days, you need to throw 7 pebbles
    at each of these 3 jamarts daily. (7 x 3 x 3
  • On last day, DO NOT rush to go to Jamarats to
    throw after the Zohr salat when everybody goes.
    It is crowded everyone wants to go to Makka
    after throwing. If you WAIT 2-3 hours, the crowd
    is gone you can throw SAFELY especially with
    women children.

Hajj for Children
  • It is all right for a child to perform Hajj.
  • S/he should perform it again after attaining
  • Guardian can perform all activities for the child
    including restriction of all forbidden acts.
  • If child is mature, s/he can perform all
    activities with adult supervision, and adult have
    to perform his own.
  • Women exceptions during Hajj / Umra
  • Wear normal dress with face should not be
  • Women do not make idtiba or Ramal during Tawaf.
  • Do not run between green lights during Sai.
  • Can not enter haram during menses.
  • Should not recite Talbiya loudly like men.

Return Home
  • Thank Allah to complete Hajj. Collect things
    return home
  • Rasul r said Whoever performs Hajj does not
    indulge in obscenity (Rafath) or transgression
    (Fusuq) would return like a newborn. (Bukhari).
  • After Hajj
  • Make intention for more pious life.
  • Do not complain about hardship, and people of
    holy places.
  • Make sincere intention of Hajj for Allah only.
  • Sign of mabroor / accepted Hajj when he / she
    returns, life changes for the better.

Madina Monawara
Riazul Jannah
Between my grave and my mimbar lies one of
the gardens of paradise (Bukhari)
South East Corner of Masjid-e-Nabuwi
Etiquette inside Masjid Nabawi1
  • Do not raise hands near his grave or facing it.
  • Do not touch or kiss the wall. Do not kiss the
  • Do not touch or kiss the grill of Rasuls r
  • Do not kiss or make sejda. Do not make Tawaf of
  • Do not bend down before the grave of Rasul r.
  • Do not stand near the grave for long time.
  • Correct manner is to stand some distance away in
    a quite and respectful manner.
  • While standing, say Salam in a moderate tone
  • assalamu alaikum ya rasulullah warahmatullahe
    wabara katuhu. (Salam upon you, O Rasulullah r.
    May Allahs Mercy and Blessings be upon you).

Etiquette inside Masjid Nabawi2
  1. Rasul r said If anyone says Salam in front of my
    grave, I can hear Salam.
  2. After Salam, make Dua to Allah request for
    intercession of Rasul r.
  3. After salam to Rasul r, move one step to the
    right and recite greetings to Abu Bakr.
  4. Take one more step to the right and recite Salam
    to Omar.
  5. Return back to the first position facing Rasul r,
    say salam, make dua to Allah through the
    intercession of Rasul r for yourself, parents,
    family members, friends, whoever asked to make
    dua, for all Muslims all over the world.
  6. Stay inside Masjid with niat of nafl itekaf.

Stay _at_ Madina
  1. Recite Durud as much as possible whenever you
  2. If it is salat time, join the Fard jamat. If time
    permits make Tahyatul Masjid if possible at the
    Mehrab of Rasul r.
  3. Proceed carefully with great respect eagerness
    in mind to the grave of Rasul r.
  4. Stand in front of grave (under the green dome)
    with your back towards Qibla.
  5. Do not stand very close to the grave.
  6. Do not cast your gaze all over or raise your

Visit Jannatul Baki
  • Visit Jannatul Baqi daily or at least Friday
    where graves of Osman t, Abbas t, Hasan t,
    Rasuls son Ibrahim, wives of Rasul r, and many
    sahabas are present.
  • Visit mount Ohud martyrs, grave of Hamza t,
    beloved uncle of Rasul r.
  • Visit Masjid Quba. Rasul r said Performing salat
    in the Masjid Quba is equal to performing Umra.

Major Masjids of Madina
Quick Reference
  • Zaynnah Tours Travel
  • Wishes you Hajj Mabroor InshAllah

3349 Ridgelake Drive, Suite 102 Metairie, LA
70006 504-838-7070-office, 504-520-8953-Fax
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