We can always - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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We can always


Title: Now or Never, maybe Author: Greg Stiles Last modified by: Gary and Lynda Crocker Created Date: 8/3/2004 10:48:23 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:45
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Slides: 47
Provided by: GregS93
Tags: always | christ | lift | tell | world


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: We can always

  • We can always
  • find a reason to
  • praise God!

  • When you come through the doors of church on
    Sunday, what are you bringing as your offering to
  • Mike Pilavachi

  • Heres the unAmerican part
  • worship is not meant to be about us or our
    career or our fame. Its all about God and His
  • Chris Tomlin

  • Sometimes the things that pull us away from the
    feet of Jesus are in themselves good things.
  • Matt Redman

  • When we cant tell what God is up to, and we
    cant see Him working around in our circumstances
    we can still praise Him simply for who we know
    Him to be.
  • Louie Giglio

  • So often when my worship has dried up, its
    because I havent been fueling the fire.

  • Worship is
  • Our response,
  • Both personal and corporate,
  • To God
  • For who He is!
  • And what He has done!
  • Expressed in and by the things we say and the way
    we live.

  • Its not the words I sing, but me I bring
  • Im the offering laid at Your feet,
  • My steps the melody, oh so sweet,
  • All of me in praise of Thee

All worship is a response to a revelation
its only as we breathe in more of the wonders of
God that we can breathe out a fuller response to
Why Worship?
  • Magnificent God

What is Worship?
  • FirstTrue worship is extremely important to God
    (Romans 1.25)
  • There are many hebrew and greek words used to
    render the words worship and worshipper
  • Three primary elements of worship
  • Humility/submission
  • Reverence
  • Service

  • shaha and proskuneo
  • the act of bowing or prostrating oneself in
    submissiveness and reverence
  • An outward act of an inward attitude
  • Realizing mans imperfection and lack of
    greatness in light of Gods perfection and
  • Genesis 22.5 and Matthew 10.9

  • yare and sebomai
  • Fear (not just dread and terror), but wonder and
    awe at majesty and greatness of the infinite God
  • Focus is outward upon God
  • Who God is
  • What God is capable of
  • What God has done
  • Deuteronomy 6.13 and Acts 16.14

  • Abad and latreuo
  • to work, to labor, or to serve
  • In the O.T. service was more performed by
    priests, in the N.T., we are a priestly nation so
    this is aimed at the congregation of Christ
  • Satan tempted Jesus to surrender to Him, and
    Jesus replied, You shall worship the Lord your
    God and serve Him only. Matt 4.10
  • Our service rendered to Him

Working definition
  • Worship is
  • Our response,
  • Both personal and corporate,
  • To God
  • For who He is!
  • And what He has done!
  • Expressed in and by the things we say and the way
    we live.

The Application
  • Why do you worship God?
  • You do your good deed
  • Sunday is a day of worship
  • It makes me feel better about myself and my place
    with God, because I know it makes Him happy
  • That is what I have always done during a Sunday
  • That is what you do during a Sunday service
  • Because God said to
  • Because you are enamored with who God is and what
    He does

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Crab Nebula
Spiral Galaxy m100
Supernova 1994D in Galaxy NGC4526
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Star Cluster NGC 290
Star Cluster NGC 265
Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae, Home to 35,000 stars
  • In the beginning, God created the heavens and the
  • Genesis 1.1
  • He counts the stars and calls them all by name.
  • Psalm 147.4

  • In the beginning, God created the heavens and the
  • Genesis 1.1

  • Come here and listen, O nations of the earth. Let
    the world and everything in it hear my words. For
    the Lord is enraged against the nations. His fury
    is against all their armies. He will completely
    destroy them, bringing about their
    slaughter. Their dead will be left unburied, and
    the stench of rotting bodies will fill the land.
    The mountains will flow with their blood. The
    heavens above will melt away and disappear like a
    rolled-up scroll. The stars will fall from the
    sky, just as withered leaves and fruit fall from
    a tree. Isaiah 34.1-4

Why is worship important?
  • God deserves our worship
  • Creator, Savior, gives grace, gives truth, Holy

Why is worship important?
  • God deserves our worship
  • Creator, Savior, gives grace, gives truth, Holy
  • God requires our worship
  • Romans 12.1, 1 Peter 2.9

Why is worship important?
  • God deserves our worship
  • Creator, Savior, gives grace, gives truth, Holy
  • God requires our worship
  • Romans 12.1, 1 Peter 2.9
  • God enables our worship
  • 2 Corinthians 5.17-21
  • He opened up a way for us to be able to have a
    relationship with God so that we can worship by
    the Spirit of God

God is
Just Kind Loving Majestic Merciful Omnipotent Omn
ipresent Omniscient Patient Perfect
  • Compassionate
  • Faithful
  • Forgiving
  • Gentle
  • Glorious
  • Holy
  • Immense
  • Immutable
  • Infinite
  • jealous

Powerful Sovereign Strong Transcendent True Wise
  • Sovereign
  • Infinite, perfect, and eternal He reigns above
    all else
  • Deut 4.39 10.17
  • Ephesians 1.20-22
  • Jude 1.25
  • All powerful
  • Lift up your heads, O you gates be lifted up,
    you ancient doors, that the King of glory may
    come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord
    strong and mighty Psalm 24.7-8
  • God is able to do immeasurably more than all we
    ask or imagine. Ephesians 3.20

  • Holy
  • God is light in Him there is no darkness at
    all. John 1.5
  • Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His holy
    mountain, for the Lord our God is holy. Psalm
  • Revelation 4.8
  • Gracious
  • Romans 3.24we are saved through grace
  • God accepts us into his family because of His
    glorious grace, which He has freely given us
    Ephesians 1.6
  • Isaiah 30.18wants to give us grace

  • Loving
  • 1 John 3.1He bestowed love upon us
  • Romans 8.38-39nothing can separate us
  • John 3.16
  • Compassionate
  • The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to
    anger, abounding in love Psalm
  • Isaiah 63.9when we hurt, God hurts
  • The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a
    stronghold in times of trouble Psalm 9.9

  • Mercy
  • The Lord is full of compassion and mercy
    James 5.11
  • He saved us, not because of righteous things we
    had done, but because of His mercy Titus 3.5
  • 1 Peter 1.3He gave us new birth
  • Wise
  • Psalm 147.5His understanding has no limit
  • Isaiah 55.8-9His ways are greater

  • Faithful
  • God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son
    of man, that he should change His mind. Does He
    speak and then not act? Does He promise and not
    fulfill? Numbers 23.19
  • The Lord is faithful to all His promises
    Psalm 145.13
  • He is faithful and just and will forgive us our
    sins and purify us from all unrighteousness
    1 John 1.9

The Application
  • Even if God never does another thing for us,
    should we stop worshipping? Is there still
    reason to keep worshipping?
  • We often praise God for the things He does for
    us. But, do we praise Him because of who He is,
    not just what He does?
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